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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Hi LookinUp, I think you got some pretty good opinions on where to go from here.  Knowing you don't have a thyroid anymore I suggest getting. g your T3/T4 blood test.  Your endo sounds like he will work with you knowing your benzo and AD history.  Also split your Klonopin dosage during the day.  I don't know anything about Klonopin so I would check that thread on how many times to dose.  If all else fails you may need to reinstate your Remeron.  This is all just my opinion, I'm not a professional at all.  These are just suggestions.

Thank you.  Good advice about the split dose.  A probably in interdose withdrawal.  I appreciate your support.  Talked to Endo today.  She wants to wait a few ore weeks for labs.  Fingers crossed they level out.
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Becky. Hard to do a trip last minute when you got to buy plane tickets weeks in advance.  One trip is a hunting trip in NW Alaska.  I’m a former Alaskan. Such a trip takes lots of planning ahead of time. I’m 70 years old and running out of time to do such escapades. I think it was PTSD that asked how much longer do I have to go with my taper. Well if I would stick to 10% every 3 weeks it will take minimum of 9-10 months and I’m at 1.5mg now. I don’t plan to dabble with such small incremental amounts for that long. I want to be off by March or April hell or high water.
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hi everybody,goodmorning from Turkey :) .there is time difference with my country and yours.

it has been three days to have morning nausea.this is also a bad feeling,but good news i got some signals of being stabilized,my intense head pressure has got lighter,i am now feeling nerve pains lighter also.palps and adrenalin are still available,but somehow bearable thankfully.but there is a newborn boy which is nausea(morning).how can i reduce it to tolerate in the mornings?because it is breaking my sleep at around 5 pm and i am turning around until 7 pm.some says salty crackers soothe it,other says ginger tea.but i fear to take ginger or this type of herbals due to possibility of interaction.i am asking this question not only for this time but also whole process..

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Hi June. You can take ginger it won't interact. Tea is good and also I use ginger chewable candies. You can see if you have that in your country. Hold longer to see how much better you get before you try tapering again.


Becky  :smitten:

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Becky. Hard to do a trip last minute when you got to buy plane tickets weeks in advance.  One trip is a hunting trip in NW Alaska.  I’m a former Alaskan. Such a trip takes lots of planning ahead of time. I’m 70 years old and running out of time to do such escapades. I think it was PTSD that asked how much longer do I have to go with my taper. Well if I would stick to 10% every 3 weeks it will take minimum of 9-10 months and I’m at 1.5mg now. I don’t plan to dabble with such small incremental amounts for that long. I want to be off by March or April hell or high water.


I understand Pokey wanting to be off after a long taper. I'm curious have you ever done a long hold, like months, to see if you feel a lot better. I did that with trazodone and while I still felt side effects, the w/d stuff felt better.


Alaska is beautiful and I understand why you want so much to return. I was only there as a tourist. I loved the glaciers, Mendenhall, and the ones we saw from the cruise on Glacier Bay.



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Me and the guys are planning to do Daytona bike week this spring. I am already planning my taper around it. I am trying to taper to 7.5 mg for now. I am holding right now because of the instability I hit this week. I will probably stop cutting at wherever I am at about 60 days before the trip. Then I will resume. I missed enough life already. That is how I feel about it. I want to be off this stuff in the worst way but I can’t put my life on hold anymore. I keep reminding myself how Dave took 6 years to complete his taper. I do not want to take that long but if that is what I have to do to have a life while I taper then I certainly will. I have already given up too much.
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Becky, Jack, Jackie, PTSD have any of you heard of people complaining of shortness breath in the mornings. I can ride a bike 12 miles no problem. Spend an hour on a cross trainer an hour no problem but I’ve been waking up in the early morning hours slightly short of breath. I’ve thought I’ve heard others complain of this symptom but wanted to ask.


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Not in the morning specifically. Just at random moments. I haven’t been able to determine a trigger or pattern. I just know it stops when i stabilize. I also know it happens more frequently when I cut bigger or faster.
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Hi everyone, Pokey, I’m on a Facebook group called Remeron should be illegal and several have said this is symptom of shortness of breath makes it very hard in their taper. Knock on wood I don’t have that one at this time and hopefully I don’t get it either. Hope this helps.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Hi everyone, super dizzy this morning and some nausea. Day 6 of my cut. I’ll come back later and let you know how I’m doing. Super thirsty too. Drinking lots of water.


June, sorry you experienced that but yes a lot of hurting people. I was just letting Pokey know that a few of them have talked about the shortness of breath and yes Erin is there also.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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My WD symptoms seem to be getting worse. Is that possible now that I’m getting down to a very low dose of mirtazapine. I’m wondering if some of my symptoms are unmasked benzo symptoms, though I’ve been off all benzos for 5 years. I’m currently 21 days out since my last cut and there’s been no relief in the symptoms I have each morning upon waking up. I wake up feeling absolutely horrible. My legs and hips ache, and feel creepy crawly. My gut is upset. In general I feel like death warmed over. Then it all gradually eases through the day only to start all over each morning. I’ve entertained thoughts of going back on something to make it stop. Mornings are becoming unbearable.
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Hi everyone, super dizzy this morning and some nausea. Day 6 of my cut. I’ll come back later and let you know how I’m doing. Super thirsty too. Drinking lots of water.


June, sorry you experienced that but yes a lot of hurting people. I was just letting Pokey know that a few of them have talked about the shortness of breath and yes Erin is there also.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


I'm curious, does your nausea leave at some point when you cut, say like on day 20? Or do you get it every morning no matter what? Nausea is what bugged me the most. I hope it goes away soon for you.


Becky  :smitten:

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Pokey have you ever held your dose for months. I think that will tell you if it's leftover benzo w/d. If your symptoms improve, you'll know it's the mirt. Believe me I know had badly you want off and don't want to hold. I was the same with the trazodone, it felt toxic, and it was. I am sorry you feel badly, tapering sucks so much.



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In the past I have held my dose for extended periods.  In the past as well 15-20 days after a cut the WD sxs ease up and level off. That doesn’t seem to be happening now. I’m 22 days out since my last cut and the sxs have not eased.  I’ll keep holding and see if I get any relief. The thing I dong understand is why they are worse in the mornings. After one makes a cut it only takes 5-6 days to reach a new equilibrium in one blood level of the drug. There should be no peaks or valleys after that amount of time between day and night. So I can’t figure the worse sxs in the morning. I wake to feel like I’m dying in the mornings  :'(
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Hi everybody again.my digestive system has lost stability in these days:( i have exp. very bad kind of nausea again this morning, moreover it's not alone. It comes with an achy stomach, bowel working as a diesel engine with gas and loosing stools, also a heart with some feeling of being stucked. I woke up in 3 am, now it is 1 pm and it is still peaceless. Anx., adrenal and palps are still unbalanced, but they are not important as digestive system's problems. Have any of you exp. these altogether? Are these signs of stabilization? What can i do especially for stubborn nausea? It comes with exessive salivation.
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I'm sorry you guys are experiencing the nausea. Uggh. For me, the nausea is what really got to me when I did my short taper and then reinstated. I hope when I try again, it will be less and goes away after 20 or so days. At least I know I can get some relief. I think at the end of tapers it gets harder for sure. The only thing I know is to slow down, but it sucks either way.



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Is weakness another common mirtazapine WD symptom. I went out to do some yard work today and I felt like limp noodle trying to do some things. Definitely felt weak.
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Yup, weakness was the main symptom that had me in the er last week. I get weakness when I cut too big. I get it a little bit when I cut small too. Especially in my legs. But sometimes I have difficulty with manual labor like yardwork. Not when I am stabilized though.
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Diarrhea,nausea,stomach and heart pains.why do i suffer although i have hold my dose stable for app.

two months. i cant understand many things related to this stuff. how long does this shit last? i just want to be healthy at least i can go to work..is this a kind of wave?

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Hi everyone, day 8, nausea stopped only had it that one day. Not to bad this morning. Tightness in abdomen area. Up early so will soak in hot Epsom salts before starting my day. Some brain fog and can get agitated and anxious easily. Have to be mindful. I’m at 2.1mg my next cut in a month will be 1.9. I’m doing this ugly taper little at a time and I’m getting there. Not sure how I’ll cut after 1 mg. My pill will be really small. Guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. As long as it weighs I’ll be good.


So Becky to answer your question my nausea comes and goes. I just never know.

I hope everyone can get some relief today. This journey is so difficult to go through every single day up and down all day. Can’t make plans because you never know how you’re going to feel. I do them anyway because I have adult kids and grandchildren and life must go on but for me it’s my grandsons football games, wrestling and my granddaughters cheerleading. Camping for a week in the summer. Much more laidback stuff so I’m able to handle these things however I would encourage anyone who is in this taper and withdrawal to keep living the best you can. Enjoy the days you feel better. I find with this taper that I have some good days. I might have a really bad morning but the rest of the day is good. I guess what I’m saying is make the most out of your good days and moments.


Jackie  :smitten:

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June8 and Jackie: well arent we like peas in a pod given our symptoms....I'm 23 days out from my last cut. I'm now at 1.5mg and having no relief. Normally I start to feel better 10-15 days after a cut, but now at 23 days I seem to be feeling worse each day. Wake up stiff, achy, upset stomach/lower GI tract, feeling like my legs are being eaten from the inside out. Fatigue/malaise. Miserable. Toxic feeling.  I'm starting to wonder if now that Im at such a low dose of mirtazapine that it isnt protracted long term benzo WD sxs that are being unveiled. Back when I was tapering off Xanax via Valium I had no WD sxs. It was easy, albeit a long stretch for me to get off the benzo, but I was also on 100mg of doxepin at the time. I got off that in 2016 but was put on 15mg of mirtazapine during my doxepin taper to help me sleep. Now here I am about off of whats left, 1.5mg of mirtazapine. Countless people on BB have spoken of being on one AD or another that has helped them mitigate their benzo WD sxs. I am starting to think that now that I am about off the mirtazapine leftover benzo sxs are now being exposed. IF thats the case, I am thinking they have been there under the surface the past 5 years and  are now permanent since I have not been on a benzo for 5 years. Any benzo sxs should have been long gone by now.  There is no way to prove thats what the sxs are, time will tell I guess. But If thats whats going on I dont know that I can live like this, waking up feeling sick every day. My thoughts in the dark,wee morning hours when I wake up feeling terrible include such extremes as going back on an AD and just staying on one the rest of my life if that will stop this agony or worse, taking a big dose of something to make it all go away once and for all :sick::tickedoff:
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Pokey, my heart goes out to you. This is really terrible I know. I don’t think it’s the benzo but that’s just my opinion. Once you get off this hopefully you will start to heal. I would give it some time once you are off. Hang in there I hate feeling like this too. All we can do is keep pushing through.


Jackie  :smitten:

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