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I have caused 2 car crashes...


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hi BBs!

What is the hormone or chemical that make us to be careful at dangerous situations?


In the last weeks I do not seem to have it...mainly during early mornings or evenings after work, I can have work anxiety, so surely I have cortisol, but not the other chemical for looking after myself.

I have caused 2 car crashes, they both were very mild, nothing close to serious, in both I wanted to give a lesson to desperate mad drivers, and I could do this thinking "this mad guy is going to hit my car but I do not care" then I stopped in the yellow traffic light...live in a town where most people do not follow traffic laws. So far the mad drivers have not crashed my car but theirs, one got hit because he managed to stop behind me, this happened yesterday evening, and in the other crash, the mad Girl car ended in the little garden between avenues to avoid hitting my car, it happened yesterday morning.

I saw my doctor and he says I am not mad, but in wd, normal to become intolerant at such extreme, prescribed Risperidone but I will not take it. No more pills for me.


I always have cared for my car and I certainly do not want to have it crashed, I do not understand why in the right moment I think, so calmed, "he is going to hit me, so let us go"  ;D

Other note: during taper and tolerance driving was a very stressful task, now I love it, even in severe traffic, kind of makes me to relax, but then I over-relax??? Up to a point of deciding suddenly to become a judge and risking myself?...the mad drivers were at risk already.


Somebody else is lack of this hormone/chemical as well? What is this?

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"I have caused 2 car crashes, they both were very mild, nothing close to serious, in both I wanted to give a lesson to desperate mad drivers"


^You need to be off the road. Your "wanting to give them lessons" is no more right than their bad driving. You should not be driving while you're thinking like this. Causing car accidents is not okay.


Am I reading this wrong or does anyone else agree? This concerns me a LOT.

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"I have caused 2 car crashes, they both were very mild, nothing close to serious, in both I wanted to give a lesson to desperate mad drivers"


^You need to be off the road. Your "wanting to give them lessons" is no more right than their bad driving. You should not be driving while you're thinking like this. Causing car accidents is not okay.


Am I reading this wrong or does anyone else agree? This concerns me a LOT.


no i feel the same way this isnt right...you risk not only killing yourself but other people too...this is scary

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I understand your concerns, I know I have to be more concerned, but I cannot, do not know how.

I am not driving for more than a week because I will be in a trip, but after that I have to.


So, What is the chemical I am lack of?

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No you shouldn't be driving at ALL as long as you are intentionally causing car wrecks. That is not okay. How selfish of you to say that you would still drive regardless when you know that you are not in the right mentality. You are putting other civilians at risk. I don't usually get upset by posts on here but this one has upset me a great deal. You shouldn't be driving, period.
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what scares me about this post is that u are actually causing harm to other people...most people in wd just have the fear of doing it. like myself i had fear of hurting my husband but i never went through and did it ya know...i was scared of the thoughts and just distracted them away...but ur actually doing it and u shouldnt be driving that is really scary because you are causing these on purpose. did u tell ur doctor that u are doing them on purpose...doesnt seem right he would tell u its ok because ur in wd.
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Clona - reading the comments in your post absolutely astounds me and I could hardly believe what you'd typed as you seem to be concerned about the state of your car, but how on earth would you feel if you ploughed into children at a school crossing, or just innocent by standers on the pavement, or one of YOUR own loved ones. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


I know they say we go through some strange emotions whilst going through withdrawal, but surely  you are not that brain damaged that you can't see how reckless you are to even consider getting  behind the wheel in your current frame of mind.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


Since I joined bbs  a year ago I have only read one other post that has so, Putting it bluntly, appalled me.


And as for the chemical you ask about - try a dose of plain COMMON SENSE AND DECENCY  BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEONE  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff::tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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Do not worry much, in here these crashes happen every 5 min, Because of the way that people drive. You have to be agressive when you drive in here or you can get crashed...Thus, these 2 people got crashed because I followed the traffic signals now and drove slowly, just at the speed limit. These two people were driving in a mad way.

I only stopped at the yellow light instead of accelerate like them did. We are supposed to stop in here, or how is it in US? Yellow light is for accelerating or stopping?  :D


The only What worries me is that I may get hit because I do not have the chemical/hormone needed for being cautious about a dangerous situation. Do not get too worried, if people crash because of me stopping at the yellow light, is their fault, not mine  :)

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BUDDIES - Somebody please tell me its not just me, as I'm not trying to be deliberately offensive, but I  find it hard to believe that someone of SOUND MIND just wrote that post above as it DISGUSTS me that this person seems to be almost bragging and justifies her dangerously irresponsible  attitude by blaming others :idiot:

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Exactly, you're only worried about YOURSELF getting hit. If anyone else happens to crash because of you, "too bad so sad". If you were a respectable person you would stay off the roads entirely until you are healed from your current state of mind.


You said, "What worries me is that I may get hit because I do not have the chemical/hormone needed for being cautious about a dangerous situation"


^ so you just admitted that you do not have the right chemical balance in your brain to be involved in dangerous situations, such as the driving conditions where you live. Therefore, you should NOT be driving. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and stay off of the road. Stop thinking about yourself for a moment and think of the harm you are doing to others. Unbelievable.

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this cant be real...i have been on bb for 21 months now and i have never seen someone actively trying to harm other people because they say they dont know any better this is just not true...people have thoughts of self harm or hurting others but again they are just thoughts they dont go out and do it...
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Well this is a crazy who is actively endangering others... she needs a reality check. That is not okay and she shouldn't be on the roads at all with that mindset... as she put it "teaching others a lesson".


Everyone who agrees she shouldn't be driving should tell her that what she's doing is wrong. Maybe it'll stop her, maybe it won't. But it's better than not saying anything and acting like what she's doing is okay, in my opinion.

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Girls, I am so sorry to hear you are so mad at my post. However, I remember that in US, yellow lights are for stopping also...in any case in here they are for stopping and mad drivers use yellow lights for accelerating and get through...in such cases crashes are more dangerous than those caused by people like me who stopped the mad drivers by respecting the yellow lights. Crashes before crossing the lights are very bothering but no one gets harmed, just the cars...but crashes after crossing the traffic lights at high speed are very dangerous, which are not the case in here.


I only want to know if someone else do not have the chemical oposite to adrenaline, what is that and how can increase it with no pills.


I cannot do coffee and sugar is not enough.


Peace  :)


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yellow lights do not mean stop...they are letting you know to slow down if you are not going to pass through the intersection before the light turns red...it sounds like ur stopping right as you see the light turn yellow which is not what you are supposed to do...you are supposed to slow down and stop when you see the red light...omg...and i have never heard of anyone in benzo wd being unafraid to hurt others or kill someone...its the opposite i dont think u will find one person here who has proudly hurt other people. this is not right like lila said u should not be driving at all and i do not believe ur doctor said u were ok to drive thinking like that because u are in wd...
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Your signature doesn't say anything about other psychiatric medications.  Are you on any antidepressants or any other medications right now?


The reason I ask is that the attitude you are speaking about, the detachment and risk taking attitude - as if you don't care about consequences to either yourself or to others - is something I experienced while on some antidepressants.


This is a widely known side effect of some psychoactive drugs.  This emotional "numbing" can cause people to do some very reckless things, impulsive things.  I'd advise you to look closely at any other medications you might be on or if there have been any changes in medications recently.


You are displaying a distortion in critical thinking here and as others have said, it is alarming and potentially very dangerous - both to yourself and to others.  Impaired thinking, inaccurate perceptions can be side effects of psychoactive medication, changes to medications or withdrawal itself.


Be interested to hear from you on this point.  I second others here, for the time being you might be well advised to have others drive you and not be behind the wheel.





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Well, I am not scared of hurting or killing others because I will not  :), I love human, animal and green beings  :smitten:...they crashed because they were in a hurry and driving in desperation.


I only want to know how can I have more self protection hormone, what if somebody knows and has an answer for me? I do not want to take my doctor's prescribed pills.


Yes, my doctor said I can drive after few days on his prescription, even without it...I mean, people have to either decrease or stop at the yelllow lights, but not accelerating like mad people in a desperate hurry.


Come on girls, if you do not have the answer to my original question do not get upset, angry or severe concerning feelings, they are not good for us in wd. Try to get calm and peace. While I try to find the solution to my problems.


Hugs to you all  :smitten:

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Your signature doesn't say anything about other psychiatric medications.  Are you on any antidepressants or any other medications right now?


The reason I ask is that the attitude you are speaking about, the detachment and risk taking attitude - as if you don't care about consequences to either yourself or to others - is something I experienced while on some antidepressants.


This is a widely known side effect of some psychoactive drugs.  This emotional "numbing" can cause people to do some very reckless things, impulsive things.  I'd advise you to look closely at any other medications you might be on or if there have been any changes in medications recently.


You are displaying a distortion in critical thinking here and as others have said, it is alarming and potentially very dangerous - both to yourself and to others.  Impaired thinking, inaccurate perceptions can be side effects of psychoactive medication, changes to medications or withdrawal itself.


Be interested to hear from you on this point.  I second others here, for the time being you might be well advised to have others drive you and not be behind the wheel.






Hi SS! Thank you, I take no other pills, just 1 gram of melatonin on Sundays (I hate Mondays), my DR did say it is wd, a Big hug


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u must be lying...or your dr is a crook...there is no way u would tell him u are causing accidents because your brain is missing the opposite of adrenaline and he would say oh its ok its fine its just withdrawal he would take ur license away and prevent u from hurting other people this isnt right and its scary to think of what u could do next to someone plz stop driving this is not a joke or funny to us...
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You say not to get upset or concerned when your post is titled "I have caused two car crashes".... you DO understand how that is both upsetting and concerning, right?


I am done with this post. You are taking no accountability for your actions and aren't accepting at all that maybe- until you get your chemical imbalance straightened out- you should stay off the roads.


If you could try to be more concerned about safety and with the well-being of others I am sure that more people here would want to help you.

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The responsible thing to do, after a day where you by your own admission "caused" two car crashes through your actions, would be to NOT DRIVE until your severe depersonalization/derealization settles down or resolves.


I am not a doctor but I feel strongly that you need to be cautioned that the prescription that your doctor gave to you is for a MAJOR TRANQUILIZER or anti-psychotic.  There is no evidence whatsoever that antipsychotics are useful or appropriate to treat DP/DR.  Quite the opposite actually.  In addition, antipsychotics like Risperdal can cause severe side-effects (profound psycho-motor retardation or sedation) and should not be taken if one is operating machinery or driving.


Your reaction to these events is not normal.  You need to be concerned and to not drive until your DP/DR lifts.  That would be the adult and responsible thing to do here.  Driving is a responsibility not a right.


I second all the sober voices of wisdom on this thread.



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SS, Yes! In your first you have described my feelings almost exactly, emotional detachment for example, not sure about DR/DP. if I am not taking meds nor supplements, just melatonin sometimes on Sundays, can my behavior be due to wd only? The chemical/hormone I do not have now, would it be produced again naturally? I am not very impulsive, so I think I can stop putting myself at risk and drive more aggresively as normal people do and I normally used to do instead of what I am doing now...I stopped at the yellow light consciously, I mean thinking I was going to get hit and in spite of it, I did it...twice. I am going for a trip and I hope I arrive more healed or less mad.


I wish I Knew what to eat or do, my doctor indeed see no harm I can do to myself nor others, but again he does not seem to know much if he wants me on Risperidone  :idiot: I will not take it because I googled it and see no point...maybe as you say it is only DP/DR...even it does not look like, for me these are like seeing everything in a picture, like hard to look to the eyes of people and feeling everything unreal...but I may be wrong and I do have these.


Thank you everyone for your replies.

Clona  :)


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CLONA - having already made my opinion known I will not waste my time reiterating, especially as it seems that NOTHING  any of us is saying is getting through to you - But if you are for real, as I have my suspicions that you maybe someone just having a laugh at the expense of genuinely caring folk, I would ask you to picture how you would feel if some other irresponsible, unthinking, uncaring person such as you portray, were to crash into someone you love and badly maim or kill them. - God forbid this should happen to anyone, but would you be as arrogant and cocky about your driving then ?


If per chance you are being serious and are taking other medications that are affecting you this way, I strongly suggest you get a decent doctor and show him the sort of things you've written in your posts on here and see if you can get some badly needed help. And  please think seriously about your actions before it's too late. :thumbsup:



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I'm always afraid of getting in an accident now, which is why I haven't driven at all in w/d.  If you think the w/d is causing the accients maybe it would be best to not drive until you've healed a bit more.  The bus really isn't all that bad.


Either way, be careful and I hope you heal soon

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U wrote this on ur blog...


In a severe mad traffic I was feeling completely free of any fear, like if I cannot longer care what happens to me, like if the chemical in our brain that makes me to be careful was not there. The guy behind my car was making lots of noise with his claxon, then we started to move at the cross light and I got the yellow light, I thought "I am going to get crashed by that stupid guy but I really do not care" so I stopped drastically, he also stopped, but the guy who wanted to incorporate to our side behind him, crashed the car of the stupid guy  ;D...the bad thing is that I celebrated  ;D...I am tired of silly drivers that are in a mad hurry...yes, I am also...apart from my lack of care hormone...intolerant to stupidly


How can u not see what we are seeing it makes no sense...u even celebrated??

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