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The more I read on BB, the more desperate I become.

This thread has really scared me:


I need a doctor who understands all of this, plus mental health issues.

I'm afraid I am going to end up in the street, dead.

I never got relief from benzos, and have been back and forth on high doses many times.

Does anyone know of a doctor in my vicinity?

I'm afraid I am going to completely fall apart.

Please click on my profile, and previous posts, to get the latest info.

I am in White Plains, New York.

I updosed Sunday 1mg more.

EDIT: I was put on Klonopin as an inpatient, substituting for valium, and rapidly tapered from 2mgs. to 1mg. when I went home.

The inpatient doctor gave me a 15 day supply. When I couldn't find a new doctor in the 15 days, I called him. He said he had wanted me to taper off the 1mg. in the 15 days, since he now had me on Gabapentin! He never told me that.

The clinic doctor I found that gave me a 1 month prescription had yet to get access to my inpatient records.

I'm afraid she will follow his recommendation, and cold turkey me.

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The more I read on BB, the more desperate I become.

This thread has really scared me:


I need a doctor who understands all of this, plus mental health issues.

I'm afraid I am going to end up in the street, dead.

I never got relief from benzos, and have been back and forth on high doses many times.

Does anyone know of a doctor in my vicinity?

I'm afraid I am going to completely fall apart.

Please click on my profile, and previous posts, to get the latest info.

I am in White Plains, New York.

I updosed today 1mg more.


Here's the last line in the post you linked to: Can someone advise....give a reality check?


So here's a reality check:


A year ago, you were on this site doing exactly what you're doing now - taking benzos erratically, updosing, looking for a doctor, and not listening to anyone who was trying to help you.


No one can do this for you. People can and have encouraged you, but you always come up with an excuse about your childhood that keeps you stuck in your current condition.


You say in this very post that "I never got relief from benzos". That's not the first time you've said that, and yet you have updosed again.


Here's my advice:


1. Consider the extra 1 mg a "rescue dose" and not an updose. Go back to your regular 1 mg. You say benzos aren't helping you, so why make the physiological dependency greater?


2. Go to the grocery store or go online for delivery. You need to eat every few hours to keep your blood sugar steady. I think some of your depression and anxiety is coming from low blood sugar. Benzo withdrawal is notorious for causing fluctuations in blood sugar and when it drops, it effects mood.


3. Use distraction as a coping mechanism. TV, internet, puzzles, going for walks, listening to guided meditations, etc. Distract until it becomes a habit - and then it becomes a coping mechanism. This will serve you well because it works for issues other than benzo withdrawal.


I was put on psych meds as a teenager to deal with trauma, so I do know where you're coming from. But at some point, you need to do the above three things.


I don't think I'm asking too much here. You are caught in a very dangerous cycle and just these three steps will really help.


As long as you have a doctor to prescribe your meds, it won't matter if they're benzo wise are not.


And then as you recover,  you'll be able to tap into some resources to handle your other issues.


But for now, just these three things will get you started. At least it will give you some control over your life, which will lead to you being able to tackle even more and succeed.






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Lucero , if I was you I would take MindSeeker's advise.....its competent, free of charge, and I think even Einstein would agree.....


Get the strength to do it.....there is no other way, believe me! :(

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I have a doctor who I don't expect will continue to prescribe benzos.

Take my word for that.

That's why I am looking for one that will.

My life has been on a steady decline from before even a year ago.

I have "real life" external stressors that have me fighting for a safe place to live.

I could go on about my stressors, but I shouldn't have to....

they have ended me up in this condition....

Unless you are walking in my shoes, I appreciate your advice,

but I have pounded the pavement to find the resources I need,

and it has worn me out, leaving me to seek relief by updosing, hoping it would help "this one time".

My childhood was debilitating, and I am not giving excuses: I am giving reasons.

If anyone knows of a doctor in my area, please contact me.



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I know your life has been on a steady decline, but it's because you keep repeating the same pattern.


And it will continue on a steady decline if you don't stop the pattern.


Like I (and others) have said to you before, it doesn't matter if your doc is benzo wise or not, you just need a prescription. It's really hard finding a benzo wise doctor and you've been looking for over a year.


I hope you'll open your search for a doctor to a more broader search.


Are you keeping your dose at 2 mg or 1 mg? It makes absolutely no sense to increase your dose to 2 mg when you're running out of medication.





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I'm trying to keep the dosage at 1mg.

That dosage was a major drop in a short period of time.

I thought that may have been contributing to how I was feeling.

It still might be; that's why a benzo- doc might help.


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I'm trying to keep the dosage at 1mg.

That dosage was a major drop in a short period of time.

I thought that may have been contributing to how I was feeling.

It still might be; that's why a benzo- doc might help.

Brother, the main thing ya need to find a Doc so you can get Benzo`s and ya can`t keep going back up then down my doc was dropping me fast and she screwed me up but at least she still fils my benzo`s and i am listening to the people who have been thru this hell i am going thru. I have great health insurance and still can`t find a benzo wise doc even though she is compasionate! Just keep trying and eat like mindseeker said sugar levels are important and stop going back and forth on doses find one you can deal with and stick with it and go from there i am not going to sugar coat this with hang in there bs it`s a nasty road but you will come out ok but it`s one slow journey !Peace ~CD
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I'm trying to keep the dosage at 1mg.

That dosage was a major drop in a short period of time.

I thought that may have been contributing to how I was feeling.

It still might be; that's why a benzo- doc might help.


A benzo wise doctor is always advantageous, but you're giving the medical professionals a lot more credit than they're due.


If you can get someone to script you for the next few months, you can set up a taper plan, go at your own speed, and control the taper.


That's what the majority of folks here are doing and it works.


What about the list of 3 in my first post? You're keeping the dose at 1 mg which is great.


What about steps 2 and 3?

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Are you out of medicine?  I'm a little confused as to why you are so desperate to find another doctor right now.  I have also have insurance and haven't found a benzowise doctor.  I agree with everyone.  You just need to find a doctor who will fill your prescriptions and then you have to be in control of your own taper.  good luck!
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I agree with Mindseeker and Morreweg.


I have seen your posts over the past year begging for a psych. I really think you only want one to give you benzos and you do what you please with your dosing. You are NOT keeping to a protocol to get you off these meds. I'm sorry about your childhood, but I can tell you mine was very bad. I also lost a sister and managed to get through that without the use of any medication. And I had no support group and mom was too bereaved to even talk to her. So I had to get past this on my own. And I did. My childhood still remains in my mind but that was not to reason I was given benzos. I am using a therapist to help me. And she doesn't script meds. My bad childhood was not a good enough reason for a doc to give me benzos. It's the therapy that helps the most. I suggest you see one yourself, to get you through your problems.


I think you need to take Mindseeker's steps 2 and 3, tho I still question if you will stick to step 1.


But if you are hell bent on finding one, here are two I recommend.


Byron Shelby, MD, addiction specialist

Graduated from Yale and has earned several awards.

215 Main Street, Westport, CT.


Free phone consultation.


Dr. Kasey Spoonamore, addiction specialist

Greenwich Medical Group

38 Lake Ave.

Greenwich, CT



But I give you fair warning: Neither of them will tolerate a patient like you unless the both of you agree to a taper schedule and stick to it. They will NOT accept anyone who updoses on a frequent basis, or doses erratically. They will only give you enough medication for your taper, so if you updose, you will run out of pills. They will not give you more medication if you continue to updose, and they will fire you. At this point, if you tell them the truth about your history, they will consider you to be an addict and not an accidental one, and treat you as such. This will be in your file. So, get with the program. I beg the question: Do you really want to get off benzos, or are just saying so? Addicts are the best liars in the world.




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I tried previously to find a benzo doctor, which was mentioned.

I also tried to find a therapist.

My insurance is Medicare/ New York State Medicaid.

I have about 1 week to find another doctor and see them.

I can't afford to go to another state.

Keeping it simple for the moment, I'm trying to find a doctor who will take this insurance.

My clinic, and all the clinics in the area, will only allow you to see their doctor if you see their therapist.

All the other clinics have waiting lists- so I got stuck with this one.

I don't think the doctor will write me another full prescription.

If I can find a doctor who takes my insurance, then I am free to find a therapist of my choosing, rather than the clinic's.

I want adequate therapy for my issues. That is a separate search.

In my search, I was unable to find an independent doctor to write the prescriptions. 

I don't think benzos will help me, because they never have.

Wouldn't an addiction doctor help with the difficulties of sticking to a tapering plan?

I see how difficult it is for everyone.

I don't understand what treatment is available that isn't harmful to the "addict".

If they can't stick to a tapering plan, what are their choices?

Could someone explain?




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You should probably forget the whole accidental or not accidental thing and concentrate on getting off of klonopin, if that is your goal.
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Hi Lucero,


I am in Northern NJ and used a Dr. Agop Artinian in Cliffside Park I believe.  I found him through the Ashton site.

He is a very basic traditional internist who does do Ashton Protocol.  He will prescribe valium.  His MO is to tell patients to only drop when they feel 'good'.  So he will probably want to stabilize you first.  He takes insurance and its easy to get an appointment.  About 15/20 minutes from the GWB in NJ.  You can do it, call him 201.945.6319.  Sometimes its hard to reach his secretary but keep calling.  I had a super horrific childhood too and have continued to journey through incredible hardship my entire life.  Almost surreal.  I feel your pain and fear.  Know you are loved.  I do believe you need to stabilize as much as possible and then REALLY commit to a slow and steady taper. 



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I went to see him. He referred me to a psychiatrist when I said I still didn't feel stabilized. The psychiatrist said he was taking no new patients. Dr. Artinian said I had to see a psychiatrist, not him. That was very frustrating.
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Consider the benzodiazepine nightmare a hardcore lesson in responsibility, this understanding is fundamental to success. Community resources that can properly deal with benzodiazepine addiction are extremely scarce. You will have to game doctors, make up stories, buy them on the streets, check into mental hospitals and literally do whatever it takes. You will be on your own for the most part, benzos are a rough and absurdly long kick. Again I emphasis that you will have to take responsibility, as you lower the dose you will have to learn to adapt and deal with your anxiety and whatever skeletons come out of your closet, you will have to face unresolved issues you spent years masking, basically you will come face to face with yourself. You will no longer be a victim, you will learn the power of your thoughts and choices.This is the real shit, it will teach you to be strong and persevere in the midst of tremendous challenge and difficulty, you will grow from it. and it's ok to have a momentary relapse but always get back on your feet and continue with the taper. Eventually you will learn the wisdom of not responding to triggers, anxiety and bad days with chemicals. I have been through hell with this everything I'm talking about I went through, it is damn near the most difficult thing I've had to do but in the long run I know it will be the most rewarding path and that gives me great inspiration to continue on.
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Would an good addiction doctor be less likely to overmedicate symptoms of withdrawal? Perhaps if they were benzo-wise, they would even prescribe supplements instead of medications to aid in healing, instead of interfering with healing by messing with the central nervous system even more.

I'd like a doctor like that.

Does anyone have one?

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Would an good addiction doctor be less likely to overmedicate symptoms of withdrawal? Perhaps if they were benzo-wise, they would even prescribe supplements instead of medications to aid in healing, instead of interfering with healing by messing with the central nervous system even more.

I'd like a doctor like that.

Does anyone have one?


You said that you're going to run out of your meds in a week. Please stop looking for the "perfect" doctor right now and concentrate on finding one that takes medicaid and will continue your prescriptions.


Like I said, you've been looking for a benzo wise doctor for over a year. But you need to find a doctor - ANY doctor - to script you so you don't end up going cold turkey.


You're heading toward an emergency situation again. After you get a script for the next few weeks, then you can go back to looking for the perfect doctor.

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My appointment is for May 11 with the clinic doctor, so it is actually about 2 weeks. I had searched around the area before, but hadn't come up with anyone....so that's why I am asking.
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My appointment is for May 11 with the clinic doctor, so it is actually about 2 weeks. I had searched around the area before, but hadn't come up with anyone....so that's why I am asking.


Do you have enough medication to last two weeks?

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Yes, I have enough medication for two weeks.

I'm hoping someone will give a lead to a New York doctor- either a psychiatrist or addiction doctor,

so that I will be continuing treatment.

EDIT- ALSO ON FIRST POST: I was put on Klonopin as an inpatient, substituting for valium, and rapidly tapered from 2mgs. to 1mg. when I went home.

The inpatient doctor gave me a 15 day supply. When I couldn't find a new doctor in the 15 days, I called him. He said he had wanted me to taper off the 1mg. in the 15 days, since he now had me on Gabapentin! He never told me that.

The clinic doctor I found that gave me a 1 month prescription had yet to get access to my inpatient records.

I'm afraid she will follow his recommendation, and cold turkey me.

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I really doubt the psychiatrist will cold turkey you.  Just tell them that you would like a safe taper plan.  Try not to worry.  If all else fails, go back to the ER and get a script until you can find a doctor to prescribe.  You are overthinking this. 
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Hi Kate,

I wish I was overthinking this, but I had gone to the ER last time, and they wouldn't give me a prescription.

They said to come back if I have a seizure, and then they will give me some. I'm not kidding.

They said that they don't write prescriptions for psych meds, especially benzos.

There is no safety net.

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So tell them you had a seizure.  Since you know you need to taper safely, you just have to do whatever that takes.  I really doubt it comes to that, but if it does, there's your "safety net".
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More likely they would give me antiseizure medication, like tegretol, if I told them that without a mouth with bloody, broken teeth and shaking like a leaf.
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