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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The Adventures of ...BENZOMAN!


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TexasFluter SCREAMS "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Thank God it's you Depersonalization Woman....who yell's out "GIRL" I'm gonna kick this Troll's ask into oblivion!


When suddenly.............



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Suddenly Depersonalization Woman uses her mental abilities. She closes her eyes and focuses. Opening her eyes, the world is very dreamlike and liquid and she's very hot under the collar.


So she sends the troll into her dream world, melting him into the background. He's on the ground, melting. The benzos in his body start to ooze along the ground. And the benzo potion is oozing and foaming and growing bigger and bigger (it's an extended release version!).


Oh, my!


The potion grows and morphs and grows and morphs, casting shadows along the castle wall. It grows and morphs, making its way up into the sky. Forming clouds and it starts raining benzos!!!!!


Oh, no!!


What's going to become of FluterByee, Pegasus, and Benzoman? Suddenly, FluterByee. . . .

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is pulled through Troll "with unplesant side effects" dream, they fell into an illegal Polyester Cage Grudge Match. No rules. No decency. No mercy.


The two contestants were stuffed into a minuscule polyester pill bottle and forced to duke it out until one or the other was bleeding whimsically and unconscious.....

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And now our heroes FluterByee and Depresonalization Woman are stuck in Troll's dream world. They both survive the Polyester Cage Grudge Match. It was tough, but--


and now we interrupt your program to bring you the following commercial message:


is YOUR antidepressant NOT WORKING???? 3 out of 4 people report their antidepressant stops working. Try Ambilify. It will make you incontinent, lethargic, develop Parkinson-like movements, impotent, forgetful, irritable, constipated, and flatulant. But you won't be DEPRESSED!!!! Take your pills, people!


Okay, and now back to our story. . . .


FluterByee and Depersonalization Woman are in Troll's dream world when suddenly, the Troll wakens and stretches. Wait, DP Woman pulls out her sword. And the Troll gets up and reaches for a weapon.


DP raises the sword but the Troll grabs a rock off the ground. Wait, it's the Seroquel rock from the commerical. "WTF?" says DP woman.


Suddenly the sky goes dark and the gray Seroquel cloud hovers over them. Oh, no! It's the cloud of depression. It will spread and make the sky go dark!


And suddenly, BenzoMan comes on the scene and . .  . .

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Holy Hecktiration....where the hell is TexasFluter.  Is she still in the haze of the grudge match?


No, No, No...TexasFluter remembers she is  wearing her magical boots and spurs...she comes riding up on Pegasus...jumps off and says WTF is right, and kicks the Troll in the head knocking the Seroquel rock out of his hand.


TF gives Pegasus the signal and he jumps up as high as he can piercing the dark looming depression cloud with his magical horn, and the sky begins to rain skittles, but where is Benzoman?????


TF screams Benzoman we need........?

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TF screams Benzoman we need........?


Benzoman's insulin. He has diabetes from Zyprexa and now he's ingested Skittles!!!! Oh, no, he tasted the rainbow and it slugged him upside the head!!!!


So then TexasFluter. . . .

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Yells, BenzoM....your going to be okay.  I'm always prepared!  I live in S. Texas where Type II Diabetes is a huge risk...and now I always carry insulin in my gun holster in case of emergencies such as this.


TF....scolds BenzoM....don't ever taste the rainbow again.  Did you not read the lengthy insert that came in your Zyprexa box? You must be more careful!  Our forum depends on you!


Where do we go from her BenzoM......

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Pegasus swoops in, majestic in the sunset. TF and BenzoMan and DP Woman hop on the one-horned horse and they fly off into the horizon.


Oh, but not to fast, my benzo addled super heroes. The Troll is coming back and then . . .

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The Troll knows that BenzoM, TF, and DP feel over confident.  They did not expect the Troll to have such stamina, but that is what Benzo's, Anti-D's, Anti-Psyc, do to you......they make you THINK all is well with the world; however........
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All is NOT well, my pretties!!!!


We've now seen our fearless super heroes flying into the sunset. But where did they go?


Another dimension!!!


cue the organ music for dramatic effect. . . .


And in this dimension, they are immune to benzo withdrawal, but everyone with evil in their heart gets benzo belly!!!!


The Troll. . . .


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Oh, but the Troll had pulled a fast one.


Pegasus suddenly develops perceptual disturbance, vertigo, and myoclonic jerks. The one-horned horse once soaring so majestically into blue skies and better tomorrows, this magical creature thought to hold superior immunity, suddenly suffers a setback. BenzoMan feels a mighty weight shift beneath his cape, as TexasFluter yells, "WTH? Are we riding sideways or what?" DP reassures her, that no, this can't be happening.


But their pony ride was going down. The nasty ol' Troll had slipped Extended Release Xannies in Peggy's drinking water, the one formula she cannot abide. Determined to overcome jelly legs and double-vision, Pegasus shifts gears in mid-air, scanning the landscape below for safe landing.


Beneath the puffy clouds, the Super Heroes spot Cafe Courage tucked away in the woods. Another dimension, another time, yes, but their only hope to refuel...their only hope for Pegasus to heal and detox and get her courage back. So ...

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Beneath the puffy clouds, the Super Heroes spot Cafe Courage tucked away in the woods. Another dimension, another time, yes, but their only hope to refuel...their only hope for Pegasus to heal and detox and get her courage back. So ...


Cafe Courage is serving pie today! Oh, no! BenzoMan resists but the key lime and the apple pies are just too tempting.


But DP uses her super powers of dreamscapes and the cafe drifts in and out of reality. The pie doesn't hurt BenzoMan because it's cyber pie and only an illusion in DP's spell. So TF doesn't need to come to the rescue this time.


Which is good because TF has her hands tied. Literally! Because the Troll. . .

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TF says, quick let's take refugee at the Courage Café...we will be safe inside as there is a barrier around the parameter of the Café. We will be safe from the demented Troll, refuel, and allow our winged Peg to stabilize from the Benzo XR.


The Barista will see to it that we are feed and re-energized with her luscious delectable coffee's and treats.


TexasFluter must have a slice of Key Lime pie if she has any hope of helping BenzoM and DP woman continue on.  OMGosh, there's my pie right on the counter.  BenzoMan has been provided a healthy diabetic diet, and DP woman was sure to consume plenty of Omega 3's to help with the brain zaps that come from DP.


Pegasus was given Lucky Charms...as they are magically delicious along with plenty of Vitamin C and magnesium to help rid her body of the benzo toxins.


Clarity was starting to return to all who sought refugee at Courage Café. 


What will we do now.......

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The moment of normality was fleeting,


Little did the BenzoBuddies know, the dastardly villain Silky Brainmush has stole their GABA regulators. He'd picked on the wrong fluterbee though. For although her feminine exterior might have you believe she is an ordinary sort of fluterbee, SHE was in fact that lady of justice, the cold crusader for healing, The BLUE Hornet!


Quickly, she charged into a phone booth and changed into her light green pairs of pants, blue hat, and my flowing yellow smock. Thus disguised, She pursued after Silky Brainmush and lifted him by the nostrils! They fought, and they grappled; and grappled, and grabbled some more. First she had the upper hand, and then HE touched her temporal cortex and gained an advantage. But then she grabbed a nearby magic pegasus unicorn and speared him through the kneecap.

Victory was HERS!...

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Am I  fluterbee, fluterbyee, blue hornet...No, No, No...I cry, it is me TexasFluter the Lady of Justice the avenger of Silky Brain mush.


Once I exit the phone booth in my clown disguise....Silky had no idea who I was.


Silky will not get the chance to steal our GABA regulators...we are working to hard to get them back.


TexasFluter dose not like having her Temporal Cortex touched! It infuriates her and through her irate, explosive, benzo agitation she finds super human strength...grabbing the unicorn horn and wielding it like a mighty light saber she stabs Silky Brain Mush in the knee where he let's out a horrific cry that alerts BenzoBelly the Biker, MuscleFatigue Maniac, and NocturnalNausea to come to his aide.


TexasFuter screams.....BenzoMan come quick!  I can not weald off three major Sx's on my own!


We need.......

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We need.......


. . . to pause for another commercial break. . . .


Doctors define Social Anxiety Disorder as a persistant fear and advoidence of social situations. Over 10 million Americans suffer. Do YOU????


Is your anxiety around people so intense it can feel like a PANIC ATTACK??? Paxil offers you hope.


... Paxil helps correct the CHEMICAL IMBALANCE that MAY be associated with this disorder. . .


....talk to your doctor. TODAY. Your LIFE is WAITING!!!




and now back to our program . . .


We need Dr. Rorschach. She can turn herself into any image and can read your dreams. Silky Brain Mush is no match for Dr. Rorschach!


Dr. Rorschach is able to magically change Silky Brain Mush's own cerebral cortex and change him into. . . .





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:D :D :D :D :D


yes, that's right - Dr. Rorschach changed Silky Brain Mush into an emoticon!!!!


Oh, no!!!!


So, Silky Brain Mush is living inside all of our computers!!!!!


SBM can also turn into an avatar and replace your identity with a flashy wink, a sexy grin, a happy smiling face, or even a . . . .

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even a,,,even a,,,,whoosh.......Benzoman awoke with a slam! bolted back into agonizing reality. in a drippy, sweaty mess. the sheets were saturated with his withdrawing sweat. he leaned over to see the clock and was met with the eyes of Goober, his pet chipmunk. Goober looked at him spookily then hightailed it to his exercise wheel. The wheel spun furiously and Benzoman was transfixed to its whirling. within seconds with his mind now in an endless loop, Benzoman was once again unconscious....
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Benzoman was once again unconscious. . . .


and he started to dream one of those Salvidor Dali dreams with Pink Floyd music and his dreams slowly became his reality. He dreamed about Pegasus and Texas Fluter and they appeared and then all of a sudden. . .

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Salvador Dali's melting clocks filled the red, barren dreamscape. Texas Flutter came riding up on Pegasus to meet him in the center of a plateau overlooking the desert..


"Am I dreaming?" asked Benzoman. "You've been locked into this slumber by Silky Brain Mush, and we are here to save you!" They replied." "F@ckin A." Said Bman "I need to lay off the black tar heroin." Yes, this's a f@cked up dream.." Said Texas Fluter.


They needed to get to a hard line and get out of this Matrix....

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They needed to get to a hard line and get out of this Matrix....

However, in order to get out of this Matrix they had to donn long black pleather coats just like the one Keanu Reves wore in the movie.  Being in the desert the coats were hot as fire, and it felt as if there skin would melt off!


No BenzoM no more dreaming....Stevie Nicks sent me with a message!  Look inside your coat and you will find your guitar....it's cords are like a sedative to Silky BrianMush.  The pied piper has his flute, but you Bman have all the magical cords your guitar will allow you to strike.


Start playing some Eagles and SBM will follow you anywhere...he won't know what hit him....you can take him into............

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you can take him into.....into those intrusive memories of the past..Benzoman was torn...some of those memories were good. good at the time. there was a unity and a sense of ragged belonging. but Benzoman knew he was on a path of annilation.
his fuzzy black tar mind knew he had to act...and act fast.....
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Awash in the sea of memories Benzoman saw an out. THE TIME TRAVELER...(duh.. dom.. daaaaa)


The thing the Time Traveler held in his iris was a tiny metallic skeleton key, scarcely larger than a sunflower seed, and very meticulously made. There was ivory in it, and some incandescent crystalline letters.


The Time Traveler literally held the key to everyone survival. But, was it worth it to start over by going back it time?! To lose their time and friendship together?....

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