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Valium/Diazepam Support Group

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My mom is getting near the 1mg mark.

I hope she doesn't get hit.


M your mom will probably put us all to shame and sail right through it!


Here's hoping  :thumbsup:


Hi there,


I might have missed it, but is anyone taking the liquid diazepam prescribed by their GP?

My GP has just told me that he will prescribe the liquid now that I am down past 5mg. I am at 3mg tablets [cut and hold] at present and holding until after Christmas. 


I don't think I have seen many posts re the prescription liquid and have wondered why. Your comments would be appreciated


Many thanks




Yes I use the liquid valium. It's been a god send.


Hi Smiff,


I am in the UK.  I haven't changed to liquid yet, will do so in the New Year. Am not really sure about reduction. Am currently taking all my dose at night, which stops me thinking about it during day. [3mg currently].

Looking on this site it does seem that very small daily reductions seem to suit most people.  I don't really want to overthink as it makes me anxious.  I imagine so many ml = so many mg.  Would appreciate it if you could give me any pointers.


Many thanks





I've been told by another BBer from the UK that the type of liquid you have is the 2mg=5ml type. That makes it slightly less convenient that the 1ml=1mg type, but it's not too difficult. I have that ratio type covered in the example I have in my signature below.


Thanks so much Diaz for starting this thread. :smitten:


It will be great for others who don't visit Buddie Blogs to chime in now.


I'm almost 6 months free now and feeling good. Sporadic fatigue and body pain, but not bothersome...so that's good. I think the winter cold has a lot to do with this...well, at least for me.


I wish all on this thread a smooth taper to benzo freedom. Plus tons of windows. You can do this! I'll stop by again.


Cheers and all the best.






Hi Danni


Good to see you again. I'm so glad to hear that everything is going really well for you.


Hi OneLove


Good to hear from you. I hope everything goes well with what's left of your move, and your taper of course too. :)


Hi there,


I might have missed it, but is anyone taking the liquid diazepam prescribed by their GP?

My GP has just told me that he will prescribe the liquid now that I am down past 5mg. I am at 3mg tablets [cut and hold] at present and holding until after Christmas. 


I don't think I have seen many posts re the prescription liquid and have wondered why. Your comments would be appreciated


Many thanks



I am taking the Roxanne brand liquid V.  I am almost completely crossed over to liquid now that I am under 3mgs.


Workingitout and OneLove: Your stories are genuinely inspirational. From various benzo and health hell you've come back and taken control of this situation. May your peace and health continue.



One nice to hear from you and I am so happy things are going better for you.


Sorry I have been a little quiet for the last bit. Really busy at work and the conversation was centered around liquid tapering and i am a daily taperer with jewelers scales.


Do any of you at low numbers remember getting below 10mg and getting frustrated?



Hi all,


After a day day winning streak of feeling really good after my last cut I woke up sick today. 10 days after the cut.I thought I was going to catch a break. I woke nauseated and dizzy. Jitters. Tinnitus abounding. Getting worse in the last few hours. But my head is in a good place. I am not upset. I am hoping that this passes more quickly than before. I still await my scales. This was the longest period of feeling good that I have had after a cut. I want to move on to micro taper. Christmas has likely slowed the mail service. I am keeping my head up and maybe I will sleep tonight. I am 1 year into this. Next Christmas I will look back on this and know I am in a better place. :brickwall:


Great to hear your taking this in stride cc.


Etown, I was frustrated at 10mg, 8, 5, etc...  It is so difficult for me to be patient. I'm down to 2.82 and I started to feel it today but I just cut again to 2.80.  My reasoning is I like round numbers to stabilize.  :idiot:    Sorry you're frustrated.

I'm always frustrated E-Town. So many people around on doses I wish for and want to be at so bad. But... eventually... I will get to those doses too. Slowly: hence my new ticker tortoise.

Hi guys above 5mg


I wonder if the frustration is just part of the deal.  Fighting impatience and wanting it to just be over with already I think is an issue with all of us - low dose or high dose.


We just have to keep propping each other up when things get dicey so the frustration does not get the better of us.


I was sleeping good all last week and now have seen it start to degrade over the last few days.  The frustrating thing for me is the lack of predictability in this whole mess.


CC and Etown hang in there.  I hope things get better really soon for you.




Etown I was not frustrated at 10 mg. From 15 down to 5 was a breeze for me. I was doing an Ashton taper and I had NO SYMPTOMS. I thought the rest would be a piece of cake. Brother was I wrong, I guess we all meet our Waterloo. Mine was 4 mg. Aargh. I have been struggling ever since. 7 months of struggling.


Actually I see ANYONE at low doses who is have an alright time and am green with envy.


So it's different for everyone I guess.





"I finally believe I WILL recover and have a fulfilling life ahead." - Onelove




I am SO happy to hear that you are so much better and have managed to gain weight and have found your way to better health!!!!  Well done for all the hard work you have done to get to the bottom of all your health issues.  :thumbsup:  I am so glad you are well enough to manage your move too!


My micro taper is going ok and I am managing to stay functional in spite of symptoms, which are kept tolerable by doing the daily taper.  Just wish I could go faster, but have to accept that this is going to take much longer than I originally planned.  But I am moving forward day by day.




That's all any of us can do Silverbell


I thing everyone here wishes they could taper faster but have resigned themselves to try and stay as symptom free and functional as possible.


Fight the good fight!  :boxer:


Aint that the truth Eliz!


Yea I didn't mean to suggest impatience and frustration isn't around on low doses or indeed every dose. I'd hazard a guess to say impatience and frustration is around at every dose.


I've often thought just how frustrating the low doses of going 0.005 would be given I'm getting annoyed with just 0.03mg daily reduction.


Interestingly on this side of 8mgs I am feeling valium's effects less. Which is good in the sense I can live my life with less vagueness and having trouble finding words - though that is still there. It is also bad because it means I am now always pushing at my edge so need to be careful of symptoms. Mostly its good though. I'll enjoy getting more of my mind back as I go down :) It will take a long time since even going from 7-6mg I'll probably have to go 0.02 but at least (hopefully) I wont be overly symptomatic when I get there.


Love and peace to all of you



Yes, I can relate as well. I felt I had finally stabilized after the crossover to 8mg of Valium and feeling good, started micro tapering at .025 and still felt good and by mistake made a larger cut one day and felt it 3 days later so back to 8mg for a few days again and then will start again at .02 daily cuts for a week and if all is well will increase to .03 daily.


I think it is human nature to want to go further and faster when we feel good and test our limits again. This taper requires learning patience, tolerance and humility. Quality of life is what is important, not pushing ahead because we can, Concerned


Enjoy the cut rates of .03 and .025 as long as you can ladies.


I am currently at .009 and hoping for it to last until after the holidays.  Slowing down sucks out loud but at least right now other than on and off sleep difficulties, I am (shhhhh or the benzo beast will hear) relatively symptom free.  And that will work until it doesn't and then I will have to slow down yet again.  Sighhhhh....................


Bart has said that one day this will all be in the rear view mirror and I am hanging on to that.




Eliz, I do hold onto that whenever I feel impatient and calculate that it could take me another year at this pace, I do think of you and all the others who have to exert even more patience to taper such small amounts and those that were impatient and had to start all over again and that keeps me grounded and content with .02 or .03 daily cuts if I can make it to zero with minimal symptoms and no aftermath I will consider it a victory no matter how long it takes me to get there.


That is why I like Bart's method of identifying your lag time and catching yourself early enough to tweak the dose before it gets out of hand.



I am encouraged by those who have gone slow and steady and have had less or very little symptoms most of the taper down. It keeps me motivated and engaged despite the small cuts and longer time span, concerned


Eliz, I do hold onto that whenever I feel impatient and calculate that it could take me another year at this pace, I do think of you and all the others who have to exert even more patience to taper such small amounts and those that were impatient and had to start all over again and that keeps me grounded and content with .02 or .03 daily cuts if I can make it to zero with minimal symptoms and no aftermath I will consider it a victory no matter how long it takes me to get there.


That is why I like Bart's method of identifying your lag time and catching yourself early enough to tweak the dose before it gets out of hand.



I am encouraged by those who have gone slow and steady and have had less or very little symptoms most of the taper down. It keeps me motivated and engaged despite the small cuts and longer time span, concerned


Me too Concerned!


I count my lucky stars every day that I found the Ashton Manual and BB.  Who knows what my fate would have been without it and all the great advice I have received on here.


We have very good examples set by those who came before us.  They have truly blazed a path for the rest of us to follow.


Hi everyone

It is so wonderful to be in touch with people that "Have walk the walk and can talk the talk" I am a firm believer. So I am new and need help from you all. I was on Ativan for 2 years 2to 3 mg a day. Switched to V following Ashton protocol. I rushed my cuts end up in the hospital with shakes.The doctor reinstated me back to 15 mg V. in the beginning of June 2013. This time I totally followed the Aston slow taper chart.

Now I am at 3.5mg, lately I have been cutting 1/2 mg every 2 weeks, use to cut 1 mg before. The w/d symptoms are getting harder. Please explain to me how liquid V daily cuts works excuse my ignorance.

It sounds very complicated because my brain fog is very bad from the w/d.

Please explain in simple terms.

Thank you so much for your help.


Hi 21 welcome to this thread. It would be helpful if you would update your signature at the bottom of the page so we can see your history when you are feeling up to it. the method I use is in the link below. there are lots of liquid taperers that can help you too. You probably need to daily taper and get your rate at a level that is close to your healing rate to avoid as many symptoms as possible. the current group on here are mostly doing a symptom based taper and you found the right thread for sure. Look listen and learn and you will be fine.




Hi D21

glad you found your way here. If you look back at the very first post in this thread on page 1 you will see BBC member Diiaz-Pam.  Click on the link in her signature for a very well explained method for valium liquid tapering

Ask all the questions you need to we're all here to help you


Hey Gang,


I'm a bit stuck in my crossover from .1 mg Klonopin to 2 mg Valium and in need of some advice here.


I started the crossover back on 11/2/13. As of 12/2/13 I had completed 75% of the crossover, meaning I was at 1.5 mg V and .025 mg K.


Last Saturday (12/7/13) was the day I had targeted to push through the final phase of the crossover, but when I woke up that morning I decided that I was simply too depressed to increase the V from 1.5 mg to 2 mg. That day (12/7/13) had been 10 days since the increase from 1.0 mg V to 1.5 mg V, so I am thinking the increased V had enough time to fully build up in my system, hence the increased depression.


So I decided to just hold in place (at 1.5 mg V and .025 mg K) for the time being, and that is where I still am. The depression did seem to peak over the weekend and it has subsided a little bit this week, but it's still really debilitating.


To back up a bit, I CT'd off Vyvanse and Lexapro earlier this year (see my sig) and I don't believe I have fully healed from those debacles. Even before this absurd benzo withdrawal hit me I was still very depressed. So I am thinking that the V is just adding some icing to the depression cake, if you will. That's the only way I can explain why I feel like adding more V at this point could be dangerous.


Now I'm at a fork in the road and not sure what to do. One option would be just to stick at 1.5 mg V and try to taper off the rest of the K. At .025 mg of K, I am wondering if the K could even still be doing anything? it is a ridiculously small crumb of a pill (basically 1/20th of a .5 mg K pill).


I'm really confused and I wanted to see if you all have any suggestions before I consult with my pdoc. I think in some ways I am much better off than many of you guys ... in the sense that my benzo withdrawal issues are probably not as severe. In other ways I think I am in awfully bad shape. Life circumstances are abysmal and I am, sadly, not functional enough to work. I do believe I would have been ready to go back to work by August/September if this benzo crud had not got in the way.


Thx, Human


Human I like the idea of dropping the K a grain at a time. Maybe crush and divide into 4 small piles and take one pile away every 2 weeks or so. Then a good hold to stabilize on the 1.5mg of V.


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