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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Slept from 10.30 pm until 4.15 am. After waking up I can never get back to sleep, because I get anxious and start trembling ( mostly inside, but outside as well). I have to get out of bed at walk around in the living room for a while. Back into bed after 15 minutes.  Usually the trembling stops after a few minutes,  but not always. The hours until it's 7 am. take forever. I have to get up and have breakfast. Nausea sets in and another " lovely day "has begun...  Does anyone else have this morning anxiety too?
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My anxiety is during the night when I can't get back to sleep. I can't turn my brain off.

I'm not aware of trembling.

I do get up and walk for 30 minutes somewhere between 5 and 6 am, then climb back into bed before I must start the day.

The dog needs fed and let out around 7, so that is my time frame for when to get up.


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Where did everyone go?

Hopefully things are better.

Last night I slept for 2 hours straight.

After that, I did not sleep until maybe after 4 am for another hour.

I got up and walked for 35 minutes.

Then I brought up a mindful meditation on my laptop and listened to that. I slipped the computer behind my pillow against the headboard.

She has a soft sounding voice, so I was able to relax. Lately I have gone back to being incredibly tense. I find my shoulders are raised up instead of down. I'm not even aware I am doing this.




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Hi nightengale, sorry to see you're still sleeping poorly. I know what you mean with those tense shoulders. Hope you can relax a bit. I had a good night: slept 6,5 hours, with just one bathroom visit. After waking up almost no trembling or muscle pain. But,  got up very tired again. Hoping your day is OK.
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Hi Trochsetter, thanks for the response. The 6.5 hours you got sounded nice. Only getting up once is also a plus. 

I am still having muscle pain during the night. It is not constant, but makes an appearance now and then.  I'm not aware of trembling.

The tiredness hangs on. Do you think that will ever go away?

I felt more energized after doing mindful meditation the first time. Not so much since then, but I am still doing the meditation, as I figure it can't hurt. 

My day was okay, even with a regular dentist check up.

Hope yours was too.



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Hello nightengale,  glad you had a decent day! Mine was one with several faces, as it usually is. Sleep wasn't that bad, awoke at least five times, but fell asleep quickly. After waking up I felt nauseous,  but no trembling!  My mornings are always bad: nausea, increasing muscle pain, difficulty with walking.  The afternoon was more or less OK,  even went for a short walk. Now it's almost time for the " best " part of the day:  the evening. Like with you, my tiredness comes and goes somewhat. Not much at the moment. But it can start all of a sudden, just like that. Mindfulness works sometimes, on other occasions not at all. But no harm  in continuing. Let's hope we both have a good day.
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Well, good things do come to pass. I dozed off last night watching Seal Team. I find the characters believable and entertaining. Usually after dozing off in the evening, I cannot go to sleep once I go to bed, but alas I did and slept for over 4 hours straight. When I did awake, I lay there quietly and finally got up to go to the bathroom. I did fall back to sleep and awoke again around five, so got up to walk for 30 minutes. Then I set up a meditation tape on my computer, stuck it behind my pillow and listened to two 20 minute ones. The 2nd one just came on after the first and while I was still enjoying the calmness. 

I'm now up with my shoulders tensing up, but I feel okay.  My husband wants to talk and I just want to type.

With his progressing Alzheimer's, one day he will no longer find the words, so I do try to listen.



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Trochsetter, Has the nausea been with you during your taper? I'm glad the trembling was gone. 

You have a lot on your plate.  Nice you were able to get out for a short walk. Is the muscle pain from fibromyalgia?

Last night I had no muscle spasms/pain in my right foot/leg. It was like everything just disappeared for once.

I hope you slept well last night, also.



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Hi nightengale,  glad you had a good sleep. I don't know what to think anymore about the muscle stiffness and pain. I used to think it was from Fibromyalgia, but now I'm not so sure. The reumatologist said several symptoms were a -typical  for fibro. I'm having a bad day: did some groceries,  visited a cousin and his wife,  a friendly neighbour.  I had bought them a nice Christmas present. A neece came for a short visit. All that time I was in pain. But after that I had to go to bed for an hour and a half. Exhaustion hit me. Now it's almost evening: I' m having belly pain. And still feel tired. A foggy freezing day wasn't very helpfull. Hope your day is better. Wishing us all a good sleep this coming night.
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Hi trochsetter, I am sorry you were having a bad day. That was a lot going on to deal with and yet you were still out trying to have a nice time. That's how it is for us, working hard at trying to be normal.  I have many of the same symptoms of Fibromyalgia, but not all. I never went to the doctor for a diagnosis, as I suppose I didn't want to know, as it would have been something else I had to deal with. I'm hoping it's from my taper/withdrawal. My symptoms come and go, except for the insomnia, muscle spasms, tinnitus, exhaustion.

Yesterday when I had slept so well, I felt some energy when I got up. Around 10:30-11:00 I could feel this tiredness creeping back in on me. Like your day, it was cloudy and raining all day. The sun never burned through the clouds. There were things I had to get done, so I kept going. Some time or other, I felt better. My best time of day is after I get up in the morning and then mid afternoon, early evening before the tiredness takes over again. I think the sound of the TV helps lull me to want to sleep.

Anyway, I slept for two hours before I woke up, but did go back to sleep again before waking up two more times. I believe I got 4 plus hours.

I hope you are feeling better today.


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Hello nightengale,  I had a bad night. Never had this before during my taper. Up till now sleep wasn't that bad, but last night was awful. In bed 10.45 pm. Woke up an hour later. Feeling sick. Slept maybe three hours in total,  but very broken. No trembling or nausea,  a first for me, but feeling horrible: like I was about to explode. Extreme exhaustion for most of the day. Back to bed 4 times. Later this afternoon things started to improve. But after the exhaustion left, the muscle pain came back...Hope you have a good day.
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Perhaps 3- 4 hours, but I was really only aware of the 1st one hour I slept after going to bed.

I was having muscle pain all over my upper body. Initially I thought I was getting the flu, but I felt okay otherwise.

This morning it is better, so maybe I've just been really tense.

My shoulders are up as I type this.

Trochsetter, I'm so sorry you are feeling so horrible. I've tried taking a deep breath or two and sometimes it helps.

The extreme exhaustion is very difficult to deal with. Hopefully you get "some" sleep when you go back to bed?

Hang in there.


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Last night was terrible for me. One of the worst. I got up 1.5 hours after I went to bed. I had a terrible headache. I stayed up all night but finally got in another hour at 6 am. This sucks....I feel awful.
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Thank you,  nightengale,  glad to see you're having a better morning! Last night I slept much better. About 5,5 hours. After waking up around 4.30 am. there was no trembling,  anxiety didn't come and no nausea all morning! So, a lot better. The exhaustion was gone, but now the pain is back. Happens a lot. Went to get some groceries early this morning,  had a 13 minute walk this afternoon. Went to bed to have a rest, but my spine became painful and exhaustion arrived while in bed, so got up again.  Both are gone at the moment. Hope you have a pleasant Saturday!  Take care.  :thumbsup:


Benzogirl,  so sorry to see you've had such a bad night. Those are the worst!  Hope you're feeling better right now. How's your headache?

Yes, this all sucks big time! Are you able to sleep during the day? Perhaps a nap or two.  Stay strong. Wishing you a better day as well.  :thumbsup:

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Went out to dinner and could actually relax to go to sleep when I got there.  Woke up after an hour or so, but did get back to sleep. One of those nights of sleep an hour and wake up. I do think I slept around 4 hours. Was not going to walk this morning, but beings I didn't yesterday, decided I should.

I feel my usual somewhat alert self as I type this.


Trochsetter, sleeping the 5.5 hours was a plus along with no trembling and nausea! Sorry about the pain being back. When you grocery shop and walk, does it help clear your mind? When I used to go out, there was always this fairly large space reserved for my benzo issues. I could not get away from those thoughts. Now I seem to focus on other things a little more than I used to.

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Sleep was about 6,5 hours with one bathroom visit. But nausea and trembling are back. So is the muscle pain, plus belly pain! Terrible day. Managed to prepare meals, and even went for a short walk. Gone to bed for an hour and a half. Didn't do much to improve my issues.

@nightengale,  so glad you had a nice, relaxing dinner. When going for a walk it doesn't relax me much; the fear of falling is there most of the time. I have these stiff muscles without much strength in them, I used to love walking, nowadays it's something that has to be done, it's supposed to be good for you... But I lack the energy. Can't reminder the last time I enjoyed it. Enjoyed anything, for that matter. Benzos suck! Hope your day is a good one.

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Some 5,5 hours. Awoke once. No more sleep after 4 am. But "dreaming while awake" for a couple of times. Anxiety set in. Looping thoughts. Exhaustion. So glad to get out of bed at 7. After breakfast things settled down amazingly quickly!  Was in the store before 9 am. Leg muscles not to bad this morning. Crazy, the difference from one day to the next.
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trochsetter, you are getting a fair amount of sleep, which is good. More would be better, but we learned to be happy with what we get. 

Just so you know, I don't go outside to walk. That ended a few years before I started my taper, as I didn't want to meet or see anyone. I had walked for years around the neighborhood and made many friends. Then it changed and I would cross the street when I saw someone coming, as my stress level would rise. I never wondered what was going on for some strange reason. Anyway, I walk around my basement and listen to music on my cell phone or read emails, etc. 

I understand your fear of falling.

It is crazy the difference one day to the next makes.


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Hello nightengale,  you're right about learning to be happy with what sleep we get. How I wish I would be able to stay  asleep  for longer, as I'm sure you would! Sorry to hear you don't walk outside anymore. Just 10 minutes of being out of the house and in the fresh air makes me feel better every time. Like you I go for walks through the house. Every half hour or so I do 3 to 4 minutes.  Trying to get those daily 30 minutes. How was your sleep last night? Hope you slept well. So far this day has been one of the better ones for me, and it's 6.40 pm. overhere, so the best part of the day has started! Wishing you an OK day!  :thumbsup:
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Hi Trochsetter I slept maybe 3 hours. I'm guessing that beings I feel kind of out of it today. 

My wish is to also sleep longer each night. It rarely happens and the good feeling I get goes away as the day progresses. I'm still hopeful it's going to get better.

Fresh air is good for us. I remember the days I used to walk 90 minutes every day and it was so incredibly uplifting. I miss that.

Walking through the house every 3 to 4 minutes sounds like a way that works best.  Baby steps..

Because of the time difference, I am guessing you live across the pond. I didn't pick up that English was your 2nd language, but you don't sound British, either, so I give up. lol


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Hi nightengale,  sorry your sleep wasn't that good again, let's indeed hope things will improve. Last night I slept some 6 hours. Awoke around 5 am. But...no anxiety at all! AH, how wonderful. I did feel nauseous,  but still managed to have some short spells of light sleep. Was able to stay in bed till 7.45 am. First time this happened in over a year! Got up because I was getting hungry. So, a very good night. You probably missed my reply last week to your remark about living across the pond. I live in the Netherlands. And English is actually my third language. Frisian being my first and Dutch the second one. But the advantage of being  a small country ( but big in international trade) is you have to know your languages. I had English, German and French in highschool. Now enjoying the benefits of all that studying. I hope you had a good sleep,  you deserve it. Wishing us both a good and hopefully symptom free day!  :thumbsup:
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