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His and Hers--Differences between the sexes


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Lol, women are amateurs when it comes to thinking about sex. Since I turned twelve I've never stopped thinking about it!  :D :D :D Seriously though it is pretty much a constant throughout most men's lives. abcd, I have to honestly say that I personally do not have any sort of intimacy with other men and I am incapable of it. I have a few very good friends but there is just absolutely no need for intimacy. When I want that I go to my wife, who loves me and understands me better than anyone. She is all the emotional support I need. I do have a deep love for my boys (I have 9 of them), but even that is not an intimacy. It may be cultural, as men are often taught to shun intimacy and to function without it. I know that's how I raised my boys and I think it lends itself to a man becoming intimate with only one woman. Sometimes even then a man can't open up and it ends up causing problems in the marriage. But I personally feel it is best for me to only be intimate with one woman because in reality I think I could love every woman. (Hope my wife doesn't see this!) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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I'm able to emotionally love a woman moreso than a man.  I had very loving and kind girlfriends in highschool and after.  My one female friend just adored me and would always hug me and stroke my shoulder and put her head on it and show how much she loved me all the time.  She'd pour her heart out to me and never say anything mean or angry to me.  All my gf's were like that, so I could trust them with my heart.  We'd go on vacations together and have a nice time and I wasn't afraid of them because I knew their nature and I could trust them to not turn mean on me.  On the other hand, nearly every man I've ever known has gotten angry with me more than once and immediately I quit trusting them emotionally and didn't want to have sex with them.  I knew the'd do it again.  I never really enjoyed having sex with men because I didn't trust them or feel an emotional connection to them.  I felt like I was alone having sex with men.  I always had a sex drive before menopause and was attracted to men, but now it's gone.  I don't have a sex drive anymore since I hit menopause and quit these pills.  It's completely gone.  I think I'm half dead inside now.  I have dementia now, so that would explain the loss of interest in men and no sex drive anymore. 
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Why do men like to watch sports so much?


I don't have any shows targeted for women on my TV at all at night ever.  What's with that?  I've got football on 3 channels, Barney Miller on another, Hogan's Hero's on another, Olympics on 2 channels, men's soccer on another, Plugging a book called Writing About War on C-Span, another station talking about war drones.  Walker, Texas Ranger fighting on another.  Richard Nixon on PBS talking about war.  Most women I know wouldn't be watching this stuff.  Who does the programming and why are there so many shows targeted to men? 

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Hi becks, girls like sports too! Sports give a non-violent release for men's natural competitiveness. It gives you a sense of teamwork and accomplishment and participating in something bigger than yourself. And there is that beautiful feeling of making a great shot. Get yourself one of those indoor nerf basketball sets and try to make some shots. I guarantee you'll enjoy it. THE BALL WAS MANKIND'S GREATEST INVENTION!!! This thread has gotten quiet so I'll say something sexist to liven it up. Actually my wife told me this---Men can be really mean but women can be really nasty! Any nasty comments, ladies? ;D
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Hi becks, girls like sports too! Sports give a non-violent release for men's natural competitiveness. It gives you a sense of teamwork and accomplishment and participating in something bigger than yourself. And there is that beautiful feeling of making a great shot. Get yourself one of those indoor nerf basketball sets and try to make some shots. I guarantee you'll enjoy it. THE BALL WAS MANKIND'S GREATEST INVENTION!!! This thread has gotten quiet so I'll say something sexist to liven it up. Actually my wife told me this---Men can be really mean but women can be really nasty! Any nasty comments, ladies? ;D

Yep!! I agree totally with that one  :thumbsup: and that's why I'd rather hang with the guys, and men have a better sense of humour and get it that your laughing with them not at them when you take to friendly piss out of them. I can laugh at myself but it seems a rare quality amongst  the women  I know more so than the men.  ::) And the difference between men and women is an average of 6 inches according to year's of research, so that's this thread sorted in a sentence of average length  ;)



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten:  :smitten:

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I don't know too many post-menopausal older women who like to watch sports?  When I was younger, I never watched sports nor did any of my gf's and I had lots of them.  None of us wanted to watch a game.  I'll say most women don't watch sports on TV, just from my own observation.  The only time they would watch sports would be if they were with their bf's or male friends just to be social, which is what I used to do.  I'd wear the T-shirts all the time, but it didn't matter to me.  It was just a flirty thing for me to do.  They need to stop programming shows targeted to men.  Every single show on TV here is targeted for men.  Why can't they put nice, non-violent shows on that women might like?  I participated in lots of sports when I was young.  Star pitcher and hitter in softball when I was young.  I used to throw the javelin, too, in highschool track.  It used to feel good to throw a good shot and win, but it was very short-lived and didn't do much for me.  After the game, it was forgotten.  I liked to compete and be number one all the time.  It made me feel like I owned the world, but then in the working world I got shot down for my competitiveness.  In the real world competing is dirty business and ppl. get mean and hurt others.  Only in sports are there refs who enforce the rules and keep the game safe.  Not so in the real world. 
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Becks, I think this might have to do with your personal tastes. We have directv and I would say that at least 50% of it is geared toward women. And there are several that are specifically targeted to women. Lifetime, OWN, the shopping channels etc.


Out of the hundreds of channels there are only a handful that I watch. I don't do much sports or news but even if those were added in most of it just doesn't interest me.


This is all driven by the market. They play what people want to watch.

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I can only afford basic cable, because I live in poverty on SSDI, and have only about 20 channels, and all of them put male-targeted programming on them.  They should mix it up? 
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  • 2 weeks later...
I will never understand women. My wife said she wanted me to be more spontaneous and funny, but when I surprised her by hiding in her closet and jumping out dressed like a clown it's all screams and panic!  :idiot::D
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I will never understand women. My wife said she wanted me to be more spontaneous and funny, but when I surprised her by hiding in her closet and jumping out dressed like a clown it's all screams and panic!  :idiot::D



Can't she take a joke?  :laugh:

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Well she has put up with me for 31 years!

I will never understand women. My wife said she wanted me to be more spontaneous and funny, but when I surprised her by hiding in her closet and jumping out dressed like a clown it's all screams and panic!  :idiot::D



Can't she take a joke?  :laugh:

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I'd have a complete attack if a clown jumped out of a closet. I have a huge clown phobia. Given me the heebie-jeebies since I was a little kid.
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Clowns are extremely frightening.  I'd be scared too if a clown jumped out of my closet.  I had a bf who used to do "boo" with me and jab me in the ribs all the time.  I would be relaxed and he would do it all the time and make me panic and upset my nerves.  I never knew when he'd do it.  I hated it.
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I'd trade my driving phobia for clown phobia. He was probably bullied becks and never got the best of the bully so he took it out on you. I'm sorry you haven't found a good man.
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That guy I dated was strange.  He would scare me as a joke and then he would laugh.  He enjoyed seeing me jump.  He was heartless.  He abandoned his own son who wanted to be in contact with him.  Sent a red flag up for me.  I met him in a bar, so go figure.  He swore he loved me and then he dumped me like a hot potato.  I cooled to him because I hated the way he was treating me and poking me and abandoning his son.  I don't think he was bullied.  He was tall and an ex-marine and laid back and not afraid of anything or anyone.  I don't think tall or big men ever get bullied?  I always believed that with men, if you were tall or big and muscular-looking (which could be fat) you never got bullied, but the short more timid guys did?  I always thought that with men it's about their size which determined who was the bully and who was the bullied?  I believe shorter and more timid guys get bullied the most.  Short guys don't necessarily get bullied.  I was friends with a guy who was about 5'2" and he was a star highschool wrestler and a roofer and in good physical shape and nice and everyone liked him.  I know he didn't get bullied.  He was short but he wasn't timid and acted confidently and acted like he could probably beat the crap out of any guy if he needed to.  I know with women that the size of other women doesn't matter.  Women don't look at each other like that, sizing each other up physically because women don't usually get physical with each other in fights.  Women don't like other women who don't want to be part of their clique, from what I've experienced and will then turn on them and then gossip about them.  I never liked women who gossiped and put others down and I wouldn't associate with them.  It's a mean trait to gossip in a bad way about others. They hated me and would shun me and ignore me at work then.  Ppl. can be so mean. 
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Men have willies, women don't , Well someone's got to say it ;) Its an acute difference between us, and you can't say nothing about boobies lots on men have them as well ;DFG personally I also rather poke you in the eye (know as putting you lamps out where  I live  :P) than do psychological warfare out its too much waste of a good brain man.  Well it would have been before Benzos wasted it,  ::)


I leave that to the bitches of this world, some men are also bitches but know as ''mitches'' a male bitch .  I also honestly have two  list,  ''Things to  when I am healed'' and ''People to do over when I am healed'' the second ones getting really long now. No psychology going on there, just lots of this  :boxer::pokey::muscle::boxer:.


Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Men fight and intimidate each other physically, women fight and intimidate psychologically.


Agree with that one, for sure, FG.  That's what I've seen in my life.  Women can be really cruel.  I never said nasty things about other women unless they did or said something to abuse me or other nice ppl.  I never started fights or gossiped or laughed about other women, but plenty of women would start talking down about other women and men just for the fun of it.  There are alot of aggressive and mean ppl. in the world, both men and women.  Some of the women at a job I used to work at would talk about one of ladies there who was mentally ill and make fun of her hair, etc. which I overheard.  She was always nice to them and never gossiped about them and wanted to be accepted by them, then one day she had enough and chewed them out on the job.  Guess who got put on the streets for 3 days?  Yep.  The nice lady who finally stood up for herself.  It made me so mad that I never talked to that group of women again.  I made the mistake of telling the boss who was one of the group of mean women that I was sick of their attitudes.  Well, she told all those mean women and then they shunned me.  One of them was my immediate supervisor and she would be short with me.  At holiday parties, I would sit by myself and no one would talk to me.  The women would all talk among themselves and purposely ignore me.  I've had that type of scenario play out over and over again on the job.  Just because I didn't want to participate in low-life behavior with other women and men, they would shun and abuse me.  No wonder I had to be on the benzo's just to sleep at night?  Just to cope with the people on the jobs.  If I were a man, I would have taken those women outside and slapped them in the face for abusing me and the nice ppl. on the job.  If I were a man, I'd take some of those men outside who abused me and teach them a lesson.  One of the men who worked there was a nice guy.  One of the mean women fell down the steps of her church and he told her it sounded like karma or something for all her gossiping and ignoring ppl.  At least men don't shun other ppl.  on the job from what I've experienced.  They get mad and then forget it soon after, but they still have their ongoing opinion about a person.  Many ppl. hated me on the job because I didn't like their abuse.  For me, I don't know who's worse to work with, men or women?  They both act differently when they abuse others.

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Why do women like male rock stars so much?  I love creative men who are musicians.  I think they're sexy and seem loving and safe to be around.  I dated a few musicians and really liked them, but it didn't work out.  My BIL is a musician and I really like him.  We always got along.  He was always very nice and kind and loving toward me and concerned about my well-being.  I used to love listen to him play his guitar and piano when I'd visit.  What do men see in female entertainers?  What do men think about male rock stars? 
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Women are attracted to creative men who have high social status. Rock stars are the epitome of that.


Men are primarily attracted to youth, beauty and femininity so female entertainers don't hold any special appeal. At least that aspect of them doesn't factor much into their attractiveness to men.

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  • 4 months later...

I started this topic awhile ago, but since we can't continue with the male/female discussion on the American Healthcare System thread anymore about men and women, maybe we can continue it on this thread?  I thought it was interesting to read the replies and learn about men and hear from them and other women.


FG, Could you explain better what you mean by a woman being agreeable?  I've known men in my life who would get mad if you didn't agree with them about stuff.  I guess that word bothers me.  I know men do like women who have a small waist and curvy hips.  Didn't know the breast size might not be such a big deal as FG said.  No wonder men liked Marilyn Monroe so much.  A blonde with a perfect body.  She seemed nice, too.  I wished I'd looked like her when I was young.  My one sister had a perfect body and a beautiful face and could date any guy she wanted.  She ended up getting married and has 3 kids now and is still married 35 years later.  She was always agreeable and rather quiet too and not outspoken and opinionated like I am.  Men don't really like my opinions which is why most of them didn't really want to stay with me.  I have a mechanical mind and could fix just about anything once I learned how to do it.  Men didn't like my giving advice about repairs they were doing if I had a better idea or figured I could do it better myself.  I don't know why, but it made them angry. 

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FG, Could you explain better what you mean by a woman being agreeable?  I've known men in my life who would get mad if you didn't agree with them about stuff.  I guess that word bothers me.


When I say agreeable I don't mean "agreeing" with other people, it is more about being easy to get along with.


I know men do like women who have a small waist and curvy hips.  Didn't know the breast size might not be such a big deal as FG said.


Waist/hip ratio is a big one. Breast size is an advantage in that it can get you noticed by more men, but at the end of the day it just isn't a deal breaker for most men.


She was always agreeable and rather quiet too and not outspoken and opinionated like I am.  Men don't really like my opinions which is why most of them didn't really want to stay with me.  I have a mechanical mind and could fix just about anything once I learned how to do it.  Men didn't like my giving advice about repairs they were doing if I had a better idea or figured I could do it better myself.  I don't know why, but it made them angry.


We talked about this before and I do think that having a "mechanical mind" can be a slight disadvantage for women. It goes back to masculine/feminine polarity. Definitely not a deal breaker most of the time though, especially if you have other traits that are more traditionally feminine, which I think you do.



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