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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The Long Hold Support Group


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I know fh,

Thebfirst time i felt it scared me too. It did go away. Maybe you might need to hold. Thst sx feels pretty intense. Just a thought.


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I know fh,

Thebfirst time i felt it scared me too. It did go away. Maybe you might need to hold. Thst sx feels pretty intense. Just a thought.


I'm holding since my last cut in December.  I've been tapering very slowly so this surprised me. 

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Oh yeah. Maybe its the lower dosage? You can never tell with these benzos. I def have that sx. Your sx have bern pretty much the same. Maybe they would know in the k group. I guess asythimg could pop up at anytime. Im sure it will go away. Do you have it all day or does it come and go.
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No, I have stayed with the same generic. 


I feel very discouraged today and have that feeling I will never get off.  Very sad about the while thing. 

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better Sunday.

I haven't a lot of time so l really hope everyone sees a little improvement today.

Trish let the lions roam free.They are probably bored.Enjoy your Sunday twiny.love you my lST X

Morning Troch you will be fine.Remember this will be one less thing to worry about.You can do this.love to you.X

Morning Suzy l now understand why your cholesterol is high.l really hope the meds regulate your thyroid.lt is very difficult to control anything when in withdrawal fingers crossed everything will settle down my love.love you.X

Thinking of all here.love to all.X

Oh my goodness twinny we let them out this morning and they managed to pull on my curtains jump on my coffee table, chewing my Christmas decorations I have out, went behind the TV, chewing the cords, went behind the electric fireplace.. now mind you these kitties have eachother plus every kitten toy imaginable, scratching posts, fresh litter, water and food always.. What's a mother to do?!🤦‍♀️🤯 I play with them A LOT so is this just typical kitten behavior?? I had a cat that I raised from only a couple weeks old a very long time ago but I don't remember her being quite this .. Shall we say energetic and NOSEY 😔 I have a migraine and I never get those. Help this Kitty mother is completely wrecked by two very cute CUJO kitties 😳


Love you!

A very exhausted LST ❤️ :crazy:

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SOS to all you cat people! Trishy in trouble! Two very cute CUJO kitties are killing me! Open for advice! They have their own bedroom which I kept them in for two weeks. They were very content and happy in there, no meowing nothing just two very playful kitties. Let them out today to roam a few more rooms in my house and all hell broke loose. They were into everything and of course places they shouldn't be like behind the TV and electric fireplace 😲.. I gave them and me a time out this afternoon in their bedroom and what's that I hear👂 MEOWING 🤯.. T hey missed us already?!!! What?? This Kitty mama needs her sleep at night so here's my question, Rich and I will not be sharing our bed with them we plan on keeping them in their room every night for sleep until they are adult cats and are safe through out the house, so if one or both meow at night for us should we ignore it? Open for all and any advice 😳.. not a benzo question but raising kittens might be just as bad or right up there with bed!😱


TT, (help me) 😔

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No, I have stayed with the same generic. 


I feel very discouraged today and have that feeling I will never get off.  Very sad about the while thing.

Don't be sad FH we all feel like that sometimes. I do every now and then but then I look back at the progress I've made and I see that I am getting off.. Slowly but I'm making my way down. This can be a very discouraging journey but it's bc it takes so long.. We all want off yesterday but it's time and patience that wins this race. We are turtles and turtles always win in this game. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow, it's probably just one of those days  :mybuddy:


If you don't feel better tomorrow I have just the thing! 😃 Two free very cute kitties! I'll give them to you for free!  :laugh: :laugh:


Hang in there my friend,

TT ❤️

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No, I have stayed with the same generic. 


I feel very discouraged today and have that feeling I will never get off.  Very sad about the while thing.

Don't be sad FH we all feel like that sometimes. I do every now and then but then I look back at the progress I've made and I see that I am getting off.. Slowly but I'm making my way down. This can be a very discouraging journey but it's bc it takes so long.. We all want off yesterday but it's time and patience that wins this race. We are turtles and turtles always win in this game. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow, it's probably just one of those days  :mybuddy:


If you don't feel better tomorrow I have just the thing! 😃 Two free very cute kitties! I'll give them to you for free!  :laugh: :laugh:


Hang in there my friend,

TT ❤️


Thank you Trishy, I appreciate your kind words.


I love kitties, so my door is open.😊

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No, I have stayed with the same generic. 


I feel very discouraged today and have that feeling I will never get off.  Very sad about the while thing.

Don't be sad FH we all feel like that sometimes. I do every now and then but then I look back at the progress I've made and I see that I am getting off.. Slowly but I'm making my way down. This can be a very discouraging journey but it's bc it takes so long.. We all want off yesterday but it's time and patience that wins this race. We are turtles and turtles always win in this game. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow, it's probably just one of those days  :mybuddy:


If you don't feel better tomorrow I have just the thing! 😃 Two free very cute kitties! I'll give them to you for free!  :laugh: :laugh:


Hang in there my friend,

TT ❤️


Thank you Trishy, I appreciate your kind words.


I love kitties, so my door is open.😊

Feel better ❤️ :thumbsup:

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Aww TT,


They sound so cute. I know how tiring they can be. They must have been so excited running through te house. All my kittens I have had were nuts. Stormy was in the plants. In a trr plant we had. All you could see was her little head sticking out of the tree with a wild look on her face. I am a softie she slept in the bed an I couldn't sleep cuz I did t want to crush her. I would keep them in the room. Otherwise you will probably be up all night. I love your avatar. They are precious! Ly dd

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Hi Stut,

Hope you are feeling ok and the sx are not to bad. I am ok. I am adjusting to the thyroid med. I was a mess. But it leveled. This whole thing is ridiculous. Why on earth should we have to go through this. One sx goes and one comes back and then a new one. Maybe tomorrow I'll be purple..jeez love you Suzy

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So here I sit, headache every single day. My prescription for my migraines does not take these headaches away. Nope, not these!

And jelly legs are back.


I guess this is what they all told me when they said you are not 100% home free when you walk off your valium.

I am at just a little bit  past my 2 month walk off of valium after a really slow and careful taper that took 3 1/2 years.

I had a 6 hour parathesias on day 8 of my jump. No big deal. It went right away.

But now I am experiencing headaches and jelly legs and on and off internal shakes. .....I guess the valium was not thoroughly out of my system even after two months!!

So I guess I’m still going to have to tough it out a bit longer!

But no worries, I don’t like it one bit, butI CAN DO IT!

Oh bother! Will this ever end?

Yeah...it will....one day............


Love and prayers for everyone, Heathcliff

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Hi, today is the prep day for my CT-scan scan on Tuesday. Hope the diarrhea isn't too bad. Managed to sleep 3,5 hours last night. Could stay in bed until finally anxiety kicked in. O Lord, I 'm  so nervous.


I feel so awful lately: jelly legs are much worse, can barely walk, exhaustion is horrible,  joints ( knees, feet) are very painful, pain all over.

I did a few small cuts last week. Hope that's the cause of this setback. Or is it all caused by this horrible anxiety? I cannot get rid of the thought this most be something else.

Please pray for me!  I feel so alone in this endless struggle. Siblings deny benzo is behind all this, they just want me to get on with life. Yeah, right.

How can I, when I'm feeling so terribly weak? Will this ever get better? Not sure right now...Sorry for being so down. This isn't the normal me.

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So here I sit, headache every single day. My prescription for my migraines does not take these headaches away. Nope, not these!

And jelly legs are back.


I guess this is what they all told me when they said you are not 100% home free when you walk off your valium.

I am at just a little bit  past my 2 month walk off of valium after a really slow and careful taper that took 3 1/2 years.

I had a 6 hour parathesias on day 8 of my jump. No big deal. It went right away.

But now I am experiencing headaches and jelly legs and on and off internal shakes. .....I guess the valium was not thoroughly out of my system even after two months!!

So I guess I’m still going to have to tough it out a bit longer!

But no worries, I don’t like it one bit, butI CAN DO IT!

Oh bother! Will this ever end?

Yeah...it will....one day............


Love and prayers for everyone, Heathcliff

Morning Heath l read somewhere that it takes 90 days for valium to be completely out of the system.l am sorry you are having withdrawal symptoms however l do think that regardless of taper speed we will all have a bit of a blow back from being on a benzo for several years however l do believe it will play a big role in the severity, number and length of time healing will take.l know this is hard Heath however let these symptoms cycle through and try to keep calm as best you can.

  You are still very early in recovery and l believe you will feel better as time passes.Yes you will have blips but they will lessen.love to you.X

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Hi, today is the prep day for my CT-scan scan on Tuesday. Hope the diarrhea isn't too bad. Managed to sleep 3,5 hours last night. Could stay in bed until finally anxiety kicked in. O Lord, I 'm  so nervous.


I feel so awful lately: jelly legs are much worse, can barely walk, exhaustion is horrible,  joints ( knees, feet) are very painful, pain all over.

I did a few small cuts last week. Hope that's the cause of this setback. Or is it all caused by this horrible anxiety? I cannot get rid of the thought this most be something else.

Please pray for me!  I feel so alone in this endless struggle. Siblings deny benzo is behind all this, they just want me to get on with life. Yeah, right.

How can I, when I'm feeling so terribly weak? Will this ever get better? Not sure right now...Sorry for being so down. This isn't the normal me.

Morning Troch l would imagine you are feeling the cut and also heightened anxiety due to the procedure tomorrow.l know you are definitely going to be feeling overwhelmed and scared however you will get through this procedure.l know you are on your own with this l know how that feels l have no one either to be perfectly honest with you l don't think unless you have been through this you really couldn't comprehend how terrible this experience is.l believe it is really the same with everything however I think there is a lot of disbelief that a drug can cause this and that probably frustrates us more than anything else.Today please just get through this as best you can.This is a support group Troch so don't ever apologise for telling us how you feel.love to you.X

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Morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final oh dear the internal tremors l must say one of my most unpleasant symptoms at this time.I get them for two reasons.lf my blood sugar dips or if l have high anxiety.When they are due to anxiety l play a game on my phone.Something very simple as long as it stops me focusing on the sensation.l know this is deflating honey trust me l am not immune however you will get through this.l know all this is terrifying however it is a harmless withdrawal symptom so try to lower the anxiety.love to you.X

Morning Trish l would let them get on with it.l think they are natural explorers and they are just babies they will grow out of it.l am more worried about you having Xmas decorations still up 😵😧.Get them down immediately.I would also buy earplugs they will learn.Love you my tired lST X

Morning Suzy l am delighted that the physical pain is lessening.Honestly this withdrawal is like walking a tightrope and we have to be very careful the whole time.I know you will be honey.l really hope you see an improvement when your thyroid levels improve.love you.X

Morning Lady Mary l want you to know l am thinking of you my hen.You are always in my thoughts.Miss you woman.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Janice Esperanza Meems NJ Olive Nova Bill Miyu and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

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Morning Stut,


Thanks for those kind words.


It's going OK so far, no diarrhea yet, but there's certainly stuff going on inside...

I actually feel pretty well at the moment,  maybe the reaction to the small cuts is less today.

I am allowed to have meals, but low in fibre. So I keep myself busy preparing those, doing the dishes, watching some TV. Maybe make a phonecall.

Not going for a walk today,  for obvious reasons.  Bathroom needs to be close at hand.


People not being able to understand what we go through is one thing. Categorically denying it is benzo side effects and withdrawal is another.  Very frustrating indeed!


Hope you have a nice day, dear Stut. :smitten::thumbsup:


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Morning Stut,


Thanks for those kind words.


It's going OK so far, no diarrhea yet, but there's certainly stuff going on inside...

I actually feel pretty well at the moment,  maybe the reaction to the small cuts is less today.

I am allowed to have meals, but low in fibre. So I keep myself busy preparing those, doing the dishes, watching some TV. Maybe make a phonecall.

Not going for a walk today,  for obvious reasons.  Bathroom needs to be close at hand.


People not being able to understand what we go through is one thing. Categorically denying it is benzo side effects and withdrawal is another.  Very frustrating indeed!


Hope you have a nice day, dear Stut. :smitten::thumbsup:

Well Troch there are none so blind than those that will not see.l have given up a long time ago talking about withdrawal.l really haven't the energy to argue with them.

  I am delighted you are feeling better as the day progresses.l really hope you continue to feel better.Stay strong my love you will get through this procedure and l think you will be happy you did it.X

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Morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final oh dear the internal tremors l must say one of my most unpleasant symptoms at this time.I get them for two reasons.lf my blood sugar dips or if l have high anxiety.When they are due to anxiety l play a game on my phone.Something very simple as long as it stops me focusing on the sensation.l know this is deflating honey trust me l am not immune however you will get through this.l know all this is terrifying however it is a harmless withdrawal symptom so try to lower the anxiety.love to you.X

Morning Trish l would let them get on with it.l think they are natural explorers and they are just babies they will grow out of it.l am more worried about you having Xmas decorations still up 😵😧.Get them down immediately.I would also buy earplugs they will learn.Love you my tired lST X

Morning Suzy l am delighted that the physical pain is lessening.Honestly this withdrawal is like walking a tightrope and we have to be very careful the whole time.I know you will be honey.l really hope you see an improvement when your thyroid levels improve.love you.X

Morning Lady Mary l want you to know l am thinking of you my hen.You are always in my thoughts.Miss you woman.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Janice Esperanza Meems NJ Olive Nova Bill Miyu and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X


Thank you Stut.  It was a little less this morning, which was a relief but I do still feel the low level anxiety.  It's such a strange feeling to have anxiety that is not in reaction to anything in particular.  It just starts up and then of course is when I have a reaction.  Nibbling on magnesium seems to help a bit. 


I'm sorry you experience it as well.  I'm hoping that when we get off it will ease away. 

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Hi LHSG, it’s been a month or so since I checked in.  So I made a cut from 5 mg to 4.5 (dry cut) and day 4 ( last night was brutal)!  The worst in my whole taper.  I thought I was going to die.  So I updosed back to 5mg and symptoms released.  I’m back on 5 mg and wondering how long I should hold on this before I tackle the cut again.  Should I hold for a couple weeks and try again?  Do you think 5% might be too much.  I thought I was stable to do a cut after 4 months of holding.  Also do you think a liquid taper might make it better?  I’m feeling like my body didn’t catch that .5% cut. 


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The prep is in full swing; I'm in the bathroom every half hour at the moment... To small bottles of yuck down, one more to go in ten minutes, the last one tomorrow morning. I will be having that in the hospital,  next to the bathroom. Going there two hours in advance.

Feeling really good today: no head pressure,  no fatigue,  no anxiety, not so much pain even. Wow! Must be something mental.

Hoping for a good sleep is probably asking too much... :)

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Hi LHSG, it’s been a month or so since I checked in.  So I made a cut from 5 mg to 4.5 (dry cut) and day 4 ( last night was brutal)!  The worst in my whole taper.  I thought I was going to die.  So I updosed back to 5mg and symptoms released.  I’m back on 5 mg and wondering how long I should hold on this before I tackle the cut again.  Should I hold for a couple weeks and try again?  Do you think 5% might be too much.  I thought I was stable to do a cut after 4 months of holding.  Also do you think a liquid taper might make it better?  I’m feeling like my body didn’t catch that .5% cut. 



Maybe try a smaller cut in a few weeks? I know many swear by liquid tapers ... I have no experience. Good luck to you.

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The prep is in full swing; I'm in the bathroom every half hour at the moment... To small bottles of yuck down, one more to go in ten minutes, the last one tomorrow morning. I will be having that in the hospital,  next to the bathroom. Going there two hours in advance.

Feeling really good today: no head pressure,  no fatigue,  no anxiety, not so much pain even. Wow! Must be something mental.

Hoping for a good sleep is probably asking too much... :)

I prayed for you this morning Troch and I will continue to pray for you until you are past this. 🙏❤️


Trishy aka TT ❤️

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