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Taking the Red Pill- the importance of being aware of your own best interest


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The whole red vs blue pill can also be discounted as an "either or" fallacy. It implies that there are only 2 views of looking at things. What if both are wrong  :) or partially wrong? If anyone has studied fractal geometry, and how it's used in 3d computer modeling, one knows that the world is not made in Euclidean geometry and buildings are not simple triangles and circles. Our brains have ability to be creative, adaptive and ever changing, yet too many of us buy into self-limiting beliefs passed from a generation to a generation.


The red pill vs blue bill reminds me of Einstein trying to augment his theory of relativity because he did not like the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in Quantum Physics.



Whatever the thinker thinks, the prover will prove (Robert Anton Willson)


So, back to the Matrix. Maybe there's no spoon or the pills. The active ingredient in these pills could be administered in liquid form, too. As smart as Leo Sternbach was, it was quite naive to think that a simple compound with a simple molecular structure can fix the supposed "brain imbalance".


In retrospect, I consider myself naive and stupid to have thought that benzos are just synthetic GABA molecules to add to the existing ones in the brain. No, it doesn't work like that. Wishful thinking.


I don't really buy the better or worse times. Yes, it seems that the world is a scary place now, but a lot of that is benzo induced fear. Yes, there's Ativan and Xanax and Klonopin now.  But, before there was Valium. Before there was Miltown and Thorazine. The problem goes too far back. It's just that too many of us have taken more of these pills than our bodies could handle, and we're all suffering and remembering better times in life. While I was enjoying my life blissfully unaware of benzo dangers and not taking any, Matt Samet was at his worst. Honestly, when I first logged on, I was kind of shocked to see that there are people that have been on benzos for 10-20 years. It seemed impossible to me, but now I see how it can happen.


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For me personally, Jesus is the ultimate red pill for all, but I know how religious discussions can go. Just throwing it out there. I can debate religion as an abstraction but I know many can't. Regardless of your own personal beliefs, most people will admit Jesus was a great moral teacher. I would love to be able to sit at His feet and learn from the Master. But I would also love to listen to Socrates and Confucius. Great men not afraid to hold love up as the highest good, how I wish I could be worthy to be considered their disciple. Off topic, sorry. We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion...
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But what confused days is relative to the argument. It deserves mention without fear of being ridiculed.


It's against BB rules, Hope.

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I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I tried to keep it non-religious and didn't think it was confrontational. We're not allowed to mention important historical teachers as teachers? That seems wrong as I said nothing about faith or God and also mentioned two other moral teachers. Oh well, I've always been a rule breaker...off to the stockade with me!! P.S.  Thanks hopeandfaith!!
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You shouldn't have to be sorry. Your beliefs fundamentally shape how you think and view the world. It's absolutely relative to this discussion. Any one who tries to argue that its not is avoiding the very essence of what so many including myself believe. I'm sorta tired of tip toeing around my core foundation of beliefs. It isnt right to dis count this part of the discussion. It's a valid argument and one I also happen to share.
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It's ok, h&f. There is a faith board. Even though I tried to project it in a non-faith oriented way, it could lead to a faith oriented discussion. No biggie, I'll drop it.
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But it does exist?  And it's always 100% red?  Not ever pink or, (as Mutuuraia would say) "GASP" specks of blue in it?  Does it always remain 100% red throughout the decades/centuries?


I'm trying to think of an example.  I guess one plus one will always equal two.  Unless Common Core has something to say about that. :P


I roughly define red pill as "truth" and blue pill as "pretty lies" but it pertains more to the lens through which we see the world than strictly facts vs opinions, so I suppose in that way your argument that there is no such thing could be valid.


The main point I am trying to make is that when we allow these pretty lies to color the lens it is impossible to see things clearly and sends us down a path of destruction. Of course we have to acknowledge the nuances of subjective opinions and emotions but not at the expense of objective truth.


What I see happening here is a lot of emotional justification for ignoring uncomfortable truths. "Life is complicated" "You can't know everyone's situation" "Some people are disadvantaged"....all these things are simply emotional pleas to skirt the subject that people don't wan't to talk about because they have been indoctrinated to avoid being critical of certain groups of people.


Political correctness is a form of censorship. There are a ton of problems in the black community but if I mention an objective fact that even hints at being critical of black people I would get the same treatment I got here on this thread when I pointed out the problems with single motherhood. Do we start to talk about these problems in realistic terms, or do we tell everyone that it isn't their fault, that they are victims who are powerless to make positive changes?


One of the topics that Moyneux covers that has really opened my eyes is the subject of race realism. His point is that we have to acknowledge the differences before we can ever hope to solve our problems and live on the same planet harmoniously. I won't go into details but one of the big points he makes is that IQ varies a lot between the races and this disparity is a key point in understanding where a lot of problems stem from. But as long as society forbids these kinds of discussions nothing is ever going to change.


The whole red vs blue pill can also be discounted as an "either or" fallacy. It implies that there are only 2 views of looking at things. What if both are wrong  :) or partially wrong?


The point is that we can't swallow the blue pill without ever questioning its ingredients, efficacy and safety. We also have to consider who it is that is trying to get us to take these pills and if they are truly looking out for our best interests.


So, back to the Matrix. Maybe there's no spoon or the pills. The active ingredient in these pills could be administered in liquid form, too. As smart as Leo Sternbach was, it was quite naive to think that a simple compound with a simple molecular structure can fix the supposed "brain imbalance".


I don't think Leo thought that these drugs would truly fix anything. They were originally synthesized as a wood dye. It was discovered by accident that they had anxiolitic properties, and the rest is history.


I don't really buy the better or worse times. Yes, it seems that the world is a scary place now, but a lot of that is benzo induced fear. Yes, there's Ativan and Xanax and Klonopin now.  But, before there was Valium. Before there was Miltown and Thorazine. The problem goes too far back. It's just that too many of us have taken more of these pills than our bodies could handle, and we're all suffering and remembering better times in life.


If you are speaking of better or worse times in general I would agree. But I would caution that despite the fact that the world seems like a generally safer place, the dangers have not completely disappeared, and it may be more difficult than ever to spot them. We might not have to worry so much about a marauding tribe destroying our village, but I think we all realize now that we can be greatly harmed by things that are deemed safe and good.


I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I tried to keep it non-religious and didn't think it was confrontational. We're not allowed to mention important historical teachers as teachers? That seems wrong as I said nothing about faith or God and also mentioned two other moral teachers. Oh well, I've always been a rule breaker...off to the stockade with me!! P.S.  Thanks hopeandfaith!!


You didn't offend me but as with politics it's easy for a religious discussion to get out of control. I hope everyone can remain level headed enough that we can mention things like this that are relative to the discussion though cause as much as anyone might try to avoid religion and politics it is pretty much impossible to not at least acknowledge them in a philosophical discussion.

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Azalea, I'm so sorry this topic has hit such a raw nerve with you, I get it, I totally get it.  :( Just hugs, okay, big hugs, I'm sorry.  :hug:

Look after yourself and your own healing, just let that be your priority.  Stay away from anything that triggers you, okay.

:hug:  :smitten:


Thanks abcd. I hope Azalea sees this.


I second this Azalea. I get it too.


By the way, I think your mom raised one hell of a daughter.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Chinook  :smitten:



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For the record, my father was an alcoholic. We were always moving because he didn't pay the rent. We rarely had electric, phone, or sometimes even running water. I remember walking a half mile to the pay phone to call in sick for him. I grew up dirt poor with sometimes not enough food to eat. He abandoned us when I was 14. So I also know a little about single motherhood. I was a hellion and my mom couldn't handle me. She tried but I wouldn't let her. Acting out because dad was gone I suppose. It's a tough situation all around. I broke the chain but my sister didn't and now her daughter is also a single mother. So these things perpetuate themselves and it takes a real act of will to stop them. My sister ran around and got pregnant at 17 but I decided to not have sex until marriage. Now her daughter runs around and has two babies by different men and lives on welfare. It saddens me but if I try to talk to my sister she just says I got lucky to find the right person. Ha! Do you know how many fights we've had and how many dishes I've had thrown at me in 31 years of marriage? Luck has nothing to do with it, unless you consider how lucky I was to dodge those pots and pans.
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As soon as you mention the name Jesus, someone wants to oppose you and shut you up.  Jesus was a practical teacher and taught people how to live a life that would lead one out of suffering and into peace and tranquility.  Just like people write books today to lead people out of suffering, so Jesus gave oral teachings to anyone who would listen.  It's not a religious thing to be taught truths of how to avoid suffering.
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On the subject of women and men not understanding each other.....


Basically it's a feature, not a bug, and the red pill answer is that humans have survival strategies and it goes back to the masculine/feminine polarity I mentioned before. And a lot of this boils down to reproductive strategies. Much of what we do as humans is meant to ensure that our genes get passed on into the next generation. It's how any species survives long term.


There are good reasons why men may seem to be overly aggressive and poor at communicating to women and why women may seem overly emotional and chatty for us men. It can be frustrating and annoying but I can assure you that it wouldn't work any other way.



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On the subject of women and men not understanding each other.....


Basically it's a feature, not a bug, and the red pill answer is that humans have survival strategies and it goes back to the masculine/feminine polarity I mentioned before. And a lot of this boils down to reproductive strategies. Much of what we do as humans is meant to ensure that our genes get passed on into the next generation. It's how any species survives long term.


There are good reasons why men may seem to be overly aggressive and poor at communicating to women and why women may seem overly emotional and chatty for us men. It can be frustrating and annoying but I can assure you that it wouldn't work any other way.


This stuff doesn't make sense to me?  One guy at work once made a very interesting comment.  He said, "All men are dogs and all women are bitches."  Everyone laughed at that one.  How can men and women get along when they are so different?  Men are foreign to me and many other women.  I don't feel any kinship with them.  I think I was born with too much testosterone or male energy which is why I've had problems with men.  I was a tomboy as a child and always very athletic and competitive all my life, but not mean and aggressive.  A man's masculine aggressive energy always scared me.  I've always been intimidated by men.  In fact, I resented them because they would never let me have any input into how to get a job done.  I used to have a good rational (male?) mind and wanted to contribute my input into getting something done and they would never listen to me.  I've got a mechanical mind and used to be rather intelligent and could fix almost anything and wanted to use my mind but they would always tell me to shut up or not listen to me.  My one friend tried to get a plumbing job done here which I had done myself a million times and I kept telling him to let me do it and he got mad at me.  I knew how to get it done right and he didn't know how.  It was hurtful.  Alot of intelligent women get frustrated with men because they won't listen to them.  I appreciate a man's strength to turn a wrench and perserverance, but cannot tolerate their anger and temper and not listening to me.  I consider it abuse and putting me down.  My parents hated each other and got divorced.  My mother wasn't very gentle in her nature and liked to think for herself.  She had a good mind.  What makes for a happy marriage?  I never did see too many happy ones in my lifetime.  Most ppl. talk down about their spouses and gf's and bf's I've noticed on jobs and in their personal lives, it's like there's some underlying unspoken resentment between the sexes in our culture.  What the heck is it?  I wish I knew.  Why is the divorce rate so high?  I wish I knew the truth about this?  Maybe women who aren't feminine enough, but more masculine, have problems with men because they see it as a threat and one to compete with?  Maybe that's what's wrong with our culture now and for the high divorce rate?  Women are becoming too masculine with the feminism movement?     

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FloridaGuy, is this a Stefan Molyneux fan thread? You keep mentioning him again and again. I'm familiar with his views, and I do not like the guy one bit. IMO, there's some truth to a lot of his opinions and I agree with some of the things he says. But he twists everything in such a manner that they become simplistic and pretty lies, "blue pills" specifically for white males, many of whom spend their time endlessly complaining about the unfair treatment they suffered from women, the diminishment of their rights and white genocide on various internet platforms.
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I'm in a traditional marriage and my husband and I communicate quite effectively. We have been married for 20years. I am 46. I am aware we are more of the exception not the rule these days. At the very heart of our marriage is a mutual respect for each other. And for philosophical purposes I will just mention our fundemental Christian beliefs. Its the foundation of our marriage and a lot of wordly problems for us any way can be solved as we look to the biblical perspective to guide our lives. I dont now or ever have seen men and women as conficticted but as united and complimentary to one another. It's definitely a brave new world out there and I honestly believe its been the systematic break down of the core family that contributes so highly to so many of the problems we are facing.


Anyway, thats just my 2cents!

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I agree with Marcus Aurelius







Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Marcus Aurelius was the dude!!! Have you read any Epictetus, another Stoic? One of my favorites is "Men are not disturbed by things but by the view they take of them."
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Marcus Aurelius was the dude!!! Have you read any Epictetus, another Stoic? One of my favorites is "Men are not disturbed by things but by the view they take of them."

Hi C1, :hug: you've seen them all  :laugh: I have Epictetus the Stoic'' Discourses and the Enchiridon'' and  Marcus Aurelius'' Meditations'', great books but not easy to read when your brain's on warp drive  :D Not that their difficult to understand I love Stoic philosophy, but the brain can't remember what's being read and I have to keep  constantly back tracing re-reading things. ::)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Have any of you seen any Karen Straughan videos? Azalea and Sinnerman, although you dislike Molyneux, nothing happens in a vacuum. Isn't he just a reaction to what feminism has become? You call it endless complaining but have you listened to any of those complaints to see if they have any merits? Many first wave feminists have spoken out on the fact that feminism has degenerated into man-hating. It's not just white males complaining. For whatever reason white men were in charge of this planet for a long time. They made many mistakes, as will ANY race or gender in charge. Different mistakes, but just as evil. If men and women are truly equal then women have just as great a capacity for evil. Will seeking revenge lead to a better world? H&F congrats on the 20 year marriage! If you read my earlier post you'll get this joke: You're just lucky! :D
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Yes Nova, but the beautiful thing is much of their work contains mountains of truth in mere sentences. Sometimes just a little is quite enough!
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Hahahaha Confused.....ya I suppose I am...although I must tell you there is much work put into a marriage so to me it's a combination of both hard work and a wee bit of luck or better put but for the grace of God. 😄
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