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Hi Ladies (and gentlemen if you're interested  ;))


I know many of you are too sick and tired to even wash your hair, but perhaps this board could help some to reconnect with their femininity and girliness  :)


I was a benzo addict only for a short time, but have been a beauty addict for as long as I can remember. I love everything regarding cosmetics, have tried pretty much everything I could get my Hands on (oh my poor wallet  :laugh:) and have taken a make up artist course.


So if you have any questions, favorite brands/products/secret beauty routine or just feel like popping in for some beauty related chat, welcome!


Let's kick the benzo beast and look fabulous while we do it  ;) (the definition of fabulousness meant in a wide range and everything is included from simply washing your hair to full face make up  ;))

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Ok back from my cardio exercise, so I will try to breathe some life into this thread.  :)


Luckily, even in the darkest of moments, the benzo never truly managed to kill off all my interest and passion for things so I tried to keep myself updated. Being a young wife and mother, I also resented the idea of walking around not just feeling but looking like a zombie (I am super pale as it is). Therefore I started everything from scratch. I literally gave away all my stuff to friends and my mother in law (who by the way is also tapering from Ativan and anti depressive meds) and took on a fresh approach.


1. Clean organic skin care. I wanted to detox my skin for a while now, and what better moment than benzo withdrawal? Now not only do I use only the most necessary items, but am using only all natural ones and my skin does indeed look it's best in a long time  :thumbsup:


2. Minimal make up with clean products. Luckily my new favorite brand also offers color cosmetics, so I went for it. Down to the basics here as well, but I find that a line of eye pencil, some concealer, mascara, a hint of blusher and a touch of lipstick makes all the difference.


I can understand that when you are ridden with pains and debilitating anxiety cosmetics are the last thing on the list, but what about if you HAVE TO work, go to your kids school or do something else where you just cannot afford to look as bad as you might feel?


What are your "get me through the day looking normal" beauty tips and products?

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Hi upsydaisy.  :clap:

So happy to find this thread.  I have tried to keep up my appearance since day one of this horrific journey.  Haven't been able to shower, scared to walk in the shower.  So silly.  But I wash every day, full body.  Washing my hair was a real challenge, no strength, but I did it and it's all much easier now, 11months later.  But I have lost a lot of weight and can't color my hair anymore so have turned white haired but it is a pretty color though thinning now.  It is hard to look in the mirror some days.


I also have thrown out all my makeup that was full of chemicals.  I have roseacia which has gotten a lot worse during this because I can no longer use the prescribed steroid gel.  But I have found some organic products at 100percent Organics on line.  All fruit based products but expensive and you don't get much product.  But it sure is hard to find good products.  Even the so called natural still contain bad stuff.  You have to read the ingredients.  I even changed my shampoo and conditioner.  But very hard to find pure ones as well.  Still looking.  I read up on Suzanne Somers products but she is still adding titanium dioxide which is a carcinogen.  And I am so sensitive right now to so many things.  Are you?


Any suggestions for products that are working for you?  I am having difficulty finding a good all body moisturizer without tea in it,  bothers me for some reason.  Also, I brush my teeth with baking soda now.  I also try to get dressed every day, I wear earrings...just different studs.


Thank you for starting this thread and I hope more contribute.  Even though we suffer, we can still be pretty doing it, right?  We sure can try.


:smitten:    Galea

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Hi Galea!


So Happy to have you  :smitten: you bet! I might suffer but I will look damn good while doing it!  ;) I'm not going to give up my passion, and I'm not going to make my Poor husband wake up next to the resemblance of something that was once his clean and "groomed" looking wife  :laugh: considering how I am 34 years old...  :o


I must say during the winter my skin was awful. I think with the benzo and all the anxiety (which actually got worse with xanax  :crazy:) my skin reacted even worse than usual to the (not at all natural) products I was using. Then I got rid of the benzo and changed most of my products. I still use "bad" stuff as far as shampoo/conditioner and toothpaste. I need to think there for a while to See how I could substitute. My hair is not long but it is curly and it gets frizzy easily. If  I don't  use a hair product that actually works for me it is awful. It looks so bad I cannot go out among people  :laugh:


Two other products I still use that are not natural cosmetics are sunscreen and toothpaste. Sunscreen is a must. I live in Italy and am super pale. And I do not yet trust the effectiveness of natural sunscreens. As for toothpaste, there are many valid looking herbal options but they make me gag something awful  :laugh: the taste is just too weird.


But you're right, you better look twice at products, even the ones that claim to be natural. Luckily I have found some good stuff. Dr. Hauschka is a very very good brand! Available worldwide pretty much. And I have found an awesome Italian brand, with lovely all natural products and for a good price  :thumbsup: there are actually several very valid Italian natural cosmetic brands. After all on Italy there is what is considered to be the silicone valley of cosmetics.


As for getting dressed and stuff oh yeah, every single day. I might not feel the best now, but life does not stop. Especially not for my almost 3 year old  :laugh: but I. Simply cannot afford to collapse completely.


To be honest luckily I am quite functional. As a matter of fact, since i stopped taking that crap I feel better and better, at least mentally. It's just this awful, all day every day non stop floaty boaty off balance feeling that is driving me nuts. And I've had it since I first took the poison pill.  :tickedoff:


Anyhow, welcome once again! Let's hope someone else feels like joining us  :highfive:

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What a cool idea for a thread.  :thumbsup:


This past year I made some drastic changes to my beauty regimen. Since feeling so sickly and mostly homebound anyway, I threw out my cosmetics. Yep, even the very expensive frou-frou stuff my daughter bought me, since it was loaded with chemicals you can't even pronounce. (I've decided anything that I can't pronounce doesn't deserve to go into my body). The skin is a very permeable organ, and if it can deliver medication to the bloodstream, you can bet those chemicals know how to hitch a ride, too. But I digress :P


Using sulfate-free shampoo, but only washing my hair every couple days or so... so it lasts awhile though it may be slightly more expensive that other brands. I use big fat bars of natural soap--different brands from the market or health food store on sale. One bar lasts all month. And for dry skin, I slather on coconut oil. It's wonderful! Anything good enough to eat, is even better for the skin. I do use mascara for make-up but only when leaving the house. Otherwise, I'm a bare-naked lady, facewise. And it's cool. :laugh:


Okay, ladies, time for lunch. Nice to meet you all.  :smitten:



VC  :smitten:

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Welcome VCharis!


Yeah tell me about expensive frou frou stuff. I've spent way more money on cosmetics, all sorts, than I care even to estimate  :idiot:


But no more! Now I keep things minimal (even if not bare naked) and what I buy I get as natural as possible. At the end it will even save me money (despite the fact that these natural things have a tendency to cost more) because I buy way less, and not as frequently. And I'm pretty sure we are also making our health a big favor  :thumbsup:


The natural bar soap idea is not bad, need to look into it. Those are quite easy to find  :thumbsup:


"See" you later! Enjoy your meal  :)  :smitten:



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oh, I forgot. Not sure if you have a Trader Joe's in your area, but they sell some nice soaps - all natural - for like $2.99 a bar. Lasts me a long time if I don't drop it in the tub  :laugh: I like the almond milk one.
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Hey VC thanks for the tip about Trader Joe's soap.  I have been trying to go more natural as far as face and hair.  What line of make up do you use.  I am just about out of make up and need to restock.  I like to use a tinted moisturizer rather than liquid make up and then a mineral powder and mineral blush.  I don't use mascara unless I am going somewhere.  I am pretty housebound right now, but try and keep up appearances for my husband, and so I can look in the mirror.  I have lost so much weight in w/d that I am down to 95 lbs. 


Fun Thread!

xo OC  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi overcomer, me too - going more natural. I am sorry you've lost so much weight. I lost 45 lbs. initially. Actually needed to lose weight but not all the muscle. :-\


As for  makeup, I did save my mineral powder when I threw the other stuff away but lately keep forgetting to use it. I apply a little mascara and eyeshadow if I go outside the house, or if someone's coming over because I feel like I look like a ghost otherwise... :P  It sucks to be homebound but I've saved money on gas and cosmetics. I do love my soaps lately. Found one called South of France and bought the Gardenia first, then the Shea butter. I was never a Gardenia girl, but this one smelled yummy. Still, my almond soap from Trader Joe's is the least expensive and probably my favorite.



VC  :smitten:

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Hi Ladies!


Thank you for the tip but there is no Traders Joe's in Italy.


Other than that,  today I faced temptation and I could not resist. You see my husband has always been more than supportive with me and my cosmetic extravagances. So when we enter a sephora and he asks if I want anything I am in trouble  :laugh:


I got a Lancome moisturizer that I used before and it works WONDERS on my skin. Funny it should be called Neurocalm  :2funny: I also raided the Nars display, but took "only" an eyeliner, a blusher and a lipstick. Not to mention my mother in law who got me as a gift a Clinique eyeliner and one of the new Dior Fluidsticks.  :o


So I'm thinking maybe a mixture between organic and chemical cosmetics will be the way for me to go  :thumbsup: oh I'm bad I know :laugh:


How have you all been today?

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Ah, Upsydaisy, you're in ITALY? No wonder you have no Trader Joe's  :sick: You should have Italy Joe's  :thumbsup:


I used to buy Clinique; loved all those cute little bonus gifts over the years. Had to chuckle on the "NeuroCalm"....very good name choice, if I do say so.  :thumbsup:


I'm feeling hungover from lack of sleep last night...not my usually chirpy self but hopefully tonight will go better. Definitely a day where I won't be wearing makeup  :sick:


When you took your makeup artist course, did you learn about the skin color palettes? Not sure what to call it, but in the book, "Color Me Beautiful" (years ago) women could learn their color palette according to season and choose makeup and clothing accordingly. My season is Winter. So I have cool undertones if that makes any sense.


VC  :smitten:

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Vcharis, yeah Italy Joe's  ;D


Tell me about it, Neurocalm  :2funny:  hilarious, but such a good moisturizer so I forgive the name  :smitten:


Yes, I am aware of different skin tones according to seasons and color palettes etc, although we did not cover it in school. Those theories in make up circles are considered a bit outdated and there is a fresher, more natural looking approach these days. I am one of the (almost) artists subscribing to these new approaches. Of course I am not taking about artistic, fashion or photo make up.  That is a whole different world.


No makeup for me either today by the way, but only because it was a quiet at home Sunday for us. Hoping anyway you feel better  charis :-*


Ladies, I'm not sure how well I will succeed with my all natural cosmetic approach. I mean I have gotten some products this last month that I think are excellent, but there is just too little product for the price... Some other products, mainly make up, I'm just not all that happy with the performance no Matter how I try to love it.


But even if my regime change will prove to be temporary, I still have gained. My routine changed and I now use only the minimal amount of must have items. Therefore less stuff on my skin, less "toxins" and less money spent  ;)


I can however not deny it. Nothing lightens up my face like a dab of the right pencil, a touch of blusher and the right lipstick (NARS forever in all three categories!)


By the way some tips if you ladies are interested:


1. A dab of concealer in the right spots to cancel shadows. Makes a LOT of difference and it is not even really necessary to mess with foundations and such.

2. A brown/bronze eyeliner is softer than black or even grey and flatters all. Draw a line and smudge it out a bit. It livens up the eyes without a made up look.

3. Brown mascara not black. Looks less harsh but emphasizes lashes.

4. A peach colored blush is more natural looking than pink.

5. whereas on lips a pink shade can take years off our faces. It makes lips look supple and teeth appear brighter.


Of course the trick is in finding the right tones of the mentioned colors, but once you got it, little skill and time is needed to do a basic, natural, fresh looking and very flattering make up for all. 



Oh and for removing the grime of the day, try a micelle solution!  :thumbsup:

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I hope these clues won't make me look like your Avatar, LOL.  Thanks for make up tips.  I am 66, I need a little more help than that.  My skin looked good until I dropped 15 lbs in 2 months.  Now look like a prune!  I guess I will have to stick with ordering on line the colors I already have as I cannot go make up shopping right now!.


xo OC  :smitten:

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Hi ladies

Here are some products I use and have had good luck with...

Sundial brands Shea Moisturizer olive oil and green tea bath, body and massage oil...it's fabulous and smells so yummy.  Purity Cosmetics 100 Percent Pure fruit pigmented tinted makeup, they also have concealers, blushes, and I use their fruit pigmented mascara.  Natures Baby Organics dusting powder is great, Aryu-Deva shampoo and conditioner, Vermont Soaps make great bars and a super foaming hand soap.  You can find a lot of great organic products on line but you still have to read the ingredients...if they don't offer such a list, don't buy it.  And though more expensive, you don't use nearly as much as normal so it evens out.


I lost 40 lbs, muscle tone so have had to buy new clothes, oh poor little me.  Ha ha.  But I buy on line because I'm still not healed enough to go shopping.  Can't color my hair anymore, can't take the chemicals but it turns out my white hair is a nice color and I've gotten a lot of compliments.  My wonderful hubby of 38yrs loves my hair and likes me thinner.  He is so supportive and is always telling me how cute I am...which of course can't be true.  I can't hardly look in the mirror these days, looking all of my years.  Puffy eyes, dark around them, roseacia bad since I can't use the steroid cream on it anymore.


But all in all, I just try to look nice, be clean and get dressed every day.  When I am healed I look forward to going shopping again but I will never get fat again as I have changed my diet as well.  Eating more healthier along with what I put on my body.


Looking forward to more ideas for products from ya'll.



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Galea:  Thanks you gave great suggestions!  How do you like that Purity  tinted moisturizer?  Does it come in a lot of colors, normally I use Boots tinted moisturizer, color medium and then neutragena mineral powder brushed  over that, also medium shade, then eyeliner and blush.  Is it difficult picking out colors on line?


xo OC  :smitten:


PS  Hey I found someone older than I, lol.

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Hmm that purity stuff sounds nice... Never heard of it here though  :(


Overcomer, of course if it is better for you, stay within your comfort zone. Just try not to help your prune skin  ;) too much as makeup tends to make that look worse.


Picking out colors online can be tricky as swatches can be misleading.

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I think they offer 4 or 5 colors.  Yes, it's a bit hard to pick the right color but I have had good luck.  Just go on line to 100 percent Pure website and you can pull up all their makeup products and make your choice.  Hope you find a color!  But if not, hopefully someone else will come on here and have a good suggestion.  Yup, you found someone older.  There's a blog on here for the 50 and over club, lots of us on BB.  My face hasn't really lost any weight so I don't have that issue but I do have roseacia and it's so much worse now. 


Good luck, everyone.  Enjoying this, upsydaisy, thanks for starting this thread.





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Oh I'm glad you all enjoy this little boards was just trying to bring some girly fun into this misery we have to go through.  ;)


By the way I'm hoping you ladies are all doing (relatively) fine  :thumbsup:


And on a beauty note, I'm LOVING my Nars eye pencil. It is so long lasting  :thumbsup:



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Hi Ladies  :smitten:


You know what? Some days I look in the mirror and think it's time for a make-over. I cut and style my own hair, but sometimes I'm sick of the same ol', same ol'. Scared to do anything drastic, but one of my kids once said, "Mom, you've had the same hairdo for 30 years!" :laugh: I told 'em that's because I'm perfecting it!


As for makeup, my daughter gifted me with an eyeshadow palette with four luscious colors from Cargo. It's lasting me forever. I actually love the dark gray but only use eyeshadow when I go out, which isn't very often these days. I've always been a make-up kinda girl. My mother never left the house without her makeup, so I guess it's ingrained in me to do something to my face, whether or not it's necessary. I'm pretty natural except for the eyes.


Hope you're all hanging in there. Time for my deck and sunshine vit. D.




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Way to go vcharis!  :thumbsup:


I love eyeshadows but have super oily lids, and don't really feel like messing with an eyeshadow base now, so I just do pencil.


Maybe in a few months  :thumbsup:


Floating and boating but hanging in there. I wonder about Galea.


Hang in there if you read this!

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I just got done reading this thread and I think it is a very refreshing addition to the forum.  Thanks Upsydaisy.  :thumbsup: 


I found a product line of face and body care products that is truly natural and organic with no chemical additives: facenaturals.com.  I have used several of their products and I love them.  They are a bit expensive, but hey, we're worth it!  ;)  I also use coconut oil as a moisturizer and make-up remover.  My favorite toothpaste is PowerSmile by Jason.


I don't wear much make-up lately, but I do at least put on some eye liner and mascara when I leave home.  For a more natural brand of make-up, I like ZuZu Luxe (gabrielcosmeticsinc.com/index.cfm?category=3).




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Hi there PD and welcome!


Glad you chose to join our discussion  :)


Maybe the ladies will know the brands you mentioned, I never heard of them unfortunately.


Hope we all have a decent day! :thumbsup:



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G'mornin from southeast USA to my lovely girlfriends in the Benzo Beauty Parlor  :smitten:

Galea, overcomer, Upsydaisy and all -


Welcome, Perfect Daughter. I've heard of facenaturals...need to look 'em up. Thanks so much! I also use coconut oil for just about everything. Not only does it help heal the gut, but it's wonderful to the skin.


Upsydaisy, you still feeling floaty-boaty? I had that the other day and it's no fun.  :therethere:

Trying to remember if we have Nars products here...liking that eye pencil you mentioned. Thanks for the earlier tips &  makeup suggestions. Excellent. Even at my age, with lots of makeup practice, I'm learning new things...the skin changes and we just have to change our techniques, I guess.


My eyelashes keep falling out. At first I thought it was the waterproof mascara I used occasionally but now I'm not so sure.


Upsydaisy, is black mascara too dark for even a dark eyed brunette with some gray highlights and pale complexion in her middle years? Pondering some makeup changes  :sick:


Galea, you hanging in there, sweets?


Overcomer, how are you doing?




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Hi there Vcharis!


Yes, unfortunately I have been floating and boating the last 7 months, basically since I started taking that crap. It has been my one main persistent symptom from the beginning.  :tickedoff


But on a better note, of course you have nars in the US! and that pencil is the best. Period. I'm never letting it go for sure, totally in love.


With your coloring black is probably safe as a mascara color  :thumbsup:


Hang in there ladies!

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VC:  In answer to your question:  I am doing the same, although I got a new s/x last week.  I have welts that come and go.  The K taper and now the V taper is taking a toll on my skin for sure.  God must think I am awfully strong to be living with this pain!  And here I am worried about my make up.


If I don't put on a little make up and comb my hair that means I am a goner!  I like tinted moisturizer, that way I don't have to wear make up, just the moisturizer, a little blush, eyeliner.  I only wear mascara if I go somewhere, which is hardly EVER!

xo OC

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