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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Cant stay on any benzo / advice needed


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Hi everyone....


  my sxs increase and are pretty bad during my menstrual cycle.....please look at signature for my history ..... I just can't taper from this drug ... I get no relief from it...... Was going to try to dry taper.... I realized looking back it kind of started with changing to liquid and dividing my doses... Rapidly reducing the first five percent and trying supplements....


I can kind of deal with the sxs but when the stuff in the paragraph below starts happening I just can't do it....


I feel supersick and dystonic seizure like episodes periodically all day mostly because of cycle.....  Started this morning again.... i never get this in the morning... this sxs seems to be getting so much worse......Burning all night with labored breathing....Severe facial movement of mouth and eyes... relentless....Jaw opening up and staying locked open...head shaking and jaw contracting in rapid

succession....as you can imagine my anxiety goes thru the roof when this happens....


I can't take anymore.... When i go to the hospital i get sent home. And told its the drug.... I was even denied seeing a neurologist so they could see it first hand and maybe help me..... the dr. just dismissed me as if it was the drug .... said get off of it and your problems will end.... :'(


How do I do this? 



restless legs beyond belief....How do you taper in this condition?  How do you live like this everyday?  Real bad chemical anxiety...


I barely reduce....  But reduce nonetheless....The longer I'm on this drug it seems the worse I'm getting....


I just can't take this anymore.... I'm not getting help from the medical community...


A friend doesn't understand why this can't be fixed and why I'm not getting helped....


I feel like I'm getting blamed from my own friends for not getting helped.... When I've tried and. They know everything I've done.... I don't know what else to do.... :'( :'(


Everytime I try I feel I'm not listened to when i explain whats happening or taken seriously and turned away... when you can visibly see I'm suffering... I'm so ill I couldn't go to another dr. Right now if I tried....


I cannot stay in constant fight or flight....

My hormones are so out of whack because of the benzo


I have a beta blocker... I could try that.... increases some of my physical though.... I just can't win for nothing....afraid of getting addicted to a beta blocker or getting worse....


I don't know how to help myself I don't know what to do..... Please help yet again.... I'm sorry for my neediness and if I trigger anyone with my woes... not my intention....


I hope someone responds please.... I have to get out of this mess.... Chemical anxiety killing me


Would you take the beta blocker regardless? I already feel drunk and dizzy...  But I have to do something...


Please respond....

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I think you are courageous and strong

If you are in the New York area look up a psychiatrist named James Strain MD

I would consider talking to baylissa Frederick

Or flying to mayo clinic for full work up

Have you looked into EPS? A psychiatrist mentioned it- I don't know the solution

But I agree

Were you sicker when 10 mos off benzo? Or are you worse now?

Also call Matt Torrington MD in California

I don't know if money is a concern or not but where you are at I would think something radical needs to be done--

Things I have been suggested to me:

NAD IV ( natural)- John Humiston and Richard Mesteyar I would go the natural route of you are trying to get off...


Flumenazil (once off to re set GABA receptors)-- Matt Torrington uses this

I am so so sorry for your suffering. It is in humane.

Are you burning all day? But mainly it is seizure like movements?

It's hard to think in this condition. You are not needy. You are ill right now and it's not your fault. Sending healing.

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If you really know it's the klonopin the taper you were doing was at least in my opinion of no value. I finally bit the bullet and dry cut from .25 mg tab(s) .0625 1/4 every week until I was done. It wasn't easy but very doable and it was finally gone. My only mistake was insisting on the Valium or I'd be off benzos since last February 1st. So I'd take .25 am. .25 afternoon and .5 at bed and up the gabapentin at bed. Then start cutting.0625 at different points in the day. When you react this way to a drug I'd get off it. This sounds crazy to some maybe but it's doable. But I strongly advise you to avoid Valium because I believe it's fuel to the fire. But that's just me. Also, most people despite a few scary stories have very few issues getting off gabapentin. 300 mg at bed might seriously help these muscle contractions etc and let you sleep better. We're all different but that's what I'd do especially because your use of benzos hasn't been for very long and not a very high dose compared to many. Anyway, hope this helps. B  :thumbsup:
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I think you are courageous and strong

If you are in the New York area look up a psychiatrist named James Strain MD

I would consider talking to baylissa Frederick

Or flying to mayo clinic for full work up

Have you looked into EPS? A psychiatrist mentioned it- I don't know the solution

But I agree

Were you sicker when 10 mos off benzo? Or are you worse now?

Also call Matt Torrington MD in California

I don't know if money is a concern or not but where you are at I would think something radical needs to be done--

Things I have been suggested to me:

NAD IV ( natural)- John Humiston and Richard Mesteyar I would go the natural route of you are trying to get off...


Flumenazil (once off to re set GABA receptors)-- Matt Torrington uses this

I am so so sorry for your suffering. It is in humane.

Are you burning all day? But mainly it is seizure like movements?

It's hard to think in this condition. You are not needy. You are ill right now and it's not your fault. Sending healing.


Hysterically crying.... Thank you so much for your kind words.......(((.  )))

The burning mainly hits me at nite with the shaking and vibrating which is constant....


The burning and seizure/dystonic movements seem to be tied to my period....they are getting worse ...


The akasthesia is severe too.... I don't have funds to do all that stuff or the energy.... I literally need a dr. To come to my house.... I'm that bad.....except maybe for baylissa I could try her....


I get so hurt when no one understands and blamed when a dr. Doesn't help me......shouldn't the doctors be criticized and not me?      . yes I live near NYC....


I believe the way I was 10 months ago is equal to the way I am now.... Its. Just that everything morphed.... Its the same hell in a different way.. If that makes sense...


But I believe I would have had more of a chance before because I would have put my time in.....

I could not walk at all before I reinstated and k did bring that back for me and lessened alot of my facial sxs I was having everyday and the severe involuntary movements...... But it took along time....

But the chemical anxiety came back more.....


now all the facial walking stuff is during my period.... I don't know what my brain is doing ....I feel constant terror.... Its like there was a trade  off but I still got more stuff thrown at me just as bad and yes probably worse...


Would you take the beta blocker to calm down regardless of the side effects? It was given to me by my dr....... I take the tiniest sliver amount....

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If you really know it's the klonopin the taper you were doing was at least in my opinion of no value. I finally bit the bullet and dry cut from .25 mg tab(s) .0625 1/4 every week until I was done. It wasn't easy but very doable and it was finally gone. My only mistake was insisting on the Valium or I'd be off benzos since last February 1st. So I'd take .25 am. .25 afternoon and .5 at bed and up the gabapentin at bed. Then start cutting.0625 at different points in the day. When you react this way to a drug I'd get off it. This sounds crazy to some maybe but it's doable. But I strongly advise you to avoid Valium because I believe it's fuel to the fire. But that's just me. Also, most people despite a few scary stories have very few issues getting off gabapentin. 300 mg at bed might seriously help these muscle contractions etc and let you sleep better. We're all different but that's what I'd do especially because your use of benzos hasn't been for very long and not a very high dose compared to many. Anyway, hope this helps. B  :thumbsup:


Since this is my second time and I'm doing liquid and so sensitized I'm afraid my body will know and ill get worse... I want to do exactly what you suggested... But if my body knows the doses I'm getting at 3 times a day in liquid I'm afraid how my body will react..  I want to go back to pills and just get off ... I don't know.... Have a gram scale.... Maybe I could do that.. And try quickly as my body will let me....


I could barely reduce 1 percent a month on the liquid.... This is my second time... I can't take gabapentin did not work for me.....

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Beta blockers are not addictive, although you do have to wean off of them slowly if you take them regularly.  I take them on bad days, it helps with some of the physical symptoms like shaking and sweating.  If I were you I would take the lowest dose given to me and see if it helps.  I know it helps me.  I hope you get to feeling better soon, and I wish I had more words of encouragement for you.  Take care.
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Beta blockers are not addictive, although you do have to wean off of them slowly if you take them regularly.  I take them on bad days, it helps with some of the physical symptoms like shaking and sweating.  If I were you I would take the lowest dose given to me and see if it helps.  I know it helps me.  I hope you get to feeling better soon, and I wish I had more words of encouragement for you.  Take care.


Shea... Thank you... I was told I could take as needed..... If I took it like 3 x in one week and they were like a day apart do you think that would cause problems? Or even just once a week or if I took 3 days in a row and then waited again do you think that's feasible?


I'm afraid on how to dose this... Is that how you dosed and was it problematic? Just trying to get an idea...I appreciate your input...

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Hi there... I take maybe 4 to 8 20mg pills a week.  My prescription is written for one or two pills a day as needed.  I have no ill effects from them.  They do take the edge off the physical symptoms, but take the very lowest dose at first because they can leave you lightheaded.  To give you some perspective, I know someone who takes 40mg 3X daily for a tremor, so one 20mg pill is considered a small dose.  Are you afraid of becoming dependent?  Or are you averse to taking another drug?  I understand both concerns.
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Hi there... I take maybe 4 to 8 20mg pills a week.  My prescription is written for one or two pills a day as needed.  I have no ill effects from them.  They do take the edge off the physical symptoms, but take the very lowest dose at first because they can leave you lightheaded.  To give you some perspective, I know someone who takes 40mg 3X daily for a tremor, so one 20mg pill is considered a small dose.  Are you afraid of becoming dependent?  Or are you averse to taking another drug?  I understand both concerns.


To answer your question..... Both...... My bp tends to run low anyway especially during my period.... It is my pulse and the tremors and adrenaline that are out of control..... And I already feel drunk 24/7 and dizzy already....some days just a little less...


Do you mind me asking what you take? Dr. Gave me clonodine which I've tried..... Just got propornol  yesterday to see if that would work better...will pick one out of the two......took clonodine about 30 minutes ago... A 1/4 of a half.....didnt try the other one yet....


How long have you been dosing that way? Makes me feel a little better at least your not having problems dosing this way from what I can see....



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I'm sorry I wasn't clear on this... I take propranolol.  I've been dosing this way since August and I have had no adverse effects from it.  If your bp runs low anyway you should take it slow, increase it slowly until you get some relief.  It sounds like that's what you're doing.  It doesn't help everyone, but I found it takes away some of the more unsettling physical symptoms of anxiety and panic.
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I'm sorry I wasn't clear on this... I take propranolol.  I've been dosing this way since August and I have had no adverse effects from it.  If your bp runs low anyway you should take it slow, increase it slowly until you get some relief.  It sounds like that's what you're doing.  It doesn't help everyone, but I found it takes away some of the more unsettling physical symptoms of anxiety and panic.


Thank you for your reply......

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I'd try the beta blocker but in a small dose to start. Not a sliver though as I can't imagine that would help. I took atenenol when my thyroid was hyperactive until they solved that problem which was causing my heart to race, tremors and some serious anxiety. That's how I ended up on benzos of all things.  It's a beta blocker and they are not addictive but you can wean and should wean off them in a very short period. It may help a lot when you find the right dose. Many take beta blockers for benzo withdrawal. Works for many...but not all. B
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I feel your pain

I am in the thick of it a chemical anxiety and such

But you have been suffering non stop... I would really rally Call baylissa

She is not s doctor but Ohhh how she makes you feel better!!!!

Pls call her

Also I would try propranolol

I have it but haven't tried it bc I am an asthmatic

The doc gave me a tiny amount

Too bad gabapentin can't work. Lyrica also didn't work?

Pls call JAmes Strain I think a chief at mount sinai hospital

What could give u a neural reset? I am not sure.

You have been tested for Lyme?

This is benzo injury sounds like. You were healthy and well before right?

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on the gabapentin note. i noticed that this med takes a while to kick in. it took me my body couple weeks to finally 'accept' its use. at first it made me just confused. and yes stopping is not a big problem compared too benzos like people here mentioned.
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Hi there... I take maybe 4 to 8 20mg pills a week.  My prescription is written for one or two pills a day as needed.  I have no ill effects from them.  They do take the edge off the physical symptoms, but take the very lowest dose at first because they can leave you lightheaded.  To give you some perspective, I know someone who takes 40mg 3X daily for a tremor, so one 20mg pill is considered a small dose.  Are you afraid of becoming dependent?  Or are you averse to taking another drug?  I understand both concerns.


Shea.... I don't mean to be a pest......  :-[but is it safe to say you probably take this about 2 to 4 times a week? 

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I'm pretty certain I took it three times last week, three times so far this week (bad week), so yes that would be a good estimate.  As soon as the tremors start in I take it. 
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I'm pretty certain I took it three times last week, three times so far this week (bad week), so yes that would be a good estimate.  As soon as the tremors start in I take it.


I thought of doing that too but alternating the days? .. I don't know if you've taken it 3 days in a row or not but that's the part that worries me... If you take it consecutively 3 days in a row will it cause problems....

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I took it two days in a row last week and two days in a row this week, no problems.  Long term consistent use can cause some rebound high blood pressure when you stop, it feels like a bad headache when that happens.  If you're having symptoms every day, I would alternate days and see if that works for you.  Take enough to get some relief, but not more than you need.  More does not equal better in this case.
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Talk to your Dr but from someone who has taken Beta Blockers long term for Hypertension (since 2007) - I can tell you that a few times a week is probably not going to cause any problems - and even if you took daily for awhile - you just wean slowly......


When they are used consistently to keep your blood pressure and heart rate normal, there can be a rebound effect when you quit - and I know bc not only did I first attempt to quit my Benzo CT - I also quit my beta blocker cold turkey - when my heart started racing - my cardiologist told me "you have Klonipin, right? just take a bunch of those when your heart races" and so I did - could not have helped the situation I'm in now


But beta blockers are really good safe drugs for a LOT of people - you just don't want to take if you have low blood pressure or bad asthma or breathing problems


Hope this helps

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Talk to your Dr but from someone who has taken Beta Blockers long term for Hypertension (since 2007) - I can tell you that a few times a week is probably not going to cause any problems - and even if you took daily for awhile - you just wean slowly......


When they are used consistently to keep your blood pressure and heart rate normal, there can be a rebound effect when you quit - and I know bc not only did I first attempt to quit my Benzo CT - I also quit my beta blocker cold turkey - when my heart started racing - my cardiologist told me "you have Klonipin, right? just take a bunch of those when your heart races" and so I did - could not have helped the situation I'm in now


But beta blockers are really good safe drugs for a LOT of people - you just don't want to take if you have low blood pressure or bad asthma or breathing problems


Hope this helps


Thank you fight.... I do tend to have more low blood pressure not high but I have tachychardia....a really rapid pulse which doesn't  make sense to me along with tremors adrenaline surges and high anxiety....akasthesia

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Pleasebehere, please check back in with us and let us know how you're doing and if the beta blocker helped you at all.  :) :) :)


Ok Shea.... I will... Thank you for your care and concern....

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Talk to your Dr but from someone who has taken Beta Blockers long term for Hypertension (since 2007) - I can tell you that a few times a week is probably not going to cause any problems - and even if you took daily for awhile - you just wean slowly......


When they are used consistently to keep your blood pressure and heart rate normal, there can be a rebound effect when you quit - and I know bc not only did I first attempt to quit my Benzo CT - I also quit my beta blocker cold turkey - when my heart started racing - my cardiologist told me "you have Klonipin, right? just take a bunch of those when your heart races" and so I did - could not have helped the situation I'm in now


But beta blockers are really good safe drugs for a LOT of people - you just don't want to take if you have low blood pressure or bad asthma or breathing problems


Hope this helps


Thank you fight.... I do tend to have more low blood pressure not high but I have tachychardia....a really rapid pulse which doesn't  make sense to me along with tremors adrenaline surges and high anxiety....akasthesia


You are welcome, PBH - I guess the take away I wanted to articulate most is that Beta Blocker "withdrawal" isn't withdrawal like we think of - Its just some rebound of the things it controls - Meaning spiked blood pressures or heart rate - and I DID quit c/t successfully - I wouldn't do it again - the racing heart was scary - but I was fine - had I weaned properly I doubt there would have been any problem - but there wasn't psychiatric or emotional or even physical beyond the heart rate and BP - They work on fear and so I think a lot of people have used with success.  I currently take a "cardiac only" BB for my Blood Pressure - because I've smoked for years and a typical BB does make me a little short of breath every so often - which freaks me out - so for now I don't get the added benefits that come with a normal Beta Blocker


Sorry - long winded this AM - but hope this helps

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Talk to your Dr but from someone who has taken Beta Blockers long term for Hypertension (since 2007) - I can tell you that a few times a week is probably not going to cause any problems - and even if you took daily for awhile - you just wean slowly......


When they are used consistently to keep your blood pressure and heart rate normal, there can be a rebound effect when you quit - and I know bc not only did I first attempt to quit my Benzo CT - I also quit my beta blocker cold turkey - when my heart started racing - my cardiologist told me "you have Klonipin, right? just take a bunch of those when your heart races" and so I did - could not have helped the situation I'm in now


But beta blockers are really good safe drugs for a LOT of people - you just don't want to take if you have low blood pressure or bad asthma or breathing problems


Hope this helps


Thank you fight.... I do tend to have more low blood pressure not high but I have tachychardia....a really rapid pulse which doesn't  make sense to me along with tremors adrenaline surges and high anxiety....akasthesia


You are welcome, PBH - I guess the take away I wanted to articulate most is that Beta Blocker "withdrawal" isn't withdrawal like we think of - Its just some rebound of the things it controls - Meaning spiked blood pressures or heart rate - and I DID quit c/t successfully - I wouldn't do it again - the racing heart was scary - but I was fine - had I weaned properly I doubt there would have been any problem - but there wasn't psychiatric or emotional or even physical beyond the heart rate and BP - They work on fear and so I think a lot of people have used with success.  I currently take a "cardiac only" BB for my Blood Pressure - because I've smoked for years and a typical BB does make me a little short of breath every so often - which freaks me out - so for now I don't get the added benefits that come with a normal Beta Blocker


Sorry - long winded this AM - but hope this helps


No, thank you so much for explaining...... I'm just very worried because I looked at people's reviews and the side effects and it scared me so much..... some of these people were saying they couldn't stop others were acting like they were taking a mind altering drug which really confused me.... Because they are not psychotropic....


Taking a tranquilizer like kolonopin is enough for me that I desperately want out of me...... I'm afraid of taking anything else.... My understanding is that beta blockers help with the physical anxiety like tremors shakes adrenaline fast heart rate....so these people's reviews confused me..... But some of it was in line with side effects ......


I already suffer with dizziness and left side dizzy feeling sensations and when I did try it my head felt that swaying shaking sensation where my head visibly swayed....  :-\ just really worries me...

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