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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Suppliments and diet for a faster and better recovery! Road to 1000% healed!


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We all have one thing on common, we've been hit by the benzo truck, it's as real as being in a serious car accident, or having a serious injury. This means we all have to recover, slowly and steadily. This road presents many many issues and challenges, but with the right mindset and recovery-plan you will succeed. Not only succeed, but reach 1000% fitness!! I promise you that.


A lot of people will tell you it's all in you're mind, well they are wrong. You're body literally thinks it's under attack and injured. And is responding to that. This reaction will last for a long time, no matter what you're GP says. I took me 3 years to get here. It might take you shorter or longer, it doesn't really matter, you will get there in the end.


I'm just an ordinary guy, not special in any shape or form, i only have one advantage, I'm a former athlete. This mean i know a lot about supplements, food, diet, body and brain. I used all the knowledge i had through my recovery process. This helped me get back to 100% then a 1000%!!!! You will be a better version of yourself after this recovery. You have experienced something most people never will. You will be stronger and better than ever!


If anyone tells you you'll never be back to normal or never be back to 100% ignore them, i was on benzo's for a decade, pretty high doses. 40mg Diazapam and 70mg Oxazapam. And if i managed to get back to 100%, so will you!  :)


Lets get right into it, in this post i will tell you what i used during my taper and recovery process. It's very important you do this process as well as possible. Make sure you have time for yourself, if you don't, make time! This is you're body, you're life and you're future. Investing time in you're health is priority number 1!


I was lucky, because i had have my own business, and didn't have to go to work during this process. Make sure you tell you're family, friends and employer aboutyou're situation. Take you're time, don't rush and get all the support you can from the people around you. Don't hang about with negative people, ignore them. Surround yourself with the people you trust and love, no one else matters during this process.



Sleep: Yes i know, it sound rudimentary. But sleep is alpha-omega! Without sleep anything you do or eat will be for nothing. Make sure you get sleep. I had extreme insomnia during my taper and recovery, i solved the issue with old-school allergy meds. Go yo you're doctor and ask for some too if you can't sleep. Old antihistamines meds. They are 100% safe and nonaddictive.

If that doesn't work get something else, what ever it takes, you need sleep! You can try melatonin or Valerian. Just make sure whatever you get, it's NON- ADDICTIVE. We're not going to swap one addiction with another.


Routine: This is important for you during the recovery. Even if you're not going to work you need routine. You will sleep better and wake up feeling better. And you get the sense that you have a purpose in life. It can be anything really, going for a walk, reading something, writing something, exercise, puzzle, organize something, literally anything you want that feel like a chore. I used to force myself to exercise, it helped a lot and also i played a lot of chess even when my brain was fogy. I wrote a lot and a started reading a lot.




Don't take you're multivitamin: Yes, that's right, the thing doctors and big pharma have been forcing us to take for years  and years is a complete waste of money and health. In fact, multivitamins are a trigger for anxiety and panic attacks. Certain minerals and vitamins found in multivitamins are triggers, like vitamin B3 (niacin) and B5 stimulate the brain, in the wrong way. Causing more anxiety.

The same goes for Magnesium and Zinc. Avoid them! Most people are NOT deficient in these minerals, and taking an excess of these will cause heart palps, diarrhea and trigger attacks. A simple blood test will show if you're deficient or not, but i can yell you right now, you're probably not.


Vitamin D: One of the most important vitamins for us humans, it's essential for our well being, it's been studied more than any other vitamin. I recommend you take at least 2000IU every day, unless you are outside most of the day you're not getting enough vitamin D. We humans evolved in the plains of Africa, getting about 12 hours of stinging hot sun every day. Up until the 20th century we humans were outside in the sun about 6 hour more in average than today! No wonder most of us are deficient on vitamin D. If you find yourself inside a lot take 4000IU every day. You can find vitamin D verywhere, very cheap. Make sure to get Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D is also calming and supports you're immune system, this is much needed during the recovery process.


l-theanine: This is a brilliant amino acid that really helps you're body relax, it's found in green tea and is very very popular in Japan and other Asian countries. This supplement is also very cheap and can be found almost anywhere. Find 100%  pure powder and take a tiny scoop when you feel like it, i took it 1-2 two times a day. Put it in you're tea or just water, it doesn't really matter. It's a 100% safe supplement so don't worry. It will help you relax during this tense taper and recovery process.


Creatine: Really? Creatine? Yes, that's right. Not only athletes or bodybuilders should take this supplement. It's an organic amino acid found in our body, and is almost always very depleted in people from the west. This has to do with our shitty diet and lifestyle. It's really important that we have this in our body as it helps us focus and build helps our muscles work properly. After taking Creatine for a month my brain-fog was completely gone and the muscle ache got a lot better. Find natural powder, in you're health shop, buy an expensive brand, with this supplement it's about quality, not quantity. Ask the person in the counter, get one of the best ones. I still have my small box of creatine, it will last you for years, you don't have to take it every day, twice a week will do, take small amounts, follow the guidelines in the box, and then half the dose they recommend.  :)


Dinner time! I eat a lot of fish, i love fish so that's an advantage. Fish is easy to digest and have a lot of good protein, and also they contain omega-3 that will help you with the recovery. Get some salmon or cod, i ate a lot of sushi also.


Some suggestions:

Fish (any kind is good)


Wholegrain pasta

Chicken fillet

Pasta salad


Avocado pasta mix

Chicken soup

Egg omelet with kale and spinache + rice.


No dairy! The dairy companies did a really good job in the 50s and 60s marketing milk, so good so that we still believe that dairy is good for us. IT'S NOT! So stop drinking cow milk all together. There are plenty of different options out there for you. Did you know that aalmonds, kale, oranges, figs, spinach, collard greens and soy contains more than enough calcium? You don't have to ruin you're body with dairy to get enough calcium, like the dairy companies want you to believe. It's cow-shit and you shouldn't listen to them.


THE Smoothie: So during my taper and recovery i stopped eating bread all together. It's not good for our body and hurts our digestive system. I'm not saying you have to, but stopping eating bread will help you digest food better and you're uptake of supplements will be faster and better.


I drank this smoothie every day for 1 year. I was my one and only joy during this painful period, i know it sounds pathetic but hey, we take what we get.




One banana

Almond Milk


Blend that together and you're good to go! I drank this in the middle if the day or at nighttime. It has everything the body need, protein, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins, flavonoid quercetin (natural anti-inflammatory) and tastes great!

If you have nut allergy use soymilk instead, or oatmilk.


Go fruit, berry and veg crazy! I know a lot of people are scared of the sugar in fruits, but we're not here to become models. Don't worry what so every about eating to much fruits, go crazy, pears, apples, bananas, pineapple, tomatoes, Kiwi, grapes etc. I eat a lot of fruit every day and night, makes a great snack and tastes great!


Go nuts (if you're not allergic) A lot of nuts have omega-3 acid's and a lot of health benefits. Especially walnuts and almonds. Get you're hands on them and you have yourself a supersnack!


Avoid candy and chocolate: During my taper and recovery i couldn't even look at candy without having an an attack! the sugar in the candy and chocolate was a trigger for me. If you can stand it, then go ahead and have some, but if you can avoid it do so at all cost. Candy raises out bloodsugar very very fast and that leads to a panic trigger.


Avoid caffeine!: This s a big no-no, i had to wait 1 year before i could even drink a bit of tea! And even then i was very limited. Drank 1/3 of a dark tea. Green teas are usually fine, most don't have any caffeine. Now three years later i can drink coffee, but i don't like coffee anymore, and only drink tea  :) It's more healthy too!


Exercise: This is important for you life in general, not only during the recovery. While on benzo's our muscles get very weakened, that's something you're GP doesn't tell you. You will need to strengthen them. I'm not talking becoming Arnold Schwarzenegger, just regular exercises. 15 minutes a day is more that enough for the regular Joe or Jane. The important thing is the get the blood pumping a bit and stretching you're muscles. If you feel like you can't exercises, then don't. Just stretch you're muscles and take a walk. Even if you're inside you're own home ,take a walk inside then. I didn't go to the gym for 1 year. I simply was too sick from the taper. I did all the stretching and exercises at home. Just simple push-ups and sit ups, that's all i could manage. And that helped ALOT! You're body releases endorphins and you feel more happy and well.



This plan got me through the worst period in my life, and led me to the best period of my life. This will happen to you too!

This plan is just a suggestion, people are different and no one plan will work for everyone, i hope you guys get something out of this at least. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

I wish everyone the best of luck in getting to 1000% health! You WILL get there, it's just a matter of time  :)


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Milkyway, thank you for taking the time to post this.  Actually your outline is a pretty good plan for life in general, not just when recovering from benzos.  So glad you are now 1000%!  I will be happy with 90-100!




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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!

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Milkyway, thank you for taking the time to post this.  Actually your outline is a pretty good plan for life in general, not just when recovering from benzos.  So glad you are now 1000%!  I will be happy with 90-100!





Thanks  :) After my recovery i found out i actually wanted to follow this lifestyle onwards. So i'm still following this plan even if i'm fully recovered :) And i feel so fantastic! You'll be 100% trust me, whether you like it or not ;)

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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!


That's a great idea, i love spinach! I'll try it tomorrow. I use the blueberries and strawberries due to their anti inflammatory properties  :)

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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!


That's a great idea, i love spinach! I'll try it tomorrow. I use the blueberries and strawberries due to their anti inflammatory properties  :)


Sounds exactly like my smoothie except i added Greek yogurt because i i need all the calories i can get. I have no appetite most of the time. Not say i dont eat but when i do it is like i am force feeding myself it takes forever.  :idiot:

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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!


That's a great idea, i love spinach! I'll try it tomorrow. I use the blueberries and strawberries due to their anti inflammatory properties  :)


Sounds exactly like my smoothie except i added Greek yogurt because i i need all the calories i can get. I have no appetite most of the time. Not say i dont eat but when i do it is like i am force feeding myself it takes forever.  :idiot:


That sounds really yummy! Sometimes i add nuts or seeds in the mix for calories, and even yoghurt  :) You're doing the right thing getting alot of calories, gaining punds is only a good thing in this case. The added fat helps support our immune system. So enjoy you're smoothie with a good conscience!  :)

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Thanks for the tips MW, three years huh?  I've got less than a year to go.  Will pull out that bottle of l-theanine again and give it a try. 



Sweet pea

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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!


That's a great idea, i love spinach! I'll try it tomorrow. I use the blueberries and strawberries due to their anti inflammatory properties  :)


Sounds exactly like my smoothie except i added Greek yogurt because i i need all the calories i can get. I have no appetite most of the time. Not say i dont eat but when i do it is like i am force feeding myself it takes forever.  :idiot:


That sounds really yummy! Sometimes i add nuts or seeds in the mix for calories, and even yoghurt  :) You're doing the right thing getting alot of calories, gaining punds is only a good thing in this case. The added fat helps support our immune system. So enjoy you're smoothie with a good conscience!  :)


Yeah i am all for gaining healthy pound right now and even a little unhealthy pounds. If it means maintaining a healthy weight lol. When i read your thing about your smoothie being your only pleasure during this it made me smile. Since smoothies have been my only pleasure thus far. I really take my time drinking them or sometimes i slam them down like a madman.


I just added walnuts into my diet for the omegas and such. I been reading self help books and one said they help a lot with depression so i been eating them up. I would eat fish but am to lazy to prepare it and it doesn't sit will in the fridge. Plus i am paranoid of Mercury. I am paranoid of everything. I keep putting off my dental appointment because i am especially paranoid of that. Last time i went i feel like it put me into a bad wave. :crazy:

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so with you on the smoothie i am addicted ook forward to drinking it every morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT one big difference I include baby spinach instead of the strawberries and blueberries........


So its.......



vanilla almond milk

Huge handful of baby spinach

(you could still put the strawberries/blueberries in too but add the spinach you will not be disappointed!)


Delicious and healthy way to start your day!


That's a great idea, i love spinach! I'll try it tomorrow. I use the blueberries and strawberries due to their anti inflammatory properties  :)


Sounds exactly like my smoothie except i added Greek yogurt because i i need all the calories i can get. I have no appetite most of the time. Not say i dont eat but when i do it is like i am force feeding myself it takes forever.  :idiot:


That sounds really yummy! Sometimes i add nuts or seeds in the mix for calories, and even yoghurt  :) You're doing the right thing getting alot of calories, gaining punds is only a good thing in this case. The added fat helps support our immune system. So enjoy you're smoothie with a good conscience!  :)


Yeah i am all for gaining healthy pound right now and even a little unhealthy pounds. If it means maintaining a healthy weight lol. When i read your thing about your smoothie being your only pleasure during this it made me smile. Since smoothies have been my only pleasure thus far. I really take my time drinking them or sometimes i slam them down like a madman.


I just added walnuts into my diet for the omegas and such. I been reading self help books and one said they help a lot with depression so i been eating them up. I would eat fish but am to lazy to prepare it and it doesn't sit will in the fridge. Plus i am paranoid of Mercury. I am paranoid of everything. I keep putting off my dental appointment because i am especially paranoid of that. Last time i went i feel like it put me into a bad wave. :crazy:


Pack them pounds on  :) I'm glad you can relate to me, and I too you! Yes that smoothie became my best friend for a very long time, some days i had two of them, enjoying my glass for hours, hehe. I binge on nuts even to this day, love walnuts.


The depression part and phobias/paranoia is a very typical symptom of withdrawal, but trust me, it will get 100% cured :)

I suddenly couldn't stand taking a blood test, something that usually wasn't an issue for me, so i refused to take blood tests for a year! That's how much benzo's mess with our head, but now i don't mind blood tests at all. The phobias will go away, and then ask you're dentist to be extra gentle with you :)

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Thanks for the tips MW, three years huh?  I've got less than a year to go.  Will pull out that bottle of l-theanine again and give it a try. 



Sweet pea


Thanks buddy! WOW, 1 year left! AMAZING! You'll be there in no time! You really should bring out that bottle again, a small dose is more than enough. :)  I take mine in the morning and night  ;)

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wow I am glad that its possible to feel 100 per cent healed.

I like that you have found your own healing plan, I am a big fan of finding our individual healing plan.

(for me magnesium and zink are life-savers but I am a proved lack of both).

Thank you for sharing!!


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wow I am glad that its possible to feel 100 per cent healed.

I like that you have found your own healing plan, I am a big fan of finding our individual healing plan.

(for me magnesium and zink are life-savers but I am a proved lack of both).

Thank you for sharing!!


Yes, and you will also feel 100% soon my friend  :)

Thats very true. Everyone is different, something might work for me and not for other, and vice versa. So if magnesium works for you continue using it  :)

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We all have one thing on common, we've been hit by the benzo truck, it's as real as being in a serious car accident, or having a serious injury. This means we all have to recover, slowly and steadily. This road presents many many issues and challenges, but with the right mindset and recovery-plan you will succeed. Not only succeed, but reach 1000% fitness!! I promise you that.


A lot of people will tell you it's all in you're mind, well they are wrong. You're body literally thinks it's under attack and injured. And is responding to that. This reaction will last for a long time, no matter what you're GP says. I took me 3 years to get here. It might take you shorter or longer, it doesn't really matter, you will get there in the end.


I'm just an ordinary guy, not special in any shape or form, i only have one advantage, I'm a former athlete. This mean i know a lot about supplements, food, diet, body and brain. I used all the knowledge i had through my recovery process. This helped me get back to 100% then a 1000%!!!! You will be a better version of yourself after this recovery. You have experienced something most people never will. You will be stronger and better than ever!


If anyone tells you you'll never be back to normal or never be back to 100% ignore them, i was on benzo's for a decade, pretty high doses. 40mg Diazapam and 70mg Oxazapam. And if i managed to get back to 100%, so will you!  :)


Lets get right into it, in this post i will tell you what i used during my taper and recovery process. It's very important you do this process as well as possible. Make sure you have time for yourself, if you don't, make time! This is you're body, you're life and you're future. Investing time in you're health is priority number 1!


I was lucky, because i had have my own business, and didn't have to go to work during this process. Make sure you tell you're family, friends and employer aboutyou're situation. Take you're time, don't rush and get all the support you can from the people around you. Don't hang about with negative people, ignore them. Surround yourself with the people you trust and love, no one else matters during this process.



Sleep: Yes i know, it sound rudimentary. But sleep is alpha-omega! Without sleep anything you do or eat will be for nothing. Make sure you get sleep. I had extreme insomnia during my taper and recovery, i solved the issue with old-school allergy meds. Go yo you're doctor and ask for some too if you can't sleep. Old antihistamines meds. They are 100% safe and nonaddictive.

If that doesn't work get something else, what ever it takes, you need sleep! You can try melatonin or Valerian. Just make sure whatever you get, it's NON- ADDICTIVE. We're not going to swap one addiction with another.


Routine: This is important for you during the recovery. Even if you're not going to work you need routine. You will sleep better and wake up feeling better. And you get the sense that you have a purpose in life. It can be anything really, going for a walk, reading something, writing something, exercise, puzzle, organize something, literally anything you want that feel like a chore. I used to force myself to exercise, it helped a lot and also i played a lot of chess even when my brain was fogy. I wrote a lot and a started reading a lot.




Don't take you're multivitamin: Yes, that's right, the thing doctors and big pharma have been forcing us to take for years  and years is a complete waste of money and health. In fact, multivitamins are a trigger for anxiety and panic attacks. Certain minerals and vitamins found in multivitamins are triggers, like vitamin B3 (niacin) and B5 stimulate the brain, in the wrong way. Causing more anxiety.

The same goes for Magnesium and Zinc. Avoid them! Most people are NOT deficient in these minerals, and taking an excess of these will cause heart palps, diarrhea and trigger attacks. A simple blood test will show if you're deficient or not, but i can yell you right now, you're probably not.


Vitamin D: One of the most important vitamins for us humans, it's essential for our well being, it's been studied more than any other vitamin. I recommend you take at least 2000IU every day, unless you are outside most of the day you're not getting enough vitamin D. We humans evolved in the plains of Africa, getting about 12 hours of stinging hot sun every day. Up until the 20th century we humans were outside in the sun about 6 hour more in average than today! No wonder most of us are deficient on vitamin D. If you find yourself inside a lot take 4000IU every day. You can find vitamin D verywhere, very cheap. Make sure to get Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D is also calming and supports you're immune system, this is much needed during the recovery process.


l-theanine: This is a brilliant amino acid that really helps you're body relax, it's found in green tea and is very very popular in Japan and other Asian countries. This supplement is also very cheap and can be found almost anywhere. Find 100%  pure powder and take a tiny scoop when you feel like it, i took it 1-2 two times a day. Put it in you're tea or just water, it doesn't really matter. It's a 100% safe supplement so don't worry. It will help you relax during this tense taper and recovery process.


Creatine: Really? Creatine? Yes, that's right. Not only athletes or bodybuilders should take this supplement. It's an organic amino acid found in our body, and is almost always very depleted in people from the west. This has to do with our shitty diet and lifestyle. It's really important that we have this in our body as it helps us focus and build helps our muscles work properly. After taking Creatine for a month my brain-fog was completely gone and the muscle ache got a lot better. Find natural powder, in you're health shop, buy an expensive brand, with this supplement it's about quality, not quantity. Ask the person in the counter, get one of the best ones. I still have my small box of creatine, it will last you for years, you don't have to take it every day, twice a week will do, take small amounts, follow the guidelines in the box, and then half the dose they recommend.  :)


Dinner time! I eat a lot of fish, i love fish so that's an advantage. Fish is easy to digest and have a lot of good protein, and also they contain omega-3 that will help you with the recovery. Get some salmon or cod, i ate a lot of sushi also.


Some suggestions:

Fish (any kind is good)


Wholegrain pasta

Chicken fillet

Pasta salad


Avocado pasta mix

Chicken soup

Egg omelet with kale and spinache + rice.


No dairy! The dairy companies did a really good job in the 50s and 60s marketing milk, so good so that we still believe that dairy is good for us. IT'S NOT! So stop drinking cow milk all together. There are plenty of different options out there for you. Did you know that aalmonds, kale, oranges, figs, spinach, collard greens and soy contains more than enough calcium? You don't have to ruin you're body with dairy to get enough calcium, like the dairy companies want you to believe. It's cow-shit and you shouldn't listen to them.


THE Smoothie: So during my taper and recovery i stopped eating bread all together. It's not good for our body and hurts our digestive system. I'm not saying you have to, but stopping eating bread will help you digest food better and you're uptake of supplements will be faster and better.


I drank this smoothie every day for 1 year. I was my one and only joy during this painful period, i know it sounds pathetic but hey, we take what we get.




One banana

Almond Milk


Blend that together and you're good to go! I drank this in the middle if the day or at nighttime. It has everything the body need, protein, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins, flavonoid quercetin (natural anti-inflammatory) and tastes great!

If you have nut allergy use soymilk instead, or oatmilk.


Go fruit, berry and veg crazy! I know a lot of people are scared of the sugar in fruits, but we're not here to become models. Don't worry what so every about eating to much fruits, go crazy, pears, apples, bananas, pineapple, tomatoes, Kiwi, grapes etc. I eat a lot of fruit every day and night, makes a great snack and tastes great!


Go nuts (if you're not allergic) A lot of nuts have omega-3 acid's and a lot of health benefits. Especially walnuts and almonds. Get you're hands on them and you have yourself a supersnack!


Avoid candy and chocolate: During my taper and recovery i couldn't even look at candy without having an an attack! the sugar in the candy and chocolate was a trigger for me. If you can stand it, then go ahead and have some, but if you can avoid it do so at all cost. Candy raises out bloodsugar very very fast and that leads to a panic trigger.


Avoid caffeine!: This s a big no-no, i had to wait 1 year before i could even drink a bit of tea! And even then i was very limited. Drank 1/3 of a dark tea. Green teas are usually fine, most don't have any caffeine. Now three years later i can drink coffee, but i don't like coffee anymore, and only drink tea  :) It's more healthy too!


Exercise: This is important for you life in general, not only during the recovery. While on benzo's our muscles get very weakened, that's something you're GP doesn't tell you. You will need to strengthen them. I'm not talking becoming Arnold Schwarzenegger, just regular exercises. 15 minutes a day is more that enough for the regular Joe or Jane. The important thing is the get the blood pumping a bit and stretching you're muscles. If you feel like you can't exercises, then don't. Just stretch you're muscles and take a walk. Even if you're inside you're own home ,take a walk inside then. I didn't go to the gym for 1 year. I simply was too sick from the taper. I did all the stretching and exercises at home. Just simple push-ups and sit ups, that's all i could manage. And that helped ALOT! You're body releases endorphins and you feel more happy and well.



This plan got me through the worst period in my life, and led me to the best period of my life. This will happen to you too!

This plan is just a suggestion, people are different and no one plan will work for everyone, i hope you guys get something out of this at least. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

I wish everyone the best of luck in getting to 1000% health! You WILL get there, it's just a matter of time  :)


Giving medical advice is not allowed. Feel free to post what has worked for you but can't tell members what does and doesn't work. What works for one does not always work for another when it comes to benzodiazepine withdrawal.  We are all total unique in this process. I personally did not have any problems with anything you listed to stay away from, with the exception of caffeine.

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Giving medical advice is not allowed. Feel free to post what has worked for you but can't tell members what does and doesn't work. What works for one does not always work for another when it comes to benzodiazepine withdrawal.  We are all total unique in this process. I personally did not have any problems with anything you listed to stay away from, with the exception of caffeine.


Yes, that's true, it's a very individual process. It'a also a trial and error process. Like caffeine, some people might find it helpful during recovery.


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I can't take vitamins and supplements....

I try to eat healthy, I work part time.


You can't take L-theanine either? If not, get some green tea that has L-theanine in it  :)

Eating healthy is the most important part, keep it up! :)

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