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Do you have spiritual gifts? I do, tell me your story


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Does having a deep connection to music, and some musical ability, count as having spiritual gifts? When my innermost self is attuned with the present, I'm really able to feel a deep eternity in music. And hopefully I'm able to convey some slice of that depth when I make my own music.


But I've felt cut off from the depth of music, and spirituality in general through this horror of benzo withdrawal. "Dark night of the soul" indeed! But now, I'm trying to retrace my steps into healing, happiness, and connectedness again. Reconnecting with spirituality is one way I think I can make it back into the light.


Regarding talking to the birds - are you like St. Francis? I'm sure you've head his story before. He preferred the company of birds to men.

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Does having a deep connection to music, and some musical ability, count as having spiritual gifts? When my innermost self is attuned with the present, I'm really able to feel a deep eternity in music. And hopefully I'm able to convey some slice of that depth when I make my own music.


But I've felt cut off from the depth of music, and spirituality in general through this horror of benzo withdrawal. "Dark night of the soul" indeed! But now, I'm trying to retrace my steps into healing, happiness, and connectedness again. Reconnecting with spirituality is one way I think I can make it back into the light.


Regarding talking to the birds - are you like St. Francis? I'm sure you've head his story before. He preferred the company of birds to men.


Sometimes music bring me into astral projection!  Not now during w/d. I guess it is a spiritual thing. Try to go deeper..And maybe you will experience astral projection. It is amazing.

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I too used to feel connected to spirit. Benzos have crushed that. I sure hope I can get it back.

It feels like my mind and my gift is more open now during taper. Me as well can connect to spirits. I have so many nice stories to tell...I can see, feel and sometimes it feels like another spirit takes over my body and the I start to write very quick letters. Words I dont understand

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I can help animals and humans to find solutions by helping to find out what kind of strengths they have..


So nice!!! Are you a healer???

Had you tried it on humans?

Tell me more  :angel:

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I can help animals and humans to find solutions by helping to find out what kind of strengths they have..


So nice!!! Are you a healer???

Had you tried it on humans?

Tell me more  :angel:


A healer :laugh: ? no..I am an communication specialist in some way and can "translate" between others:laugh:  I can easily connect to humans and animals ..But thats nothing I do consciously, it just happens? After that they tell me I helped them a lot,- but I did not do anything.. Perhaps its my belief that there is always a way, always hope and inside every human or animal are strengths that you can discover but not by forcing it more like .. I don't know.. Perhaps its my contumaciousness, whenever I hear a "no", "never", "lost case" - I am sure thats not true..


So what is your gift??I am curious..

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  • 2 weeks later...


A healer :laugh: ? no..I am an communication specialist in some way and can "translate" between others:laugh:  I can easily connect to humans and animals ..But thats nothing I do consciously, it just happens? After that they tell me I helped them a lot,- but I did not do anything.. Perhaps its my belief that there is always a way, always hope and inside every human or animal are strengths that you can discover but not by forcing it more like .. I don't know.. Perhaps its my contumaciousness, whenever I hear a "no", "never", "lost case" - I am sure thats not true..




Are you able to use your gift via this board?

I believe it is much needed for each of us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd really love spiritually and all the rest of the supernatural superstitious hoo-ha to be a real thing.It would make benzo withdrawal a bit easier imo.

My close aunt used to be really big on psychics and spiritual healing etc. when I was young and would always be using crystals and tarot cards etc . and it seemed to make her happy and give her a hobby so good for her but I can never remember a time when it appealed to me or I believed in any of it.

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If you had the gift before the benzos then it will return when they are out of your system. They are blocking your path. But it is still in you.


I ask for help from Archangel Raphael and sometimes use my Archangel cards. Gx

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can help animals and humans to find solutions by helping to find out what kind of strengths they have..



Yes, I can relate to this very well. Mostly humans, but am a huge lover of animals and they seem to love me back! Is it a gift? I don't know.


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I have an affinity to all animals. Like I can feed a deer that I see. I don't know if this is spiritual or not but one night a long time ago I had a terrible nightmare that my neighbor's son got into a bad car accident and then died. I did not mention this to anyone as I thought they would say it's only a dream.


Five days later it actually happened and my good friend died by a drunk driver at the age of only 30.

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I used to have some more ability but Benzos have killed that. I'm a practicing with, but ever since benzos medication I haven't felt the same ability I used to have. I feel cut-off from my divine connections. I'm hoping once I'm through with taper it will return. For now I continue to burn candles and follow the esbats. (My tradition is most described by solitary eclectic with strong Wiccan leanings.)
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I used to have some more ability but Benzos have killed that. I'm a practicing with, but ever since benzos medication I haven't felt the same ability I used to have. I feel cut-off from my divine connections. I'm hoping once I'm through with taper it will return. For now I continue to burn candles and follow the esbats. (My tradition is most described by solitary eclectic with strong Wiccan leanings.)

Wait,what? You actually believe this?? I really really hope the majority of others on BB don't as I've taken a lot of advice on here and if they are as illogical on this subject as on others the advice is probaly rubbish. The supernatural has never EVER been proven despite many attempts . It's all hooha.

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I can help animals and humans to find solutions by helping to find out what kind of strengths they have..



Yes, I can relate to this very well. Mostly humans, but am a huge lover of animals and they seem to love me back! Is it a gift? I don't know.


I can only speak about myself but I am NOT talking about things like hooha or God or angels or ... whatever.. What I mean is that I can easily connect to animals and to humans. Call it empathy, call it that I am able to analyze naturally. I have some problems with the word spiritual, I am more down to earth:-))

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I used to always know who was on the phone while it was ringing.  I'd say, "that's Steve" or "that's Gerry" and it always was.  I also see angels and Yehshua in my bedroom at night sometimes.
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I used to have some more ability but Benzos have killed that. I'm a practicing with, but ever since benzos medication I haven't felt the same ability I used to have. I feel cut-off from my divine connections. I'm hoping once I'm through with taper it will return. For now I continue to burn candles and follow the esbats. (My tradition is most described by solitary eclectic with strong Wiccan leanings.)

Wait,what? You actually believe this?? I really really hope the majority of others on BB don't as I've taken a lot of advice on here and if they are as illogical on this subject as on others the advice is probaly rubbish. The supernatural has never EVER been proven despite many attempts . It's all hooha.


First off, you shouldn't be attacking people on a forum like this. People here all have fragilities and we are suffering from a scientifically proven medical problem.. What people find faith in is their business. If their beliefs help them make this trough I don't believe in ESP. I don't believe in telekinesis and that sort of thing. I believe in nature.


The supernatural i support is not tied to science. It is faith for me and I keep it seperate. I am the bearer of a hard science degree. Is the ability for humans to meditate scientifically disproven? Is loss of my ability to meditate with calm and focus and feel connected to something greater than myself really that unscientific to you. No humans do meditate and experience feelings and connections and emotional grounding. I feel part of something bigger than myself. In biology I am part of the biome. I am part of the fauna of this Earth. This itself is scientific fact.


Do the seasons change over? Does the moon wax and wane? I believe in nature. Does ceremonial celebration of that make me a nut job? If I feel this is something divine to me is that wrong?  Trained in geology  I know that I used to be able to feel comfort and connection at amazing natural features. I used to feel part of something greater. In nature I am a part of the whole. That much can be agreed on, can it not. On benzodiazepines I can't seem to feel connected or grounded as well as I used to. I can't focus to meditate and visualize within my brain. I respect and follow nature': cycles and celebrate them. My casting of spells is me attempting to focus my energy to a goal. Writing down goals, burning candles with runes as a focus for me to helpme get through things? I don't throw curses at people. I don't fly on a broomstick. I don't make love potions. All my rituals are meditation, are a focus to me. They are a faith I hold that helps me cope. I believe in some greater force at work. However, I still base my judgements mostly on logic. I used to have good instincts on the feelings of others but the benzodiazepines have killed that ability.


Do I have a particular love of tarot decks and runes, collecting them and using them as tools to help me think about a situation from different points of view? Yes. Do I believe a card or marked rock  is telling me my absolute future? No, no I don't. I build my own future. However as a tool of self-reflection to get me thinking a different way and considering other options they do help me do that. No, encouraging self reflection is good. Encouraging thinking, mulling things over is a good thing. Plus, I think we can agree that the decks are fun to play with and often beautifully illustrated. I feel fuzzy and my interpretations and thoughts and mulling over are blunted strongly.


On Samhain when I build an altar to my ancestors and celebrate and remember them with a ritual am I denying science?  No. Science has nothing to do with it. It's faith. I'm not making herbal potions to cure diseases and eschewing scientific things like antibiotics, and other medicines? No, though my careful experimentation has proven that horseradish and wasabi are great temporary sinus clearers Herbal tea with honey feels good. Chicken soup feels good when I'm sick.  :) Do I look at my medicines far more critically considering my experiences with benzodiazepines and do research on actual, trustworthy scientific sources? (I'm not talking Mercola or Doctor Oz BS. Again, science degree from the UC system. I know what an actual scientific journal is and I know how many twisted fake ones there are. (American College of Pediatricians Publications I am looking at you here as an example)


I found comfort in my faith and now I just feel disconnected from nature. I get times where it comes back. If I found comfort, awe and a connection with my place in nature while I'm in sitting in an eroded area of an inactive fault or feel a sense of power and awe near an active volcano am I unscientific? No. I still follow the scientific method. If proper evidence is given to me I will reevaluate my position on things.


As it is, faith by its very nature cannot be defined by science. It is a very different thing.


Also, you are on a forum for a poorly researched and often eschewed area of study: medicine effects and withdrawals. You will find a lot of pseudoscience here. You will find a lot of strange stuff when in desperation. That is just the nature of the internet.


I analyzed and researched the Ashton Method. The idea of homeostasis and slowly bringing down blood levels through a cross to a high half-life's medicine and slow dosage drop made sense to me. It checked out with my research and ideas. Yes, being a geologist biology and neuroscience are not my fields of study but scientific sense made this a good idea to try as cold turkey went horrific for me.


So no. I am not some hoohaa-brained nutjob but I don't  appreciate being personally attacked either and can we please just all be nice. We have our ways of coping.

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I can help animals and humans to find solutions by helping to find out what kind of strengths they have..



Yes, I can relate to this very well. Mostly humans, but am a huge lover of animals and they seem to love me back! Is it a gift? I don't know.


I can only speak about myself but I am NOT talking about things like hooha or God or angels or ... whatever.. What I mean is that I can easily connect to animals and to humans. Call it empathy, call it that I am able to analyze naturally. I have some problems with the word spiritual, I am more down to earth:-))


I hope you didn't take offense here Mari...I was just speaking for myself... :)

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I used to have some more ability but Benzos have killed that. I'm a practicing with, but ever since benzos medication I haven't felt the same ability I used to have. I feel cut-off from my divine connections. I'm hoping once I'm through with taper it will return. For now I continue to burn candles and follow the esbats. (My tradition is most described by solitary eclectic with strong Wiccan leanings.)

Wait,what? You actually believe this?? I really really hope the majority of others on BB don't as I've taken a lot of advice on here and if they are as illogical on this subject as on others the advice is probaly rubbish. The supernatural has never EVER been proven despite many attempts . It's all hooha.


First off, you shouldn't be attacking people on a forum like this. People here all have fragilities and we are suffering from a scientifically proven medical problem.. What people find faith in is their business. If their beliefs help them make this trough I don't believe in ESP. I don't believe in telekinesis and that sort of thing. I believe in nature.


The supernatural i support is not tied to science. It is faith for me and I keep it seperate. I am the bearer of a hard science degree. Is the ability for humans to meditate scientifically disproven? Is loss of my ability to meditate with calm and focus and feel connected to something greater than myself really that unscientific to you. No humans do meditate and experience feelings and connections and emotional grounding. I feel part of something bigger than myself. In biology I am part of the biome. I am part of the fauna of this Earth. This itself is scientific fact.


Do the seasons change over? Does the moon wax and wane? I believe in nature. Does ceremonial celebration of that make me a nut job? If I feel this is something divine to me is that wrong?  Trained in geology  I know that I used to be able to feel comfort and connection at amazing natural features. I used to feel part of something greater. In nature I am a part of the whole. That much can be agreed on, can it not. On benzodiazepines I can't seem to feel connected or grounded as well as I used to. I can't focus to meditate and visualize within my brain. I respect and follow nature': cycles and celebrate them. My casting of spells is me attempting to focus my energy to a goal. Writing down goals, burning candles with runes as a focus for me to helpme get through things? I don't throw curses at people. I don't fly on a broomstick. I don't make love potions. All my rituals are meditation, are a focus to me. They are a faith I hold that helps me cope. I believe in some greater force at work. However, I still base my judgements mostly on logic. I used to have good instincts on the feelings of others but the benzodiazepines have killed that ability.


Do I have a particular love of tarot decks and runes, collecting them and using them as tools to help me think about a situation from different points of view? Yes. Do I believe a card or marked rock  is telling me my absolute future? No, no I don't. I build my own future. However as a tool of self-reflection to get me thinking a different way and considering other options they do help me do that. No, encouraging self reflection is good. Encouraging thinking, mulling things over is a good thing. Plus, I think we can agree that the decks are fun to play with and often beautifully illustrated. I feel fuzzy and my interpretations and thoughts and mulling over are blunted strongly.


On Samhain when I build an altar to my ancestors and celebrate and remember them with a ritual am I denying science?  No. Science has nothing to do with it. It's faith. I'm not making herbal potions to cure diseases and eschewing scientific things like antibiotics, and other medicines? No, though my careful experimentation has proven that horseradish and wasabi are great temporary sinus clearers Herbal tea with honey feels good. Chicken soup feels good when I'm sick.  :) Do I look at my medicines far more critically considering my experiences with benzodiazepines and do research on actual, trustworthy scientific sources? (I'm not talking Mercola or Doctor Oz BS. Again, science degree from the UC system. I know what an actual scientific journal is and I know how many twisted fake ones there are. (American College of Pediatricians Publications I am looking at you here as an example)


I found comfort in my faith and now I just feel disconnected from nature. I get times where it comes back. If I found comfort, awe and a connection with my place in nature while I'm in sitting in an eroded area of an inactive fault or feel a sense of power and awe near an active volcano am I unscientific? No. I still follow the scientific method. If proper evidence is given to me I will reevaluate my position on things.


As it is, faith by its very nature cannot be defined by science. It is a very different thing.


Also, you are on a forum for a poorly researched and often eschewed area of study: medicine effects and withdrawals. You will find a lot of pseudoscience here. You will find a lot of strange stuff when in desperation. That is just the nature of the internet.


I analyzed and researched the Ashton Method. The idea of homeostasis and slowly bringing down blood levels through a cross to a high half-life's medicine and slow dosage drop made sense to me. It checked out with my research and ideas. Yes, being a geologist biology and neuroscience are not my fields of study but scientific sense made this a good idea to try as cold turkey went horrific for me.


So no. I am not some hoohaa-brained nutjob but I don't  appreciate being personally attacked either and can we please just all be nice. We have our ways of coping.


Yeah I apologise if I caused any offence. As you can tell im a complete disbeliever but this isn't the place to debate this. Also I really wasn't attacking anyone at all and if you think me saying the supernatural is rubbish is an attack, then my friend you are far too sensetive.

Anyway Im hoping you accept the apology.Take care. RoB  :-)

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I have no spiritual abilities myself but my father and grandfather claimed they saw a ghost. They both worked as green keepers on our local golf course. One day they were walking home across the course when they saw a lady they knew dressed in white. One said to the other, "Did you see that?" Once home they discovered this lady was dead the time they saw her. Of course they could have had the exact same hallucination at the very same time. Very spooky..............
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I used to have some more ability but Benzos have killed that. I'm a practicing with, but ever since benzos medication I haven't felt the same ability I used to have. I feel cut-off from my divine connections. I'm hoping once I'm through with taper it will return. For now I continue to burn candles and follow the esbats. (My tradition is most described by solitary eclectic with strong Wiccan leanings.)

Wait,what? You actually believe this?? I really really hope the majority of others on BB don't as I've taken a lot of advice on here and if they are as illogical on this subject as on others the advice is probaly rubbish. The supernatural has never EVER been proven despite many attempts . It's all hooha.


First off, you shouldn't be attacking people on a forum like this. People here all have fragilities and we are suffering from a scientifically proven medical problem.. What people find faith in is their business. If their beliefs help them make this trough I don't believe in ESP. I don't believe in telekinesis and that sort of thing. I believe in nature.


The supernatural i support is not tied to science. It is faith for me and I keep it seperate. I am the bearer of a hard science degree. Is the ability for humans to meditate scientifically disproven? Is loss of my ability to meditate with calm and focus and feel connected to something greater than myself really that unscientific to you. No humans do meditate and experience feelings and connections and emotional grounding. I feel part of something bigger than myself. In biology I am part of the biome. I am part of the fauna of this Earth. This itself is scientific fact.


Do the seasons change over? Does the moon wax and wane? I believe in nature. Does ceremonial celebration of that make me a nut job? If I feel this is something divine to me is that wrong?  Trained in geology  I know that I used to be able to feel comfort and connection at amazing natural features. I used to feel part of something greater. In nature I am a part of the whole. That much can be agreed on, can it not. On benzodiazepines I can't seem to feel connected or grounded as well as I used to. I can't focus to meditate and visualize within my brain. I respect and follow nature': cycles and celebrate them. My casting of spells is me attempting to focus my energy to a goal. Writing down goals, burning candles with runes as a focus for me to helpme get through things? I don't throw curses at people. I don't fly on a broomstick. I don't make love potions. All my rituals are meditation, are a focus to me. They are a faith I hold that helps me cope. I believe in some greater force at work. However, I still base my judgements mostly on logic. I used to have good instincts on the feelings of others but the benzodiazepines have killed that ability.


Do I have a particular love of tarot decks and runes, collecting them and using them as tools to help me think about a situation from different points of view? Yes. Do I believe a card or marked rock  is telling me my absolute future? No, no I don't. I build my own future. However as a tool of self-reflection to get me thinking a different way and considering other options they do help me do that. No, encouraging self reflection is good. Encouraging thinking, mulling things over is a good thing. Plus, I think we can agree that the decks are fun to play with and often beautifully illustrated. I feel fuzzy and my interpretations and thoughts and mulling over are blunted strongly.


On Samhain when I build an altar to my ancestors and celebrate and remember them with a ritual am I denying science?  No. Science has nothing to do with it. It's faith. I'm not making herbal potions to cure diseases and eschewing scientific things like antibiotics, and other medicines? No, though my careful experimentation has proven that horseradish and wasabi are great temporary sinus clearers Herbal tea with honey feels good. Chicken soup feels good when I'm sick.  :) Do I look at my medicines far more critically considering my experiences with benzodiazepines and do research on actual, trustworthy scientific sources? (I'm not talking Mercola or Doctor Oz BS. Again, science degree from the UC system. I know what an actual scientific journal is and I know how many twisted fake ones there are. (American College of Pediatricians Publications I am looking at you here as an example)


I found comfort in my faith and now I just feel disconnected from nature. I get times where it comes back. If I found comfort, awe and a connection with my place in nature while I'm in sitting in an eroded area of an inactive fault or feel a sense of power and awe near an active volcano am I unscientific? No. I still follow the scientific method. If proper evidence is given to me I will reevaluate my position on things.


As it is, faith by its very nature cannot be defined by science. It is a very different thing.


Also, you are on a forum for a poorly researched and often eschewed area of study: medicine effects and withdrawals. You will find a lot of pseudoscience here. You will find a lot of strange stuff when in desperation. That is just the nature of the internet.


I analyzed and researched the Ashton Method. The idea of homeostasis and slowly bringing down blood levels through a cross to a high half-life's medicine and slow dosage drop made sense to me. It checked out with my research and ideas. Yes, being a geologist biology and neuroscience are not my fields of study but scientific sense made this a good idea to try as cold turkey went horrific for me.


So no. I am not some hoohaa-brained nutjob but I don't  appreciate being personally attacked either and can we please just all be nice. We have our ways of coping.


Yeah I apologise if I caused any offence. As you can tell im a complete disbeliever but this isn't the place to debate this. Also I really wasn't attacking anyone at all and if you think me saying the supernatural is rubbish is an attack, then my friend you are far too sensetive.

Anyway Im hoping you accept the apology.Take care. RoB  :-)


It was more the "you don't really believe this?" That felt personal. I tend to take offense easily and it came off as hostile but then text is not the best method of conveying tone.


Sorry for flying off the handle in any case.

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