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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Detox at this point?


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I think I am one of the unlucky ones after frying in cold turkey and fast taper I am hit beyond words at 1mg

I am seriously considering detox

I know I will come out worse but I literally am frying from head to toe and my heart is having pvcs every five seconds according to doctor

What yould you do?

Anyone go to detox for the last bit and happy they did?

Probably you wouldn't be on bb but.. Pls help

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Honestly if you are considering detox your better off locking yourself in your room I ended up looking into what I thought was a detox center but it was actually a mental hospital got baker acted and think I should sue the hospital for wrongful baker act but I'm still in hell and on top I've been in a rehab center and the only transportation they literally Blair rap. I started biting my hands banging my head from the pain of the noise. Also I got a severe cold and I think what is walking pneumonia now. If you are done and want to put up with it and you are on 1mg just do it. If you are still on 5 taper the way you are or speed it up a little 1 mg is a big step but not terrible I got taken off if 2.5 mg in the hospital I repeatedly told them DO NOT TAKE ME OFF my valuim they did anyway I tried to reinstate but I had the worst reaction ever that scared the shit out of me. I was really bad for a while still am. Its been over 2 months. In the hospital weird things started happening to me and became really scared Im not going to go into detail but I got forced off. But I'm doing a little better. But if its one mg just cut once more or jump you are probably going to anticipate it like I am and making it a lot worse. But I was in the psych ward. Literally 12 hrs in the dot after my last dose of valuim my head exploded and I was freaking out but was trying to hide it because i wanted out of the damn lock box. I regret going to the hospital.
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Jackson a detox center is a bad idea. Didn't your doctor tell you to updose to 1.5 milligrams? You're much better off trying to get off this at home at your own speed.
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Jackson a detox center is a bad idea. Didn't your doctor tell you to updose to 1.5 milligrams? You're much better off trying to get off this at home at your own speed.


Agreed! Detox centers can be brutal...best to do this on your own. I've had horrendous experiences in detox and haven't heard of a good experience yet. Not a place to go for detoxing benzos..no one seems to understand them.

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Honestly listen to what these people say I'm glad I'm off but I was in a mental hospital in a detox center they are not lying I did not want to be there. Just listen to yourself and someone you trust I knew but was just tired and found out the hard way
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I'd avoid it at all costs. I'm frying too at 10 mg. my doctor when I told him this offered a 3 week detox in hospital. No way!!! He said ok it was totally up to me and is allowing me to go as fast or slow as I want. You are on 1 mg. it's very possible it's that 1 mg causing you grief. I'd cut .5 then just quit. Be done with it and let my body heal once and for all. My burning gets less between doses then flares about 45 minutes after dosing. It's clearly the Valium. But detox...no. Just more drugs then home to pick up the pieces they left behind. I wouldn't updose either because for me it's extremely counterproductive but you might be different. Anyway they'd have to tie me up to go to detox. Especially at 1 mg. no way! B
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I posted this once before for another BB a long time ago and then with benzobrain deleted it. (I don't even remember why I did that)  All I can say is this: as bad as you may be feeling right now, I know, it can get really bad, trust me when I say it's a whole hell of a lot worse in the hospital. Don't go that route if you can possibly avoid it. They will treat you to a cold turkey and that's when hell really begins. I still have PTSD from my hospital induced CT. They will treat you like a drug seeking addict, too. Don't do it.


This can get really hard at the end of a taper. Know that, and keep reducing, you will get there.

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Ok thanks

Sunday I had almost a normal ok day

That is what doesn't make sense

Friday and Saturday I didn't sleep and was prickling all over

Today burning alive but it lasts all day

I am going to hold 1mg for a week or more

I don't want to updose

I have been working up until this point

Yesterday Akathesia

I am Really scared

Hyper sensitive to meds

Got addicted taking .5 Ativan only for 4 months 3 times per week

Not stable Akathesia reinstated twice

I have kindled from using low dose Valium for a bladder condition 20 years ago.

Scared I will end up in psych ward

No previous mental health issues except normal anxiety

My body is hyper crazy sensitive

I had pneumonia and virus bc at 1.5 I was doing great

Positive I was healing and getting off

I can't start this over

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Ok thanks

Sunday I had almost a normal ok day

That is what doesn't make sense

Friday and Saturday I didn't sleep and was prickling all over

Today burning alive but it lasts all day

I am going to hold 1mg for a week or more

I don't want to updose

I have been working up until this point

Yesterday Akathesia

I am Really scared

Hyper sensitive to meds

Got addicted taking .5 Ativan only for 4 months 3 times per week

Not stable Akathesia reinstated twice

I have kindled from using low dose Valium for a bladder condition 20 years ago.

Scared I will end up in psych ward

No previous mental health issues except normal anxiety

My body is hyper crazy sensitive

I had pneumonia and virus bc at 1.5 I was doing great

Positive I was healing and getting off

I can't start this over


Hang in there Jackson...it's all w/d and it gets better...if you had an ok day on Sunday, think of it as a window..the burning is all part of this w/d crap and eventually passes. Now is the time you have to grit your teeth and just go with it...you will have some amount of suffering, so just expect it, ok? Being hypersensitive to meds is another one that is common and normal...I had to adjust my meds for a while just to get through those times especially in the beginning...I lowered my doses of my necessary medications..aka; seizure medications, migraine meds, etc...just a little so I wouldn't feel so loopy and could get through my days. Rest assured you ARE healing. That is why you are feeling all these sxs...your brain is trying to heal, and this is what it takes...you're doing great!  :smitten:

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I'm so sorry you feel terrible Jackson. I sure hope it eases off and you feel better. I think that Sunday window was a good sign.


Get really stable before thinking of reducing, then go with really tiny cuts.

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Ok I am clearing my plate with work and quitting and going on disability

I cannot believe it

I have two children but I have to get well

I don't want to have a heart attack

Yesterday was a sign I just can't do it

I hope with off work and calming I can strengthen for end of taper

I don't know what to do about my palpitations as they are so frequent

I am scared I am going to die in my sleep


Who am I - are you functional 30 mos out? Workjng and living?

Anyone? I need hope.. Can you sleep/eat and work with no Akathesia?


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I have other health issues which caused me to stop working prior to the taper (and which I believe is making my recovery more difficult). But please keep in mind I did a forced cold turkey which I believe doomed me to a prolonged healing period. While I am still not there, I can see clear improvement over time which gives me hope that healing is taking place. You are on a good path, doing a gradual taper with the support of BB's. Right now try to stay focused on completing your taper as you heal. You will get well, that is what everyone working with benzo patients in the UK all say, it's just a matter of time.


Stay strong, OK. You are doing the right thing for your family and you will get well in time. Right now you have to take care of you and get well. You can do it.



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I'd avoid it at all costs. I'm frying too at 10 mg. my doctor when I told him this offered a 3 week detox in hospital. No way!!! He said ok it was totally up to me and is allowing me to go as fast or slow as I want. You are on 1 mg. it's very possible it's that 1 mg causing you grief. I'd cut .5 then just quit. Be done with it and let my body heal once and for all. My burning gets less between doses then flares about 45 minutes after dosing. It's clearly the Valium. But detox...no. Just more drugs then home to pick up the pieces they left behind. I wouldn't updose either because for me it's extremely counterproductive but you might be different. Anyway they'd have to tie me up to go to detox. Especially at 1 mg. no way! B


I find this very interesting.  I'm in the same position as Jackson, but at 2mg. I've also debated what to do because holding just isn't a viable option. Like you, I get blasted heavy about 30-45 minutes after dosing. Crazy right? I'm almost tempted to skip a dose out of my 2 daily doses just to see what happens. 

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No Enzo not crazy. We're not alone in this. Today after each dose, and they're small the burning has become excruciating. I tried larger doses 3 x a day but it was worse and I couldn't stay awake. So I'm doing my best to cut .5 every five to seven days tops. Holding serves no purpose and for me right now and anyway is detrimental. You are only on 2 mg. I understand holding is often not an option so I've opted to carry on through it and be done. If the burning continues for awhile so be in. I won't have the dreaded business of swallowing those pills.  :smitten: B
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Please. please, stay away from De-Tox centers. I am dealing with P.T.S.D, which began in a De-Tox center. They had no understanding of the problems of benzo withdrawal. All they wanted to do was have me go cold turkey and start taking anxiety making anti-depressants. I was made to feel like a crazy addict. Added to this were the poor people who were De-Toxing from things like cocaine. Constant noise and drama, and worse yet, physical violence. Taper down at home sensibly.

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Thinking of you. 

Trying to recall the name of the BB who went to detox at 1 mg. She may be able to offer further insight.  I will pm or call when I shake it loose....



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Good to see you back B.Barb. I missed you. How have you been ?. You sound miserable and as though a bad wave is going on. Can your Dr. switch you back to an ativan withdrawal using an equivilent dosage scedule ?

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Ok I am clearing my plate with work and quitting and going on disability

I cannot believe it

I have two children but I have to get well

I don't want to have a heart attack

Yesterday was a sign I just can't do it

I hope with off work and calming I can strengthen for end of taper

I don't know what to do about my palpitations as they are so frequent

I am scared I am going to die in my sleep


Who am I - are you functional 30 mos out? Workjng and living?

Anyone? I need hope.. Can you sleep/eat and work with no Akathesia?


Jackson, I think not working while finishing your taper is a good idea.The less stress in your life right now  the better. Healing and recovering from this is a full time *job* for many here. It does not mean you won't be able to work again.


Have you seen a doctor about the palpitations? It can can be withdrawal related, anxiety, or even panic attacks. When I was in tolerance withdrawal I had a similar problem. I got a battery of tests done on my ticker and there was nothing wrong. I'd ask my doctor to run some tests just to be sure.


Hang in there, you're in the home stretch...


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