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Life, the universe and everything.


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Anybody care to chat about it with me?


No strings.  I just need to have a debate with someone who wants a normal debate where disagreements aren't the end of the world that lead to falling out.  I miss just chatting about stuff without everyone attacking each other, ya know?  I know there's some pretty deep people here and I'd like to connect.





Yobi :)



Edit:  By the way, I personally don't care what anyone talks about in this thread, have at it because the topic is limitless really, but I suppose whatever happens so long as we don't bust any rules along the way there shouldn't be a problem from anyone else, either.  I think. :)


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Life, the universe, and everything = 42.


Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is.


Do you?


Yes, I'm a Douglas Adams fan, so your subject line intrigued me.  :)

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Ah.. I knew someone would say that but it was a trap (think Admiral Ackbar now).. :D


The answer isn't 42, that's just what the computer said was the answer to the non-question.. the question itself was on that digital watch but the damn vogons ruined it for everyone.




This is what happens when you vote in labour councils to administrate the building of bypasses!  :D



Now.. the question.. What is the meaning to life, the universe and everything?  How's that sit with you?



Yobi :)


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Ah, so we're not going with numbers. Hmmm. . . my inner accountant is greatly saddened but my inner guru says "let it go" and maybe an answer will arise from deep contemplation.


It would be easy to say life's meaning is to find happiness and peace, but that sounds too greeting card like.


Let me ponder after I have my eggs and coffee.


Wait, maybe eggs and coffee are the meaning to life? Can it be that the simple things have more meaning than the complexities that rattle our lives and end up making us feel even more empty?


Nah, there's got to be more than that.


Keep going with this, Yobi. I think you're onto something.  ;)

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The meaning of life potentially contained within our eggs and coffee..


Why not, indeed?  :thumbsup:


But we can still talk numbers and appease the accountant in you.  I can relate.


THREE.  There ya go.. work THAT one out with your eggs and coffee because I bet you can't!  :D


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Well, I have 2 eggs and 1 coffee.


So that's 3!  :laugh:


My inner accountant is happy.  :)


So what's your take on the meaning of life?

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Well, I have 2 eggs and 1 coffee.


So that's 3!  :laugh:

  Wait, there's more.. I just realised..


That was your third post in this thread.  And I'd posted three at that time.  That makes 3 posts each.


Hm :D


My take on it?  Now that's an expansive question..


The best I can come up with so far, and it's open to changing at any time, is that we all have a purpose of some kind, and that we're not IN the universe, we're not tiny and alone.  We ARE the universe, because we are a part of it.  Fact.


When I think of the scientific reality that I AM the universe, I feel pretty BIG all of a sudden and that maybe I'm not such a loser after all.


Life, the universe and everything, then, is me.  And you.  And them.  And all of us.  That sounds like I'm saying it's objectively that way.. I'm not.. because what do I know for sure how other people experience it all?  That's just my own outlook if you know what I mean?


Maybe it's not such a mystery after all?  Maybe the answer is right there, all around us and in us, because it is us?



Yobi :)

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I like your take on this, Yobi.


It has a certain "interconnectedness" about it, or am I reading too much into your posts?


It stands to reason that we ARE the universe, but are we an "individual" part and if so, do we need a "purpose"? And is that "purpose" the "meaning"?





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I like your take on this, Yobi.


It has a certain "interconnectedness" about it, or am I reading too much into your posts?

I say that going purely on the science.. looking at what I know about quantum particles and what they are (not much I admit), how they're all wave-forms and not solid or disconected after all, how could I be intelectually honest with myself and not say that knowing this, I believe that you and I are in fact connected in some way.  We're the same.  In a way.  And individual in another way.


I've dabbled with the philosophy that all consciousness is one, but separate from itself to experience itself.


I don't know if it IS that way, but I'm happy to accept it could be, based on my experience with life so far.  I certainly don't find it an uncomfortable thing to live with if it were the case.  Maybe you're a reflection of me, and I of you?


It stands to reason that we ARE the universe, but are we an "individual" part and if so, do we need a "purpose"? And is that "purpose" the "meaning"?

I think that we're not here by accident.  I can tell you why, too, because I approach this from a deterministic point of view.  Well, at this time in life, but who knows what next year as I get older?


I think it was inevitable that I'd be born in this way because all those molecules that make me had a trajectory that, I propose, if we had a powerful enough theoretiial computer could calculate where all those molecules came from, and how they'll bump into each other in the future and thus... predict the future with 100% accuracy.


Wait, have I gone too deep too quick?



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Wonderful explanation!


You have gone really deep and I'm happy to say my cog fog is much better today so I'm following right along.


I have to go get ready for work, but I hope some other buddies join you and continue this interesting discussion.


BTW, I don't think we're here by accident, either. And while I do think we all have a purpose, I don't think we should confuse our "purpose" with our "identity". I used to do that and it made me much more materialistic and focused on the wrong things in life.


Glad to say benzo withdrawal has made me a much better and stronger person. So there HAS to be meaning in this, right?


Wishing you a great day.  :smitten:



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Excellent, MS.. you have a good day at work if ya can squeeze one out of your shift.  Thi topic'll be here forever hopefully


Take it easy til later,



Yobi :)


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Apropos the original question.


42 is the ULTIMATE answer to the ULTIMATE question of: Life, the Universe, and Everything.


Of course, what constitutes Ultimate is open to interpretation...

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^^ 2 things..


Firstly your avatar man :D



Secondly, oh yeah, I think you're right.. I've got the original tv show on my phone so I'm going to have to watch it again..  :thumbsup:




-Seven and a half....


-What.. not til next week?



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Ok...I just re-noticed this thread. And since I like talking about things that have no answer...


One thing I think about is that when considering who we are and why we are here (why is a good one!), many answers start with words like "because."


EXCEPT, "because" and "causality" are man made words. If there is a controlling force (controlling is also a man-made word) who knows that the concept of causality exists beyond us? In fact, all these words may have no meaning beyond us. In the words of Alan Watts: "Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know."

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Ok...I just re-noticed this thread. And since I like talking about things that have no answer...


One thing I think about is that when considering who we are and why we are here (why is a good one!), many answers start with words like "because."


EXCEPT, "because" and "causality" are man made words. If there is a controlling force (controlling is also a man-made word) who knows that the concept of causality exists beyond us? In fact, all these words may have no meaning beyond us. In the words of Alan Watts: "Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know."


Just what I needed to get my teeth into.. let the early-hour catharticism begin.. (seriously, I'm awake and needed something big to occupy my head and this is just the ticket)  :thumbsup:




Words.. what are words but for the means to meaning?  A way to share our concepts?


Or, if you know of youtube, a way to be unnecessarily vicious and evil to everyone you meet. ;)




Indeed.  'Because'.  Have you ever tried to have a debate with someone who does not understand that some things just... are?


Then you get the question "oh yeah.. like what?".


:tickedoff: (cue internal explosion)..





Let me step back out of my angry mind that was just about to launch into a big sarcastic rant about people who go into big sarcastic rants.  I mean people who say the B word a lot..


And Mr Watts, I believe, is onto something about reality being an individual experience.  I muse over this every day at least, if not most of it in the back of my mind.


There's that old illustration.. how do you now that blue to you is the same colour as blue is to me?  Maybe what you point at and say is blue is actually what green is to me.. or colours that I've no concept of.. but when we look at the same thing we see what we see and are told from birth what to call it.


So, is our SHARED experience of reality reduced merely to the names we have for the same things?


Or, are there objective things in the shared experience? 



Hand it back hot, my man :D

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Well, Yob, this is not exactly hot but hopefully fun.


I have one friend in particular who I've talked about this kind of stuff with for years (decades). We joke that we should keep trying because (there's that word again) maybe we'll eventually find some sort of weird crack in the universe (or something) and we'll actually get to an answer.


We recently brought up the fact that these can be hard thoughts to chat about with many people, because many people simply say things like "No! I disagree" (which is of course absurd) and that's the end of the conversation. No fun there.


Maybe in THIS HERE THREAD  that "crack in the universe" will be found! :)


Anyway, regarding "if you know of youtube, a way to be unnecessarily vicious and evil to everyone you meet."


I do know youtube. It really bugs me that so many people disregard what their moms told them, and what they likely tell their kids: "If you don't have anything nice to say...."


This is actually something I've recently mentioned to my wife. Not about youtube specifically, but the fact that so many people feel totally free to say horrible things about others publically, and seem to give no thought to the fact that people may be hurt.


Speaking of things taught by one's mother, mine told me of this Shakespeare quote:


"Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing; ’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed."



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this title " life the universe and everything" it reminded me of a scientific theory that life the universe is all just an illusion that everything you see hear and touch is just an illusion that god is just a machine creating these illusions . Scientist stephen hawkins supports this theory .


in that case that means Gaulke & Colin are just an illusion too  :D

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G' mornin all, and is it a lovely morning where you are?  It is were I am..



Well, Yob, this is not exactly hot but hopefully fun.

Lol.. in England the word 'Yob' is a contraction of 'Yobbo'.. meaning undesirable, petty-crime-inducing youth. :D



I have one friend in particular who I've talked about this kind of stuff with for years (decades). We joke that we should keep trying because (there's that word again) maybe we'll eventually find some sort of weird crack in the universe (or something) and we'll actually get to an answer.


We recently brought up the fact that these can be hard thoughts to chat about with many people, because many people simply say things like "No! I disagree" (which is of course absurd) and that's the end of the conversation. No fun there.

It's there, steve.  I know not where, but I can sense it and have been looking in every nook.


I strongly suspect that single-celled life has a good model, ie to reproduce and pass on what it's learned.  In much simpler and mabye confusing terms, is the grass that I see the same colour when you look at it?



Maybe in THIS HERE THREAD  that "crack in the universe" will be found! :)


Anyway, regarding "if you know of youtube, a way to be unnecessarily vicious and evil to everyone you meet."


I do know youtube. It really bugs me that so many people disregard what their moms told them, and what they likely tell their kids: "If you don't have anything nice to say...."


This is actually something I've recently mentioned to my wife. Not about youtube specifically, but the fact that so many people feel totally free to say horrible things about others publically, and seem to give no thought to the fact that people may be hurt.



Youtube.. serving racists, sexists, bigots and data-miners since google took it over :D



Seriously, now, have I sometimes forgotten that people make the posts I'm replying to?  Sure.  Would I like to re-write history without that embarassment on my soul?  Sure.  Can I?  No. 


What can I do?  Be better in the future?  Yeah.  Ok, so I have at least something to do with the time I have left on the Earth.


Now, if a person can draw that motivation to live from basically accepting that I may as well live the life I have for others if I'm still alive, rather than waste it on myself.  That became a cornerstone of how I dampened the voice of depresssion.


And why am I telling you this?  Because.. had I kept asking myself what the point was, ie the ugly cousin of the word 'because', I'd have never gotten such an aswer and would still be suicidal to this day.


Because of a word.  One word.  But, WHAT power a word can have when we truly understand its meaning we we say it.  The words we use carry more meaning than the sum of their letters, so if a person who was depressed just woke up one morning and decided to say.. "I'm not depressed any more, I'm just experiencing life not heaven-on-earth and I'll make the best of a bad situation".. could that person just.. sort of.. not be depressed any more?  Simply by deciding not to be and waiting a few weeks for the rest of the body to catch up?


Could a simple change of language entice a smoother recovery?


I propose that living the oxymoron is working for me..  "I'm a happily depressed person". :)




Speaking of things taught by one's mother, mine told me of this Shakespeare quote:


"Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing; ’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed."


Well, enough said, Will.  Money isn't real anyway, it's a belief system.  One that more people kill and mame for than all the religious belief-systems across all time added together.


Hmm.. I'd never thought of that until just now, so I must muse on that.



Hope you're doing ok today pal,



J :)

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Hope you're doing ok today pal,


J :)


I am. Thank you! :) I hope the same holds for you; and if not now, soon. No longer shall I shall I type "yob," yobi.


I will try and revisit this later on!


Please be well. Pal is true!




PS - Gotta look into chakra boner later too! :)



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Hey Yobi,





What can I do?  Be better in the future?  Yeah.  Ok, so I have at least something to do with the time I have left on the Earth.


IMHO that deserves more than a simple “Yeah.” I personally think it means everything.



Now, if a person can draw that motivation to live from basically accepting that I may as well live the life I have for others if I'm still alive, rather than waste it on myself.  That became a cornerstone of how I dampened the voice of depression.


And a perfect cornerstone it is. Once more, IMHO. Wow man, you know, when we are liked or loved, it sure feels good. But when we love, and help, the feeling inside endures. I try when I can. I frequently don’t succeed. A lot of shit sometimes (often) gets in the way. But when I do is when I feel best about myself.



And why am I telling you this?  Because.. had I kept asking myself what the point was, ie the ugly cousin of the word 'because', I'd have never gotten such an answer and would still be suicidal to this day.


I feel stupid “because” I was talking about that word. Not sure what the ugly cousin is.



Could a simple change of language entice a smoother recovery?


Depending on what you mean by “language,” I would say yes. I think that the way we think of things and phrase them to ourselves is really important. I was recently reading a label on some medication, and noticed that in a study, that people who took the medicine did only slightly better than the placebo. Which means that how we think is pretty much everything.



"I'm a happily depressed person". 



Love it!


Please stay well, buddy!!!!!!!! :)




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