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Had a "mystic experience" 2 days ago. I became one with the cosmos. Beyond words


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I have experienced this twice. One lasted a couple of seconds,  another about 10 minutes.  I've tried to explain it to friends,  but never could.  Perfect calmness,  where whatever thoughts arrises, I had a perfect answer for it and dismissed it right away.  Not a dreamy state at all.  Alert yet perfectly balanced and total bliss.  Both happened when I was watching Japanese music show on international channel more than 10 years ago..  I did not understand what they were saying. I was just lost in the moving pictures and sound, deeply relaxing and went into the state. They never happened while I was on benzo.  Now that I am off,  wish I could go into that state more often.
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I was trying to watch a movie. the movie was "the Ladykillers"


I remember that movie i rented it around 10 years ago at the movie rental store that no longer exists , i remember around that time you had the option to rent the movie in a VHS tape or DVD

sorry but that movie wasnt so great i remember it had a few moments of commedy in there but to me its a movie that you dont see a 2nd time

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I was just aware of raw reality, no judgements, no impositions, no thoughts, just awareness. Because of this, it is beyond the ability of words to describe. Words are alien to this "raw reality" I became emerged in. The concept of "me" evaporated. The concept of "you" evaporated. Yet I am doing my best to describe it with words. It seems this sort of experience has been around forever, the Tao Te Ching begins with the words "The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao". I'm pretty sure this is exactly why.


the book "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts where the "Seth" entity talks about that consciousness and the brain are tied and work together. he talks about it brilliantly.


sounds like you had a similar experience that Jill Bolte Taylor had when she had a stroke that affected the left side of her brain. As the damaged left side of her brain--the rational, grounded, detail- and time-oriented side--swung in and out of function, Taylor alternated between two distinct and opposite realties: the euphoric nirvana of the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain, in which she felt a sense of complete well-being and peace; and the logical, sequential left brain, which recognized Jill was having a stroke, and enabled her to seek help before she was lost completely.


\i've had similar experiences. the first one was when i was on magic mushrooms and then when i was benzo free the first time around i had an experince at a clothing store where i saw every person as the soul they were - not the physical body. i had gained access to the present moment that my watch completely stopped at the moment.


i have more of the experiences in lucid dreams and out of body /astral projections. i thank God for these experiences and await the day for the next experience to come.


i think you would really enjoy "The Presence Process" by Michael Brown. a journey in how to accumulate present moment awareness.

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  • 2 weeks later...
it seems the lower i get in dose the better my memory is becoming. a few days ago i remembered something that happened to me when i was about eight years old. i suppose it 'could' be considered slightly 'mystical.' my father had an errand to run and took me with him on the subway. as i sat there staring out of the large rectangular window opposite me, everything suddenly went completely black. everything that is except that window. no longer were the subway tiles of the walls wizzing by through the window. the window had morphed into a television screen and i was staring transfixed at a brilliantly colored scene right out of america's old west. although i could still feel my father's presence right next to me, nothing else existed except that vivid scene in front of me. i could see men riding horses, cattle, buffalo, dusty trails, the construction of a small town. when i saw a man gunned down by another, everything snapped back into place, it was bright again and the 'tv screen' was once again a big plain old window. was i the man being shot in a previous life? the man doing the shooting? when we got home  i asked my father if the train had gone outside at all during the trip (sometimes depending of the subway line they do that) or if he had seen anything. he said 'no' on both accounts and went on reading his newspaper. again, nothing 'mystical.' just a bizarre event...... 
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Lots of good posts here.  Gotta love those mystical experiences.  I call them  *Near Life Experiences*  because they are actually closer to 'reality' than the trance of our daily lives that we are normally in.


Hyper -  good post - and good to hear that you are waking up. I've had some of those, and you are absolutely right - you will remember them for the rest of your life because they are so profoundly mind altering.



Pretty - You are so right - 'The Nature Of Personal Reality' is a great book that will open your mind to what is.



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i finally made it out of body last night for the first time in 2 years since the c/t. i had been having out of body experience/astral projections for years and they just stopped after the c/t from the benzo's. it was such a wonderful feeling to have the astral (second body) leave the physical and just go flying again. i missed it so much. i hope it's back for good.
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it seems the lower i get in dose the better my memory is becoming. a few days ago i remembered something that happened to me when i was about eight years old. i suppose it 'could' be considered slightly 'mystical.' my father had an errand to run and took me with him on the subway. as i sat there staring out of the large rectangular window opposite me, everything suddenly went completely black. everything that is except that window. no longer were the subway tiles of the walls wizzing by through the window. the window had morphed into a television screen and i was staring transfixed at a brilliantly colored scene right out of america's old west. although i could still feel my father's presence right next to me, nothing else existed except that vivid scene in front of me. i could see men riding horses, cattle, buffalo, dusty trails, the construction of a small town. when i saw a man gunned down by another, everything snapped back into place, it was bright again and the 'tv screen' was once again a big plain old window. was i the man being shot in a previous life? the man doing the shooting? when we got home  i asked my father if the train had gone outside at all during the trip (sometimes depending of the subway line they do that) or if he had seen anything. he said 'no' on both accounts and went on reading his newspaper. again, nothing 'mystical.' just a bizarre event......


Benzo junkie,

My memory is returning too, as the dose decreases. Nothing particularly mystical, but lots of random childhood memories and feelings. Very detailed. I'm optimistic about this. I'm glad to read others reporting similar progress.

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That's really encouraging to me, prettydaisies, thanks for posting and congrats.


thanks torbjorn!


i get hesitant to talk about my astral experiences as a lot of people would think i'm crazy. i really need to find another person to talk about this with. it's pretty fascinating. i just think if i can do something like this and start to control it, what can't i do in the physical body, you know?



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hi Tor and PD,....when you guys 'project,' do you stay in the present earth environment  or do you travel elsewhere? i've been a student of AP since a teenager. i used to have many experiences 'pre-benzo' (24 years ago) but all activity ceased while taking and now withdrawing valium. i hope the ability comes back too....bjunk.
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That's really encouraging to me, prettydaisies, thanks for posting and congrats.


thanks torbjorn!


i get hesitant to talk about my astral experiences as a lot of people would think i'm crazy. i really need to find another person to talk about this with. it's pretty fascinating. i just think if i can do something like this and start to control it, what can't i do in the physical body, you know?




I don't think it's crazy at all, more poeple than you'd think might be open minded about it, and those who don't just haven't experienced anything at all beyond the everyday normal.  Well I'm envious, I've never been able to force project myself, I only had an OBE once, accidentally, which was very peaceful. I had many strange occurrences with sleep paralysis around that time, but it stopped during my teenage years and I miss it. 

When you saw people's souls during altered consciousness, were most people good souls or was there variety? I've experienced induced altered states, but not to that level.

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hi Tor and PD,....when you guys 'project,' do you stay in the present earth environment  or do you travel elsewhere? i've been a student of AP since a teenager. i used to have many experiences 'pre-benzo' (24 years ago) but all activity ceased while taking and now withdrawing valium. i hope the ability comes back too....bjunk.


I never could force it. When it happened once by accident, I stayed in my bedroom, so it was probably more considered an OBE rather than astral projection. I believe the occurrence was tied to the state of mind during sleep paralysis, which is something that happened to me very often (also beyond my control) for a couple years when I was a teenager, then it stopped. Those states caused lots of perceptual oddities, and based on lucid dreaming meditation audios, it sounds like it is related to lucid dreaming (and perhaps projection). I say this because the experiences people say they have before entering a lucid state, or to expect to have, are the same as what I experienced during sleep paralysis- very  loud buzzing in the head, feeling the body physically different or not at all, inability to move.

This usually happened when I slept lying on my back.

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I find this thread to be very interesting and would like to learn more.  I do believe in the possibility of past lives and I also believe that everything is connected in some way.  We are definitely spirit beings having a human experience, as BJ puts it.



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hi Tor and PD,....when you guys 'project,' do you stay in the present earth environment  or do you travel elsewhere? i've been a student of AP since a teenager. i used to have many experiences 'pre-benzo' (24 years ago) but all activity ceased while taking and now withdrawing valium. i hope the ability comes back too....bjunk.


i have traveled to different times. it's so awesome! what's great about it is you have to be fully awake and fully aware but in a deep state of relaxation which i like to call the theta brain wave state and/or hypnagogic.



I don't think it's crazy at all, more poeple than you'd think might be open minded about it, and those who don't just haven't experienced anything at all beyond the everyday normal.  Well I'm envious, I've never been able to force project myself, I only had an OBE once, accidentally, which was very peaceful. I had many strange occurrences with sleep paralysis around that time, but it stopped during my teenage years and I miss it.

When you saw people's souls during altered consciousness, were most people good souls or was there variety? I've experienced induced altered states, but not to that level.


yeah, all my OOBE have happen purely accidental at first and most of the time after a really lucid dream. i do think they go hand in hand. but when you feel that second body lifting out of your physical body, there is absolutely no mistaking the fact that we have another energy body that can travel anywhere. and it feels so unbelievably divine and peaceful when you lift out. it's almost as if someone just shot up your whole body with the perfect amount of heroin. it's just so peaceful.


but anyway, like i was saying i couldn't get out of physical body for over 2 years since the cold turkey. i just got out for the first time the other night. and now i know which brain wave "state" i need to be in to get out. i am pretty sure it's theta which is still being very aware of your surroundings and right before the delta sleep wave length. it's so nice and lovely. i'm getting a little annoyed when i can't get to that level of relaxation.


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PD, you 'can' get to that level of relaxation any time you want to.




however whether or not you project is a different matter entirely. that determination is made by your own 'guides' and 'masters.'....bjunk


i usually can but since the c/t i do have a harder time if my brain is in the cycle of being amped up which it has been for the last two weeks. there is absolutely nothing i can do right now. i have to wait until the erractic-ness calms down. for instance, this morning when i was pretty deep realxing all of a sudden i would get an image in my mind of a car coming out from out of nowhere and my whole body would react as if in flight or fight. and then it did it again where i saw the image of me stepping on the brake pedal and my whole body started. something's going on different with my brain right now. i am way too aware of how many times the train comes by here when i never was that aware and way too aware of all noises that make me jump.


i hope it's all just withdrawal and will go away. i simply cannot live this way.


but i do think your right about the what it is i am projecting and what's happening with the 'guides and 'master's and i've asked for some help with all of this. i will check out the link right now. i need a good CD or binural beat meditation to help my brain relax. right now it's still a waiting game since my brain seems to be cycling with this constantly being amped.

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hey bjunk,


thanks for the link. i'm going to order two of the CD's. i hope it helps with how amped my brain has been. i know i can get to that level of relaxation any time but not right now with whatever these withdrawals are doing. i have tried and i have tried. i absolutely need something to calm down my brain or i have to wait until this cycle finishes. this has been the first time (these last 2 weeks) that i have not been able to fall under for a nap. so something is going on right now.


but these CD's look cool and i hope they will help. :)



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hi PD, mind gear is a great company to deal with. their products are built to last. i have one of the original ones from the early 90s (not much bigger than a phone but weighs about 5 pounds) and it starts up each and every time. if you ever decide to get one, make sure you get the 'white light' glasses that come with it and not the 'red.' the red ones are for energy and will rev you up....yeah, the cds should work great too. there are some great binaural beat downloads on you tube as well.


you might also want to try the 'ganzfeld' technique. this will also provide very rapid and intense relaxation. not to mention some cool visuals and hallucinating. with this, you can use either the red or white bulbs.


i hope you heal up some some more so you can get back to the serious (and fun) business of 'exploring!'


Monroe's books are the greatest in the field,imo. it's good you are reading them in sequential order. i've also read the Muldoon/Carrington books, Oliver Fox, Yram, Susan Blackmore, Douglas Baker, J.M. Shay ect. and yes, also all the 'Seth' material. but you can't beat those three Monroe books. happy trails....bjunk.

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hi PD, mind gear is a great company to deal with. their products are built to last. i have one of the original ones from the early 90s (not much bigger than a phone but weighs about 5 pounds) and it starts up each and every time. if you ever decide to get one, make sure you get the 'white light' glasses that come with it and not the 'red.' the red ones are for energy and will rev you up....yeah, the cds should work great too. there are some great binaural beat downloads on you tube as well.


you might also want to try the 'ganzfeld' technique. this will also provide very rapid and intense relaxation. not to mention some cool visuals and hallucinating. with this, you can use either the red or white bulbs.


i hope you heal up some some more so you can get back to the serious (and fun) business of 'exploring!'


Monroe's books are the greatest in the field,imo. it's good you are reading them in sequential order. i've also read the Muldoon/Carrington books, Oliver Fox, Yram, Susan Blackmore, Douglas Baker, J.M. Shay ect. and yes, also all the 'Seth' material. but you can't beat those three Monroe books. happy trails....bjunk.


hey bjunk,


how did you know i was reading Monroe's books? did i mentioned that on this thread? i can't remember now. i'm in such a bad wave right now. my brain hurts so badly. but yes, i am almost finished with the first book "Journey Out Of The Body" and then i will get his other two books. i am in correspondence with someone at the institute he started.


i have also read "Seth Speaks", "The Way Toward Health" and i was just in the middle of "The Nature of Personal Reality" when i did the c/t so i have to start that over and read through it as i really wanted to write down all my beliefs while in the middle of that book. but Seth is probably one of my very favorites. i love everything he says. it just makes so much sense.


so i'm not sure of what all the products and things that 'mind gear' has or what everything is? what is it that you have that is not much bigger than a phone that you got from the early 90s?


and what is the 'ganzfeld' technique? i did try my best to read through their site but i am literally having so much trouble tonight. i simply cannot read websites the last few days. oh my God, i can't believe how badly my brain hurts right now.

and also, what is the red and white "bulbs?"


i will also give them a call when i place the order for the CD's so i will ask them what everything is. but i can't believe this cognitive dysfunction is so bad right now. i hope that changes.


i am looking at their site again. so they have these light and sound machines i guess? i don't know anything about it.



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hi PD, i was referring to the unit itself. the machine that produces the tones, beats and programs. the best programs are the delta and theta programs. plus, you can create your own.


this is the 'ganzfeld' effect...it looks very comical and weird with the ping pong balls and all but don't let that fool you. it produces deep and profound relaxation with natural hallucinations each and every time...all it basically is, is sensory deprivation. you listen to pink or white noise while looking into a blank, uniform field. when you do this your mind is allowed to roam free and basically dream while awake. staying awake is the difficult part!..tc, bjunk.




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hi PD, i was referring to the unit itself. the machine that produces the tones, beats and programs. the best programs are the delta and theta programs. plus, you can create your own.


this is the 'ganzfeld' effect...it looks very comical and weird with the ping pong balls and all but don't let that fool you. it produces deep and profound relaxation with natural hallucinations each and every time...all it basically is, is sensory deprivation. you listen to pink or white noise while looking into a blank, uniform field. when you do this your mind is allowed to roam free and basically dream while awake. staying awake is the difficult part!..tc, bjunk.



okay, so does that mind gear place have this 'ganzfeld' effect? i need something desperately. the hyperacusis and anticipitory anxiety from all the noises is literally making me insane and i am fearful i could snap and i can't sleep at night for the last 2 weeks. i need something bad. i'm going to call the mind gear place hopefully this week or next. i ordered a binuaral 'theta' CD from Amazon but i would like to get something like this.

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hi PD, the unit's glasses will not produce a true ganzfeld effect because they flicker in accordance with the tones from the machine. (but maybe with the newer machines they may in fact have a ganzfeld program. ask the person who you speak to). for the GE to be effective the visual field needs to be completely uniform....tc, bjunk
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heya PD, thanks for the article..http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-lanza/is-death-the-end-new-expe_b_774814.html  i enjoyed reading it. yes, i believe something like that. to get a better understanding you would have to read Robert Monroe's 2nd and 3rd books. when he went out of body he became bored with just going to areas on the earth plane. so he let his 'right' brain take over which led him to areas and energy systems and 'beings' not of our own known physical universe (where time/space is just an illusion). at some point in the inconceivable or incomprehensible future, our universe will cease to exist. so if you believe our souls are infinite and indestructible, where would they then reside? the only place left would be 'somewhere' outside of time/space. thanks again for the article....bjunk.
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