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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hi Troch, I am glad that your prep day is not totally awful, the bathroom part sounds terrible but at least you are feeling well! I have been thinking I might need a colonoscopy but so scared about the prep day. You re an inspiration! I hope your procedure goes well.


Sorry everyone out there who is suffering.. I'm right there with you. Have been feeling pretty down the last few days. Lots of digestive symptoms.


Love to you.


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Hi LHSG, it’s been a month or so since I checked in.  So I made a cut from 5 mg to 4.5 (dry cut) and day 4 ( last night was brutal)!  The worst in my whole taper.  I thought I was going to die.  So I updosed back to 5mg and symptoms released.  I’m back on 5 mg and wondering how long I should hold on this before I tackle the cut again.  Should I hold for a couple weeks and try again?  Do you think 5% might be too much.  I thought I was stable to do a cut after 4 months of holding.  Also do you think a liquid taper might make it better?  I’m feeling like my body didn’t catch that .5% cut. 


Hi meems,

If I were you I'd wait a few weeks and cut half of what you attempted this time around. I take one of my pills and cut it into 1/4 pieces which gives me 4 equal pieces. Then I take a quarter piece and cut that in half, then I wait two weeks and take away the other piece of that quarter. That takes me two weeks to get rid of a quarter piece of a pill. I hope that makes sense, I'm terrible at math but you can look at my sig. that might show you better what I did my last couple of cuts. I'm holding now until late January and then I'll reassess how I feel, if I feel good I'll repeat the process if not I'll hold longer.


Good luck!

TT ❤️

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Aww TT,


They sound so cute. I know how tiring they can be. They must have been so excited running through te house. All my kittens I have had were nuts. Stormy was in the plants. In a trr plant we had. All you could see was her little head sticking out of the tree with a wild look on her face. I am a softie she slept in the bed an I couldn't sleep cuz I did t want to crush her. I would keep them in the room. Otherwise you will probably be up all night. I love your avatar. They are precious! Ly dd

Thanks Suzy, you sound like a great cat mom ❤️.. they slept in their bedroom last night no problems 🙏 I tired them out but good with a game of tease with the toy 🎣 fishing pole lol!! I kept going until they couldn't run or jump for it anymore then I put them to bed. I guess that's my strategy from now on is to run them silly an hour before bedtime :laugh:


Love U,

TT ♥️

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So here I sit, headache every single day. My prescription for my migraines does not take these headaches away. Nope, not these!

And jelly legs are back.


I guess this is what they all told me when they said you are not 100% home free when you walk off your valium.

I am at just a little bit  past my 2 month walk off of valium after a really slow and careful taper that took 3 1/2 years.

I had a 6 hour parathesias on day 8 of my jump. No big deal. It went right away.

But now I am experiencing headaches and jelly legs and on and off internal shakes. .....I guess the valium was not thoroughly out of my system even after two months!!

So I guess I’m still going to have to tough it out a bit longer!

But no worries, I don’t like it one bit, butI CAN DO IT!

Oh bother! Will this ever end?

Yeah...it will....one day............


Love and prayers for everyone, Heathcliff

Wishing you all the best Heath. I hope your sxs abate soon and you can start living your life with all this benzo hell behind you.

Trish ❤️

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Morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final oh dear the internal tremors l must say one of my most unpleasant symptoms at this time.I get them for two reasons.lf my blood sugar dips or if l have high anxiety.When they are due to anxiety l play a game on my phone.Something very simple as long as it stops me focusing on the sensation.l know this is deflating honey trust me l am not immune however you will get through this.l know all this is terrifying however it is a harmless withdrawal symptom so try to lower the anxiety.love to you.X

Morning Trish l would let them get on with it.l think they are natural explorers and they are just babies they will grow out of it.l am more worried about you having Xmas decorations still up 😵😧.Get them down immediately.I would also buy earplugs they will learn.Love you my tired lST X

Morning Suzy l am delighted that the physical pain is lessening.Honestly this withdrawal is like walking a tightrope and we have to be very careful the whole time.I know you will be honey.l really hope you see an improvement when your thyroid levels improve.love you.X

Morning Lady Mary l want you to know l am thinking of you my hen.You are always in my thoughts.Miss you woman.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Janice Esperanza Meems NJ Olive Nova Bill Miyu and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

Got it twin! Decorations down and ear plugs  :laugh: :laugh:

They were good last night, got my hands together 🙏 and my fingers crossed 🤞


Love you lady, LST ❤️

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Thank you TT and OliveKittty! 


Where would we be without eachother's care and support?  :smitten::thumbsup:

Amen to that Troch, this group has gotten to me to where I am without it I'm not sure I'd even be tapering. I probably would have searched for a Dr to keep me on for life but the support here made me want to keep going. Grateful for everyone here who lifted me up and encouraged me to continue on.


Hang in there, you'll get through this and before ya know it it'll be a distant memory  :thumbsup:

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Hi Meems,


The cut you made was 10%. That's a real big cut in my opinion. I surely couldn't handle it.

Perhaps give the method Trishy suggested a try.

I hope you"ll feel better soon.


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Thanks.  I feel like a failure.  I am hoping this doesn’t affect me to much.  It was day 4 and I heard that Valium has a lag time.  I was ok until day 4 and the sxs were horrific.  So i am hoping that since it was only day 4 my body won’t get to messed up to the updose from 4.5 mg to 5 mg.  I will try cutting smaller.  .25% instead of .5 %. 


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Hi everyone.


Meems, were you already very symptomatic before attempting that cut? You cut by 10%. It's not too much but according to my psychiatrist and what I see in this forum, some people can feel the smallest cut. It usually depends on how bad your baseline is to begin with. I'm sometimes tempted to cut a tiny bit, but as I'm coming from such a bad place, I personally have chosen to hold until I really feel better like olive kitty and begood did. Of course I'm not sure that will happen but I'm taking the chance.


Troschetter I hope you get through all this colonoscopy nightmare. I haven't read everything but I gather you're handling it like a pro. I'm really proud of you. Fear is a nasty companion . He's with me most of the day too. No way to live but it is what it is.

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Thank you, Valiumnomore. Strangely enough I didn't have it today. Crazy, right? :idiot:


Well that must mean you're getting some windows! I'm really jealous as I really get very few and very short ones. Enjoy your window and wishing you a peaceful night.

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Tt, I love kittens! I have had cats my whole life. I would get one onow but I probably should wait.  Storm would be jealous..lol. Y9y are a great cat mama too! I love hearing about the new kitties! You might be a size 4 8n a couple weeks with all this eunning around!! Ly dd 😸😺🐾
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That is awesome! Glad you are feeling less anxiety.  I will be nervous when i have mine too. Just knowing you did is an inspiration for me. Lol ly Suzy

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Hi ok,

Sorry yoy are feeling down . This is such a long grueling process. It gets me down knowing this is actually happening. Hope your mood lifts so9n. Ly Suzy


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Hi Janice,

Sorry you are struggling so much. I wish you could get a window soon. Hope yoy had a nice day with your daughter yesterday. Love Suzy

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Hi Stut,

It.is like walking a tight rope. 🤤 Sometimes I.wonder how we make it through but we do. I feel likeits running through an obstacle course. One obstacle after another. Hope yoy are feeling ok and sorry you get the inner trembling too. Cant wait to never have that sx again. Love Suzy

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Hi Mmm,

Worried about you. I really hope that eye is getting better. Mine are a mess to. Blurry glassy red gritty. Dam benzos! Hope the enso came. Live you dd ♥️💛

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Hi Janice,

Sorry you are struggling so much. I wish you could get a window soon. Hope yoy had a nice day with your daughter yesterday. Love Suzy



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Thanks.  I feel like a failure.  I am hoping this doesn’t affect me to much.  It was day 4 and I heard that Valium has a lag time.  I was ok until day 4 and the sxs were horrific.  So i am hoping that since it was only day 4 my body won’t get to messed up to the updose from 4.5 mg to 5 mg.  I will try cutting smaller.  .25% instead of .5 %. 



Hi Meems,


Don't be hard on yourself.  There are so many people I know who have made mistakes in tapering, myself included.  A lot of people make mistakes and still get off. 


I think making smaller cuts is a good idea.  I am doing that method and trying to creep down the best I can. 

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Thank you Stut!

Seems like you know exactly how I feel. Your encouraging words mean a lot!

I knew that Valium stays in one’s system even after a person jumps butI didn’t know how long. Thanks for clearing it all up for me.

You are getting really low in your taper!

I am happy for you!

But a word to the wise...... keep it reAllyslow! And keep your reductions really tiny. It will take you much longer to get to your jumping point but you will be glad you did it the slow turtle way!



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Hi Janice,

I know you will start to feel better! You are a good researcher and I think you are doing the best thing you can possibly be doing right now, being patient.

Trishy, I'm glad you let the kitties out. They need to run and be free! I usually even let them sleep with me but they sure can be annoying in the middle of the night, so maybe keeping them in their own room at night is a good idea. At least they have each other.

Meems, I'm sorry you are suffering so much, man, I've really been there. Feeling like crap and so unsure if what you are doing is the right thing, when to cut? How much? Did I do it right or am I just making it worse? We have all been there. I think going back to 5mg was a good idea, now just cut a bit slower. I can tell you that when I was at 5mg those were some of my darkest days.. and it started to get better when I made it down a bit lower. Also a long hold really helped.

Hi Suzy! I hope you are doing alright, I sure love cats too! Maybe more than people.. whenever I go on a walk I keep an eye out for all of the neighborhood kitties, I love them all so much!

Hi Stut, I hope you are recovering from the holidays.. I still see lots of Christmas lights around the neighborhood, time to take them down people!

Mary, we miss you but we know that staying off the computer is the best thing for your eye. It's not the same around here without you!

Troch, did you get the results yet, or does that take awhile? The I had my endoscopy, I got the results right away. That was nice not to have to sit by the phone and worry.

Everyone else, love to you! I'm not the best at remembering much past a few pages back.


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Heathcliff, I'm sorry you are still suffering 2 months after jump.. that is discouraging for sure. I bet you will pop back very soon. You are off Valium all together, hooray! I can't WAIT to be able to say that!


Final, sending you big love too!

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So here I sit, headache every single day. My prescription for my migraines does not take these headaches away. Nope, not these!

And jelly legs are back.


I guess this is what they all told me when they said you are not 100% home free when you walk off your valium.

I am at just a little bit  past my 2 month walk off of valium after a really slow and careful taper that took 3 1/2 years.

I had a 6 hour parathesias on day 8 of my jump. No big deal. It went right away.

But now I am experiencing headaches and jelly legs and on and off internal shakes. .....I guess the valium was not thoroughly out of my system even after two months!!

So I guess I’m still going to have to tough it out a bit longer!

But no worries, I don’t like it one bit, butI CAN DO IT!

Oh bother! Will this ever end?

Yeah...it will....one day............


Love and prayers for everyone, Heathcliff

Wishing you all the best Heath. I hope your sxs abate soon and you can start living your life with all this benzo hell behind you.

Trish ❤️


Thanks  Trish ! And all the best to you. I’ve seen you around here  for awhile now. glad to see you are fighting the fight  :boxer:  and not giving in to the benzo devil !  :oXo::boxer:

Remember, slow and steady wins the race! :therethere::mybuddy:



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Heathcliff, I'm sorry you are still suffering 2 months after jump.. that is discouraging for sure. I bet you will pop back very soon. You are off Valium all together, hooray! I can't WAIT to be able to say that!


Final, sending you big love too!


Thanks so much Olive kitty!

It is not nearly as bad as when I was tapering. These are just blips that I will get through, but yes, it surely is discouraging!

We all just have to fight the fight and hang in here until we are ALL HEALED!


Take care Olive Kitty!


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