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Having Withdrawal Symptoms...But the good news is...


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It's no where near where I was a couple of months ago, so today I'm grateful for the strength to endure the low level anxiety, weak body feeling, and dizziness. I'm headed to the office shortly, and I'm grateful I can work even if on the inside I feel like a bobble head, I'm going to make it, and so are you. We are all doing such a good job. You are not where you want to be in the healing process, but you are not where you used to be either. So today be grateful (as hard as it may be).  :thumbsup:
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It's no where near where I was a couple of months ago, so today I'm grateful for the strength to endure the low level anxiety, weak body feeling, and dizziness. I'm headed to the office shortly, and I'm grateful I can work even if on the inside I feel like a bobble head, I'm going to make it, and so are you. We are all doing such a good job. You are not where you want to be in the healing process, but you are not where you used to be either. So today be grateful (as hard as it may be).  :thumbsup:


Thats a good attitude. You are working - wow!!

you are totally right, this is not where I want to stay forever in my life but its definitly better than 3 months before. We need to tell us this! Its more easy to compare with others or look around us and forget where we are coming from..

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It's no where near where I was a couple of months ago, so today I'm grateful for the strength to endure the low level anxiety, weak body feeling, and dizziness. I'm headed to the office shortly, and I'm grateful I can work even if on the inside I feel like a bobble head, I'm going to make it, and so are you. We are all doing such a good job. You are not where you want to be in the healing process, but you are not where you used to be either. So today be grateful (as hard as it may be).  :thumbsup:


Thats a good attitude. You are working - wow!!

you are totally right, this is not where I want to stay forever in my life but its definitly better than 3 months before. We need to tell us this! Its more easy to compare with others or look around us and forget where we are coming from..


You're right about that!

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This morning again, I woke up feeling a little antsy. Yesterday I felt a little heavy in the body. I'm still having a few negative thoughts, and feeling somewhat emotionally numb, but the good new is, I can think faster, and I haven't had a panic attack in weeks, so today I'm grateful.
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@Existentiallyspeaking - are you exercising to help speed the recovery process? Do you drink caffeine? I'm getting ready to jump in a less than a week, and since we both started out having issues with prednisone, before moving on to benzos to help with those side effects, I'm going to try to learn from your process!  :)  I plan on doing a lot of bicycle riding, and also staying away from caffeine for at least a couple of months. Actually, I drink one cup of decaf coffee in the morning, and that has a little caffeine in it, so I haven't gone to zero.
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@Existentiallyspeaking - are you exercising to help speed the recovery process? Do you drink caffeine? I'm getting ready to jump in a less than a week, and since we both started out having issues with prednisone, before moving on to benzos to help with those side effects, I'm going to try to learn from your process!  :)  I plan on doing a lot of bicycle riding, and also staying away from caffeine for at least a couple of months. Actually, I drink one cup of decaf coffee in the morning, and that has a little caffeine in it, so I haven't gone to zero.


Mikie, how are you? Hope all is well. I have pretty much changed my lifestyle of the moment. I started drinking a cup of coffee again a few weeks ago. However I only have one, with very little sugar. I used to drink at least 4 cups in the morning, now I'm down to one small cup in the mornings. Before I drink anything, I make me a protein drink with Kayle, oatmeat, protein, 1 banana, and a yogurt. I blend that and drink half. I exercise for about 30 minutes. I run for 15 and lift weights for 15. I attempted to do more and I started to feel anxious, so I cut back on the exercise. I plan to add more in a another few weeks, maybe move to 45 minute workouts. I then drink the rest of the shake. I eat all day, very small meal. I have cut out bread, or any foods that will ultimately turn into sugar. I eat salads, chicken, and fish. I notice when I don't eat, my symptoms come back, so I eat nuts, cheese, crackers, eggs and meat throughout the day, and that keeps my symptoms away.


I do experience symptoms in the morning but just for an hour or two, then after exercising I feel better. However, if your blood sugar is low, just avoid exercise that day, or it makes it worse.


I usually work from 9am to 9pm, so I keep myself busy. If I'm not at work, I read, paint, or watch movies, I don't allow myself free time to think because I still suffer with negative thoughts.


So that's about it for me. I'm doing a lot better, and I pray you are too. Please keep me updated, and ask me anything,  I want to help you along your journey any way I can. 

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I'm glad you're doing so well Ms. Speaking! It sounds like you're doing all the right things!!!  :thumbsup:


Throughout this process I've been riding my bike. I started out doing ~10 miles a ride, maybe 3 times a week, and now I'm riding between 15 and 20 miles, almost every day (unless I'm out of town). I had to do this initially to get rid of the "jitters", or I guess anxiety, during my tapper. Anyway, that has helped a lot! It gives me something to focus on, and heck I've lost about 15 lbs as a bonus! It's hot our here in Dallas, so the weight came off fast. I'm eating better too, but I don't think as well as you.


I'm a little worried about the jump ... not because of the withdrawal symptoms I usually note (muscle related, fatigue, insomnia), but I developed Tinnitus during the ear infection (would come and go), and all the prescription drugs (Cipro, Prednisone, Xanax) made it worse at some point. When on Cipro, it got worse, but then Prednisone sent it throw the roof. At that point, I didn't know if I could live with it ... I thought I might have to quit my job! If I put it on a "pain" scale, I'd say it was a 10/10 at this point. Thank goodness it got better, but it's all over the place. A therapeutic dose of Xanax (0.5 mg) would actually make it go completely away, but it'd return ... and then eventually the downgrading of the GABA receptors caused it to go 24 hrs a day. GABA impacts Tinnitus. Anyway, during my tapering, the tinnitus would get worse after a cut, but settle down. I'm guessing its a 2 or 3 out of 10 now. Anyway, at this point it mostly annoys me, but I can at least sleep and have been able to be more focus. I'm hoping after my central nervous system heals, the tinnitus will go away, or at least give me quit moments ... but I'm also planning on dealing with it i that doesn't happen.


Best regards


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I'm glad you're doing so well Ms. Speaking! It sounds like you're doing all the right things!!!  :thumbsup:


Throughout this process I've been riding my bike. I started out doing ~10 miles a ride, maybe 3 times a week, and now I'm riding between 15 and 20 miles, almost every day (unless I'm out of town). I had to do this initially to get rid of the "jitters", or I guess anxiety, during my tapper. Anyway, that has helped a lot! It gives me something to focus on, and heck I've lost about 15 lbs as a bonus! It's hot our here in Dallas, so the weight came off fast. I'm eating better too, but I don't think as well as you.


I'm a little worried about the jump ... not because of the withdrawal symptoms I usually note (muscle related, fatigue, insomnia), but I developed Tinnitus during the ear infection (would come and go), and all the prescription drugs (Cipro, Prednisone, Xanax) made it worse at some point. When on Cipro, it got worse, but then Prednisone sent it throw the roof. At that point, I didn't know if I could live with it ... I thought I might have to quit my job! If I put it on a "pain" scale, I'd say it was a 10/10 at this point. Thank goodness it got better, but it's all over the place. A therapeutic dose of Xanax (0.5 mg) would actually make it go completely away, but it'd return ... and then eventually the downgrading of the GABA receptors caused it to go 24 hrs a day. GABA impacts Tinnitus. Anyway, during my tapering, the tinnitus would get worse after a cut, but settle down. I'm guessing its a 2 or 3 out of 10 now. Anyway, at this point it mostly annoys me, but I can at least sleep and have been able to be more focus. I'm hoping after my central nervous system heals, the tinnitus will go away, or at least give me quit moments ... but I'm also planning on dealing with it i that doesn't happen.


Best regards



You know, for some reason, I thought you had already made the jump. But to be honest, the jump was pretty easy for me. I was well aware of the symptoms so I was not afraid of them as I was initially. I had done a very slow taper, and I jumped when I was taking a very small amount. I'm not sure of the amount because I cut the pill, but it was a very small piece and when I jumped, the piece was so small, I don't think my body was registering it anyway, so when I jumped there was really no drastic change at all. Actually I felt good after my jump, I immediately started to feel like myself again. So don't fear it, you are already well aware of the symptoms. It did get rough for a while for me, but I worked everyday through it, so it didn't get so bad I needed to check in at the ER or anything. You are doing very well, so I know you will get through this. I suffered from tinnitus as well for a very short time, but I made it through that as well, and so will you. I'm here so if you need me, just reach out.

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