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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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I’m going thru a rough patch. Am already on trazadone. Is it possible to taker mirtz 2 times a week and NOT gain a dependency?


Many people have claimed to have done so. Also, many people have taken it daily for months or years without developing dependency. Unfortunately, much like benzos, it’s a crapshoot.

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My wife and I had a fight a couple of hours ago and I am nauseous and my resting heart rate will not go below 95. I am so sick of this. This is rediculous. I wish she would realize how sick out fighting is making me. I am afraid I am going to die.
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Ok, so everything is settling down. The nausea is gone and my heart rate is slowing down. Just got into the high 70’s. Still high for me but it is trending back downward and I feel normal again.
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Hi Jack and everyone. Jack, i know what you’re saying. I try really hard to avoid any confrontation because my anxiety and blood pressure goes off the charts. I hate this too.


I made a cut on Saturday night. I’m at 1.9mg. My dose is certainly getting smaller but still packs a punch. I’ve been shaky and agitated. Will hold a month then cut again. I had to buy a new scale because my scale would get stuck in on mode or off mode. It takes a lot of patience cutting these pills. I cut 2 weeks at a time. I have to cut them while everyone is still in bed. Very temperamental scale, drafts movement in the room. So far I’m doing it but will be glad when it’s over.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Hi Jack and Jackie:  Ain’t this fun :P:D. I’m down now to 1.2mg. Same old story but think it’s getting worse. Go to bed feeling relatively ok and wake up feeling like death warmed over. Takes several hours for it to wear off. But I think it’s getting worse the lower I go. The brain fog in the morning is thick and heavy. I’m always ancy. Legs stiff, achy and creepy crawly feeling. I sleep by wake up miserable. One question has anyone here getting off mirtazapine complained of shortness of breath? I also wake up and feel like I’m not getting quite enough O2. But I check my O2 levels and they are Ok. After I’m up the feeling goes away and I can do an hour of aerobics at the health club with no SOB but I definitely feel slightly sob when I wake up with all the other symptoms. I ask because I have a leaky heart valve that my cardiologist says is mild and stable but it makes me wonder is the sob from the mirtazapine withdrawal or is it my ticker. Wishing you both the best


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Ps. Jackie I think it would be easier and more accurate dosing if you went to a liquid form of mirtazapine at your current dose level. I’d be happy to do a PM and tell you how to do it. It’s pretty simple and you could make enough for a couple weeks at a time and only have to draw your dose each day with a small syringe and not have to  fuss with weighing such a small amount each day. But it’s whatever you prefer to do.
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Hi Pokey, sorry your mornings are so bad. These darn drugs are a nightmare. I might take you up on the liquid help the lower I go but for now I’ll continue to cut. I’m sure I’m not even getting any kind of good dose. I might end up crushing and weighing later when I can’t cut the pill so small. Sometimes I think I could just jump off but too scared to try that so will continue. You’re getting lower all the time. I’m sorry so many are tapering Remeron but glad to have others to talk to about it. When I started my Remeron taper no one was on here and now all of a sudden we have quite a few now. I wish the best for all of us.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi my buddies. I again need your support. I am 6.5 months far from my unpleasant ct. I succeed to drag myself until this point. As you know i experienced a bad heart issue and thanks to God it passed. Now, i have been experiencing really bad anxiety with tight chest and face muscles for 2-3 weeks. Is this a sign of wd of ct? Have you ever lived this terrible feeling after your ct? Will this pass also? My chest and throat is so tight that makes me super anxious. Isnt healing possible while being on remeron? I need your support. I have nowhere to go except you..
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Hi June. Have you shared your symptoms with your PNP just to be safe since you said you had a cardiac event a while back. I’m sorry to say I can’t offer much in the way of advice when it comes to anxiety issues when coming off this damn stuff. I’ve not had any of that. My symptoms have all been physical. Wishing you the best
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        Did you have any of these symptoms before you started Remeron. I only experience the anxiety when I am cutting too fast. At the pace I am going I just experience some mild anxiety on occasion. This week has been really easy so far. It’s been one of my easier cuts. It’s a crapshoot with this stuff.

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You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(
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You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(



          I am not sure who this is addressed to.

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Has anyone here used a liquid form of mirtazapine for the last few mg of their taper and if so what has been/ was your experience with it like. I’m now at 1.2mg using liquid and I’m have a tough time.


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Hi June. Have you shared your symptoms with your PNP just to be safe since you said you had a cardiac event a while back. I’m sorry to say I can’t offer much in the way of advice when it comes to anxiety issues when coming off this damn stuff. I’ve not had any of that. My symptoms have all been physical. Wishing you the best


I have just waited as Dave said because of the nature of wd and palps passed. You are very lucky to not being anxious.



        Did you have any of these symptoms before you started Remeron. I only experience the anxiety when I am cutting too fast. At the pace I am going I just experience some mild anxiety on occasion. This week has been really easy so far. It’s been one of my easier cuts. It’s a crapshoot with this stuff.


Jack as you know, i have been in an anxious process which almost cover the whole. But, last two or three weeks, i feel my face nerves peaceless and throat and upper chest muscles so tight. In other words, before starting this journey, there was 1.5 months after CT and i didnt have such terrible symptoms. Remeron was also one of the drugs that i CTd. 15 day and 3 drugs mustnt ruin one's life, i dont understand. You and Dave CTd  a benzo and lived terrible days and both of you are saying the improvements started at 6th or 7th months. In fact, i am asking you lived such kind of weird anxiety in wd of benzo? Nor i didnt ct a benzo neither i used a drug for long term. Just intense 3 drug medication for 15 days and current remeron use has been stable for 4 months. In first and second months, my worst probs were severe head pressure, dp dr and anx. I am just asking if you lived this kind of anx.around face nerves and throat,chest how long did it last?  By the way movements in my face still is on. Finally may all of this turmoil be a sign of healing as one of the my friends on Face said.


You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(


i think you are wrong, because i never used a benzo. but thanks for your support, too.

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You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(



          I am not sure who this is addressed to.


That would be you that I'm replying to.  Sorry... hit reply instead of quote to what you said.  Yah... I HATE Ambien and personally have experienced hell from taking it and watched others, including friends.  I ended up in the ER because of ambien in the first place which led to my 15-year Clonazepam stint.  Scary, scary med that I would NEVER take again.  :'( :-\

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You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(


I am fairly confident it is not from the ambien. I took it for a month and had anger issues while on it. When I stopped I had some mild discomfort and stomach issues for a couple months. Then I was good for a couple of years until I started taking Xanax. I am sure some of this is still the Xanax. And I am also sure that the Xanax withdrawal was so bad because of having been on and off of valium and Ambien previously. The reason I think that most of this is Remeron is because I completely stabilize to zero symptoms if I hold my Rem taper for about 20 days. Then when I continue tapering the symptoms come back again.


          I am not sure who this is addressed to.


That would be you that I'm replying to.  Sorry... hit reply instead of quote to what you said.  Yah... I HATE Ambien and personally have experienced hell from taking it and watched others, including friends.  I ended up in the ER because of ambien in the first place which led to my 15-year Clonazepam stint.  Scary, scary med that I would NEVER take again.  :'( :-\

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You've been on a lot of meds in the last few years.  How do you know it's not from Benzo withdrawals since you CT'd so quickly? Just saying.  :-\  Why do you think it's the Remeron only and not a combination of everything including the Ambien? Ambien put me in the hospital and that was when panic attacks started and they put me on Clonazepam for panic disorder.  I never had that before I took Ambien and I blame it for ALL my issues.  I've worked in a hospital and have seen what Ambien does to people.  It's a nasty drug.  :'(


I am fairly confident it is not from the ambien. I took it for a month and had anger issues while on it. When I stopped I had some mild discomfort and stomach issues for a couple months. Then I was good for a couple of years until I started taking Xanax. I am sure some of this is still the Xanax. And I am also sure that the Xanax withdrawal was so bad because of having been on and off of valium and Ambien previously. The reason I think that most of this is Remeron is because I completely stabilize to zero symptoms if I hold my Rem taper for about 20 days. Then when I continue tapering the symptoms come back again.


          I am not sure who this is addressed to.


That would be you that I'm replying to.  Sorry... hit reply instead of quote to what you said.  Yah... I HATE Ambien and personally have experienced hell from taking it and watched others, including friends.  I ended up in the ER because of ambien in the first place which led to my 15-year Clonazepam stint.  Scary, scary med that I would NEVER take again.  :'( :-\


It's addressed to you... lol.  Ok... well I wish you the very best. I think the more meds we take the harder it is to come off of them.  We will get to a better place ... I'm certain of it!!!  :thumbsup::smitten:

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So this weekend I will be graduating....


to a 3ml syringe! Lol. So I started my taper at 15 mg with a compounded solution of 15mg per 5ml. So my next cut will be to 9mg which is 3ml of solution. So I will be able to switch to a 3ml syringe. This is a big deal for me in the taper. I will be with the 3ml syringe until I hit 1ml and then a 1ml syringe. The smaller syringes afford me better accuracy and more control over my increments so I am very excited about this. Not to mention it marks that I have made it 2/5 of the way there! It feels like I have made some progress.

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Jack. Have you noticed any ups and downs with your compounded solution. I’m making my own and am at 1.2mg now. Some days I feel pretty good, then the next day I feel awful. Been at 1.2mg 22 days now. I Can’t figure out  why I’m having this  yinging and yanging. I’m using OraPlus and water to make my liquid mirtazapine just like the instructions recommend. I did not have this up and down experience when I was at a higher dose using a liquid version of mirtazapine. My thought is less room for error when one is at such a low dose???


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June, my biggest symptoms are stomach issues(no nausea though), inability to physically handle stress. I have had to learn to not get stressed in situations that previously would have stressed me out. Also, occasional minor heart palps which all checked out safe on the seven day with no AFIB.



        No my symptoms have been pretty consistent. I have to do everything consistently though. I even make sure to take my heartburn meds the same time everday.

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