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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Valium/Diazepam Support Group


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Thank you Marie! Good luck if decide to switch to liquid, it makes the decreases very easy as I just measure the correct amount on the syringe. The syringe I use now is sooo tiny, maybe for a cat :laugh:


Hoops88 - I always found day 11 ROUGH when I was cutting, that was the day I could really feel the cut. Sometimes I held longer. I never looked at a calendar when I was cutting and did it totally based on how I felt, sometimes I would hold until I felt great and that meant 22 days or 25 days, it was totally symptom based

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Thanks Mary!!! I feel ok, not 100% but ok. I work full time and can handle that but do not feel like myself if that makes sense. I do have anxiety and it is BAD some days, other days are easier and I get the odd day where I don’t have a care in the world and feel like my old self. I have my Valium in liquid (1mg/1ml ratio) so can taper lower if need be.


If you are on liquid and want to taper slower, I am all for it.  I think slowly walking of this last .25 is great.  Really gives your brain and central nervous system an opportunity to be ready to walk off.  Keep us posted.  :)


Thanks Mary! And thanks everyone for being so nice to the new gal. I do appreciate it. I went down to 0.24 last night and feel ok this morning. I figure I’ll just taper this down slowly. I’ve been on this dose so long I feel no desperate need to rush. I have a really supportive doctor which I guess when dealing with this, is a blessing. Thank you!


Having a real supportive Dr is so great when going through wd!!  Mine is very supportive too and I am so grateful.  She doesn't know much about withdrawal but supports me leading my own taper.  Love her.  You got this Bless :).  Keep us posted  ;D

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For those of you who have been unfortunate enough (like me) to experience interdose withdrawal symptoms even on DIAZEPAM (the LONGEST acting benzo... ugh), I have a question for you.


First a short bit of explanation: The reason I started this taper was that I started experiencing severe interdose withdrawal on 30 mg of Temazepam. When I initially crossed over to 15 mg of Valium, the interdose withdrawal went away. However, at around 6.5 mg V I started experiencing interdose withdrawal again. Now I am at 5.5 mg V and still experiencing interdose withdrawal. I know I could split my dose to help with the interdose withdrawal, but I have been hesitant to split up my dose because my main issue is sleep and I know that splitting my dose will have a negative impact on my sleep.


SO.... my question is: does the interdose withdrawal continue to get worse the lower and lower that you go? Or at some point does it get better because there's less benzos in your system so the difference between doses is not as great?


I'm almost afraid to ask this question because I'm afraid the answer will be the first one! I hope that's not the case but if it is I do want to know so I know what to expect!!!


Thanks for any feedback!!



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Hi Grace,

Can I ask how many times a day are you dosing?  I take 3 even doses a day and am at 2mg now and don't have much noticeable interdose w/d.  I can only imagine that if I were on one dose, that I would have it.

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HI BenzoLottie-


I am so glad you were able to get stabilized but I am so sorry to hear about your Ins., and the issues of having to get a new case worker and the unknowing and all that stress that comes with that.  We are already fragile and stressed.  My heart goes out to you and I will say a Prayer for you. I hope today you are feeling a little better.




I'll see my care worker when she comes tomorrow, and will find out why she's leaving now and not staying with me until the insurance switches over to another provider in June. I was hoping to get in the DDS program, due to my autism, and keeping her after June. Both my case worker and social worker were even seeing if I was eligible for the DDS program. I feel so alone, crying on and off all weekend, my symptoms are way up, and I know it's because of the stress of this. I just can't do this without my support services.


I feel so alone right now. This couldn't be happening at the worst time.  :'(  :(

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Momof7babes, I take only one dose per day, at nightime before bed. As I said in my post, I have considered splitting my dose as I know this would help with the interdose withdrawal, but I also know that it would likely cause insomnia and I don't want this... so that's why I'm hoping i can just get through it until I'm done with this taper and/or I get low enough that I don't have the interdose withdrawals. I'm hoping there will be a point where they are less intense. But again,  i don't know.


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Sorry if you repeated yourself to me - hard to keep track sometimes.  I was also afraid of this with Klonopin when I was only taking it 1 time a day so I switched to 2 and then 3 times a day.  I personally did NOT find that switching to multiple doses caused me sleep trouble even though I was afraid it would.  Sleeping is part of why I started the medication in the first place (my fear of insomnia and antidepressant-caused insomnia).  I totally understand your hesitancy as everything is scary in this process.  For me, the interdose withdrawal was too brutal for me to not switch over; sadly, it was all for naught because even at 2-3 times a day, the interdose withdrawal was still too much at lower levels and I was back to watching the clock for my doses.  I will say that as I reflect, this could partly be due to my low weight.....



I'm so sorry for what you are going through.  My heart breaks for you.  I hope and pray that there are better times ahead and that they will help you figure something out soon. 

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HI everyone-


*Blessthismess- Thank you for the info about the liquid V and the cat syringe made me laugh.  I spoke to my compound pharmacist today and I am going to go with the liquid V. My doctor will call it in tomorrow and I will c/o from the tabs to the liquid at my 10 mg and hold there for 5 days and see how I respond, and then from there I will begin my micro daily at 10% again every 2weeks, hopefully.  Symptom based moving forward.


*BenzoLottie - That is strange that they are doing this if your Ins., doesn’t change until June....I sure hope you get some answers tomorrow.  What is DDS?  I am so very sorry that you feel so alone ((((( hugs)))) and there is no doubt this would contribute to your SX being worse.  It just doesn’t seem right that they could close your case out.  Hopefully, this will change!


*Grace - I recently got down to 10 mg ( going about 10% every 2 weeks) I started at 20mg of V after a C/O from K.  I originally had a 10 Mg Am and 10 Mg Pm dose and eliminated my Am doses.  Well I was a wreck last week (well the last few months most of the time) and I though maybe I was having inter dose w/d too ( your post has really caught my eye) so I decided to hold, and also was researching the micro tapering.  Anyway I am much better ( 5 days into the hold, so 19 days since I dropped to 10 mg) and realized there is no inter tolerance w/d, right now.  I am worried about the future and the lower doses and if it could start.  So I will be interested to see what you do, and see if you do switch and if it makes any difference.  Do you do a daily micro taper, or just cut and hold? 

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I'm so sorry for what you are going through.  My heart breaks for you.  I hope and pray that there are better times ahead and that they will help you figure something out soon.



Thank you, I appreciate the empathy and prayers.

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*BenzoLottie - That is strange that they are doing this if your Ins., doesn’t change until June....I sure hope you get some answers tomorrow.  What is DDS?  I am so very sorry that you feel so alone ((((( hugs)))) and there is no doubt this would contribute to your SX being worse.  It just doesn’t seem right that they could close your case out.  Hopefully, this will change!





Insurance was covering service until either June or sooner if they found another replacement program. My worker thinks it has to do with money. DDS stands for Developmentally Disabled Services, it is geared towards those with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. I have autism, and autism is covered by the DDS program.


My worker was here today, and explained why she was leaving, and I totally understand why. But she was under the impression that her clients would be assigned to another worker, not having our cases closed out. She told one of her other clients Friday, and the lady was devastated. She was seeing her remaining client after me, I'll find out Wednesday his reaction.


I just hope my Social Worker can find another service for me. It doesn't make sense, the insurance will pay more if any of us losing services end up hopitalized, or in outpatient treatment. Neither of which I want to do, as I'd worry they'd make me worse by doing something harmful.

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Thank you for the clarification.  Well I am just hoping for the best for you.  I know this is just so stressful for you and I can’t imagine having to go through this during this time, of all times. 

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I hope the liquid is smooth and easy! I’ve found it much easier than the tablets in terms of making cuts.
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Hi Hoops88-


I feel your pain....A tough spot for sure.  I am saying only what I would do and I am sure others will chime in as well and maybe you have found help already or answers in other threads by now.  Personally I would not updose at 11 days in.  My doctor says for the “average” person it takes about a full 2 weeks for Valium to leave the system, so you are almost at that 2 week mark.....then you could just hold like your previous hold and things hopefully would start to stabilize for you.


Moving forward have you thought about reducing your % for step downs? Or possibly micro tapering?  I just had to come to these decisions myself.  I am now going to micro taper, and try and continue with my 10% @ 2 weeks, but I may need to lower the % or do longer holds.  I am now going with the “symptom based” taper.  It’s just been pretty brutal and something had to change.


I hope things start to get better soon.  You will make the right decision for your situation.....cheering you on  :thumbsup:


Hi Blessthismess,


I held it for 14 days and at the end of 2 weeks, it was very difficult for me to continue. I did eventually give in and updose. I just think, I wasn't used to making such abrupt changes. I Had not made a reduction faster than 4 weeks before and Everything had been smooth until then. At the very least, I can see how much holding does now for the body. Even if I did not reach my target this time.


I am interested in the micro tapering side that you have mentioned going forward.  At 16mg it would be a good place for me to start. Do people mostly micro-taper using dry cuts or liquid, or both ?


Thanks Hoops88.

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I changed my debt ticker to something more accurate. If things with the new provider had been done the Ashton way (She and I both made mistakes, but she is learning how to do this with me), I technically would have been starting at 20 mg Valium if a proper crossover from Klonopin was done.  She was right when she updosed me to 15 mg, I'd already been W/D'ing during my underdose period.


Makes sense, yes? Plus, it makes me feel better, setting it at 15 was somewhat demoralizing, making me feel like I'd done nothing, except deal with screwups. When in reality, I'd gotten a quarter of the way there.


Now I'm debating whether to hold until the social worker finds me a replacement service, or take the plunge and try another .5 mg cut (I'm afraid to try 1mg). I will have been on the updose to 15 mg 2 months by next week, I'm feeling much better, except the stress about my support services.

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Hey there!

I am doing a daily microtaper with 2mg tablets (taking off .004 daily for now with .221 left to go)  and only take one dose a day (about 2.67mg). Im having terrible sleeping issues and have been for over a month but nervous if I move my dose to PM I will lose my “good” hours in the middle of the day when Im most “functional”. Im at almost 3 weeks of consolidating the midday and pm dose to just midday (had sleeping issues then too). Curious about what to consider. Thx so much!

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Hi, After using benzos for most of my adult life (25 years), I'm currently following the Ashton  Schedule 5. Withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin) 1.5mg daily with substitution of diazepam (Valium). (0.5mg clonazepam is approximately equivalent to 10mg diazepam


I'm presently in Stage 8 of my tapering schedule (see the link above for the details).

Since switching to a 100% diazepam tapering schedule, my mental symptom have all worsened  including anxiety, constant worrying, antisocial behavior, brain fog, confusion, dizziness, etc.  My physical symptoms are minimum.

Have any of the buddies had a similar experiences when switching for K to V? Did your mental symptoms reduce over time? I wonder if my brain is adjusting to the V after being on the K for so many years. Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Jetson, how long have you taken to cross over completely to Valium? How long have you been on only Valium?


I followed Ashton when I crossed over and it took me approximately 6 weeks to switch from 1 mg Klonopin to 20 mg Valium. When I had switched 3/4 of the way I had an uptick in anxiety, but it leveled out progressively over a month or so.

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Hey there!

I am doing a daily microtaper with 2mg tablets (taking off .004 daily for now with .221 left to go)  and only take one dose a day (about 2.67mg). Im having terrible sleeping issues and have been for over a month but nervous if I move my dose to PM I will lose my “good” hours in the middle of the day when Im most “functional”. Im at almost 3 weeks of consolidating the midday and pm dose to just midday (had sleeping issues then too). Curious about what to consider. Thx so much!


Hello tapersupport,


When adding a post to the Valium support group thread it would be better if you didn't change the subject title when you reply, it disrupts the continuity.


Why did you consolidate your two doses into one, I guess I'm asking if you've noticed any benefits.



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Hi, After using benzos for most of my adult life (25 years), I'm currently following the Ashton  Schedule 5. Withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin) 1.5mg daily with substitution of diazepam (Valium). (0.5mg clonazepam is approximately equivalent to 10mg diazepam


I'm presently in Stage 8 of my tapering schedule (see the link above for the details).

Since switching to a 100% diazepam tapering schedule, my mental symptom have all worsened  including anxiety, constant worrying, antisocial behavior, brain fog, confusion, dizziness, etc.  My physical symptoms are minimum.

Have any of the buddies had a similar experiences when switching for K to V? Did your mental symptoms reduce over time? I wonder if my brain is adjusting to the V after being on the K for so many years. Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.



Hi Jetson,


When adding your post to the Valium support thread it would be better if you left the subject title unchanged for thread continuity, thanks.  I see kitsune556 is addressing your question.



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My doctor asked me to consolidate doses about 3 weeks ago. I was more surprised he had me take midday rather than pm. He said bc long-acting. I also believe because dose is so low (2.5mg) do once a day. Really the major issue has been sleeping. Not that I was sleeping well on two doses, but the last two weeks have been 2-3hr nights. My bags have bags and swollen. I can fall asleep that about it. Sorry for messing up thread

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My doctor asked me to consolidate doses about 3 weeks ago. I was more surprised he had me take midday rather than pm. He said bc long-acting. I also believe because dose is so low (2.5mg) do once a day. Really the major issue has been sleeping. Not that I was sleeping well on two doses, but the last two weeks have been 2-3hr nights. My bags have bags and swollen. I can fall asleep that about it. Sorry for messing up thread


Thanks for leaving the title intact, you did it just right.  :thumbsup:


It sounds like you could benefit from a dose timing adjustment, in my way of thinking your Dr shouldn't be dictating what time you take your dose, this should be determined by your body and your needs.  I understand your Dr controls the amount you take each day by virtue of the prescription but the rest should be up to you.  Do you feel you would benefit by taking your midday dose later in the day or perhaps going back to two doses?  And if as your Dr says that Valium is long acting, wouldn't taking your dose at night leave you with coverage during the day?



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Hi taper,

I agree with Pamster but also wanted to say that Valium has different metabolites, some of which wear off a lot faster and in a matter of hours for some people.  I currently still take 3 doses a day for this reason and plan to do so the whole way to the finish.  We are all different and have different needs, though. 

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Hi taper,

I agree with Pamster but also wanted to say that Valium has different metabolites, some of which wear off a lot faster and in a matter of hours for some people.  I currently still take 3 doses a day for this reason and plan to do so the whole way to the finish.  We are all different and have different needs, though.


Thanks for your comment, I know so little about tapering or how the different benzo's work, I gain knowledge through member input.

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