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Who's ready to talk frankly about sex post withdrawal, ladies?


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I'm having a problem. I've been off nearly two years and for all intents and purposes, my vagina is broken. It feels like a yeast infection that won't quit, but doesn't flare (anymore, I am still awfully prone). I've been to the doc, nothing appears to be wrong. I'm told it's menopause, it's been two and a half years since my last period, but this is awful. Sometimes, there's pain, burning pain, no idea why.

Can anyone relate to this as a symptom and if so, does it go away?

I am super sensitive to hormones. Trying to alter my thyroid meds put me int a wave I thought would finish me, so that's just completely out of the question. This has to be something that will pass, or I'm just closed for business, and the prospect of this makes me terribly sad.

Any ideas out there?


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This isn't something I've seen mentioned, although I haven't seen everything on the forum.  I would guess a hormone panel would tell your doctor if you are indeed in menopause. 


The symptoms you're describing could be menopause symptoms.  I know the vaginal walls go through changes with menopause...thinning and drying.  I believe there are creams that are made for this that contain low levels of hormones.


I'm close to three years off and this hasn't been a problem for me.


Have you had a hormone panel done recently?

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Menopause can bring about lots of very strange and unpleasant symptoms. The burning pain you are experiencing is very common, often brought about by a lack of the estrogen which provides lubrication for the vagina - consequently "drying" it out.


Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on your POV) when menopause symptoms become unmanageable, or are unacceptable to your lifestyle, the only proven way of relieving them is to have hormone therapy. This is different to the meds you may have tried for your thyroid issue. Also, hormone issues can be very unpredictable when doing a benzo withdrawal, but these issues often resolve themselves once you are benzo free. So I wouldn't totally rule out any kind of hormone therapy help, because things could be completely different now that you are benzo free.


Hormone therapy is very safe, and can be very natural these days, but it really depends on your own circumstances and personal opinions on the subject. For me personally, I won't even consider coming off my hormone therapy for a long time yet, if ever. The benefits are just too great for me.


There are some alternative therapies you can try, but in my experience, and those of the ladies on another forum that I visit from time to time, these therapies are very short term in their effectiveness, if they work at all. If they do work they only seem to help those with minor symptoms.


You may be able to try a topical estrogen cream, which is a hormone cream that your doctor has to prescribe (and I'm surprised your doctor hasn't already suggested it). It is a bit different to normal hormone therapy in that you just use it in the local area. It won't help with any other symptoms, but it might help with the burning sensation.


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I'm in the perimenopausal age range.  I also have a thyroid problem...hyperthyroidism.  I've never had any of the symptoms that you are experiencing.  There surely must be an answer, but I don't know what it is.  I wonder if there is some type of vaginal douche that would be healing or at least soothing?  I agree, the loss of intimacy would be difficult to cope with.  :'(



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I have had a lot of nerve pain in my vagina which is like a burning sensation. It is subsiding now.


This is due to withdrawal.


I am not sure if  it is the same as your symptoms though.


I am 60 and use oestrogen cream and vaginal oestrogen tablets to strengthen vaginal walls. Started that before withdrawal.







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Thank you so much for your concise and informative posts! I haven't had a panel done, I haven't had a period in 2.5 years, so, not much of a debate, but that would explain why certain symptoms have gotten worse over time, as I go deeper and deeper into it.


If there really is no other way to deal with it, and that's where I am, well, I won't have any choice really but to consider something, but I'm guessing not till I'm in a relationship so that it becomes an issue. I love sex, miss it terribly just as a healthy form of expression but the "crash" I had due to a tiny little hike in thyroid meds (tiny tiny tiny) happened at exactly this stage of withdrawal last time, just nearing the two year mark, and the reaction was so severe, it caused me to re instate, which is how I ended up back here, at this Forum, again.

Right now, I just wouldn't dare do anything... but I will go in and have a chat and find out exactly what's going on so at least I know.


It's also good to hear that some of this could also be withdrawal. Some of it has been so extreme, and it has calmed down, so it's what I'm hoping for.


Again, thanks so much!


If others have experienced this same thing in or post withdrawal, I'd love to hear from you.


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As you said, it's probably not much of a debate really, especially if you haven't had a period for that long and you're at meno age. In fact a lot of doctors won't even bother with any blood tests because as my doctor always says "What's it going to tell us we don't already know". In my case I know my hormones are crap, so there's not much point in having blood tests done just to prove they are. Plus hormone blood tests can be fairly unreliable. A lot of doctors prefer to prescribe based on symptoms.


There are a lot of over the counter things you can try, but in my experience, mostly they have been produced and marketed to part women from their money, without giving a whole lot in return. They are very expensive and after spending money on them you may just find that they don’t help very much anyway. They have been shown to have limited benefits in the early stages of peri-meno, or for women who only have mild symptoms, but once you become "hard-core" like you and me, you really need the heavy artillery of hormone therapy.


Think of meno as being a bit like benzo withdrawal, because basically your body has gone into withdrawal after cold turkeying off estrogen. When you c/t off a benzo your body is crying out for more benzo. It’s not crying out for some other kind of pill or potion. In menopause our body wants estrogen, and it won’t recognise anything else you try to give it to take its place. All that stuff you buy OTC or from alternative therapists is just stuff that is trying to fool your body into thinking it's the same as our natural hormones, but our bodies are a whole lot smarter than that.


If you have look at the Menopause Support thread link I have in my signature below you’ll find a whole lot of links in the first post to a lot of really interesting stuff.


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Thanks Pam, I will have a look. Actually, it wasn't just the thyroid hike that put me in a tail spin, it was slamming into menopause on the heels of benzo withdrawal. Mind you, I did crash once before due to a drop in thyroid med, three years earlier. In fact, I've been stuck on benzos due to hormone issues for about 8 years. Once it was due to a terrible reaction to a birth control pill (another re instatement), I'm spooked, totally spooked. I was told it was the progesterone likely that did it, but who knows. This is very uncomfortable though, that is for sure, and I hate to think that my best sexual years are behind me.


I'll look into it. Thanks again. I'm 53, I'll be three years in come end of March. What's to find out?


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Since withdrawal I have had all type of weird things happening. Burning and shooting pain, dryness. I tell my husband my vagina is broken. Poor sweet hubby  :-[



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Are you at menopause, cause if not, even if so, this is very encouraging. Nothing I want more than for this to be withdrawal. Yes, just right, broken, that's the word, you know what I'm saying.
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I had a similar feeling as well but I am 29 and not anywhere near being menopausal.

I know you said you had tests done, but mine ended up being bacterial vaginosis which is not an STD. Often people get it in times of stress when the body is out of wack- and withdrawal definitely is stressful haha!

Did you get checked for that? 

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Don't know, will absolutely look into it, bacterial vaginosis. A bonified infection would be a relief (the bar just gets lower and lower)


Yep, Goldy, closed for renovations. Ok, I'll use a smiley face, I'm feeling more hopeful  :)


Thanks again, guys!!


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If it does turn out to be BV, the doc will probably prescribe you Flagyl (antibiotic)

Just a warning, this did amp up my anxiety- it's actually a joke how sensitive you get to everything during/ after withdrawal. All I can do is laugh about it now !!

The anxiety lasted the week of the treatment but cleared after and the fact there were no longer any issues downtown was WELL worth short term craziness ;) 

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Hmmm. I had to go on Flagyl for a the "bad"reaction to another antibiotic I was prescribed for a bone infection (tooth thing gone haywire), but I had the "bad" reaction to it to, and the doc made me stop after only a couple of days. It did clear up the problem though, so I wonder if we're not sensitive to drugs in the good way as well. Still, hope they can give me something else if that's what it is. How crazy is this sensitivity!? I won't take so much as a vitamin right now, or even an otc remedy. Likely it would be fine, but why risk it.


That said, not much I wouldn't do to get my sex life back. Going to get checked next week. woo hoo!

ps Happy New Year everyone! Here's wishing us all great sex in 2015!


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Keflex is the only antibiotic I can tolerate with out any problems. I was on doxycycline when I was in Africa for Malaria prevention. I thought the heat was making me crazy and anxious- looking back, it was definitely my ridiculous sensitivity!

Flagly comes in a cream too so you are in luck! Fingers crossed its BV haha I cant believe I just said that.

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I know, I'm so excited since you told me that, I even mentioned it to a friend! And there's a cream??? Happy New Year to me!!!

Yep, things sure do change.


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..... well first off happy new years to everyone!! best forum I joined like ever.


    to comment, I am a bit younger than those commenting on this topic but, I do have the vaginal dryness. It causes a bunch of arguments in my new relationship. My bf thinks he's not satisfying me, & that's the exact opposite... he's great... it's , literally, me  :laugh: lol "it's not you ...it's me" that saying is perfect for this whole dilemma. I've been trying to explain my w/d to him, & sometimes he gets it, then he could randomly forget. But, anyways, my vagina is broken too lol...I hate it. I've looked into "vaginal dryness" & have incorporated more soy products, celery & certain fruits into my food regimen to kind of "lubricate" things down there & I hear estrogen levels play a part in this, too?  I should probably talk to my ob-gyn? ...this sucks though, it's a new relationship with someone I used to know back when I was in high school, we reconnected , but this is a part of what's putting a damper on our new relationship. I hate repeating " it's this damn benzo w/d".... &  " my vagina is broken"...to him 24/7. He's now becoming more understading , but it still affects him, I'm affected to...ya know? Who wants a broken vag..? When will it get back to how it was? haaate benzo w/d ....benzos period ... :tickedoff:...screwing up my relationship, my hormones, sex drive ..you name it.

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Have your boyfriend read this thread! So many women saying their vaginas are "broken" can't be just a coincidence.


As for me, I'm so happy to hear it isn't just me (sorry). Sure, I have menopausal issues, but I'll never forget the day, early in menopause, only 3 months without a period, and at the height of benzo crazy, that my vagina was dry as a desert, couldn't have imagined such a thing possible, and that passed. I just thought, what with where I am now hormonally, and how far out I am, but I know better, or at least I should, and at least part of this (if not all? hope hope) is withdrawal.... though with any luck, it's bacterial vaginosis! YAY



(ps You're too young to start messing with hormones for what is a passing thing and any doc who would do that.... well.... It's great, right, not being alone in this)

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I got my sex life back to full swing.  Three things you have to keep an eye out for  Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.  To control that you need to know about these three things prolactin, prolactin, prolactin!!!


Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars -  Prolactin is the OFF switch for female sex!




Boost your dopamine and good sex is inevitable.  My doc put me on "Parkinson's" drugs to fix my high post benzo glutamate levels and stop my RLS.  Dopaergic drugs kick down glutamate levels very firmly so it's a nice effect post taper :thumbsup:.  Again too much glutamate is the great orgasmic killer as well!!  People that are post benzo almost always have low dopamine and high glutamate, a double whammy against the old pleasure principle!

I hate talking about my meds in the sex department so I am not naming them, NOPE! Just sick and tired of getting bashed around here for my pro-drug attitude. Benzo's suck but hey, I like drugs that help me and I even like occasional use of drugs that make me feel good, I am a child of the 1970's what can I say.  I am in general a disciplined person that knows when to say "NO".  Benzo's where the only drugs to ever leave me feeling shock-and-awe at the w/d point!  Benzo's are "sneaky" drugs!

I already told my family doc that if I ever get a terminal illness that I want to be hooked up to so much morphine that my breath can put an insect to sleep by only proximity :laugh: 


Yeah, sometimes it's just too personal, please do your own research.  This forum has too many anti-drug zealots on the hunt for people like me.  I like so many others know what meds to take post taper.  Dopaergic drugs are tailor made for offering post benzo relief by hitting the two neurochemical imbalances hit the hardest. Low Dopamine and high Glutamate. There is one class of drugs that address both those problems  nicely and the side effects are nill at low levels. I'll taper it in year or two, not in a rush.


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I got my sex life back to full swing.  Three things you have to keep an eye out for  Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.  To control that you need to know about these three things prolactin, prolactin, prolactin!!!


Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars -  Prolactin is the OFF switch for female sex!




Boost your dopamine and good sex is inevitable.  My doc put me on "Parkinson's" drugs to fix my high post benzo glutamate levels and stop my RLS.  Dopaergic drugs kick down glutamate levels very firmly so it's a nice effect post taper :thumbsup:.  Again too much glutamate is the great orgasmic killer as well!!  People that are post benzo almost always have low dopamine and high glutamate, a double whammy against the old pleasure principle!

I hate talking about my meds in the sex department so I am not naming them, NOPE! Just sick and tired of getting bashed around here for my pro-drug attitude. Benzo's suck but hey, I like drugs that help me and I even like occasion use of drugs that make me feel good, I am a child of the 1970's what can I say.  I am in general a disciplined person that knows when to say "NO".  Benzo's where the only drugs to ever leave me feeling shock-and-awe at the w/d point!  Benzo's are "sneaky" drugs!

I already told my family doc that if ever get a terminal illness that I want to be hooked up to so much morphine that my breath can put an insect to sleep by only proximity :laugh: 


Yeah, sometimes it's just too personal, please do your own research.  This forum has too many anti-drug zealots on the hunt for people like me.  I like so many others know what meds to take post taper.  Dopaergic drugs are tailor made for offering post benzo relief by hitting the two neurochemical imbalances hit the hardest. Low Dopamine and high Glutamate. There is one class of drugs that address both those problems  nicely and the side effects are nill at low levels. I'll taper it in year or two, not in a rush.


I'm also on a Parkinson's drug for RLS and have wondered if it helped in withdrawal.  It's the only medication I take these days.  Shouldn't have to taper the ones I know about... carbo/levodopa, Requip...

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I'm afraid I'm one of those zealots, mainly because of how sensitive I've become post benzos. Sensitivity is a huge one for me, and trying drugs to shut off symptoms, well, I've been through my time of being open to that and it clobbered me, what an understatement, stole years and years of my life and the life of others I've known, so I can't tell you how out of the question it is. I'm a child of the 70s too (and the 80s weren't bad either), and I've never been a prude in any way, but drugs and me now? You'd have hold a gun to my head, and I'd likely say "just shoot, it's not worth it". Been there, done that.


I haven't actually got the sense that anyone knows exactly what's going on, let alone can prescribe for it mainly because, oh right, I've seen flat out that they can't. If they could, it would work for everyone. In fact, it works for only very few who have difficulty, like most of the people here.



Like I said, been there, done that, not a fan.


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I got my sex life back to full swing.  Three things you have to keep an eye out for  Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine.  To control that you need to know about these three things prolactin, prolactin, prolactin!!!


Dopamine plummets and prolactin soars -  Prolactin is the OFF switch for female sex!




Boost your dopamine and good sex is inevitable.  My doc put me on "Parkinson's" drugs to fix my high post benzo glutamate levels and stop my RLS.  Dopaergic drugs kick down glutamate levels very firmly so it's a nice effect post taper :thumbsup:.  Again too much glutamate is the great orgasmic killer as well!!  People that are post benzo almost always have low dopamine and high glutamate, a double whammy against the old pleasure principle!

I hate talking about my meds in the sex department so I am not naming them, NOPE! Just sick and tired of getting bashed around here for my pro-drug attitude. Benzo's suck but hey, I like drugs that help me and I even like occasional use of drugs that make me feel good, I am a child of the 1970's what can I say.  I am in general a disciplined person that knows when to say "NO".  Benzo's where the only drugs to ever leave me feeling shock-and-awe at the w/d point!  Benzo's are "sneaky" drugs!

I already told my family doc that if ever get a terminal illness that I want to be hooked up to so much morphine that my breath can put an insect to sleep by only proximity :laugh: 


Yeah, sometimes it's just too personal, please do your own research.  This forum has too many anti-drug zealots on the hunt for people like me.  I like so many others know what meds to take post taper.  Dopaergic drugs are tailor made for offering post benzo relief by hitting the two neurochemical imbalances hit the hardest. Low Dopamine and high Glutamate. There is one class of drugs that address both those problems  nicely and the side effects are nill at low levels. I'll taper it in year or two, not in a rush.


I'm also on a Parkinson's drug for RLS and have wondered if it helped in withdrawal.  It's the only medication I take these days.  Shouldn't have to taper the ones I know about... carbo/levodopa, Requip...


Challis, do not underestimate how much that helped you!  It's actually a major find. I think you have a very smart doc don't you?  :laugh:  Yeah!  :laugh:    People stay on these drugs for a life time as tolerance is not a big deal on that drug class as you know, but to be honest tapering them is a bit tougher than you may think. The w/d run's out for a long LONG time and read's like a mild case of Parkinson's :'(

I am on a different one than you BTW.  The one I use has a side effect which is "glutamate GLT1 transporter blockade"  :D :D :D  YEAH! Talk about a groovy side effect  :D  Very handy after a benzo taper :D;)  I still do not want to mention it as I do not want to promote it.  I also really believe not everyone needs extra help.  I did and maybe a few special cases do but I do not advocate broad-sword drug replacement therapy as a rule so I am staying silent on exactly what I did and without the help of a good doc to micro manage rough patches it's useless knowledge anyhow, more trouble than good :-X :-X :-X :-X

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Have your boyfriend read this thread! So many women saying their vaginas are "broken" can't be just a coincidence.


As for me, I'm so happy to hear it isn't just me (sorry). Sure, I have menopausal issues, but I'll never forget the day, early in menopause, only 3 months without a period, and at the height of benzo crazy, that my vagina was dry as a desert, couldn't have imagined such a thing possible, and that passed. I just thought, what with where I am now hormonally, and how far out I am, but I know better, or at least I should, and at least part of this (if not all? hope hope) is withdrawal.... though with any luck, it's bacterial vaginosis! YAY



(ps You're too young to start messing with hormones for what is a passing thing and any doc who would do that.... well.... It's great, right, not being alone in this)


:laugh: :laugh: I totally should lol... but ok then , I was only curious because I saw numerous people mention get something for hormones ( estrogen ). But, I 'll toss that thought away.

oh wow...im glad you got through that. Yes, it totally sucks .... we all got support on here, which is nice.

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