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My little pup crossed over the Rainbow Bridge tonight


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Blossom was 15 near as we can tell.  I adopted from a Cairn Terrier Rescue group in 2001.  I had to put her brother down last year, he was in kidney failure.  She had a bad hind leg from puppy mill trauma, and it got worse after she fell off her handicapped doggie ramp my husband built her.  She was a little fighter to the end, she could barely walk and still didn't give up, and also totally blind.  She rarely ran into things.  It's a sad day in the house, it feels so empty.  I have my recently adopted dog Jack, a terrier mix, but that big personality in Blossom's little body just makes the house seem so big.  I'm really flaring badly today.  I miss my baby girl <3
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I am truly sorry for your loss of Blossom. Just reading this I am crying. I am praying for you and your family. :smitten:


My beloved siamese is 17 years old and in chronic renal failure, plus arthritis I think in back legs. She cannot jump up to her favorite spots any longer. She has been with me constantly through all of  my pain and sorrow.


I cannot bear the thought of losing her now.


Blossom is now a free soul, running and playing pain free. I know you realize this, and it still won't diminish the pain and grief you feel. I am sending my love and healing thoughts.



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I'm so sorry to hear this. I also have quite a few furry friends waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. We'll all see each other again one day. I'm certain of that.
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Thank you all so much. :smitten: 


I couldn't sleep last nite, I laid awake thinking of how the vet put her to sleep.  When Dylan was put asleep last year the vet gave him a sleepy shot, then when he was out, he gave him the heart stopper.  This vet asst. grabbed Blossom from my husband, and held her wrong, she always freaked unless you hold her tight against you.  The vet then was looking for a vein in her little front leg with the needle and made her leg bleed badly as he poked her over and over.  She was stressed and freaking out, and she had just spent an hour sitting in my recliner with me being rubbed on and loved. 


He gave her the heart stopping shot with nothing else, she died in pain and stressed, not calm like Dylan.  I'm so upset over this.  If I had known I would have given her some of the methadone I had, and let her go to sleep peacefully.  I can't get that image of her out of my head.  It's so damn sad, and to have this happen, angers me, no other way to say it.  She suffered so much in her little life in that puppy mill. I protected her from being hurt and this vet treated her awful.  I can't forget this, my little girl died not peacefully.  I will never let another vet do this to any animal of mine.  If it's you, and you have to have your pet put down, make sure they give your pet a sleepy shot first.  I can't stop crying, that was my baby girl. :'( I'm so traumatized.

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So sad, I am crying.  Blossom knows you would not be cruel to her, she is grateful you cared for her as long as you did.  She is peaceful now, will see you at the Rainbow Bridge someday.

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I am so so sorry, MountainGirl.


We love our pets so much.


Your story is heartbreaking.


Take good care of yourself.




LF  :smitten:

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So sad, I am crying.  Blossom knows you would not be cruel to her, she is grateful you cared for her as long as you did.  She is peaceful now, will see you at the Rainbow Bridge someday.


:hug: ty sweets.  I told my husband before, I want her to go peacefully, she deserved that.  She was always tense and in self-defense mode.  It was a bad night, we had flooding rains and horrid thunderstorms all nite.  It was like a nightmare.  My poor little beautiful girl. :smitten:


If someone call tell me how, I'll post a picture of her, it will melt your heart.  I see insert an image, but how to do I upload it from my computer?

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I sure can relate to the trauma of having your dog put down by a callous vet.


Close to 20 years ago now, when my beloved Beau could no longer get himself up from a lying position because of arthritis, I couldn't take it anymore, and after an agonizing period of watching him struggle like this, I decided it was time. He was 13 and all tired out. He could hardly bark, anymore.


So I took him for his last ride to the vet. The man who had known Beau for his whole life had recently retired and in his place was a pleasant-looking woman. Beau never liked the vets, period, so I didn't think it mattered much to him. But I wasn't prepared for what happened.


I don't really want to re-live this so I'll keep it short. The woman came into the exam room, where I was holding Beau on the table, with the needle held high in front of her, coming straight at us. He saw it and seemed to immediately put it all together and looked up at me and gave me the loudest, most frightened bark of his life. I immediately heard the words in my mind: NO! Don't do this! You betrayed me! She went somewhere into his right foreleg with one shot.


After a moment, it was over and I was holding the limp Beau close to me. She turned around after disposing of the needle and said easily, Oh, you can let go of him now, he's gone. I could tell she wanted to get me out of there, so I left. They made me pay first, so I just wandered out to my car and sat there for a long while before driving home.


Sometimes still, usually on a Sunday when I'm alone with my thoughts and feeling down, the memory of that traumatic experience comes back to me. It still gives me the same ache inside, but it has lessened with time. It will never go away entirely, though. Nor should it. Beau deserves every tear I have and ever will shed for him. He was that special.


Rest in peace, buddy. And say hello to a girl named Blossom when she gets over there. 



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Under, I cried like a baby for Beau :'(  these jerks have no compassion, they are un-human.  Blossom too knew the minute they walked in and started getting upset, she was blind, but her nose knew the smell of the vet.  She cried a couple times.  To have her taken out of my arms peaceful for the last hour and then that awful pain as he kept jabbing her, it makes me sick to my stomach.  I almost threw up several times that night.


I will never forget this, and I pray God has his vengeance on those who were merciless on his beloved animals.  I hope Beau & Blossom are happy and playing together over that Rainbow Bridge.  Thank you for sharing, I know it was painful for you.


Hugs, MG :smitten:

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So sad, I am crying.  Blossom knows you would not be cruel to her, she is grateful you cared for her as long as you did.  She is peaceful now, will see you at the Rainbow Bridge someday.


:hug: ty sweets.  I told my husband before, I want her to go peacefully, she deserved that.  She was always tense and in self-defense mode.  It was a bad night, we had flooding rains and horrid thunderstorms all nite.  It was like a nightmare.  My poor little beautiful girl. :smitten:


If someone call tell me how, I'll post a picture of her, it will melt your heart.  I see insert an image, but how to do I upload it from my computer?


If you have a Photobucket account, upload a pic and copy the last link they offer.  Paste that link here.  If you don't have a Photobucket account, I would sign up under an alias.  If you already have one, make sure to mark your pics 'private'.


Challis  :)


P.S. I would call the vet's office and let them know what happened when Blossom was put to sleep.  If it is their protocol not to give the sleepy shot before the euthanasia, I'd switch to a new vet.  There's no need to make an animal suffer at the end.  That's why we put them down...to avoid any more suffering.



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So sad, I am crying.  Blossom knows you would not be cruel to her, she is grateful you cared for her as long as you did.  She is peaceful now, will see you at the Rainbow Bridge someday.


:hug: ty sweets.  I told my husband before, I want her to go peacefully, she deserved that.  She was always tense and in self-defense mode.  It was a bad night, we had flooding rains and horrid thunderstorms all nite.  It was like a nightmare.  My poor little beautiful girl. :smitten:


If someone call tell me how, I'll post a picture of her, it will melt your heart.  I see insert an image, but how to do I upload it from my computer?


If you have a Photobucket account, upload a pic and copy the last link they offer.  Paste that link here.  If you don't have a Photobucket account, I would sign up under an alias.  If you already have one, make sure to mark your pics 'private'.


Challis  :)


P.S. I would call the vet's office and let them know what happened when Blossom was put to sleep.  If it is their protocol not to give the sleepy shot before the euthanasia, I'd switch to a new vet.  There's no need to make an animal suffer at the end.  That's why we put them down...to avoid any more suffering.


Challis, do I have to click on the "insert image" button first?  I tried that on another thread, and pasted the img link from photobucket into the brackets, didn't work.  Have used this kind of link for a long time. 



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At least I know I can still cry...I called a vet friend of mine who told me how I could put Gracie to sleep in my arms on the back porch in the sun. It was painless, quiet, and gave me peace of mind. She knew...settled into my lap, took a deep breath, and seemed to say "I'm ready'. My tears are fond memories. I'm about ready to find another pound pup to steal into my life. It has been 1  1/2 years.
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More and more veterinarians refuse to euthanize and I don't blame them.


I don't mean to take away from your anger as I know it's justified, but it's very hard on veterinarians too.


After our vet put my cat to sleep he held me and cried.


I hope in the weeks and months to come your memories will return to happier times. She sure was a cutie.





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Such beautiful little dogs, MG  :smitten:


Ty Under :smitten:  and the heart of big dogs!  Both caught critters constantly.  Blossom caught 2 moles, a huge rat, a gigantic pregnant chipmunk, & a couple birds.  Her and Dylan worked in tandem, he would chase them, she made the kill.  With my boys I had 15 yrs ago, they would hike with me 10 miles no problem.    My boy Bandit backed down a 100lb mutt who came up to him growling, LOL with his hackles up.  Bandit looked at him, and snarled, got out of his collar and went after him.  That huge mutt went "YIPE YIPE YIPE" and ran off.  I had never laughed so hard in my life! :laugh:

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At least I know I can still cry...I called a vet friend of mine who told me how I could put Gracie to sleep in my arms on the back porch in the sun. It was painless, quiet, and gave me peace of mind. She knew...settled into my lap, took a deep breath, and seemed to say "I'm ready'. My tears are fond memories. I'm about ready to find another pound pup to steal into my life. It has been 1  1/2 years.


Texas, can you share with me how you did it?  I would like to know for the next time, I will never put another dog of mine through that, ever, and my hubby agrees with me.  Sorry for the loss of your baby :'(  Yes, it's time you do, we waited 6 months after losing Dylan, and my mixed terrier Jack is the love of our lives.  He goes everywhere with us, and we are very attached.  You won't regret it.  They can't replace the babies we lost, but they are unique in their own way. :smitten:  There is a pup out there waiting for you to adopt him/her.


Hugs, MG :smitten:

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More and more veterinarians refuse to euthanize and I don't blame them.


I don't mean to take away from your anger as I know it's justified, but it's very hard on veterinarians too.


After our vet put my cat to sleep he held me and cried.


I hope in the weeks and months to come your memories will return to happier times. She sure was a cutie.



I understand, but this was heartless, he said "this won't take long, jabbed her arm till it had blood running down it, and she was gone before we could say a word, then made small talk fast and left the house.  Very different from the other vet with Dylan last year.  He went very peacefully, gave him a sleepy shot, we loved on Dylan, and Dylan licked the vets hand, a last act of love to the hand that put him to sleep, then he when he was asleep he gave him the shot that stopped his heart.  I held him when he gave him the sleepy shot, and he was in his bed for the last one.  This vet, blossom was held violently and she wasn't even fighting  :'(  This will haunt me the rest of my life.  It was nightmarish.  Even my husband, the voice of reason said it was not good, that's how I know it's not just me saying it.



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I'm sorry you have to have that memory, MG. But with great love comes great sorrow.

I think someone important said that or something like it.


Part two of my dog story:


When our last dog, Sammy, came into our lives, I swore from the start that I would never let him die in fear at the vet's. So I watched him die on the living room floor. He went fast.


He spent his last days, like Beau, unable to get up and walk. He too had arthritis. I think he may have had cancer, too. I went and got a refill of Tramadol from the vet and gave Sammy some and he had a bad reaction to it this time. It was a messy scene on his last day.


Finally, after holding vigil with him through the night, Sammy began shaking violently and hyperventilating. I went into the bedroom feeling helpless and asked my wife what I could do for him. By the time I returned to the living room, he was gone. I slumped into a chair and sobbed harder than I had since I was five years old. That was March 5, 2012.


I was wracked with guilt over making Sammy go through that awful two days. But I kept my promise not to make him die in the vet clinic. That place always struck fear in him, anyway. I still can't decide which memory is worse, Beau's or Sam's. Both are horrible.


I feel pretty stupid now knowing that a vet will come administer the shot in the home. Next time, I'll know better. But I still don't feel like I could go through losing another dog. It's just too heartbreaking.



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I am truly sorry for your loss of Blossom. Just reading this I am crying. I am praying for you and your family. :smitten:


My beloved siamese is 17 years old and in chronic renal failure, plus arthritis I think in back legs. She cannot jump up to her favorite spots any longer. She has been with me constantly through all of  my pain and sorrow.


I cannot bear the thought of losing her now.


Blossom is now a free soul, running and playing pain free. I know you realize this, and it still won't diminish the pain and grief you feel. I am sending my love and healing thoughts.




Hi Jade, you can try apple cider vinegar (with the mother, Braggs is a great choice) for the renal failure of your cat.

I use apple cider vinegar on my tomcat who had a blocked urethra and cystitis...conventional treatment made him develop the cystitis and things were getting worse.

I found the pet section on Earth Clinic and read all the wonderful reviews on ACV for cats and knew I have to try it, my cat is a happy little fellow now with no problems whatsoever.

Diet is playing also a crucial role in their health..we dont feed kibble anymore..kibble is just junk food for cats..there is one brand though that my cat seemed to be doing fine with but cant find it here anymore, its called canagan, its an english super food without cereals.

Whatever you feed your cat you have to remember that cats are carnivores and the cereals in their kibble is the cause for degenerative disease.

I wish your pet health and lots of happy purrs.


MG, sorry for your loss, I too have pets and they are family, so I know how hurtful it is when we lose them.

Take care. :smitten:

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