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Getting sick of peoples attitudes on this site.


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For the most part, people on here are great....But there are some that just love their own drama or starting drama with others or bashing the institution of medicine in any way they can. Their own personal experiences are all they seem to be able to see and they shoot down any thought or idea that doesn't fit their ideals, even going to the extent to disrespect other members verbally or subliminally and pull other posters down with them in what seems like an attempt to keep them sick.


I'm beginning to see why others who used to belong to this site see it as a cult....There is a certain dogma brewing in the undercurrent that is very anti-medicine, cultish, and frankly, anti-sense, and I know Colin started this site specifically to AVOID that. I am in no way speaking of the site as a whole, I think it is a great source of information and support, but within the site, there is certainly a way of thinking that is a bit tweaked.


I have to constantly remind myself that some people here may actually be sick, or they have just been sucked down the rabbit hole and are now a product of that. I'm not sure what the purpose of this post is, I think maybe it's just to get it off my chest, as well as maybe see if others notice what I see...


Either way, I try to just ignore it, but it's pretty hard to ignore when it's in my face all the time (much like symptoms lol) I do think it's possible that some get lost in this site and it can keep them sick for longer, whether it be because they are lonely or really do have a mental illness, which is why I try to limit my time here as I notice some of the more levelheaded members do.


All in all, this site has saved my life more than once, I in no way mean to degrade it, just posting about what I have been noticing, if you have noticed it too, leave a comment!  Sorry if I have offended anyone.

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My yard is clean, I post for help when I need it, do my best to help others, and discuss thoughts, theories and ideas with an open mind. That's not to say I haven't had my moments, but I hardly think you could fit me into the description of those I gave in my post....If I am wrong, please, show me how.
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Well, for example on another post I read you blast supplement use fairly dogmatically. You may be correct.  But from what I've read of your posts, you are just as guilty of human nature as anyone else. As am i.



I will admit I'm not 100  percent sure which posters you feel are disrespectful or what you are specifically Talking about but usually there are two sides to every story.





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Like clockwork, Bobo shows up with exactly the type of dickheaded cowardly comments I'm talking about. Thanks Bobo.


Nice. You are the one here blasting other posters anonymously, not me.


When have I ever responded to one of your posts before this?


Maybe you could give me an example of my clockwork dickhead posts. A recent one please. ive been on here twice ad long as you and have fewer posts.

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Well, for example on another post I read you blast supplement use fairly dogmatically. You may be correct.  But from what I've read of your posts, you are just as guilty of human nature as anyone else. As am i.



I will admit I'm not 100  percent sure which posters you feel are disrespectful or what you are specifically Talking about but usually there are two sides to every story.

I use supplements though, which I also stated in the post, so that really isn't dogma, I just personally believe them to be useless, if I could be proven wrong, I would gladly accept that...I WANT them to work, which is why I still take them, and also they ARE good for your health, just probably not WD. I'm talking about those that swear all medicine is evil or will hurt you, as well as others who disrespect and call others names and can't see past their own tiny belief system....I am a very open minded person, but as a result of this, I also consider myself pretty well educated on the subject and surrounding subjects, thus, in an attempt to help, I try to hand over the knowledge I've gained, but I in no way belittle others or try to force my thoughts or beliefs on them....I am merely trying to help with info, info that very well could be wrong, and if someone could show me how it is, I would gladly correct myself. 
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Like clockwork, Bobo shows up with exactly the type of dickheaded cowardly comments I'm talking about. Thanks Bobo.


Nice. You are the one here blasting other posters anonymously, not me.


When have I ever responded to one of your posts before this?


Maybe you could give me an example of my clockwork dickhead posts. A recent one please. ive been on here twice ad long as you and have fewer posts.

You told me to look in the mirror concerning my post about sick people on this site....That's a pretty dickheaded move, and then you wouldn't respond with examples, so I wrote that (and subsuquently deleted it when you did respond)
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I agree. There is definitely drama on here and I just choose to ignore it and limit my time. Just a question: why start a thread like this? I just feel like you're out looking for blood at the moment. I maybe wrong. I just choose to either ignore what I consider to be close minded people, as that is their choice and if I find too much drama I bail the site and engage in real life. I just don't understand the point of this thread other than to stir things up. Just my opinion.
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As I said in the thread, I don't really know....To vent, or bring attention to it.....As I also said in the post, I try to ignore it, but its so commonplace it's hard to ignore....Just this morning I woke up to being called a dick that should be ignored by another member not even involved in the convo for recommending someone that talks about suicide regularly to get help....This type of stuff happens all the time, to me, and others. That isn't even what caused me to write this, it just kinda happened after reading negativity after negativity....I can understand negativity about the situation, but the outward stuff is really gross.
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Not to prolong this, but I have a sincere question.


You accuse others of being wholly anti medicine but the tagline under your picture says that pharma only creates customers not cures. Isn't that a little contradictory? Do you believe that?


I personally don't blame doctors for my predicament. In my case I blame myself.


I think doctors and medicine have hekped me in many areas unrelated to mental health. But I do understand the fear and anger some others may have about the medical profession based on their stories.

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The tagline is true...Cures are rare, because there is no money in cures. That doesn't mean I denounce all medicine. I take medicine regularly, medicine saves lives. It's a shot at pharma and the FDA, and their practices, not medicine. Also, doctors didn't get me into this. I got myself into this....I will say though that seeing doctors (psychs) during this, all they did was diagnose me with different mental illnesses and try to give me even more pills....Some of which I naively took and suffered the consequence. I would say the majority of psychiatry is guesswork and BS and the pharmaceutical companies have their way with the docs (mostly due to our poor understanding of the brain)
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I think the best way to change attitudes, is to lead by example and not engage in petty take downs. Just my opinion. Wish people well, either through kindness or detachment and move on and find the people that inspire, encourage and connect with you. It's not mine nor anyone else's business to " change" the mindset of this site. The people you are referring to are on their own journey. They may need to be negative, spiteful and dramatic ( it's not right), but maybe they'll see the error of their ways and adapt a better attitude or not. That's their choice. That's life. There is no utopia.
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people everywhere have an attitude others disagree with or have an attitude because thats how they just are like i used to work as a cashier at dollar general there was different types of people friendly talkative customers , the elderly i used to talk to an elderly lady often there since she lived alone , then there was people who would whine & complain too much  nothing could make them happy. i'll admit i really didnt have an attitude in the past i just wrote wrong stuff here that i thought was funny to insult others or say profane things that i thought was funny . i changed that , my sole purpose of being here is to help other people since i got very good help here it helped me quit xanax 1 year ago
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Not to prolong this, but I have a sincere question.


You accuse others of being wholly anti medicine but the tagline under your picture says that pharma only creates customers not cures. Isn't that a little contradictory? Do you believe that?


I personally don't blame doctors for my predicament. In my case I blame myself.


I think doctors and medicine have hekped me in many areas unrelated to mental health. But I do understand the fear and anger some others may have about the medical profession based on their stories.


hi bobo i blame myself too i used to drink too much & too often thats what causd my health downfall and the dr gave me xanax to treat my condiitons . it really helped me at first . the pharmacy i went to wasnt making big money off of me the supermarket pharmacy charges only $12.50 for 120 xanax pills & i dont have insurance .

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Not to prolong this, but I have a sincere question.


You accuse others of being wholly anti medicine but the tagline under your picture says that pharma only creates customers not cures. Isn't that a little contradictory? Do you believe that?


I personally don't blame doctors for my predicament. In my case I blame myself.


I think doctors and medicine have hekped me in many areas unrelated to mental health. But I do understand the fear and anger some others may have about the medical profession based on their stories.


I think blaming ourselves is the worst thing we can do while healing. If you had a skiing accident and broke your leg, would you blame yourself and slow your healing down? Nobody really understands how those meds really work until they're in deep, deep trouble. Recently, I met a GP who said she'd never prescribe benzos. Obviously, she's done her research. The other doctors could, too. I had some knowledge about benzos and to use them as needed, but have never seen anything about GABA receptor damage anywhere until I did the deep searches.

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Not to prolong this, but I have a sincere question.


You accuse others of being wholly anti medicine but the tagline under your picture says that pharma only creates customers not cures. Isn't that a little contradictory? Do you believe that?


I personally don't blame doctors for my predicament. In my case I blame myself.


I think doctors and medicine have hekped me in many areas unrelated to mental health. But I do understand the fear and anger some others may have about the medical profession based on their stories.


I think blaming ourselves is the worst thing we can do while healing. If you had a skiing accident and broke your leg, would you blame yourself and slow your healing down? Nobody really understands how those meds really work until they're in deep, deep trouble. Recently, I met a GP who said she'd never prescribe benzos. Obviously, she's done her research. The other doctors could, too. I had some knowledge about benzos and to use them as needed, but have never seen anything about GABA receptor damage anywhere until I did the deep searches.



Ain't THAT the truth  :(



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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i think blaming ourselves is the worst thing we can do while healing. If you had a skiing accident and broke your leg, would you blame yourself and slow your healing down? Nobody really understands how those meds really work until they're in deep, deep trouble. Recently, I met a GP who said she'd never prescribe benzos. Obviously, she's done her research. The other doctors could, too. I had some knowledge about benzos and to use them as needed, but have never seen anything about GABA receptor damage anywhere until I did the deep searches.

If I broke my leg because I was skiing a run I didn't research I would take responsibility not blame the ski slope. The info on benzos is out there. It's on this site. It's a lot of places.Plus I had withdrawn before and although those were easier i should have known better. That's just me. I should have known better. Im a recoveriling alcoholic. I knew these pills werent good for me..  Plus I think eating yourself up in anger at doctors would be just as detrimental.


Besides, it isn't like I'm making a conscious choice. I feel guilt over this because of my family. I made some other choices I regret as well. I do my best to not ruminate or punish myself because I know it's counterproductive. I'm just saying how I feel sometimes.

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If I broke a leg whilst skiing- who would I blame? Myself? Possibly. 


Let's explore- what if I went on a ski trip and that I was a reasonably good skier. I asked around for and got the distracted advice from a Ski Instructor who seemed to brush my desires off and gave me a one size fits all  approach to everything?

His/Her recommendation: Go try the Godzilla Slope. I've heard good things about it from a fellow Instructor.  If it doesn't work out- then I'll have some more advice to give you later.


I go on the slope and break my leg.  Now- whose fault?

Mine? Because I trusted my Ski Instructor's advice- despite what handy research about the dangers of the slope advice given? Or do I blame myself for blindly following what my trained ski instructor had to say?


The self same ski instructor who had pretty much good advice for some other slopes? Or the ski instructor who was warned time and again not to have folks go down that slope if they weren't ready or that they should not be on that slope for very long?


Or that they were warned 20+ years ago that there is a problem with that slope with people breaking their legs?


We all do our shopping around- with an internal bias. We tend to go with someone who has proven themselves to be apparently competent.

We TRUST them.


That is what sticks the most in my craw. I trusted them (the docs). And once again- I discover that they're not as trustworthy as I thought.  That they're human, and they make mistakes- I can understand, I'm human too. But being a responsible adult usually means admitting that I've screwed up and taking a long hard look at trusting folks.


Yeah sure- we could do the Libertarian approach, and 'do our business elsewhere', but in the end it won't do much since the doc will just relocate to another clinic to screw over someone else.


This isn't about skiing, this is about a systemic scam. The Docs and the Pharma companies KNOW that there are problems with these drugs.  I could excuse the Docs- but they're supposed to be the highly trained ones- right?  Why else do they get the Big $$$?


Maybe this site is a cult. I don't think so. My family hasn't chosen to shun me because of this site, and I've not needed an intervention to get me back into mainstream society.


This site is what the Docs should've been doing when it comes to Benzos.


But in all fairness- what's the alternative? We do the maximum number of weeks on the stuff- and then what? The underlying problem still remains, but we're not allowed to use the drugs? A crap ton of folks will chose to doctor shop around until they get what they want- more drugs.


This site- is about those of us (I'm assuming here) who want off of the stuff. I'm off. And I want to Stay Off.  Going through withdrawal was very difficult. But it's damned worth it.


As to getting tired of people's attitudes on this site- here's my recommendation: Don't let the door hit you on the way out. No one is forcing you to be here. No one is forcing you to pay attention to other folks' problems.


We all get compassion fatigue.  And when you're fatigued- what do you do? You get some rest. When you're ready to come back and give some compassion to another- you will. But if you choose not to- all power to you.


Live your life.

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When I say I blame myself I mean precisely that. I blame MYSELF.  I'm not generalizing. If the shoe doesn't fit don't wear it. I knew I shouldn't take these pills but took them anyway because they relieved my anxiety. Of course I didn't know the wd would be so horrific this time since it was easier before. I guess I gambled and screwed up. Ultimately I decide what I put in my mouth.
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Hey CP, ever thought of starting a blog here? :)

I don't have the mental capacity yet to keep up with a blog. Plus, I don't see the point unless you are looking for a place to make friends, my dp/dr makes any sense of connection with others or support impossible....I have enough trouble keeping up with my messages/responses, adding a blog to that would explode my brain.....Plus, I never really understood blogs, on this site, or anywhere else.
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Yeah Crazypants but you made at least three buddies happy the other day when you put We Are the Champions on here. So thanks for that. Gilly x
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