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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Im 45 days of oxazepam and sleeping pills also Benzo. I ate 30 mg total of them in 3 years. I taperd oxazepam in 4 months. But my sleeping pills they took away c/t. I struggle with that my eyes and brain not working togheter. When I try to read my eyes wont focus, the letters and word seems to bright. I cant look at anything , because my eyes wont focus. I cant look at TV because its going to fast for my eyes and brain. Same with driving and just sittning in the car. It seems like something its front of my sight all the time, can not see clearly. I cant talk on the Phone because when I do that everything around me feels like a dream and I can not focus my eyes when I talk. Whats wrong with me? I have brainfog all the time. Cant think and forgotten things all the time. When Im writing this I dont remeber what I have writing. Every morning when I wake upp I dont know where I am, it takes several minutes before I know where I am. It freaks me out. I have jumping blood preesure all the time. I also have PTSD and unstable personality as diagnosis. I am so scared. I dont know its only in my imagination or if its withdrawl or only my diagnosis. I cant be around people, when I try to look at someone it feels like I am in a dreamworld. I see the person but everything becomes blurry and my brain want works. My eyes and brain and ears want cooperate togheter at all. Im going to loose my mind. ....
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Im 45 days of oxazepam and sleeping pills also Benzo. I ate 30 mg total of them in 3 years. I taperd oxazepam in 4 months. But my sleeping pills they took away c/t. I struggle with that my eyes and brain not working togheter. When I try to read my eyes wont focus, the letters and word seems to bright. I cant look at anything , because my eyes wont focus. I cant look at TV because its going to fast for my eyes and brain. Same with driving and just sittning in the car. It seems like something its front of my sight all the time, can not see clearly. I cant talk on the Phone because when I do that everything around me feels like a dream and I can not focus my eyes when I talk. Whats wrong with me? I have brainfog all the time. Cant think and forgotten things all the time. When Im writing this I dont remeber what I have writing. Every morning when I wake upp I dont know where I am, it takes several minutes before I know where I am. It freaks me out. I have jumping blood preesure all the time. I also have PTSD and unstable personality as diagnosis. I am so scared. I dont know its only in my imagination or if its withdrawl or only my diagnosis. I cant be around people, when I try to look at someone it feels like I am in a dreamworld. I see the person but everything becomes blurry and my brain want works. My eyes and brain and ears want cooperate togheter at all. Im going to loose my mind. ....

HI Swedishgirl,


glad to finally get you on here, help will comes now from others, i love you INP

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Ok, its so hard to explain in english, what i mean that my eyes and brain wont work togheter. I cant watch tv, because its going to fast. I cant keep up
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Hi Swedishgirl, everything you mention I had too and the stronger symptoms I had during the acute phase of WD. I went to rehab and cold turkey off Xanax after taking it for 15 years, after I got home I honestly believed I was going to die. I did not know anything about benzo withdrawal or this site. I went to every doctor and had every test run in the world which all come up negative there was nothing wrong. The doctor also told me it cannot be WD because the drug was out of my system. I finally started looking for myself and that is when I found out what happening.


That all happened 9 months ago and now I still have a lot of issues with DR/DP, anxiety, depression, fatigue, cognitive issues so it has been hard but we have to just get used to it and know it should go away at some point.

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Hello davis1. How long is the acute phase, im of for 45 days and taperd for 4 months. I almost only have this with the brain and eyes and ears left. I also have high blood pressure. I think this is permanent. My diagnose unstable personalty disorder also has DR. So idk which is which anymore. But its must also be benzo withdrawl?
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I was detoxed in rehab over a five day period after 15 years of taking Xanax. I think that probably make my WD and acute phase longer, or maybe it just took a long time. My acute phase lased like for about 60 days. during that time I was suffering from vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound, could not eat or sleep, I was just miserable. I still have anxiety, cognitive problems, depression, DR/DP. So the whole thing has not been any fun but a lost of the worst, the most physical symptoms are gone. So I think if you give it more time you will start to feel better. I think I'm a more extreme case then you are.
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Im 45 days of oxazepam and sleeping pills also Benzo. I ate 30 mg total of them in 3 years. I taperd oxazepam in 4 months. But my sleeping pills they took away c/t. I struggle with that my eyes and brain not working togheter. When I try to read my eyes wont focus, the letters and word seems to bright. I cant look at anything , because my eyes wont focus. I cant look at TV because its going to fast for my eyes and brain. Same with driving and just sittning in the car. It seems like something its front of my sight all the time, can not see clearly. I cant talk on the Phone because when I do that everything around me feels like a dream and I can not focus my eyes when I talk. Whats wrong with me? I have brainfog all the time. Cant think and forgotten things all the time. When Im writing this I dont remeber what I have writing. Every morning when I wake upp I dont know where I am, it takes several minutes before I know where I am. It freaks me out. I have jumping blood preesure all the time. I also have PTSD and unstable personality as diagnosis. I am so scared. I dont know its only in my imagination or if its withdrawl or only my diagnosis. I cant be around people, when I try to look at someone it feels like I am in a dreamworld. I see the person but everything becomes blurry and my brain want works. My eyes and brain and ears want cooperate togheter at all. Im going to loose my mind. ....


Hi Swedishgirl, and welcome to the forum.  :smitten:


I had every one of the symptoms you mention, (I've bolded the ones I had) and many more. The strange visual symptoms were very scary and bothersome, and in addition to the ones you me mention I had "minor" hallucinations, dry painful eyes, red eyes, and inability to read or watch most tv shows.  The words coming out of tv actor's mouths seemed unrelated to their mouth movements, jerky camera movements made me nauseous, and those are only a few of my visual symptoms. Some patterns and colors were "painful" to me and I couldn't stand the flourescent lighting in stores.


The point is, as strange and scary as they are, these symptoms are normal in benzo withdrawal. You are not going crazy!  These symptoms will go away as you heal.  This is from The Ashton Manual, Section III, which contains a full list of possible symptoms:


Sensory hypersensitivity. A characteristic feature of benzodiazepine withdrawal is a heightened sensitivity to all sensations - hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. When extreme, these sensations can be disturbing. One lady had to stop all the clocks in the house because their ticking sounded unbearably loud; many have had to don dark glasses because ordinary light seemed dazzlingly bright. Some find that the skin and scalp becomes so sensitive that it feels as if insects are crawling over them. Heartbeats become audible and there may be a hissing or ringing sound in the ears (tinnitus - see below). Many people complain of a metallic taste in the mouth and several notice strange, unpleasant, smells which seem to emanate from the body. These sensations, including an unpleasant smell (which usually no-one else can detect) have been described in anxiety states in the absence of benzodiazepines. Like insomnia and panics, they are probably reflections of heightened activity in the central nervous system. Such hypervigilance is part of the normal fear and flight response which is damped down by benzodiazepines but undergoes a rebound during withdrawal.


These sensations return towards normal as withdrawal progresses, and some people are pleased with the new, seemingly extraordinary, clarity of their perceptions. Only in withdrawal do they realise how much their senses have been obscured by benzodiazepines. One lady described how thrilled she was when she could suddenly see individual blades of grass in her newly bright green lawn; it was like the lifting of a veil. Thus, these sensations need not give rise to fear; they can be viewed as signs of recovery.


Depersonalisation, derealisation. Feelings of depersonalisation and of unreality are associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, although they also occur in anxiety states. They occur most often during over-rapid withdrawal from potent benzodiazepines and are, anecdotally, particularly marked on withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin). In these states, the person seems detached from his body and seems almost to be observing it from the outside. Similar experiences are described in near-death states when the individual feels that he is hovering above his body, detached from the events occurring below. They are also described by people involved in extreme emergencies and in individuals subjected to torture. They are clearly not specific to benzodiazepines.


Such experiences probably represent a normal defensive reaction evolved as a protection against intolerable suffering. They may involve a primitive brain mechanism similar to the "freezing" of some animals when presented with an inescapable danger. Like other benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms, these feelings resolve in time and should not be interpreted as abnormal or crazy.






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Thanks for the anser megan918. But it brain eyes and ears thats not working togheter. When im writing i cant focus around me, my brain and ears turns of. And when I talked on the phone my eyes cant focus and turns of. Its so scary. I dont think its normal. Im afarid that i have a eye sickness. Everything is so bright but somehow dark. Its so hard to explain. And when i looked at people they turn blurry and I see them in cross. Then when it happen i feel nausea. Im afraid i think im going blind, im convinced that i have som sort of eye problem. I have glasses and my sight has been worse. But its not just that, I think that i have retintis pigemtosa. I going to call a eyedoctor tomorrow. My optican couldnt see anything wrong but he or se cannot see if someone has that kind of eye problem. Could you recoqnize every symtom that i have describe?
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Sounds like your suffering from  typical withdrawal symptoms Swedishgirl. Use the search feature and I'm sure you'll find plenty of folks suffering from the same symptoms as you. When I ct from Xanax I had problems with my vision as well. It  was like my brain couldn't keep up with my field of vision. Every time I turned my head, my brain couldn't process the new sensory inputs fast enough and it made me feel like every movement was unnatural. Like you, Im also still suffering from cog fog. To the point that basic conversations are difficult to navigate. You will get better, you just need to give it more time. The average healing time seems to be about a year and a bit for most people but don't be surprised if most of your symptoms subside by that point.
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I checked my symtoms and it could be a eye problem, its called retinitist pigmentosa. I feel really afraid. I going tog call a eyedoctor tomorrow. They have checked my brain and heart and it was nothing wrong. I must check this out before om going crazy. I hope its nothing wrong, but im not so sure
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I checked my symtoms and it could be a eye problem, its called retinitist pigmentosa. I feel really afraid. I going tog call a eyedoctor tomorrow. They have checked my brain and heart and it was nothing wrong. I must check this out before om going crazy. I hope its nothing wrong, but im not so sure


I went to the eye doctor several times during withdrawal, and they found nothing wrong.  Benzo withdrawal symptoms can be very, very strange and scary, and at times they can mimic other diseases and disorders.  But generally, if you didn't have these problems before withdrawing from benzos, they are most likely from withdrawal.



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Also, I should add that withdrawal causes many psychological symptoms as well as physical ones.  One of these is extreme hypochondria, which is triggered by all the strange and severe symptoms we're experiencing.  We believe we're suffering from all sorts of diseases which we don't have. This was my worst mental symptom, by far.  My suggestion is that you not google every symptom, because this can trigger that extreme hypochondria.  A better idea is to use the search function, upper right, to search for symptoms on this forum, and you'll see that many other members have had the same symptoms and have recovered fully from them.



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I checked my symtoms and it could be a eye problem, its called retinitist pigmentosa. I feel really afraid. I going tog call a eyedoctor tomorrow. They have checked my brain and heart and it was nothing wrong. I must check this out before om going crazy. I hope its nothing wrong, but im not so sure


I went to the eye doctor several times during withdrawal, and they found nothing wrong.  Benzo withdrawal symptoms can be very, very strange and scary, and at times they can mimic other diseases and disorders.  But generally, if you didn't have these problems before withdrawing from benzos, they are most likely from withdrawal.



thank you ALL for being there for my swedishgirl...............

she is my sister across the sea, glad she finally able to join, dear sis, please do get checked it will make you feel better, and reply and lean and listen as the people here know thier stuff, all of us at Benzobuddies wont let u down, pls dont listen anymore on the the fb benzo forum we met on, too scary, FB not good for you, the hard core, been there, done it, are doing it, been and seen it all, benzo ppl are here for you now, i trust them now you will too, hold on and hang on dear sister, OK, we all have you in our hands now, we will not let you go, you finally came here, support and love will always be here, OK?

i luv u sis, let us know what doc say?


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Hi Swedishgirl, what I try to do in this forum is share my personal experience with other people and also post and get replies from other ppl who are going through the same thing.


When I was at your stage in the process I was very sick practically bedridden. I am at 9 months off now and I still have a lot of problems. This forum helps because my friends and family don't get it and they never are going to. That is another problem that comes out of it.


I went cold turkey in rehab in November 2015. When I got out I knew there was something very wrong but I could not put my finger on it. So at that time I went to visit many doctors and had tests run which all came up negative. Doctors also told me this was not WD. They don't get it either. But you know what it gave me peace of mind which I needed at the time. So take care of physical symptoms like vision problems by seeing an eye doctor.


Post on here for morale support, we need to give it and receive it from others.

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My sleeping piill...zolpidem = Brand name.Ambien, Edluar, Intermezzo, and Zolpimist


Well, some people have real trouble getting off that stuff. It's not a benzo, but still ...


Given time, most likely you'll get better. Try to be positive is the best advice I can give.

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I had some eye problems while on the benzos.  Confirmed with eye doctor.  Always better to have it checked out and then relax one way or the other.


C/T in November 2015 (Dave and I are close in WD time).  When I tapered off the Phenobarbital I noticed my eye sight was getting better.  Things seem to continually change.

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