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Progesterone - The most manly hormone for guys over the age of 50

Progesterone has many of its own effects on the body. In men, studies suggest that progesterone works a lot like testosterone, so much that it can even be considered a second male sex hormone. In a study, published in the book, The Hidden Structure of Interaction, researchers found that Progesterone is the most potent known inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  DHT is a known cause of male pattern balding, prostatic hyperplasia and prostate enlargement and cancer. By blocking 5-alpha-reductase, progesterone promotes higher levels of testosterone while lowering estrogen dominance and not over producing DHT. (Excess DHT is a side effect of estrogen dominance)

Lowering Estrogen with drugs like Arimidex will NOT block DHT.

Testosterone enhancement gels convert to DHT in Estrogen dominant men (age 50+)

Only Progesterone hormone therapy can lower Estrogen while lowering DHT and produce free Testosterone like all young males once had.  These young men did not go bald or develop prostate problems!  Why?  They were not Estrogen dominant in their youth like most men over 50 are.  Progesterone treatment is the only thing that makes sense for men over 50 who want their testosterone levels restored without all the side effects.  Estrogen levels must come down and so must DHT levels. Progesterone HRT treatment for men is the only thing that makes sense. Of course men need only half the level of Estrogen treatment woman of the same age require.

Progesterone Antagonizes Estrogen - Not only does progesterone raise levels of and have similar actions to the male hormone testosterone, it also acts against estrogen, much like testosterone does. Progesterone antagonizes the estrogenic effect on your body via multiple different mechanisms. One such mechanism is via regulation of cell metabolism to promote the oxidative pathway. This prevents conversion of the much weaker form of estrogen, estrone, to a more potent form, known as estradiol.

We know for example, that like testosterone, progesterone reduces estrogen-driven cancers like prostate cancer in men, and breast and endometrial cancer in women.

Do not worry that Progesterone will make you more feminine.  Progesterone could actually make you very manly while excess estrogen in men over age 50 is the hormone that carries the most feminizing traits. Amid the myriad of different problems, symptoms and conditions caused by estrogen dominance, it is also the single most important cause of gynecomastia. (Man boobs)

As men age, both their levels of testosterone and progesterone decrease, while estrogen levels increase. When high estrogen levels are unopposed by testosterone and progesterone, it leads to a condition called estrogen dominance. Progesterone treatment is by far the best way to fix this hormone imbalance in older males.



(NOTE:  Progesterone is one of the few hormones that can cause extreme GABAA genesis)


Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men?  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15669543

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Pro What??  :D Should I get some of that progesterone cream and rub it on my head? Whoa whoa there Birdie, slow down there...I'm still working on the Oxytocin thing. One thing at a time. Sooo, uh, You still keep some oxytocin around, cuz I'm running a little low.  8) Ahh, love is in the air. I feel like I could bond with a rock with that stuff flowing.  :D No, seriously....Whenever I think of you Birdie...My natural supply of oxytocin is flowing like a river. :D Joking set aside, Another super awesome post  :thumbsup: Between you and our beloved Perfect Daughter...The research you both have contributed never goes unnoticed. You are both very much appreciated and loved. 8)


Snowy :)

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Pro What??  :D Should I get some of that progesterone cream and rub it on my head? Whoa whoa there Birdie, slow down there...I'm still working on the Oxytocin thing. One thing at a time. Sooo, uh, You still keep some oxytocin around, cuz I'm running a little low.  8) Ahh, love is in the air. I feel like I could bond with a rock with that stuff flowing.  :D No, seriously....Whenever I think of you Birdie...My natural supply of oxytocin is flowing like a river. :D Joking set aside, Another super awesome post  :thumbsup: Between you and our beloved Perfect Daughter...The research you both have contributed never goes unnoticed. You are both very much appreciated and loved. 8)


Snowy :)

Thanks snowy,  I hope it helps Hanks man boobs  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Just totally kidding  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I still use a little oxytocin when I am really down.  Got to use it carefully and timing is SO important.

Progesterone is best used as a patch. It did wonders for my hubby but results take 6 months to peak.  He actually grew an inch of hair back on his hair line!!


Forget Flomax and all the other crap if you have a prostate issue and no energy and feel old and weak,  Get the P patch!! 

Google Progesterone for men and you will get flooded with info.  It's new age thinking and BIG pharma HATES IT since it really works, it's cheap and replaces about 30 expensive drugs for all the damage estrogen dominance does. Very effective.  For men it's a virtual fountain of youth.


The benefit list of Progesterone for men is too long

for this post but here is a few of the things it helps prevent.

Prostate enlargement - benign prostate hyperplasia / hypertrophy (BPH).

Risk of prostate cancer.

Urination - difficulty, increased frequency. Constricted urethra.

Erectile dysfunction.

Low libido.


Depression and anxiety.

Adiposity (fat build-up) and the redistribution of fat.

Muscle development reduced.

Body hair reduced.

Veins become less prominent.


Breast growth (man boobs)

Risk of many other cancers.

Risk of heart and artery diseases.

Stroke and heart attack.

Arterial blockages.

Diabetes  #2


Just do not over do it, more is not better or you will turn into Meryl Streep :laugh:


My hubby said the first week he felt the worst s/x until the "P" dominated over the estrogen. It's a battle for the first week and it's a bitch to beat back the estrogen and you will not feel so hot at first. But then wow, it happened! He felt like KING OF THE HILL and still does. It works! More sleep and less anxiety, after the "battle" and the Estrogen and Progesterone really do go to war, he felt it BIG TIME! Estrogen sucks in older males!! REALLY BAD STUFF!! 


P.S. My hubby never used a benzo but was a heavy drinker and I mean HEAVY! Since quitting the alcohol 3 years ago he said he never felt right in the head but NOW he does.


Progesterone and GABAA receptors have an extremely dynamic relationship! Google it, Just too much data for this post.


Bye Snowy  :smitten:

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Uhhh, Man Boobs?  :laugh: :laugh: Yep, Ive been working on getting those toned up for awhile now.  :) Moobs.  ;)


Man, Your husband is lucky to have such a smart wife.  8) (I'm sure he's smart too)  ;) I'm glad he is doing better. That's alot of great info there. I had no idea that estrogen was such a big problem for us aging men.  :D Seriously, I will do some googling like you said, but I do hold alot of stock in your words, my friend.  8)


Thanks Birdie.  :)


Snowy  :hug:



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Uhhh, Man Boobs?  :laugh: :laugh: Yep, Ive been working on getting those toned up for awhile now.  :) Moobs.  ;)


Man, Your husband is lucky to have such a smart wife.  8) (I'm sure he's smart too)  ;) I'm glad he is doing better. That's alot of great info there. I had no idea that estrogen was such a big problem for us aging men.  :D Seriously, I will do some googling like you said, but I do hold alot of stock in your words, my friend.  8)


Thanks Birdie.  :)


Snowy  :hug:


I always encourage people to do their own research for a few reasons.


#1.  Always best when you make your own discovery.

#2.  You may find something I missed.


I found a whopper report that stated they found panic attacks happened when hormones attached directly on gabaa receptors.    To long and boring for a post here but the data is out there and easy to find.


I suffered with panic disorder all my life and I wonder how much was hormone driven. I was a very moody girl growing up and drove my boy friends totally crazy as I recall.


Take care snowy ;D


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Just found this:


Estrogen Cream Transfer Effects

A few months back I received an email from a reader whose husband was inexplicably gaining weight and growing breasts. She ordered a blood spot hormone test for him, and his results showed low testosterone and high estradiol (estrogen), which certainly explained his symptoms. After a bit of digging, we figured out that she was using a vaginal estradiol cream within a few hours of when she and her husband had intercourse. In fact, she considered it a vaginal lubricant. I suggested she switch to a low dose estrogen patch, and recently heard from her that within a matter of weeks her husband had started losing the weight, and after a couple of months his breasts were back to normal and by the way, so was his sex drive. Curious, I looked up the drug information sheet for Estrace vaginal cream and nowhere in the many pages of information is there a warning about transfer of estrogen to men during intercourse.


The last thing that a middle-aged man needs is a regular dose of estrogen, even a small one. His testosterone levels are declining with age, and he’s already exposed daily to the effects of the feminine hormone through cosmetics and fragrances (his shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave, cologne, fabric softeners, scented laundry detergents). Then there are the estrogens in meat, pesticides, plastics and municipal water supplies. If he’s gained weight in the belly, the fat cells there are busy converting his testosterone to estrogen. With all of these factors working against his maleness, he’s gaining weight, growing breasts, losing muscle and sex drive, feeling moody, and spending more time on the couch.


Transferring estrogen to children can have serious consequences. For boys, who again are already over-exposed to estrogenic chemicals in the environment, even small amounts of estrogen can block normal development of male characteristics and stimulate weight gain and breast growth. For girls, exposure to excess estrogen can cause early puberty and menstruation, a known risk factor for breast and ovarian cancer later in life.


Estrogen cream is also easily transferred to pets. The most common symptoms of excess estrogen in pets, male and female, are enlarged breasts and weight gain.



Progesterone Cream Transfer Effects

Progesterone does not have gender effects, although it can “wake up” estrogen receptors. When a woman is in her third trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is producing 300 mg of progesterone a day so we know it’s safe for the fetus. Progesterone is also the most lipophilic of the hormones, so it is absorbed through the skin more rapidly than the other hormones. Progesterone opposes or balances the effects of estrogen, which is a benefit when we are exposed to so many environmental estrogens.


In spite of the relative safety and benefits of progesterone cream, it’s still not wise to transfer it to others who may not need it. We don’t have research on the effects of progesterone on children, men and pets, and it’s unwise to make assumptions that it’s safe based on theory. There are many men who use a little bit of progesterone cream daily, but hopefully they are aware of the dose they are taking and are testing their hormone levels at least twice a year. Using progesterone cream should be a conscious choice, not a random act of transfer!



ref:  http://www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com/hormone_transfer.html

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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real micronized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

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Just read your signature birdman and saw your tinnitus is healing. How long did it take? I'm 20 months out and it's really my last symptom but boy is it a doozy! Non stop, INSANE. Has me wondering if it's ever going away.
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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol


Snowy  >:D

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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol Where does she get them--Victor's Secret?


Snowy  >:D

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Oops, that didn't work right. How do put things in bold?

Well, I'm no computer Wiz like Birdie, but I just highlight it by hovering over it and left click the mouse, then I go just above and click the B for bold and that's about it.


Victoria Secret? Ya, I could be one of those models,  :D

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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol


Snowy  >:D


Snowy!  You need to stop wearing your wife's bra or they will just end up taking that shape :laugh:  kidding ;D


I stopped wearing my husbands boxers at age 30 :D:laugh:

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Just read your signature birdman and saw your tinnitus is healing. How long did it take? I'm 20 months out and it's really my last symptom but boy is it a doozy! Non stop, INSANE. Has me wondering if it's ever going away.


Tinnitus can last  5 to 7 years after the last dose and for some it never goes away but most people learn to ignore it with time.


Here are some articles and a video that recommend benzo's for stopping tinnitus which we know is a bad idea but never the less they offer the best scientific look at the tinnitus symptom and how it relates to the NMDA / BZD receptor in the brain.



Benzodiazepine Receptor Deficiency and Tinnitus






You and I both have a Benzodiazepine Receptor Deficiency disorder of some kind and I can only hope they grow back.

I did read one study that said sleep deprivation signals the brain to grow them back.  The study

was done in Israel where sleep deprivation is considered a non-violent torture method to get

information out of terrorists by inducing a type of artificial Psychosis and Schizophrenia (SEE German study http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/828576


The Israeli's noted a symptom in these prisoners they called sleep deprivation syndrome and

Iomazenil SPECT imaging found large clusters of gabaa receptors had formed after several

cessions of 72 hours with no sleep, These prisoners exhibited strange symptoms months later and fell asleep while eating, showering, reading, sitting and even fell asleep while standing even months after sleep deprivation had ended since they evidently had too many gabaa receptors.  They eventually normalized.


I tried staying awake for 72 hours once and noticed two things.  My tinnitus got worse and worse!  At 34 hours the tinnitus was screaming 1000% louder.  At 34 hours I was totally whipped and had to sleep. After sleeping and waking the tinnitus when down to an all time low.  I only did it once.    It was interesting and exhausting and screwed my sleep cycle up for 3 days. One thing is for sure I would not want to be a Palestinian prisoner. ever! :laugh:


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Oops, that didn't work right. How do put things in bold?


You are confused,,,  :laugh:  I could not help myself :laugh:


Do what snowy says  :thumbsup:

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Wow, that's depressing. My tinnitus is really bad. I may lose what's left of my mind if it lasts that long. :idiot::tickedoff:


I once fed from the trough of false hopes and promises in the tinnitus department.  Now 4.3 years later I know there is no fast fixes for the tinnitus part of B/Z withdrawal which seems to be compartmentalized in a different part of the brain than the anxiety which is gone.  I did heal but as for the tinnitus it's a different story. 

Ashton also added a special tinnitus addendum in her manual so even she knows it's a long term problem for many people and had to address it separately.

Post benzo tinnitus is a hard thing to shake for some people.  I had to give in and get an expensive set of Starkey hearing aids that play white noise and notched music from my Iphone right into my hearing aids via Blue-Tooth link.  They saved my life!  On the days when the T gets really bad I just turn up the volume to bury the tinnitus while the hearing aid feature lets me hear the outside world at the same time. Wonderful technology really!!!  Look into masking of some kind as it really works to comfort tinnitus by overwhelming it!  Keep in mind the tinnitus frequency you hear is designed by the brain to unnerve you!  It's not the sound you hate it's that EXACT pitch you hate.  Change the pitch and it will not bug you as much.


PLAY WITH THIS TOOL at  http://www.generalfuzz.net/acrn  and set of loud head phones plugged into your computer and you will get the idea. 


Too understand THIS tool see this video -


Wishing you speedy healing and finding some comfort while you heal.

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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol


Snowy  >:D


Snowy!  You need to stop wearing your wife's bra or they will just end up taking that shape :laugh:  kidding ;D


I stopped wearing my husbands boxers at age 30 :D:laugh:


If I do that, is that called going commando?  :idiot:  :laugh: Ya, yer right. I need to let the ol yard dogs run free. 8)


Snowy :)

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I could use some support too Birdie. 8)


Sorry, I can't help myself. :laugh:


Seriously though, wishing healing for both of you and the rest of us. :smitten:


Snowy :)

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I could use some support too Birdie. 8)


Sorry, I can't help myself. :laugh:


Seriously though, wishing healing for both of you and the rest of us. :smitten:


Snowy :)


Thanks snowy ;D

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By Dr. Mark Rosenberg

Could You Be Eating Too Much Estrogen?




Several of my patients, male and female, are dealing with a particular hormone imbalance of estrogen called estrogen dominance.  This means that their body is getting too much estrogen which has caused a whole domino-effect of problems. Too much estrogen in a woman’s body can increase her risk for breast and endometrial cancers, fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts and disrupt normal menstrual cycles.


Some of my male patients are also experiencing estrogen dominance imbalances.  This results in a whole other set of symptoms for a man like erection difficulty, depression, the gaining of belly fat, increased male breast tissue, or “man boobs”.  Worse, recent research has suggested that too much estrogen in a man’s system puts him at higher risk for developing prostate cancer as well.


I believe both my female and male patients estrogen dominance issues come from the foods and products in their diet that are giving them too much estrogen. I’d like to talk to you about how to avoid getting too much estrogen from your foods and the health disorders associated with it.


Natural and Synthetic Estrogens in Your Foods


Like you, most of my patients try to follow a healthy diet.  They eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and consume a fair amount of animal proteins (beef, chicken, etc) to keep their muscles strong.  Now, for the most part that type of diet is fine, well and good.  However, certain types of vegetables and animal proteins may also contribute to estrogen dominance.


The following are some foods that contain a fair amount of phytoestrogens, or natural, plant estrogen; and synthetic estrogen – man made compounds put into animal feed to stimulate appetite and weight gain. Phytoestrogens do not act the same as synthetic estrogen in the human body. Their hormone stimulating effects are much weaker and can have a self-regulatory effect if natural estrogen blockers (see below) are eaten with them.  However, if you are having problems with estrogen dominance, you may want to omit, or limit, these foods until your system is re-balanced.  Then, re-add them slowly in small quantities.


Synthetic estrogens have a much stronger, stimulating effect and are not cleared very quickly from the body.  They store in fat cells and can really throw hormones out of balance and initiate serious disorders, in both men and women, like those I mentioned earlier.


Phytoestrogens: Legumes:  Foods like soy flour, soybeans, soy protein powder, tofu; black-eyed peas, chick peas (garbanzo beans), red beans, split peas.  Seeds: Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, anise seeds.  Fruits:  Apples, plums, dates, tomatoes, cherries.  Vegetables:  Beets, peppers, carrots, eggplant, sweet potatoes (yams), celery.  Grains:  Wheat, barley, rice. Beer.  I recommend only herbicide-free organic produce as synthetic estrogens – atrazine and dieldrin – may also be present in commercially grown produce.


Synthetic estrogens:  Dairy, beef.  These food sources contain man-made estrogens that have been mixed into the feed that cows eat. It stores in their fat and muscle fibers and is passed into the milk. The FDA claims it does not permit the use of added hormones in pork or poultry (chicken, eggs, turkey), so these foods should be estrogen-free.  However, I recommend eating only grass-fed beef and organic free-range poultry, and organically fed pork.  Read labels. You may also get synthetic estrogens in the form of xenoestrogens – environmental sources of estrogen. Mostly these are Bisphenol A, or BPA, an estrogen that can get into your food from heated plastics.  BPA is released into your food when you microwave frozen foods, or if your plastic water bottles become heated and you then drink the water.  Be sure to empty frozen foods into a glass or ceramic bowl before heating also removing the plastic wrap.  Don’t use plastic food wraps over hot foods – use wax paper or place in a glass container.  Keep water bottles in a cool, dry, dark place, or filter your own with reverse osmosis filters. Atrazine and dieldrin are estrogen-like herbicides that can be present in non-organic produce.  Triclosan, another synthetic estrogen, is present in antibacterial soaps.  Triclosan disrupts hormones in bullfrogs.


Estrogen Blockers Help Fight Hormone Imbalances


Many foods that contain phytoestrogens are also good sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, antioxidants and other compounds we need for good health. We don’t need all the estrogen they may contain, though, whether it’s a phytoestrogen or a synthetic estrogen.  As I mentioned earlier, many phytoestrogens are self-regulatory – they can both stimulate and block estrogen absorption.


FoodTrients estrogen blockersTry to include some of these FoodTrient estrogen blocking foods to help remove excess estrogen from your body.  They include:


Cruciferous vegetables:  Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts all contain a chemical called DIM, short for diindolymethane, a compound that naturally binds to estrogen and removes it from the body.


Citrus fruits: Contain flavonoids that help regulate hormones.  Tea and coffee also contain an offshoot of flavonoids – flavones – that do the same.


Herbs: Many of these are found in estrogen-blocking supplements. Turmeric, passionflower (contains Chrysin), resveratrol, fenugreek, epimedium, tribulis terrestris, help reduce excess estrogens by blocking the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen in men.


Estrogen dominance in both men and women has become a real health concern.  It’s important for us to become aware that the foods, and food-products, we use are not contributing to this problem as it can have far-reaching health side effects. If you are a man or woman who feels you may be experiencing symptoms of estrogen dominance, please see your doctor for complete hormone testing.  Follow the dietary recommendations that I’ve listed here and you will go a long way in keeping your hormones balanced and your health safeguarded!


Stay Well,


Mark Rosenberg, M.D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A case of estrogen dominance  (Why Testosterone only treatment fails in males)


Men are often wary of taking progesterone supplementation for fear it will induce female characteristics. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is the hormone estrogen that is responsible for the characteristics of the female body.


In men, estrogen gradually rises with age, while saliva levels of progesteorne and testosterone gradually fall with age. Thus, with aging, estrogen dominance occurs.


A clear sign of estrogen dominance in aging men is their tendency to develop breasts. This indicates these men are low in progesterone and testosterone.


We know that the prostate gland responds to the hormones estrodiol, progesterone, and testosterone, and that a man’s progesterone and testosterone levels fall as he ages. If, however, his estradiol levels continue to remain high he should consider himself in a state of ‘estrogen dominance’. And research right now is pointing an accusing finger at estradiol as an initiator and promoter of cancer.


Excess testosterone can spill over and become estrogen, causing water retention, prostate enlargement, atrophy of the genitals, decrease in libido, and cancer.


Being overweight is another factor to consider since fat cells convert into estrogens which then stimulates prostate growth.


As we know from breast cancer research, insulin resistance leads to estrogen dominance and an increased risk of breast cancer. It seems to be that the same pattern occurs in prostate cancer.


Regular exposure to xenoestrogens such as pesticides like home and garden sprays only add to the problem.


Middle aged men are not immune to estrogen dominance that can lead to symptoms such as weight gain, large-than-normal breasts, gall bladder problems, anxiety and insomnia, and prostate enlargement that leads to urinary problems.



ref:  http://www.progesteronetherapy.com/micronized-progesterone-for-men.html

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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol


Snowy  >:D




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Just a word of caution.

The "NATURAL" progesterone cremes you can buy over the counter are total JUNK!  Must be Real mircoized prometrium from a pharmacy and that requires a doc visit and bi-yearly progesterone saliva tests to make sure your not over the "300" level as a man.

Ohhh, Now ya tell me.  ::) That explains why my Man Boobs are bigger than ever!  :laugh:  :D


No, Thanks for the heads up Birdie. Maybe I can hold off on that new bra my wife was planning on getting me? lol


Snowy  >:D


:laugh: That's good.  :) I love the Stillers.  ;D


Snowy :)

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