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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Who's ready to talk frankly about sex post withdrawal, ladies?


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I'm afraid I'm one of those zealots, mainly because of how sensitive I've become post benzos. Sensitivity is a huge one for me, and trying drugs to shut off symptoms, well, I've been through my time of being open to that and it clobbered me, what an understatement, stole years and years of my life and the life of others I've known, so I can't tell you how out of the question it is. I'm a child of the 70s too (and the 80s weren't bad either), and I've never been a prude in any way, but drugs and me now? You'd have hold a gun to my head, and I'd likely say "just shoot, it's not worth it". Been there, done that.


I haven't actually got the sense that anyone knows exactly what's going on, let alone can prescribe for it mainly because, oh right, I've seen flat out that they can't. If they could, it would work for everyone. In fact, it works for only very few who have difficulty, like most of the people here.


Like I said, been there, done that, not a fan.


I was "shell shocked" by benzo w/d for 12 months but that ended as I got better.  I do not expect to get merit medals for drug use either but it happens  :laugh:    I believe that knowing how my chemistry works and being about to manipulate it is a good life skill.  What happened with benzo's, honestly I think I was asleep-at-the-wheel during a major midlife crisis I was coping with back then.  Lot's of people around me died, got divorced and I watched too many lives implode back then, it was a time of great sadness for me.  I can only guess that I was slowly killing myself with benzo's in hind site.  Boy did benzo c/t ever snap me back into reality and HARD too!!


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Have your boyfriend read this thread! So many women saying their vaginas are "broken" can't be just a coincidence.


As for me, I'm so happy to hear it isn't just me (sorry). Sure, I have menopausal issues, but I'll never forget the day, early in menopause, only 3 months without a period, and at the height of benzo crazy, that my vagina was dry as a desert, couldn't have imagined such a thing possible, and that passed. I just thought, what with where I am now hormonally, and how far out I am, but I know better, or at least I should, and at least part of this (if not all? hope hope) is withdrawal.... though with any luck, it's bacterial vaginosis! YAY



(ps You're too young to start messing with hormones for what is a passing thing and any doc who would do that.... well.... It's great, right, not being alone in this)


:laugh: :laugh: I totally should lol... but ok then , I was only curious because I saw numerous people mention get something for hormones ( estrogen ). But, I 'll toss that thought away.

oh wow...im glad you got through that. Yes, it totally sucks .... we all got support on here, which is nice.


Well, I wouldn't totally toss the idea away. It is possible to have hormonal problems without being anywhere near peri-meno or meno. Of course it really depends on how old you are. Peri-meno can start in the late 30s for some women. Estrogen is definitely responsible for vaginal lubrication, but of course the lack of it is not the only reason for dryness or pain.


I would never advocate anyone take hormones if it wasn't necessary, but I wouldn't criticise a qualified doctor if they prescribed them after they've done the necessary investigation and established that hormone supplements may help. 


Sadly because of all the media and internet hype and scaremongering about hormones, so many women just don't have the right information about hormone therapy, and that is a real shame, because so many women could be feeling a lot better if they just did some research of their own. Believing anything that google-doctors and unqualified quack-sters say on the internet is just crazy.

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I got my sex life back to full swing.  Three things you have to keep an eye out for  Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.  To control that you need to know about these three things prolactin, prolactin, prolactin!!!


Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars -  Prolactin is the OFF switch for female sex!




Boost your dopamine and good sex is inevitable.  My doc put me on "Parkinson's" drugs to fix my high post benzo glutamate levels and stop my RLS.  Dopaergic drugs kick down glutamate levels very firmly so it's a nice effect post taper :thumbsup:.  Again too much glutamate is the great orgasmic killer as well!!  People that are post benzo almost always have low dopamine and high glutamate, a double whammy against the old pleasure principle!

I hate talking about my meds in the sex department so I am not naming them, NOPE! Just sick and tired of getting bashed around here for my pro-drug attitude. Benzo's suck but hey, I like drugs that help me and I even like occasional use of drugs that make me feel good, I am a child of the 1970's what can I say.  I am in general a disciplined person that knows when to say "NO".  Benzo's where the only drugs to ever leave me feeling shock-and-awe at the w/d point!  Benzo's are "sneaky" drugs!

I already told my family doc that if ever get a terminal illness that I want to be hooked up to so much morphine that my breath can put an insect to sleep by only proximity :laugh: 


Yeah, sometimes it's just too personal, please do your own research.  This forum has too many anti-drug zealots on the hunt for people like me.  I like so many others know what meds to take post taper.  Dopaergic drugs are tailor made for offering post benzo relief by hitting the two neurochemical imbalances hit the hardest. Low Dopamine and high Glutamate. There is one class of drugs that address both those problems  nicely and the side effects are nill at low levels. I'll taper it in year or two, not in a rush.


I'm also on a Parkinson's drug for RLS and have wondered if it helped in withdrawal.  It's the only medication I take these days.  Shouldn't have to taper the ones I know about... carbo/levodopa, Requip...


Challis, do not underestimate how much that helped you!  It's actually a major find. I think you have a very smart doc don't you? :laugh:  Yeah!  :laugh:    People stay on these drugs for a life time as tolerance is not a big deal on that drug class as you know, but to be honest tapering them is a bit tougher than you may think. The w/d run's out for a long LONG time and read's like a mild case of Parkinson's :'(

I am on a different one than you BTW.  The one I use has a side effect which is "glutamate GLT1 transporter blockade"  :D :D :D  YEAH! Talk about a groovy side effect  :D  Very handy after a benzo taper :D;)  I still do not want to mention it as I do not want to promote it.  I also really believe not everyone needs extra help.  I did and maybe a few special cases do but I do not advocate broad-sword drug replacement therapy as a rule so I am staying silent on exactly what I did and without the help of a good doc to micro manage rough patches it's useless knowledge anyhow, more trouble than good :-X :-X :-X :-X


Smart, yes, but started me on benzodiazepines for sleep to treat the RLS.  Maybe Parkinson's meds weren't being used 34 years ago when I was first diagnosed with it.  Anyway, at some point I found the info myself and asked to be put on ... I have a fairly significant nighttime restlessness from the knee down.  So I've been taking them for 20 years probably...way before my taper.  My doc upped the dose for awhile to deal with the increased RLS symptoms from w/d and sure enough, it has subsided to pre-taper levels... and dose. 

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I got my sex life back to full swing.  Three things you have to keep an eye out for  Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.  To control that you need to know about these three things prolactin, prolactin, prolactin!!!


Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars -  Prolactin is the OFF switch for female sex!




Boost your dopamine and good sex is inevitable.  My doc put me on "Parkinson's" drugs to fix my high post benzo glutamate levels and stop my RLS.  Dopaergic drugs kick down glutamate levels very firmly so it's a nice effect post taper :thumbsup:.  Again too much glutamate is the great orgasmic killer as well!!  People that are post benzo almost always have low dopamine and high glutamate, a double whammy against the old pleasure principle!

I hate talking about my meds in the sex department so I am not naming them, NOPE! Just sick and tired of getting bashed around here for my pro-drug attitude. Benzo's suck but hey, I like drugs that help me and I even like occasional use of drugs that make me feel good, I am a child of the 1970's what can I say.  I am in general a disciplined person that knows when to say "NO".  Benzo's where the only drugs to ever leave me feeling shock-and-awe at the w/d point!  Benzo's are "sneaky" drugs!

I already told my family doc that if ever get a terminal illness that I want to be hooked up to so much morphine that my breath can put an insect to sleep by only proximity :laugh: 


Yeah, sometimes it's just too personal, please do your own research.  This forum has too many anti-drug zealots on the hunt for people like me.  I like so many others know what meds to take post taper.  Dopaergic drugs are tailor made for offering post benzo relief by hitting the two neurochemical imbalances hit the hardest. Low Dopamine and high Glutamate. There is one class of drugs that address both those problems  nicely and the side effects are nill at low levels. I'll taper it in year or two, not in a rush.


I'm also on a Parkinson's drug for RLS and have wondered if it helped in withdrawal.  It's the only medication I take these days.  Shouldn't have to taper the ones I know about... carbo/levodopa, Requip...


Challis, do not underestimate how much that helped you!  It's actually a major find. I think you have a very smart doc don't you? :laugh:  Yeah!  :laugh:    People stay on these drugs for a life time as tolerance is not a big deal on that drug class as you know, but to be honest tapering them is a bit tougher than you may think. The w/d run's out for a long LONG time and read's like a mild case of Parkinson's :'(

I am on a different one than you BTW.  The one I use has a side effect which is "glutamate GLT1 transporter blockade"  :D :D :D  YEAH! Talk about a groovy side effect  :D  Very handy after a benzo taper :D;)  I still do not want to mention it as I do not want to promote it.  I also really believe not everyone needs extra help.  I did and maybe a few special cases do but I do not advocate broad-sword drug replacement therapy as a rule so I am staying silent on exactly what I did and without the help of a good doc to micro manage rough patches it's useless knowledge anyhow, more trouble than good :-X :-X :-X :-X


Smart, yes, but started me on benzodiazepines for sleep to treat the RLS.  Maybe Parkinson's meds weren't being used 34 years ago when I was first diagnosed with it.  Anyway, at some point I found the info myself and asked to be put on ... I have a fairly significant nighttime restlessness from the knee down.  So I've been taking them for 20 years probably...way before my taper.  My doc upped the dose for awhile to deal with the increased RLS symptoms from w/d and sure enough, it has subsided to pre-taper levels... and dose.



Good call  Challis  :thumbsup:


Did you ever see this movie?  It's interesting.








Birdy :smitten:


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Watched the trailer...just bought it on instant streaming on Amazon...thanks, Birdy!  Was looking for something to watch and love RW.


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Well my vagaga actually was broken. I went into menopause at age 38 (I am now 43) ya that was awesome! NOT! Then couldn't sleep...."oh, here, try this little non addictive pill called Xanax for sleep" - thanks a heap doc!!!!  :crazy: So I had vaginal dryness and thinning and all that crap. I had a blood clot so hormones are out of the question. But in 2013 I also started having excruciating pain with sex. I mean like knives!! So I went in and the GYN found vestibulitis. It's the inflammation of the vestibule of the vagina. It can't be cured or treated. And so we started with lidocaine numbing cream. Got worse. It spread.  :-[ So in the beginning of my taper last Feb I had a vestibulectomy....removal of that part of the vagina...see!! Broken vagina!!! Ugh. Well....we have been intimate but very rarely. It's better, but still not awesome. And now...oh god...no way...I am so miserable from the wd that I can hardly stand sheets touching me!! My poor hubby...so patient...but I fear waiting for what?...those other issues will still be there even after wd. Boohoo...43 and broken  :'(



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Wow Grinch I am so sorry you are going thru all of that! Adding WD to everything just seems like cruel and unusual punishment. I am glad you have an understanding husband. Mine is very patient. We do joke around about moving to Utah so he can get a sistr wife to handle the situation LOL.



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Yes, sorry to hear about all the troubles, Grinch, so sorry, sounds more than rough.... but wow, Kat, I'm also amazed how common this problem is
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I'm having a problem. I've been off nearly two years and for all intents and purposes, my vagina is broken. It feels like a yeast infection that won't quit, but doesn't flare (anymore, I am still awfully prone). I've been to the doc, nothing appears to be wrong. I'm told it's menopause, it's been two and a half years since my last period, but this is awful. Sometimes, there's pain, burning pain, no idea why.

Can anyone relate to this as a symptom and if so, does it go away?

I am super sensitive to hormones. Trying to alter my thyroid meds put me int a wave I thought would finish me, so that's just completely out of the question. This has to be something that will pass, or I'm just closed for business, and the prospect of this makes me terribly sad.

Any ideas out there?








i think this symptom is more common than we see around here. but i've only received PM's from a few different women who have the same burning "broken" vagina. i will tell you that after 29 months my vagina is finally coming back to life :D


i honestly felt like i had an on-going yeast infection, fire burning in that area, wetness and just plain sticky feeling that everytime i looked at it -- nothing was there. it was all sensory distortion. major distortion. finally - i don't have to use some toilet paper in that area when i'm sitting down and it use to feel even more wet, stickly and gross when i got up.


now it's starting to feel normal again. i really think it's all from the withdrawal. sure some of this could be lack of hormones, but we all know how badly the HPA aixs becomes disregulated during benzo withdrawal and needs lot's of time balancing out again.


i also haven't had a period since Feb of last year. but i am also still only 88lbs. i do believe it will come back at some point.

just a waiting game still. but this private area is feeling much better and a little more normal after all these months.


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i have no problems with my sexuality, actually I'm discovering that I can be very sexual,,,,


i wasn't aware of that before psych drugs......im not kidding.... :crazy:


i just came back from shopping, there were guys staring at me, i look back at them with That kind of look;;;;

i know whats going on in your head....so they were being shy and turning....


comedy actually....


my husband tells me all the time: you are NUTS!!!!!






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Thanks Pretty, that's what I'm hoping for, that I start to feel better, experience real healing, in my third year out. The persistent yeast infections/check. I even got some nasty swelling, super yeast infection, that comes and goes.


I've always had a super high sex drive (unless I'm emotionally disconnected from someone, then it shuts down, but I'm not unlike a lot of women in that respect. When things are good though, boy oh boy, they're very very good). I remember taking a lover during the height of my insanity in withdrawal, being afraid of what might happen, and posting a thread here called "Sex and the C/T", and to go from that to..... zip is hard, it's a loss of self, and there's enough of that going on. It' very encouraging to hear this will likely come back.... hormones really are out of the question for me, but I will be checked for BV.


Glad you're having fun, Mom, if I may call you that. Nothing better. Lately I have to enjoy music and theatre and art, but all I really want is to get laid with abandon  :).... after a few drinks. Ah, the simple things we miss  :)



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I can't take any hormones as I am a breast cancer survivor and supposedly that's a no-no. I also truly believe that tamoxifen and its resulting lack of estrogen and myo-inositol it caused initially caused the acute OCD that prompted the insomnia that begat the beznos. (Boy that sounds like part of LC's jabberwocky)>

Anyway, two things have helped me:


and coconut oil as lubricant, not just during sex, but whenever the va-jay-jay hurts.

Peace, ladies,


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I know thyroid meds put you into a tail spin, so I understand how you feel about the subject. But your thyroid is probably the most important gland in your body, as it mainly runs everything. Having a very low or very high thyroid can be dangerous to your health. Can you tell me when you had your last test done? If so, what was the number they gave you? Just trying to help a bit. Sorry if I am butting in and off topic. This really doesn't have anything to do with sex. Bets
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I know thyroid meds put you into a tail spin, so I understand how you feel about the subject. But your thyroid is probably the most important gland in your body, as it mainly runs everything. Having a very low or very high thyroid can be dangerous to your health. Can you tell me when you had your last test done? If so, what was the number they gave you? Just trying to help a bit. Sorry if I am butting in and off topic. This really doesn't have anything to do with sex. Bets


Mine was checked prior to taper. Normal. I basically have zero estrogen though bc of menopause. Awesome.... :crazy:



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