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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Jack, i think this discrepancy that you defined is because of the differences of syringes' bottom parts which i early asked in this thread. As i remembered you and others said that i should ignore this kind of little issues as long as my dose is consistent. For example, i have been using 1 ml syringe since starting and i was curious about the volume of last part of the syringe. As you know i am using a bigger syringe to spoil mirt into 1 ml syringe. I dont use the needle anynmore because i cant see whether this part is full of mirt or air because the needles' top captures the last and bottom part of syringe. Instrumentation is important. I put my thumb to bottom of syringe's bottom part and spoil the mirt from top. This clarifies the thesis that it is homogenous all around the syringe. There was also a chance to measure how much this part takes. It contains 0.03 ml in 1 ml syringe and this is a remarkable amount.


By the way, you are saying how 0.9 mg affected you. Think about me. When i was also in acute wd of the drugs, i was eagerly dropping 0.1mg/day. I paid it in a high price and i am still paying. I hope this anx. soothes a little after last cruel two months. Anyway, happy new year again ...

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I think you’re right on the money June. I noticed that too. And I include the bottom part of the syringe in my dose so I would be susceptible to this discrepancy. It is larger on the 5 ml syringes I was given by the pharmacy that it is on the higher quality 3ml syringes I ordered online. Good thing is I have a one hundred pack of the new syringes which will definitely last until I am ready for the 1 ml syringes so I won’t have to worry about hitting another bump like this for a while. I hope your anxiety subsides soon. I am glad that you have said that your heart issues have at least resolved.
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That is true. Originally they wanted to do 15 mg to 1 ml but I told then it was going to be way to inaccurate. We agreed on this amount because of the type of suspension they wanted to use. When I do get down to the very small doses I will probably switch to a 1:1 compound. I am sensitive to small changes but not super sensitive so this seems to be working so far. I will be on the exact same type syringes and the exact same compound for a while so I should have pretty good accuracy and stability for now. I will reevaluate when I get to the lower doses.

Another issue is the compounding solution seems to bother my stomach a little so less is better. If I was 1:1 I would have to take 3 times as much as I am taking now and I think that would be a no go for me.

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hi buddies i wanna ask a question about tapering. as you know i have been holding at 11 mg for 4 months and prior to this at 12 mg for 1 month. ican say that i have fixed it nearly 5 month and i am still not stable by anxiety. but for the purpose of decreasing the affect of ad effect, in other words, for going from this zone to sedative and anti-anx. zone, could i try some symbolic declines 0,15 mg/two weeks for example. as you know Dave was doing that as he was in still wd of benzo,bur after that he completed his taper in long term. what can you say about that? need opinion. i dont think these small cuts affect stabilization but need opinion. thank you
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Micro tapering a whole different ballgame. For me I don’t think about stabilization at all. I microtaper so I am in a constant state of withdrawal. Then I adjust the speed of the microtaper by monitoring the severity of the symptoms. The symptoms are always there but they become the new normal and you function at almost 100 percent. When I start having difficulty with daily routines or have appetite issues or at the most severe anxiety then I know it is time to hold for a couple weeks or slow down.

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Happy New Year Everyone. It’s a new year, new decade and I need to ask this question to start 2020. I’ve been tapering off mirtazapine for a year now. It’s the last of a previous long taper off a benzo and another AD. I’m at 1mg now.  Very close to being done but I’ve been feeling miserable every day, like death warmed over  for some time. I’ve shared my sxs multiple times here before, so I won’t bore you with that. I basically hurt and feel ill every day. I can’t travel to see kids and grand kids. I don’t go on any trips. I exist and I taper mirtazapine. That’s it!!!  My question is: why shouldn’t I just reinstate to maintenance dose and live with it??? Yes it made me gain weight and I didn’t feel wonderful but much better than I feel now. I don’t care if I’m fat if I can have a life again. This taper has beaten me into the ground and I want the misery to end. I just need to know why it wouldn’t be better if I reinserted to 15mg. Really tired.



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I get it Pokey and I wish I knew the right answer. There are several reasons I wouldn’t. One, you could end up in worse shape. It might not work for you and then you are stuck. I also do not like being under the thumb of The medical profession. I also don’t like manufacturers change, that really messes me up and as I’ve said before, I’ve known others who have reinstated other ADs and benzodiazepines and do not feel well. I understand why you want to do it but I wouldn’t. It takes such a long time to heal that it’s discouraging. I’m so sorry.


Jackie  :smitten:

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I get it too Pokey. Believe me I do. I was put on mirtazapine post benzo withdrawal because I was getting next to zero sleep for way too long. It worked like a charm. I took 7.5 mgs one night and then immediately started weighing and cutting my 15 mg tablets into smaller doses. I was seeking the MED (minimal effective dose). Settled on dosing around 3.75 for a year or two and then actually came off entirely for 7 months. I had surgery which revved me up something awful, and decided to go back on the remeron. Never went higher than 6 mgs.  I am now at 5 mgs., but I don’t think I’m going to bother with a taper from this dose. Why?? My weight gain has been minimal, (5-7 lbs),  I am getting older and older 😉,and...... I am supplementing my small dose with Medical Marijuana. (The cannabis has been a game changer.) There are still days that my body hurts from head to toe, but overall I can cope so much better. I refuse to live the rest of my life, (I am 72 and if I live to 80, I’ll be content), in constant agony.  My mental symptoms are minimal or non-existent for the most part. I engage in life well for an aging woman. There may be a couple of days a month that I feel unwell enough to opt out of activities, but in general I do Yoga, go to a local Field House 4-5 times a week where I walk or jog. Life isn’t perfect, but whose life is? Most people (4 out of 5) my age are on several prescriptions. I take NOTHING other than my 5 mgs of remeron. It’s not the end of the world!

I wish I were 35 and feeling like I did back then, but it ain’t gonna happen, so I roll with the punches.

Maybe I’m making a mistake, but I’m willing to take the chance when I’m getting closer and closer to the finish line of life.


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Thanks ladies for understanding. I will wrestle with this still and see where it takes me. My PCP wants me off, he thinks it will be better when I get off completely, but he has little experience with this kind of thing. We will see. I just know I am like you Seashell, Im 70.5 years old and I have things I want to do still before I have to cash in my chips, but I cant do them now. I live in Oregon and my daughter, who lives in Ohio,  is doing a business trip to San Diego in February. Its an easy flight from Oregon to San Diego, but Im not going, only my wife is going to be with our daughter for a week. Its gotten to the point my wife doesnt like traveling with me because I get so discombobulated because, well, I am discombobulated!!! MY grandson graduates from high school in May, and he lives in Ohio. Im wondering if I can make the trip back to see him graduate, events that happen once in a lifetime and Im stuck at home drawing medicine into a syringe. I want to go on some bucket list trips to some more exotic places I have always wanted to see. NO WAY I could do it now. It wouldnt be the end of the world if I didnt make those trips, but not being able to see the people you love the most because of tapering WD misery brings tears to my eyes. Every day life is getting shorter. I will wrestle with this for sure.
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Jack, June,Jackie. Do any of you or others you know who are getting off mirtazapine ever complain of mild shortness of breath or “air starvation “ as some refer to it? I’ve been having this in the early morning hours. I don’t think it’s my heart as I see a cardiologist regularly and he says my ticker is doing fine. It my be due to the weight I have on this crap which I hope to get rid of. Anyway I was wondering if you have any insight on this??




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Yeah, and sometimes it ain’t what I would call mild either. It’s scary as hell. I was having a lot of the last couple of weeks after accidentally cutting too much. It feels like I am being smothered with a pillow despite the fact that I can breathe freely. Another problem I have is swallowing, I choke on things all the time and I know it’s the mirt because I never had this problem before.


Weird thing with the air starvation is I have had it mild and severe but never once had it more than a single time in a day. For examplr, if it happens at lunch I know it won’t happen again that day.

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Yeh, mine is only at one time of day as well, in the early morning hours when I am sleeping. I wake up and feel like I am not getting quite enough air. Its is alarming!!  I have a mitral valve issue but the cardiologist says everything is OK with my heart. SO hopefully its from WD, but I dont get why its only at that time of day which still worries me.
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I think it has to do with how our bodies process the mirt. I bet the time it happens is the same amount of hours from when you take your dose. I would also bet that if you took your dose in the middle of the night that your air hunger would hit at noon instead of in the morning. That’s my theory on it. Regardless of what it is it sure sucks.
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Yes pokey. I have had them many times and still having unfortunately. It is of course wd, not because of your heart or inhaling issue.
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Ok guys thanks for the feedback. At least I’ve been feeling better during the day lately. Now that I’m at 1 mg I’m hoping some daylight is coming.
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I think it’s very common in Mirtezapine w/d. I have read of a few on a Facebook Mirtezapine group I’m on. Part of the nastiness of this drug.


Jackie  :smitten:

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is there anybody who used cbd for the anxiety in the past?if so, could you please gimme the detail?interaction,soothing,tapering etc. is there also anybody whose skin rashes from using remeron?i started to take rashes..
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Hi all!  I have 10 days or so left on R. I'm taking 1 mg compounded caps. I was on 3.75 for 5 or 6 years, history before that too.


I'm feeling the pinch now, but it has been pretty stable and reasonable to this point, since November. I am up all night lately and sleeping from 7 to noon or so.

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is there anybody who used cbd for the anxiety in the past?if so, could you please gimme the detail?interaction,soothing,tapering etc. is there also anybody whose skin rashes from using remeron?i started to take rashes..

Hi juneight. Skin rashes are common with mirt unfortunately. I have them in different spots on my body along with itching. It's a side effect/w/d effect.



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Yep, it’s an antihistamine so your histamine levels will be above your normal levels while you are tapering. As a result you can experience any of the side effects of increased histamine levels in the body. Skin rashes would be included in this. Following a diet that is low in histamine can help alleviate many of these symptoms.
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Hi everyone! Hi drad dog, wow! You’re moving fast. I wish you all the best. I know you’ve been dealing with this for awhile.


I am at 0.018 grams and this cut has been extremely difficult. I’m on day 9 or 10 of my cut. I’ve been crushing a 15mg pill and weighing out my dose. I’m basically pulling up the powder on my finger and dabbing with some applesauce or pudding then drink water. It’s working so far. My brain is so out of it. Body pain, muscle pain, gastrointestinal, anxiety and blurry vision with some peaks of feeling better. After over 20 years of no teethe problems I have a cavity that I need to get fixed on the 20th. I’m just doing the best I can. This afternoon is pretty strong though. Hang in there everyone. We’re getting there.


Jackie  :smitten:

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what about the cbd oil or derivatives?have you aver used it to soothe anx.?apart from the wd sxs after each cut, my current wd sx after some drugs is different i think. wd sxs from after cuts which i couldnt experience is bearable at some point as i understand. do you suggest it? it may mess it up? does it need to be tapered?anyone used it?
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