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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I woke up with my heart pounding out of my chest with a severe head ache,muscle pain,Naseua. Almost went to the er. Stilll thinking of going in . My heart rate was. At 130 for 30 minutes. This doesn't feel like withdrawel this time . It all started after I took some vitamin d my doctor recommended. I took it Thursday night. Woke up feeling like this Friday as well except not as bad.


I have done a bit of research online and other people have reacted to vitamin d like this. Some say it is from a magnesium deficiency. I had my blood tested recently and my electrolytes were fine. I am at a loss. Should I go in to see a doctor or is this just withdrawel again?  It has not let up since I woke up Friday .its been a few hours now and my heart is still around 100 .


Things got so bad I actually wished I had some klonopin which is very sad for me. Just in so much pain. I layed or sat in the same spot on the couch allday because of this. Seems like laying down increases my heart rate . So I haven't been able to go back to sleep either. Just been deep breathing for two hours


Thanks in advance


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Remy, it sounds like you should talk with your doctor about a beta blocker. My blood pressure and heart rate were just awful and terrifying until the doctor prescribed one for me. The ER will probably not help you. I went over 15 times and ended up reinstated. Just try to get to your doctor. The beta blocker has helped me immensely. Feel better
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I woke up with my heart pounding out of my chest with a severe head ache,muscle pain,Naseua. Almost went to the er. Stilll thinking of going in . My heart rate was. At 130 for 30 minutes. This doesn't feel like withdrawel this time . It all started after I took some vitamin d my doctor recommended. I took it Thursday night. Woke up feeling like this Friday as well except not as bad.


I have done a bit of research online and other people have reacted to vitamin d like this. Some say it is from a magnesium deficiency. I had my blood tested recently and my electrolytes were fine. I am at a loss. Should I go in to see a doctor or is this just withdrawel again?  It has not let up since I woke up Friday .its been a few hours now and my heart is still around 100 .


Things got so bad I actually wished I had some klonopin which is very sad for me. Just in so much pain. I layed or sat in the same spot on the couch allday because of this. Seems like laying down increases my heart rate . So I haven't been able to go back to sleep either. Just been deep breathing for two hours


Thanks in advance


Hi RL :hug:  You have the answer to you question in your post '' It all started after I took some vitamin d my doctor recommended.'', also of people have reactions to supplements during withdrwal/healing. And all your symptoms you are classical withdrawal/healing symptoms as well, its the vit D or additive some in it has bought these symptoms on. And vitamin D isn't just a vitamin its hormone, personally I would just not take any more and allow the symptoms to settle down, and allow you ''Benzo  warped thinking'' to calm down as that's causing the anxiety and the fear, I know this only too well myself. ::) Hope you feel better soon its nothing mysterious going on just the vit D revved you up for a while that's all, you'll be fine  :) Heres some information that I hope helps calm your worry.



However, by far, the most common underlying cause for feeling worse when taking nutritional supplements is due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system, also known as the stress response system, is often in overdrive when one is dealing with a chronic health condition. When that is the case, the body can become hypersensitive to everything, including foods, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, sounds, interactions, and nutrients.


The more severe the sympathetic stress, the more hypersensitive they will become. The body starts perceiving everything as a threat, including nutritional supplements. So, essentially, your brain thinks the nutritional supplements are harmful, which sets off an alarm, which produces a variety of negative physical and psychological symptoms; which can range anywhere from anxiety and depression, to heart palpitations, dizziness, and nausea, to insomnia, trembling, headaches, gastrointestinal distress, and so on and so forth. The list of symptoms that one may experience is endless.


What Should You do When Nutritional Supplements Make You Feel Worse? http://www.holistichelp.net/blog/when-nutritional-supplements-make-you-worse/





Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks nova that article helped me calm down a bit. So it might be a while before my body stabilizes? This feels like I am back in acute , which makes sense is to why all  the crazy symptoms that came back. I guess my sympathetic nervous system is all out of wack.


I really appreciate you taking the time to respond with some helpful information. I did stop taking the vitamin d. I only took the one dose. No way am I touching that stuff again. Man I wish I never took that dose.

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Hi RL  :hug: I'm glad it helped, just try to get as comfortable as you possibly can and it will all settle down soon, that what I do when there's noting else that can be done, just lay down usually on the floor with a quilt and the TV on and wait for it to pass. I usually put the subtitles on as well as I can't handle the sound but even if I don't watch it it sometime helps just having it on, you will be fine its just you got afraid because you got revved up and its made you anxious.  :)


Just remember you have been in this place  many times before, as uncomfortable and disconcerting as it was it passed, and you were eventually okay. Just try accept each day for what it is for as awful as things can seem its because we're getting better healing is happening even if we don't believe it. When we feel bad because we're getting better although it feels anything but that most of the time. ;D



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Remy, it sounds like you should talk with your doctor about a beta blocker. My blood pressure and heart rate were just awful and terrifying until the doctor prescribed one for me. The ER will probably not help you. I went over 15 times and ended up reinstated. Just try to get to your doctor. The beta blocker has helped me immensely. Feel better

Hey busy bee


I can't take a beta blocker it lowers my hr and bp too much l last time I did I ended up in the er.


My resting heart rate is Usaully between 55-60 and my blood pressure is Usaully very low 94/60-110/65. This rev up in symptoms is just spiking it dramatically.


I woke up a bit ago after a couple hours of sleep and my heart is still beating around 100 . Guess I willl be sittting on the couch allday again. It's hard not to think this is something else with all the other symptoms back. My head feels like it's being squeezed in a vice. Even the random fears have come back. Like fear of using the bathroom and all that wierd stuff.


I am worried since vitamin d has a half life of a couple weeks that that's how long I am gonna feel this way. This would definitely be considered a setback.



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This is of particular importance.  I take a multivitamin every day, along with prescriptions for high blood pressure and an NSAID.  Does a multivitamin rev  up symptoms? 
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It's not something else.  Re-read what Nova cited in blue about what supplements do to the nervous system.  You took one pill.  The effects won't last for weeks.  I had bottled water with magnesium sulfate in it as an electrolyte added back in.  This was a week ago.  I am better today.



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This is of particular importance.  I take a multivitamin every day, along with prescriptions for high blood pressure and an NSAID.  Does a multivitamin rev  up symptoms?


I don't know I don't take multivitamins and trying one now would be a horrible idea for me. Right now my blood pressure is fine it's just my heart rate.

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There is a correlation between a high heart rate and low blood pressure.  It's the normal way the body keeps you stable.  My heart rate can sometimes be in the mid and low 80s, but my BP is always low normal.





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There is a correlation between a high heart rate and low blood pressure.  It's the normal way the body keeps you stable.  My heart rate can sometimes be in the mid and low 80s, but my BP is always low normal.






Thanks sofa. i really appreciate you giving me some perspective . It's easy to lose perspective during recovery and start jumping to wild conclusions . ( benzo brain)


Usaully my first thought is " I'm dying I knew it" , very irrational. Suppose that's the fear talking. Than all rational thinking goes right out the window.. sometimes it seems I am even searching for something to be wrong with me. So I can latch into it and identify with it. Does that ever happen to you?


Where you are creating a illness in a sense . By compiling your recovery symptoms .

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Yes, Remy, exactly.  Now that you know what you are doing to yourself, use relaxing coping skills and breathing to bring back your logical perspective.



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Hi REmy,


you wrote about PSD symptoms in another post, am I right? I have such experience, too, and I have always been more sensitive towards supplements because of that, too, I mean "on top" because my CNS was very "awake" and careful - everything new could be dangerous and was fought in an extreme way. You are in WD and (when I was right) you have the traumatic background. In that case you should give your body time to relax.

The first years of my taper I did not take anything, no supplements at all, no other pills, nothing. Everything caused severe side effects. My body needed to be free. I ate properly and after a time, I felt that I could take some magnesium and later zinc, but I started with a little little dose, which helped a lot, my body did not need the amount the doctor wanted me. Even the lacks in the blood got better with the little dosages.


Your heart is doing a great job, don't stop it with medication!! You will not die from a high heart rate. I totally agree with sofa! You definitly need inner rest. Did you thought about a trauma therapy?


I wish you all the best, hang in there buddy, better times will come!!!


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shit I did confuse you with an other buddy! sorry for that trauma issue thing, - that was wrong.

But I stick to my opinion stay away from supplements unless you are stable again. And then don't take the so called normal dosage but start with a crumble...and updose that slowly...


Don't be afraid. I thought I would never be able to take anything again. Now I am and I have no problems any more. But I started it when I felt stable again...


Here comes a big hug for you... :hug:

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Nova thank you so much for this information.  It confirms why I felt so bad yesterday.  Before this benzo mess, I was a firm believer of taking Airborne every day.  Now I can't take it, because it revs up my symptoms so much.  I can't take multivitamins either.  I try to eat healthy, but worry that I'm not getting enough nutrition through my dietary intake alone.  So yesterday I ate 2 cups of Total cereal for breakfast.  About an hour later I had nausea, tinnitus, dizziness and anxiety through the roof.  It's a shame how sensitive I've become to supplements.  Remy, I hope you're feeling better today. :smitten:
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