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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How do we cope with the psychological impact?


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Withdrawal/tapering has both the physical, and psychological impact.  It's such a traumatic journey, for some people.  There are some people that tend to have more psychological symptoms than physical. 


Any coping advice for the psychological impact?

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Distraction, distraction, distraction. Keep your mind on tasks no matter how small. They help me. The ones I can't control ...well then I can't. Give it time. B
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I find I feel better if I keep moving, doing something that requires my attention.  I also tell myself that my brain is healing now, that's why I feel the way I do.  We're moving in a posiitve direction.
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I find it very hard. I've spent most of my taper in a black depression, which has only deepened significantly since I started to hold after losing my job. I don't feel like I am ever going to recover from this and I'm not even suffering many symptoms at the minute. This drug has smashed my life to fucking pieces. Life barely feels worth living much of the time. I think it would be dangerous for Me to start cutting again any time soon. But that just means storing it up for later. The psychological torment I've gone through is on a scale I did not think existed.





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Belfast that's not a very encouraging answer. But, I know it's been really hard for you. You will heal though and if your sxs free right now why not make a cut? This hold is going nowhere. You want off like the rest of us and if any of these benzos cause depression Valium to me is the worst. Maybe time to bite the bullet and make a small cut. You might even feel better. Dwelling on on these thoughts of never recovering can only keep you where you are. Take your life back once and for all. Sorry Trying don't want to interrupt your thread but again I say to you keep as busy and active as you can. I'm agoraphobic mostly right now too. Depressed, sad, jello legs all of it but I force myself up and look for anything to keep going. Netflix has been a lifesaver at night. We'll all get better Trying. Just hang in there. B
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And a side note to Belfast. My parents lost my 13 year old brother suddenly as did I. My husband's parents  lost their 23 year old daughter suddenly as did we. Believe me, look at your child and you can't even imagine the loss. IT NEVER GOES AWAY! Ever. The thought of losing a child for me is unimaginable. Just the thought of it. I'll take benzo withdrawal over that in a heartbeat. I can't even watch your clip. I suspect it's bogus anyway!!!
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I know Ranomi and everyone's rooting for you too. It can be dreadful at times. I may be in a mess with cutting 1 mg today. If so, I'll go up .5 quickly. It's all very hard but I can't compare anything to the loss of a child. I just can't. We will survive and once again have normal lives...believe that. But you can NEVER bring back a dead child. Believe me your life is FOREVER altered. Death is not temporary. B
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Sorry, you're right, that really wasn't very helpful, I just feel so acutely awful today. I wasn't thinking straight. It wasn't appropriate to post that in this thread. Don't worry about anything I said, I genuinely think I am an extreme case. There's good advice from other people here. It doesn't have to be like it has been for me. I made it all much worse with how I handled it.

Sorry again.

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Re that clip, I really don't think that lady is anything other than sincere, you actually do need to watch it but I'm going to delete it from here and start another thread. :)


I think I put it very badly actually. Apologies. She didn't actually say it was worse I think she was getting at the total incapacity of severe WD, and that she had to go through it after the death.

Anyway I'll go post it now, please don't let my poor explanation put you off looking.

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Yeah, let's do that. Sorry, I really f*cked up :(

Wasn't thinking at all.

Start a new one, there's lots of good advice out there. Can only apologise agsin.

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No Belfast I can't watch it. I try to avoid things like that that draw me into a deep hole quite often. I prefer to stick with BB and get my support here. With luck positive support. I can't dwell on my own depression let alone those of something on you tube or whatever. I like funny forwards which I have my close friends send to me. Stuff like that. I love trying to offer support here and I'm always willing to hear you out Belfast. That's why we're here. But going elsewhere on the net is a no no for me. I'll forever be on your side Belfast but I can't literally watch other people's tragedies. It's hard enough as it is. So I'm a BB person through and through. Hope your day improves as it moves along. B
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Can we just remove the whole thread.  This isn't helpful to anyone.


We don't remove treads that have replies. It would not be fair to the members who have taken the time to reply to it. Threads usually die down on their own.

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Sorry I have to get into this.


Feelings just are and cannot be summed up in overly simplistic ways. Yes we have set standards for emotional pain and the loss of a child is the highest level of emotional pain. The only thing that tops this is the emotional, gut wracking pain that comes with having a child abducted. or missing. Until the child has is found, living or dead there can be no closure for any of the people who love that child.


Again, feelings just are and emotional pain is emotional pain . To compare  is not only unhelpful, it is unkind. If we have broken a bone it hurts and we are in pain. Yes it is not as bad as many other pains but it is our pain and it still hurts. Someone telling us that our pain it not as bad as another's diminishes us, and adds to our pain. I am angry for Belfast that with some of the group there has not been more empathy.His guilt and shame come through on every post and are very real. He needs our help and support , not unkindness.

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I've always shared Belfast's pain and been kind but unfortunately I just can't watch a clip that was posted. I don't get it. Never been unkind at all. Just supportive. B
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I do know that you are kind and caring. My point was not that you are anything other than that, rather that we cannot compare any emotional pain that others may be feeling, to the pain that comes with the loss of a child. If we do this we deny that all feelings are real and valid. This it is not helpful, in that we are making a judgement rather than giving empathy. Read  my post again.
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I find that practicing gratitude really helps. Listing five things or more each day to be grateful for. A smile on a dog...simple things to be grateful for. Exercise really helped me both physically and in my outlook. It helped me to get centered. TM (transcendental meditation) works fantastic to "see" the problem;it calms the alpha waves in the brain. Playing music; loudly and softly; creates emotional catharsis and release. What I have learned from BB Forum is that patience and time are both mandatory for healing. Xanax was largely instant gratification for whatever is "ailing". (Living a Life of Illusion). I had to reroute anger, rethink my anger. And I do take responsibility for ingesting the illusion (includes the pill itself). No one forced it on me.

So grateful to be free of it (7 1/2 months off Xanax, addiction, Rx for over 3 years).

What I learned so far in my journey is that inner acceptance of the "problem" is necessary and self forgiveness. Honesty and humility.  I remind myself (with a good laugh sometimes), that this was all a PLOT TWIST...Peace, Love, and Empathy, Karuna.

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Awesome Karuna. Really good tips for coping as well. Huge congrats on your success. Hopefully we can all be as well. I believe that we can for sure or I would simply give up. That's just not an option though. I will get through this.

And no brave rabbit I wasn't comparing but rather I thought Belfast was. We should never compare. I was merely pointing out why I could not watch the video clip (or most others). I prefer to avoid these clips because I often find them more upsetting than helpful. But that's just me. Today, truthfully I'm in agony. My husband's home and after 4 days of struggling being alone with a house disaster, a crazy pup and not being well, I guess my adrenaline was soaring and now it has come crashing down. Friday evening he arrived home right when my pills were due and I forgot the 5:30 dose. Then I fell asleep early and missed another dose so all in all I missed 5.5 mg. I ended up taking 4 mg extra the next morning and sleeping most of the day away. I've never done that before. So today's my cut day and I'm trying very hard to manage it. So that's why with the original post I mentioned distraction. It's getting me through (sort of) today. I also keep a grateful journal...actually a full journal which helps a lot. But no, I can't compare my immediate pain to anyone. Just explain it and hopefully get a bit of support. And offer a bit to others. All we can do is be here for one another. It's a safe place to be.

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BenzoBarb, you've offered me tremendous support that I am so grateful for. (I am grateful to have the support of everyone here.). But in this moment as I'm reading about how youve been feeling after your husband's absence, the puppy  ;), missing your doses and now facing a cut, I'd like to tell you that I offer you my support in this moment. That you will have the strength you need to get through this next step and will continue to move forward toward healing.


I'm watching a Star Wars marathon on TV, so I'll say, "May the Force be with you!"  :)




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I've started writing everything down in a journal so I can see patterns, such as what symptoms come before a panic attack or how many days in between attacks I've gone.  I also write down anything I think about the psychological impact of this process.  I write down how I feel, my anger at my doctor for putting me on this stuff to begin with, my frustration at my life being on hold; but I also write about the things I'm grateful for, like a husband who is very involved in this and still comes home to me at the end of the day.  I find now that when I have a symptom, I reach for my MacBook and write it all down in it.  I'm sure it would be boring for other people to read but it's a great mind purge, just a total download of everything I'm thinking and feeling.
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I'm so sorry Benzo Barb if I added to your pain, and I'm sorry that you are going through a rough patch right now. Getting the taper down doses right is so hard and cuts are the worst of all.  Like you I'm hoping for 'Windows' and like you I have stopped watching anything that might make me feel worse ( like the debate tonight ) We will get better, just wait for that blessed day.
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No need to be sorry brave rabbit. None at all. Times get hard sometimes but we'll all get there. Time. I'm Canadian and I will watch the debate tonight although it's actually huge because if we're real about it what happens in the US is a whole world thing. But, for the first time I'm concerned about it. Think the whole world is. Anyway come on...it is a distraction which I speak volumes about. Somehow though today might not be the blessed day we all want. But don't worry. I know in my heart we'll all be ok. B :smitten:
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