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i would just like to say 'thank you' to all my neighbors who have sent me a 'postcard' expressing their support concerning a person who has wreaked havoc in our neighborhood. i can't say i was surprised by the volume of 'postcards' i received. i suspected there might have been that many. i really do wish you would have gone to the 'police' though. but at the same time i understand your reluctance to do so. and have no fear. you will all remain completely anonymous. come to find out, this individual is also on the 'force' and the 'police' have to protect their own even if it means not doing the right thing...
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Nope i did not Benzojunkie, but followed the drama , the thread in question

was from the 25th of june, how come it took you soooooo long to reply and

dig it up again ? lots of hot air for something in the past. :)

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Nope i did not Benzojunkie, but followed the drama , the thread in question

was from the 25th of june, how come it took you soooooo long to reply and

dig it up again ? lots of hot air for something in the past. :)


hi Claudia,,, 25th of June? what happened on the 25th of June? this whole 'situation' stemmed from an incident which occurred yesterday...

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hi Claudia,,, 25th of June? what happened on the 25th of June? this whole 'situation' stemmed from an incident which occurred yesterday...


On the 25th June, and contrary to your belief that I personally choose who to moderate out of malice and discrimination, I posted a reminder - not a reprimand as you call it - to another member to stay on topic of the thread.  The nature of the topic has been clearly defined by [practically] the entire team, the thread creator and other members.


The last post in that thread was by said member approximately 57  minutes after I'd posted to her. 


So, that was the end of that issue, until you decided to create a hurricane from it on the 28th July, just over a month after the thread was abandoned.


It then proceeded to be derailed for 3 further pages over the issue that you raised in the thread, with a curt demand for an explanation of the reminder to another member, followed by a public and blatant personal attack towards myself, and this thread making further attacks, and also a combatitive change to your avatar & personal text underneath your avatar.


Throughout this 'situation', as you call it, you wilfully ignored 4 team member's direction, made spurious & unsubstantiated accusations, persisted in attacking a fellow buddie & team member who puts in a lot of time to make the foum a better place, for free, and wilfully & knowingly violated the following rules:


You must not knowingly post false statements, nor obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful or threatening comments/material.


Please do not post profanity - disguised or otherwise - at this forum.


If you disagree with a moderation action please see our policy ''Disagreeing with a moderation decision' for further details on permitted methods of recourse.


We are a support group for all those experiencing problems with benzodiazepine use or withdrawal - this is our common bond. We do not tolerate prejudice in any form.


Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members.


As a result of your continued disruptive actions, ignoring the team, the owner, and violating the rules in such a blatant manner, the administrators felt it necessary to moderate your posts before they hit the open forum.  Had this been a debate or other non-support-orienated forum, you'd almost certainly have been banned outright. 


This isn't vicimisation or the team 'circling the wagons' out of some inappropriate sense of needing to support a fellow team member at the cost of ignoring the right thing (an accusation you make in this thread) - believe me I've made my mistakes and been pulled up for them -  and so far as I can see you've generated a hell of a lot of work, il-feeling and stress for several people going through withdrawals, grief, and other life-problems, all-the-while stating that this is meant to be a forum of support and free-speech where people aren't attacked. 


At no point in this sustained & directly personal attacking of me over several threads, PM's, and the Contact the team section, have I resorted to your level and insulted or attacked you in return, nor have I violated any forum rules or created a ton of work for the rest of the team. 


However, since I'm the subject-matter, I'm now having my proper say about it, as is the privilege granted to me as it is to you or any other member.  And, you'll notice that I'm doing it perectly calmy, with facts, and links, and without hyperbole and/or personal attacks;  I choose to use other means of communicating.


I even extended you the courtesy of continuing to unload your anger towards me in the thread you started to petition to have me removed from the team.  However, I note you've chosen to ignore me in that thread and continued attacking me by-proxy via other routes.  In fact, you have not spoken to me directly once througout this whole assault.  Which, frankly, I find rather cowardly. 


Most people on any forum I've ever been a member on, or moderated, or adminned would have torn you a new proverbial asshole by now.  You'll notice that I haven't.  Have you asked yourself why that is?  And why I've never done it to anyone else here?


Could I, am I capable of it, woud it be easy for me to lower my standards and unleash the full force of my filthy, Londoner's mouth on you and certain others?  Very much so.  I have no problem with profanity and/or taking apart people's illogical arguments.  The thing is, BJ, contrary to your incorrect perceptions of me, and those of a few of your pals, I'm actually not really the evil person you think or claim I am.


Every, and I do mean every 'argument' (as you see them) that I've been involved in here, have all originated from me standing up for another member who was being harassed or intellectually bullied by someone else, or because I've simply done what the team asks of me in terms of moderating threads or persistently troublesome individuals.


I make no apology for my part in those 'conflicts' and I'm very comfortable doing it again the next time I see such an injustice here.  I will happily pay the price of being called nasty names, or even kicked off the team, if it means someone else can be shielded from abuse.  Those are my principals, I stand by them, and anyone who knows anything about me knows that I will uphold them no matter the external pressure not to.


That's who I am, BJ.. that's what I'm about.  If you actually bothered to find out something about me instead of creating a strawman image and attacking that, you may find that most people at the forum happen to like me and treat me with the utmost respect & dignity, and there's a reason for that: 


It's partly because they're decent people, and partly because I'm actually a nice guy, and I bust my ass doing work for the members of the forum, purely because I like helping people.  I don't do it because I enjoy conflict in, and I quote,

it seems no matter where he posts an argument develops.


Really?  Wherever I post an argument develops?  Ok, I've made over 2000 posts.. you can view all of them.. go see for yourself that you're completely incorrect with such an accusation.  In other words, you're attempting to assinate my character.  The thing is, BJ, it's only the truth that can hurt me, not things like PM gossip, logical fallacies, hyperbole or false accusations. 


Interestingly, some may say hypocritically, you also go on to say

he seems to like to pick out and harass certain individuals. these actions are not conducive to benzo withdrawal/healing.


Reall, BJ?  Who's the one doing the picking-out and harassing here, me or you?  And who's actions are not conducive to benzo wthdrawal? 


Have you ANY idea, whatsever, how hard a time I'm having in life right now?  Have you ANY self-awareness of the hurtful things you've said that could have pushed me over the edge if I wasn't prepared to handle it?  Have you ANY clue just how much you're contradicting yourself, and making baseless claims at my expense and the expense of a lot of other people here, and how much stress you've caused those people in the process?  Think about what you claim you want (equality, non-discrimination, no arguing, no attacking) and then take a look at your own behaviour recently.


Can you see the contradiction, too?



Might I be so bold as to suggest that the next time you decide to lay into me, or anyone else, that you at least get your facts right before you do, and don't keep violating the rules in the process?  I don't think that's an unreasonable request. 





B :)


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Nope i did not Benzojunkie, but followed the drama , the thread in question

was from the 25th of june, how come it took you soooooo long to reply and

dig it up again ? lots of hot air for something in the past. :)


hi Claudia,,, 25th of June? what happened on the 25th of June? this whole 'situation' stemmed from an incident which occurred yesterday...


Hi BJ, :) i understand where you are coming from, being a fighter for fairness myself,

i know your intentions were good but in this case unfortunately wrong.


At the time the thread was going, i was actually glad that Benzoid stepped in,

chances were quite high that someone else would have replied to babyangel

and the porn subject would have put her into trouble again.

i am not a fan of Benzoid myself, but fair is fair and facts are facts.


i think you reacted too spontaneous, as Colin pointed out , the right way would have been

to contact the Team, the way you did it was classless, i hope you agree. ;)


there is no Forum rule that we all have to be in love with each other.

so lets forget about the whole thing, until the next drama occurs. :laugh:

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it seems no matter where he posts an argument develops.


Really?  Wherever I post an argument develops?  Ok, I've made over 2000 posts.. you can view all of them.. go see for yourself that you're completely incorrect with such an accusation.  In other words, you're attempting to assinate my character.  The thing is, BJ, it's only the truth that can hurt me, not things like PM gossip, logical fallacies, hyperbole or false accusations.


Actually, Benzoid, this reminded me of the old Kate Adie joke:


Kate Adie is a jinx. Everywhere she goes, there's trouble!

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it seems no matter where he posts an argument develops.


Really?  Wherever I post an argument develops?  Ok, I've made over 2000 posts.. you can view all of them.. go see for yourself that you're completely incorrect with such an accusation.  In other words, you're attempting to assinate my character.  The thing is, BJ, it's only the truth that can hurt me, not things like PM gossip, logical fallacies, hyperbole or false accusations.


Actually, Benzoid, this reminded me of the old Kate Adie joke:


Kate Adie is a jinx. Everywhere she goes, there's trouble!


Lol.. my brain processed that one just fine :D

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I assume it is okay to ask questions about a post here without facing moderator activity.


I sincerely would like the answer to these questions.


and also a combatitive change to your avatar & personal text underneath your avatar.

What was the combative change to the text?  I think I missed it.


Every, and I do mean every 'argument' (as you see them) that I've been involved in here, have all originated from me standing up for another member who was being harassed or intellectually bullied by someone else, or because I've simply done what the team asks of me in terms of moderating threads or persistently troublesome individuals.

I keep reading about this ad nauseum.  Could I be pointed to a couple examples.  And not the torbjorn example or the Scott example because in both of these I believe Benzoid was merely defending people who agreed with his positions.  I would like an example when he stepped in to defend someone who seriously disagreed with him, other than some devil's advocate post.


Seriously.  I don't want to hold a negative opinion about someone when I am unaware of the full extent of his posting.


And finally, an editorial comment for which I hope I don't get in trouble.  Since when is defending someone on a message board a profile in courage. Especially when it is apparent that absloutely nothing will happen to you besides a few folks disagreeing and saying something.  Really, we have to stoop that low for examples of courage.  JMHO.  I didn't want to post this on someone's blog because I don't think that is appropriate.


I would have PMd Benzoid but I read a post somewhere that he was being overcome with PMs or something.  And of course, nobody has to answer me if they don't feel like it.

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Seriously.  I don't want to hold a negative opinion about someone when I am unaware of the full extent of his posting.


Access to everything I've ever said on the puclic forum which you can read for yourself.


Because I sure ain't spending hours & hours & hours & hours of my time finding things out that you're apparently not making a judgement about until you do.




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Because I sure ain't spending hours & hours & hours & hours of my time finding things out that you're apparently not making a judgement about until you do.

Fair enough.  Since you've mentioned it a few times I thought you might have some examples off the top of your head.


But this I can't research, because I can't see how the personal text has changed over time -

and also a combatitive change to your avatar & personal text underneath your avatar.


Since this is a charge you made, I assume you know what the change was.  As far as I know, benzojunkie always had the same Stones song quote as his personal text.


We want to keep the facts staight, correct?

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We want to keep the facts staight, correct?


You're right, we do. Here's a fact for you:


I'm not a fish that sees a worm on a hook and actually believes it's food.


Frankly, I'm surprised it took you so long to join the party, bobo.  But it's over now.



Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my 2nd bacon sandwich with chipotle sauce.










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So you made a false accusation.  Thanks for the admission.  Enjoy your sandwich.


Knock it off, bobo. I saw your post a few hours ago, but decided to let it go. Your comments only seem to further the pettiness which has been occurring in this thread and elsewhere on the forum for the past dayy or so. Still, I decided to give you the benefit of any doubt (by not responding earlier). Benzoid has now replied that 'he doesn't wish to play', and, frankly, I don't blame him. Your subsequent comments only serve to remove any remaining question about whether or not this was genuine inquiry or just more bad-faith commentary.


Benzoid has made no 'admission' to a 'false accusation'. For you to claim this is disingenuous - frankly, it is a plain lie. With a helpful link, Benzoid has invited you to review his posts. If you find anything truly significant, contact me via PM about it.


Relevant forum policy document:


If you feel a moderation decision is unfair or you have general suggestions/feedback to offer the team, there are a number of options available for members to respond, dependent on the circumstances. The team are happy to listen to your concerns but the wider issues of forum-harmony for the majority and thread-integrity take precedence over public complaints and/or derailing of threads.



  • If you’re the member being moderated, the best course of action is to Contact the Team, or PM the moderator with your concerns. Alternatively you may raise the issue in the Feedback section. However, please be aware that if you raise the issue publicly, then a public response may be given by the team. We will not allow protracted, public discussions about an individual case in the thread a moderation action was taken, either by the member concerned or by observers.
  • If you’re an observer to moderation action of another member and wish to raise your concerns, the proper way to do this is to Contact the Team or use PMs, not in the thread concerned or in any other threads. Posts that derail threads may be removed or moved to preserve the integrity of the thread in question.
  • For unmoderated members that wish to discuss moderation in more general terms, not specific cases about other members, you may start a thread in the Feedback section or Off-topic sections of the forum. You may also Contact the Team if you desire privacy.


  • Choosing privacy level via Contact the Team (use the dropdown box):
    • 'Contact Moderators' (default) - Moderators see the ticket.
    • 'Contact Administrators' - Only Administrators see the ticket.


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I will PM you.  Since I am now refraining from posting about this, I assume I will be afforded the same courtesy there will be no further insults, jokes, or other negative posts about me or the content of my posts. 
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Since I am now refraining from posting about this, I assume I will be afforded the same courtesy there will be no further insults, jokes, or other negative posts about me or the content of my posts.

Just a headsup..


I wouldn't necessarily assume that, bobo, for anyone's entitled to reply to your posts, if you choose to add them to the forum.  Sometimes it can take days for a member to think-up something to say in the middle of a cog-fog, or even just to get to see a certain thread or post.  Their mood at the time is anyone's guess.  If we don't want replies to our posts, the best choice is not to post them in the first place. 



B :)

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From the 'other' other thread (this issue started here so I felt it right to end it here so we can both move on and get on with other things):


I hope I am allowed to respond as you said in the other thread members can respond to posts. I hope that applies to me as well.

Of course you're allowed to post, anywhere you like, bobo.  We all have the same privileges so long as we're posting within the rules & guidelines.  If anybody tells you otherwise then they're grossly mistaken about the culture here, and by all means if that happens you can send me or another team-member a PM and we'll deal with it. 


You're an equal member here, so if you're posting within the rules & guidelines you're just as welcome to post your thoughts, feelings & opinions as anyone else.  That's a fact, and I'll personally support your right to freedom-of-expression, so long as it doesn't cross the line.  Of ccourse, I want that same freedom, too, just the same as everyone else has, whether I'm a team-member or not.  The first, and most important, definition of what I am here is a person  who's going through a rough withdrawal.  Secondarily, I give what resources I can as a team member, as-and-when I can give them.  Some days are better than others.  Being on the team does add a lot of pressure to my life - especially over the last week - but the trade-off is worth it to me because I get to help a lot of people help others, who in turn help me back one day, and so the merry-go-round continues.   



Just ensuring you do not wish to imply i am coordinating with others because that is simply untrue.
Well, I've not mentioned any specific names in public, nor would I.   


On that note, though, the often-overlooked problem with coordinated trolling over PM's / emails (I've seen it many times on different fora) is that one never really knows if one of the group is feeding information back to the one(s) being trolled.  In theory one of the group could be acting a bit like a spy.  Hypothetically it becomes a further risk when several people start using identical terminology to describe certain members or the team in-general .  It's part of human psychology to repeat phrases that we use a lot in a private group, outside of the private group (kind of like inside jokes we tell around others who aren't 'in on them').


If such a situation were occuring, eventually someone could blow-the-whistle, or the syntax in people's posts starts to align all of a sudden, and some observers are trained to notice things like correlating syntax, just like a psychologist would be trained to notice things about my body-language that I'm unaware of myself.


One reason I'd never be so stupid as to engage in that sort of behaviour on a forum is because one never really knows who's going to forward a PM or email to a team member when they think the trolling's gone too far.


Naturally, if someone isn't engaged in such things, that someone has nothing to worry about.  So, I'll take you at your word and we can agree that you're perfectly clean on this one.  Fair enough?



One other thing. I have never and would never ask for someone to be removed from a mod team. I know it is a favor people do for the forum not some highly paid sinecure.

I'm pleased to hear that, because I would never do such a thing, either.  For one, I feel it'd made me look like a bit of an idiot, secondly it'd alienate me from a lot of other members. 


Besides, it never works, so it's a waste of energy.



Enjoy your day if you can, bobo.  I will be, because I have a new Zippo to bond with.



B :)



Ps, I forgot to mention, I'm absolutely and totally done with this whole issue and anything that became attached to it.  So this will be my last post on the matter(s).

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Well if someone is part some trolling cabal on here and they are emailing each other they have broken another rule because we are not supposed to be asking each other for emails or phone numbers. I follow this rule though its apparent from some posts that others do not.

Any look at my fairly scant number of posts and pms should indicate I am no member of any troll brigade. As of now I think most of my posts are to the game thread and most of my few pms are to team members.I appreciate you taking mr for my word but frankly it doesnt matter much to me if anyone believes me. My thoughts on this and all matters are wholly and singularly my own. I know it and that's all that really matter sd to me.

btw speaking of rules - am I to assume from this addition that when a thread is locked it is permissible to continue discussing that thread's topics on another thread? Most places I think that is frowned upon and generally against the rules. Just checking for future reference. Since you are done posting maybe another team member can answer or maybe I should pm them. I personally was completely done with all public discussion on this topic until this latest response brought it all back up.


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Regarding the edited-in part of your above post which is a new issue:


btw speaking of rules - am I to assume from this addition that when a thread is locked it is permissible to continue discussing that thread's topics on another thread?

Well, I see nothing in the rules saying I can't answer queries from a locked thread.


If I'm not allowed to do that then I'm pretty sure I'll be spoken to about it and won't do it again in the future.  If I've made some sort of mistake I'm man enough to admit it and apologise.





B :)


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Ok. Most places when they lock a thread the intention is that the public discussion of the issues in that thread should stop. Otherwise posters would merely open up a new thread or go to another thread and just continue on. But if that is not the case here fine. Sort of makes locking s thread pointless.  It is always possible to answer queries by pm without continuing the public discussion.
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Well, what can I say.  I'm going through poly-withdrawals and weeks of insomnia & stress,  and my brain doesn't function as well as it used to.


Sorry about that.



B :)

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I am locking this thread now as I see no useful purpose in it remaining open. 


Please follow the instructions in this link related to any discussion about moderation.



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