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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Lol, I really do understand the inaccuracies of dry cut but I did it through my Valium taper from 40mg down to .25mg then divided that and licked up the last little bit. I’ve seen people do all kinds of ways to get off from these medications. I think as long as we keep decreasing our dose it doesn’t matter. Whatever works for the individual. I think you are doing great and will continue to.


Jackie  :smitten:

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i didnt still understand. First 3,75 mg doesnt correspond to 0,037 gr, it corresponds to 0,0037 gr. Although this seems to be like that, the table still says 0,037 mg not gr. There are some incosistencies that i cant found. If you apply % 5 cut to 3.75 and to equal numbers in order for 14 times(420 day in table), in other words multiplying each result with 0.95 from starting 3,75 mg, you just get 1,8 mg. Thats all. There is an error. I started to think you jumped from 3.75 to 0.375 unintentionally. Is that right?


Also, i realized that you made the cuts upon first dose, not the last dose.

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      Lol, I can see that you really want to get to the bottom of this. So here goes. I read Jackie’s chart. It looks like she is at 2.3 mg. NOT 23 mg like she wrote in her previous post. I believe that was a typo because if not then she is taking 6 times her original dose which frankly is just not possible.

I believe she is on 2.3 mg and has somewhere around 200-210 days left in her taper.



        Do I have this right?

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When I weigh my tiny piece of pill, I look at .023 grams in another month from now I’ll weigh .021. That’s what it will look like on my Gemini scale. All I care about is getting to .010 if I can go lower, I might but for now this is my schedule and it’s working. That’s the reason I had Bella do the schedule for me because math is not my strong point so I needed help. This is why I love this forum because I’ve received so much help on here. After I got to looking at it I felt lost but one thing Bella said was just follow the chart. So here I am. 2.3mg sounds right to me. I sent Bella a message and asked if she would explain this to me. Anyway I am doing it and my scale is weighing this tiny amount so I am grateful.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello Mirt taperers. I just started the taper. My dose is 7.5 mg and my pills weigh an average of .076 grams, so I'll use that weight for the taper. I went down to .073 grams. My scale is jumping all over the place. I used the 10 gram weight to help with the numbers.


I got a bunch of different weights, .074, .075, .076. No wonder I get the mirt symptoms all the time. I used a new bottle and they seem stronger (same brand).

I still get hangover symptoms in the morning that make me feel awful along with the crazy dreams. Time to go mirt, time to go.



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Hi Jack, how you doing? Hi Becky, how are you doing with your taper. Hi June, are you still hanging in there?


I sorta need some help and please don’t judge me, I can’t bare it. This cut has been a bit harder on my nervous system. I’m super shaky and I feel anxiety just at the surface all the time. I need to get my drivers license renewed by February so I have time but my daughter has to go Saturday to get hers renewed for her chauffeurs license for her job. I’m thinking I might get mine done too but I’m not feeling like I can handle it thanks to the withdrawal symptoms I’m feeling. I’m thinking about taking a Beta Blocker called Propranolol. It’s supposed to help with the shakes and stuff. At the same time I don’t want to cause more problems in my withdrawal and have a setback. Your thoughts please.


Jackie :smitten:

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Why not just stop tapering? Then resume when life allows. I took metropolol I think it was called. It made my blood pressure go too low so it didn’t work for me. They also need to be tapered and can cause anxiety while tapering as well I heard. There are some threads on beta blockers on here I remember.
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Hi Jack, I guess I’m mostly concerned about the interaction with the Mirtezapine. I’m staying at my dose right now for a month. I guess I just try a very small dose and see what happens but not too thrilled to take it. So Metropolol is a beta blocker too? I read a lot of success stories of people who said it helped with public speaking. If I’m going to try it I might try today.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Yes, my cardiologist said it does not interact with mirtazapine although a quick google search could easily confirm that. Last night my bp was 115/75 so taking a beta blocker isn’t really an option for me. It does go up after a cut though. It seems reducing my salt intake has helped a lot. It kept jumping to 140/90 after a cut. I might make a small cut tonight because I am starting a new bottle of mirt. I like to reduce when I start a new bottle because I feel like the fresh mix is more potent. Might not be though.
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i am here jackie,almost always here:) :( may be i  am doing wrong but i find the hope here that i cant find elsewhere. living with this mess everytime makes us tired.to be honest i cant find a way for distraction. when i  stay by myself, there are some questions whcih come to my mind: 1) how this 2 years will pass in this cond.? 2) if this med gives anx., why should i cont. to take it? unfortunately, my time is passing like that all the time. and there is an important issue that i still cant find the answer: what is stabilization? i live a bad anx. all the times and do other buddies live like that, so i will continue my taper?bla bla bla...
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Hi Jackie. My first cut was last night. I felt it last night as I kept waking up every hour. It's very frustrating but goes with the territory. I've been there done that. I went from .076 gram weight to .073 gram weight.


I have no experience with a beta blocker. I have found that when I'm shaky because of w/d and I go with someone, I find I can handle it much better. So maybe going with your daughter you will be okay?


Hi June. When I try to get stable I hold my dose, sometimes months. I find that a lot of the symptoms improve, even though I don't feel 100% well. I think you can reach stabilization with holding your dose and not adding anything else.



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Hi Becky, I remember waking up every hour tapering Valium, it’s hard on us. Amazing what we can take. Did you say you tapered before? Yes tagging with my daughter does help but the shaking is bad and then because I’m so shaky I feel self conscious and that makes me more shaky. It’s a vicious cycle. Was hoping the Beta Blocker would help the shaking. I’m still debating it.


Hi June, I find hope coming here too and it’s nice that others get it and you don’t feel like an outcast. You taper to avoid seriously bad withdrawal. I know it’s hard to believe, how could it get much worse but I believe it can. Stabilization is when the symptoms don’t feel as intense, not gone but a little easier to take.


Hi Jack, I’m glad there is no interaction. That makes me feel better. I haven’t taken my blood pressure but I would think when my anxiety is hi that would shoot my blood pressure up. Every time I go to the doctor my blood pressure is normal. It might go a little high but nothing to worry about. Good luck with your cut tonight.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Thank you Becky, thank you Jackie.

You know my story, i dont explain it again.

But,there are some points to be enlightened.

Two and half months ago i started remeron and began tapering after three days. Comparing those days and today, i am living harder days so that i am having more anxiety. But, i couldnt differentiate this anx. is due to nature of tapering's interdose wd or anx. due to not being stable(because i didnt start tapering in a regular basis(planned 100 day taper) and then made revision). Prior to the tapering i had no akathisia although intense wd of ct, but now sometimes i have no concentration to read some text on pc and i need to walk and this is because of anx. Why am i talking upon being stable so much? Because i dont want to pass unnecessary time if you are also experiencing this kind of things(like being angry,anx.,uncomfort feeling of face, throat, eyes etc.). I need to know that i am having interdose wd or i am not stable...

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I’ve shared here that I’m tapering off mirtazapine. In the past I was on Xanax and doxepin for about 25 years. I’ve been off both them for some time. I was put on mirtazapine about 5 years ago to help me sleep. I gained a bunch of weight and generally felt crappy on it so decided I needed to get off. Long story short I’m down to 1.8 mg.


The lower I go the more miserable I feel each morning I wake up. I’m not having any psych symptoms from my withdrawal. All physical. I wake up with really bad malaise, stiff achy muscles and joints, weird feeling legs, upset stomach, flu like symptoms. Then after I’m up and have some coffee, usually two BMs ( sorry, but an important part of my symptoms) I start perking up. I go to bed feeling ok numerous nights to wake up 7-8 hours later feeling terrible again.


Has anyone else out there getting off mirtazapine had similar symptoms. I cannot figure out how or why this happens the way it does. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not mirtazapine WD sxs but they are leftover symptoms Having to do with my benzo history. I’m wondering if these possible benzo symptoms were covered up when I was on a higher dose of mirtazapine and are just now being experienced now that my mirtazapine dose is so low. Like a snake hiding the grass, you don’t know he’s there until you cut the grass


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Hi Pokey. I believe it's the mirt. I just starting cutting and my symptoms are similar. Basically I feel like shit until around noon. I feel better as the day/night goes on. You are very low in dose. Soon you will be off. I guess once we are off there will be some time of feeling this w/d, but it will go at some point. I've had other withdrawals under my belt, but I still believe it's the mirt. It's pretty powerful it seems.



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Becky. I hope you are correct. I don’t know How much longer I can stand this. I have no life. I’m canceling a trip in November that’s been planned for a year. I just don’t want to be away from my home base feeling this way. I canceled another trip this summer. Supposed to take my wife to the coast this coming week for 3 days. Think I’m going cancel that too. Hard to enjoy oneself , or other people enjoy your company when you feel like warmed over dog poop.
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I've gone on a few trips during withdrawal. Usually I have to push myself at some point, but I do get some enjoyment from them so I go. I warn my significant other that I'm still "sick", and try to stay at a nice hotel so I can really relax if I need to. I definitely hold my taper during these trips and one month before. I hope this withdrawal goes easier for you once you are off.


Becky  :smitten:

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Two days ago i ate a spicy kebab and i woke up with incredible dry mouth.Yesterday i ate poppy paste and i couldnt sleep due to gi issues, also with incredible dry mouth again and had flu like symptoms. Is this usual? What an amazing journey with coming off and on sxs! Foods really interact with mirt.?
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June I don't know about foods....I know I cant have more than a glass of wine or I really pay for it :tickedoff: Sounds like you have some of the same symptoms as  me. I surely sympathize


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