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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

You will be OK (TRUST ME)


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I just came through today to tell you all that you will be OK. Sometimes while in the middle of the struggle you need to hear that,  I know I did. I've been off about 4 years now and even though I still have a bit of a struggle at times my life is definitely back to a bit of normalcy. I struggled bad and accumulated thousands of medical bills dealing with this poison. I had all the symptoms you can think of shortness of breath was by far my worst symptom. I also had heart palpitations, paranoia, muscle aches, severe depression, anxiety out this world, nausea, panic attacks and that's just to name a few. I felt I would never be back to my normal self and that I would never manage to finally get off the drups without dying. But I'm here to tell you that those negative thoughts are all in your head. You will make it out of the struggle and your life will go back to normal. Just don't give up, keep fighting, keep titrating the way you should based on your doctor's instructions.  Don't think for one second you need to stay on this medicine. You definitely need off. This medicine never helped me like I once thought it did. I experienced things on it that I could never imagined before ever taking the drug. You can do it I promise. If you need to chat or have questions feel free to ask me anything. Sometimes you just need someone who understands someone to just listen while you're going through a rough patch. I'm here. Good luck and well wishes to you all. I can't wait to hear your success stories in the near future.  :smitten:


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Thanks so much for posting your success story!  I've been off about 4.5 years now myself.  Healing can take longer than we'd like, a lot longer in some cases, but it does happen.  You're living proof of that!



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Thank you so much for coming back to spread some hope to all of us that are still trying to get off of benzos.  No matter how many stories I read it always helps seeing a new one and hearing about somebody winning this battle and living a happy life.  Congrats on how far you've come!  :)
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Hi;  really need someone to talk to.  I haven't got anyone that understands. I am feeling totally hopeless and haven't stopped crying in weeks.  I try to be strong, but it's getting harder and harder as time slips by. I am in my 5th month after quitting lorazapam after 10 years. It has also been 10 days since my dose of sertraline after a 3month taper after using for 8 months. I really need some hope as I a really am so disheartened by all this. I have lost all my friends and my family no longer wants me in their lives. Because of my withdrawals I have lost my job and have used up all my savings so am now existing in welfare which will be cut off in a few months. I have begged my family for help but they just keep telling me that this hell is all in my head and to get back to work. I have terrible shaking and y head is constantly burning. I have horrible rage and terrible itching at night. Is this ever going to end or am I going to be like this forever. I read success stories and wish it was me writing it and know I never will. My last friend in the world told me today that I need to get back to work and save money and get on with it and that it can't e that bad as I look fine. I actually give up trying to explain. I am exhausted! :-[
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Thanks so much for your story!! As someone who has been going through this for two and a half years, it is really refreshing to hear from someone who has gone longer and has succeeded. Thanks for giving us a link to your story. I will definitely read it. I'm so happy for you!!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


CONGRATULATIONS and enjoy your life!!!

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Hi;  really need someone to talk to.  I haven't got anyone that understands. I am feeling totally hopeless and haven't stopped crying in weeks.  I try to be strong, but it's getting harder and harder as time slips by. I am in my 5th month after quitting lorazapam after 10 years. It has also been 10 days since my dose of sertraline after a 3month taper after using for 8 months. I really need some hope as I a really am so disheartened by all this. I have lost all my friends and my family no longer wants me in their lives. Because of my withdrawals I have lost my job and have used up all my savings so am now existing in welfare which will be cut off in a few months. I have begged my family for help but they just keep telling me that this hell is all in my head and to get back to work. I have terrible shaking and y head is constantly burning. I have horrible rage and terrible itching at night. Is this ever going to end or am I going to be like this forever. I read success stories and wish it was me writing it and know I never will. My last friend in the world told me today that I need to get back to work and save money and get on with it and that it can't e that bad as I look fine. I actually give up trying to explain. I am exhausted! :-[

My goodness this sounds a lot like my life at one time. I lost family, friends and even my husband at the time and nobody understood at all what I felt on a daily basis. It was horrible and never ending. There were days, weeks and months I felt like I was in a nightmare and would never wake up. Don't give up, it's not an option. Just keep fighting and once off these drugs stay off. Things will start improving I can promise you that.  It will take time but you will see that light at the end of the tunnel. It's been 4 years for me and I am honestly not 100% but by golly I can laugh again. I can leave the house without thinking the sky is closing in on me. I can work again and actually date and feel normal. It's an exhausting process but one that is worth it in the future.

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Firstly, I would like to echo what Terry say's. Also your reassuring words are worth their weight in gold so thank you so much.


Can I ask if stress made you feel like you would never cope with life again and totally devastate you. The fear of just living and ultimate fear that you will never the the same again, whatever that was as I've forgotten. i was always an independent person, yes I've had my struggles but oh my, the slightest thing just sets me off to a place of looming insanity. Also the anhedonia, like happiness has flown away never to return.


I'm a single parent to 2 teenagers and have somehow managed to keep working. It is like standing on the edge of a cliff, although it does help distract (my job is not too demanding). It gets me out of the house, whereas I used to be a total home girl, now I often feel scared in my own home. I just feel like I'm slowly cracking up.


Thank you so much  :smitten:

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I just came through today to tell you all that you will be OK. Sometimes while in the middle of the struggle you need to hear that,  I know I did. I've been off about 4 years now and even though I still have a bit of a struggle at times my life is definitely back to a bit of normalcy. I struggled bad and accumulated thousands of medical bills dealing with this poison. I had all the symptoms you can think of shortness of breath was by far my worst symptom. I also had heart palpitations, paranoia, muscle aches, severe depression, anxiety out this world, nausea, panic attacks and that's just to name a few. I felt I would never be back to my normal self and that I would never manage to finally get off the drups without dying. But I'm here to tell you that those negative thoughts are all in your head. You will make it out of the struggle and your life will go back to normal. Just don't give up, keep fighting, keep titrating the way you should based on your doctor's instructions.  Don't think for one second you need to stay on this medicine. You definitely need off. This medicine never helped me like I once thought it did. I experienced things on it that I could never imagined before ever taking the drug. You can do it I promise. If you need to chat or have questions feel free to ask me anything. Sometimes you just need someone who understands someone to just listen while you're going through a rough patch. I'm here. Good luck and well wishes to you all. I can't wait to hear your success stories in the near future.  :smitten:


I needed these words today...I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and that medicine is the one who is in charge in my life. For a week ago I had 30 symptoms in one day... : Thnx for sharing  :smitten:

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Hi;  really need someone to talk to.  I haven't got anyone that understands. I am feeling totally hopeless and haven't stopped crying in weeks.  I try to be strong, but it's getting harder and harder as time slips by. I am in my 5th month after quitting lorazapam after 10 years. It has also been 10 days since my dose of sertraline after a 3month taper after using for 8 months. I really need some hope as I a really am so disheartened by all this. I have lost all my friends and my family no longer wants me in their lives. Because of my withdrawals I have lost my job and have used up all my savings so am now existing in welfare which will be cut off in a few months. I have begged my family for help but they just keep telling me that this hell is all in my head and to get back to work. I have terrible shaking and y head is constantly burning. I have horrible rage and terrible itching at night. Is this ever going to end or am I going to be like this forever. I read success stories and wish it was me writing it and know I never will. My last friend in the world told me today that I need to get back to work and save money and get on with it and that it can't e that bad as I look fine. I actually give up trying to explain. I am exhausted! :-[


Hi!! dont give up!! you made it to be off with benzo, congrats to you!!  you are now on recovery I know it will get better.  Say thank you to your friends who leave you in difficult times,  you can gain more friend, health, self confidence, happiness, new job and everything once your healed.  try to cope for now those physical symptoms will go away slowly day by day.  So be strong and keep fighting, dont think about negative thoughts it gives you more anxiety .    Good Luck and GOD BLESS!!



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Firstly, I would like to echo what Terry say's. Also your reassuring words are worth their weight in gold so thank you so much.


Can I ask if stress made you feel like you would never cope with life again and totally devastate you. The fear of just living and ultimate fear that you will never the the same again, whatever that was as I've forgotten. i was always an independent person, yes I've had my struggles but oh my, the slightest thing just sets me off to a place of looming insanity. Also the anhedonia, like happiness has flown away never to return.


I'm a single parent to 2 teenagers and have somehow managed to keep working. It is like standing on the edge of a cliff, although it does help distract (my job is not too demanding). It gets me out of the house, whereas I used to be a total home girl, now I often feel scared in my own home. I just feel like I'm slowly cracking up.


Thank you so much  :smitten:


Yes yes yes yes. Stress actually revs up my symptoms still to this day. If I have a stressful day my fear and anxiety goes thru the roof. But the thing of it is now I'm back to some what of my normal sex that I know what it is and I can  cope very well now. Distraction and acceptance is a must now for me. No matter how I feel I don't let it stop me from having a normal day. I make myself get up, I go to the gym, shopping or just listening to music and riding.  But the more I distract myself the more my symptoms fade away.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you for replying. My itchiness has subsided and my burning head isn't all day now, but now I can't stop crying or thinking of the things I wish I could change from the past. Things I did wrong and things that happened to me. I know I can't change the past and I don't know why these memories are hUnting me now. Not good memories, just bad. I can't seem to shake them. This starts the things from the anger and then it just goes all day. Is this normal I. Wjthdrawals or is this my new life? 
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  • 2 weeks later...
I so needed to hear this.  Feel like I will never be the normal me again. Feel so powerless over the anxiety. Fight, fight, fight...I keep telling myself this. I have to!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so very much! 

Shortness of breath and just breathing or feeling like I can't is my very worst Sx as well..... 

Honestly I will be recovered enough when this Sx leaves me..

I'm almost 33 months now.  Any suggestions on coping with this 24/7 feeling that I can't breathe?


So very happy for you ❤️

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Oh my gosh, Inashandbasket...  I just had to comment that I felt the exact same way.  Every single thing I'd done to anyone, or that they had done to hurt me, came to my mind with a vengeance.  All I felt was anger and rage and guilt.  It's definitely a symptom, and a mighty strange one.  I could not bring my mind out of the past and all my memories were dark and I blamed myself for everything.  Oh, how I wanted to go back and fix everything, and I'd have had to go back 45 years to fix some of those mistakes; and, I sure wouldn't want to live these years over again.  :)  My life felt like one complete mess...  I was convinced that I could never overcome how bad things had gotten, and that it was all my fault.  When you've recovered, or in a window, you'll realize that those feelings are gone...  they just vanish.  Please try to have a good thought and find a way to cope so that you can stop kicking yourself...  if you are anything like me, the regrets keep you up at night.  Please know that this is just a symptom and that you're the same good person you used to be...  it's just the lack of gaba messing with you.  It'll go away, but to cope in the meantime, force yourself to say something nice to yourself whenever you can.  These are just intrusive thoughts.  They're hard to distract from, but keep trying.  A strategy I used to get to sleep at night was to tell myself to stop thinking about how I felt and, instead, think about what I know.  I know that I am good.  I know that I am safe.  I know that I am loved.  I had to repeat a mantra of:  Feelings aren't facts.  It will go away like all the other symptoms.  I wish you a speedy recovery and hope these symptoms lift for you soon.


Thank you, Thegiftoflife, for sharing your story.  There's always so much to learn about everyone's journey.  I'm so glad you're healed and wish you every happiness.


Hugs to you,



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