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Yoy kmow I was think8ng of that too. My face doesnt seem to like anything on it. Face cream and make up. Mayne we are sensitive to it. My face feels tight and dry. The skin just seems off. Maybe stay away from makeup.for a while. Just what we need. I feel hideoys enough lately.  :laugh: He has a week off! So I.think.Xmas will be good. Is Tim.off? What are you doing. I have to go to my parents and Jims sisters. Probably wont stay to long. Jim gets to ancy anyway. He adhd that.may be why. Its not that bad but he hates social stuff.
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Yoy kmow I was think8ng of that too. My face doesnt seem to like anything on it. Face cream and make up. Mayne we are sensitive to it. My face feels tight and dry. The skin just seems off. Maybe stay away from makeup.for a while. Just what we need. I feel hideoys enough lately.  :laugh: He has a week off! So I.think.Xmas will be good. Is Tim.off? What are you doing. I have to go to my parents and Jims sisters. Probably wont stay to long. Jim gets to ancy anyway. He adhd that.may be why. Its not that bad but he hates social stuff.


Since Tim took a week at Thanksgiving. He is only taking Wednesday at Christmas  :(. It's a small company and they have to share time off.  I won't go to Tim's family right now, about 25 people, half of them kids, it's so loud, you have to scream over each other.  Just not up to that, hopefully next year, use to love it.  He'll be gone 4 or 5 hours.  So it will be me and Sly.  :laugh: :laugh:  it's okay, Tim deserves a nice Christmas with his huge family.  He such a good guy.  :smitten: :smitten:


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I dont blame you. Its hard to deal with right now. It will still be nice. You have Tim, Sly and us!! A nice peaceful day. Then we have New Years! I dont do much anyway.  I am boring.Dont like running around it that madness. Lol. We will j7😚🎅st to have to make the best of it and be grateful we are not alone. ❤❤🐕🌲🌲🐾 ahh snta is supposed to be down here..ho ho ho. Ly Suzy
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Tim is the best!!


He is, I agree.  I had a bad afternoon.  Since my shoulders started hurting at the Dr Thursday and then is was so cold and damp yesterday, about 10 this morning they just started hurting from shoulders to neck to back of head and my left eye.  Damn, I had been doing so much better.  I am going to lay on shatki and keep my muscles warm.  Damn, I needed that enso.  Damn benzo's!

Suzy, I have a desire to scream :(. LY, yes we will make it through this, but it's going to really annoy me first  :). MM.    💜💜💜💜

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Omg Mm,

I esnt t9 scream too my left eye and temple are killing. I hat the up and down too. It makes me crazy! The cold damp weather makes it worse. I am screaming with you  :thumbsup: It does seem l8ke yo7r 8mprov8ng it 8s sooooo slow.  Its inhumane

Im ready to massage my eye with the wahl massager. I hope the rug helps. My 24/7 heat it working great so far.  :smitten: Love toy Suzy

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Someone here mentioned my kitties. I haven't got them yet just waiting for them to get to 2 lbs then they can come home with me. Could be this weekend but should be no later then next weekend. They're getting closer to the 2 lbs so very soon they'll be living with me and Rich.


Hope you're all doing ok around here. After the holidays I plan on spending more time on the LHSG. I've been running around like a crazy lady and I'm looking forward to things moving a little slower.


Well peace my friend's!


Love to all,

TT ♥️


It was meeeeeee  :yippee: :yippee: because I love kitties so much and I wish I had two 2lb kittens coming to me for Christmas!!! Lucky you!

My new car is a Honda Fit, no heated seats sadly boo hoo but it has all the other bells and whistles and I love it so!

Hey Olive! I might be getting those kitties Monday! It's going to be hard bc I have so much to do being Christmas and all 🤯 I am looking forward to bringing my babies home though. I'll let you know if they come home on Monday, I'll take pic and put them up as my Avatar :D


I'm glad you like your new car olive! Heated seats are great but if you've got good heat in the car then that's all you really need. I just like to have toasty buns  :laugh: :laugh:


TT, toasty tush Trish :laugh::smitten:

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Omg Mm,

I esnt t9 scream too my left eye and temple are killing. I hat the up and down too. It makes me crazy! The cold damp weather makes it worse. I am screaming with you  :thumbsup: It does seem l8ke yo7r 8mprov8ng it 8s sooooo slow.  Its inhumane

Im ready to massage my eye with the wahl massager. I hope the rug helps. My 24/7 heat it working great so far.  :smitten: Love toy Suzy


Heat is my best friend  :D

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning lady Mary a new car woohoo 🎊🎉🎆.l am jealous this time next year it will be me.Have to say well done on getting a better deal.lt's a buyer's market so better to play the long game.l am delighted you are feeling more human hopefully you will ease more as time passes.Maybe next year you will be able to visit your in-laws and enjoy Xmas again.You never know.l will pop on when l can.Miss you hen.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Twiny you enjoy every minute of Xmas you deserve it honey.l have to say you are about the most functional on this thread.l know you have been through your tough times however it is obvious that holding and slow tapering is the way forward for you honey.Try not to spend all your money 😱. love you my lST X

Morning Suzy l believe you are feeling a little less sore?That is good news.l really think a good long hold will help you tremendously.Sometimes doing nothing and being patient is all we can do.You can do this sweetheart l have no doubt about that.love you.X

Morning GP are you feeling any better today honey? Sadly a virus on top of withdrawal is a double whammy and can take a long time to recover from.Rest as much as you can honey and be kind to yourself.love you.X

Morning Troch l am glad you are getting windows that is a good sign.Hopefully as time passes they will last longer.Try not to overdo things when you do feel better.Pace yourself my love.love to you.X

Morning Olive you appear to be doing well? What are your plans for Xmas? Enjoy your new car as well.love you.X

Morning Janice your very quiet are you ok?Is your daughter getting excited for Xmas?l hope you are doing a little better honey.love you.X

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Meems Nova Bill Miyu Final Esperanza Breck Mags NJ and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

Hey twinny!

It's crazy around here! I baked a gazillion Christmas cookies today and I'm still not done 😔 I had two school Christmas concerts that I had to attend this past week for my grandchildren and tomorrow my granddaughter is in the church Christmas pageant. I am busy, busy, busy twinny! I'm ready for things to slow down a bit now but I have always loved Christmas and I will enjoy every last minute of it if it kills me  :D


I might be functional Stut but I'm getting a little nervous about moving forward. One more cut after Christmas and then another hold for about a month. That'll bring me back to 1 mg where I was a few months ago, when all hell broke loose, hopefully I went slow enough this time. I'm not looking forward to another 12 months of tapering in 2020 , whats even worse is I still won't be done, another couple more years to get all the way off I think 😔


I hope you have a fabulous Christmas twinny. Are you having family at your house or are you going somewhere? Did you get your Christmas goose and is Bob Cratchet and tiny Tim coming for dinner ?  ;)  :laugh: ; :laugh:.. I can't help it anytime I hear goose I think of A Christmas Carol , one of my favorite Christmas movies. I love Charles Dickens  :D


Love you much!

LST ❤️🎄🎅

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Hey mmmmm's, I was thinking of you the other day. I saw previews for a show called witches or witchers, witchery?? Something like that. It's a new series on Netflix. It looked to me like something you might like. It has violence and probably sex in it too, all the things you like in a show!  :laugh: :laugh:



TT, toasty tush  :laugh:♥️🎄🎅


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Hi Stut, you are so sweet and caring. Today I traveled to San Diego for a little family Christmas vacay. We rented a big house here and are going to have a regular old vacation. I have traveled a bit since I started tapering but not too much and definitely not a vacation with sightseeing and whatnot. We will see how it goes! At least I am on the upswing. Did you get all of your meat cooked??

Trishy oooh I hope the kitties come on Monday! I can’t wait to see their cute little mugs! And I would like some of your cookies please. 🍪 🍪

My rump does love the heated seats but the FIT doesn’t offer them and I really wanted a FIT. wah wah. It does have a good heater though and the seats are cloth plus I live in California so I’m doing ok. Love you all! 🥰😘

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Morning Stutt. I bet you're awfully busy with that dinner for one hundred people preparation. I'm just depressed by how not stable I am after such a long hold. And realizing how long this is going to take and fearing that in the meantime I might have to be hospitalized for something unrelated to benzos and then they'll CT me or put me on Ativan and my life will be ruined and by proxy my daughter's life. This is taking a freaking long time and I'm 51 and people are hospitalized for things at this age. I've read SG57 posts again on how the glutamate damage made by a long time with benzo shortage, can take a long long time to heal and that's why an updose and hold can take ages to work. That would explain why some of us take ages to stabilize (you hear that too Suzy?).


So that's where I'm at today and these days.


Here's the post I mentioned. It's interesting.




The English guy I met in summer on that dating app wrote me a wasup yesterday of have a good Xmas etc. He's nice, he didn't get all offended with my rejection which speaks a lot about him being mature. But I can't help but think that financially he's a mess, and I'm a bit tired of rescuing the poor to be honest. It's a shame as we have so much in common. It's not like he's living on the streets, but almost 60 with no property of his own, not even a tiny studio apartment, and a car so old that Fred Flintstone would be embarrassed to be seen driving that...

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Good morning Valiumnomore,  sorry to hear you're not feeling to well. I hope your hold will give  you more stability soon.

Glad to see you still have your wonderful sense of humour!  Try not to worry about what might or might not happen in the future. I know I do that a lot,  but it doesn't help one bit and only makes us more anxious. Hope you are able to enjoy the Sunday with your daughter. Take care. :thumbsup:

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Hi Troschetter good morning. I hope you slept better than yesterday. I'm sorry that you were in so much pain all Friday night. Yes, we will hold, what else can we do right? I'm sick of holding but I absolutely know that tapering now would make things even worse and what's more, it would make the goal of coming off in the end even more uncertain. The danger of pushing through is that you can end up crashing and updosing. I don't want to risk that again.
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Morning Janice l have to say something regarding going into hospital.Yes it can happen at any age no one is immune however you are not helpless when you enter a hospital you have rights the same as anywhere else.Now if you are scared about being changed to other benzos ask your doctor to write in your record that you are to remain on diazepam.He could add that you have had a bad reaction to other benzos.Also in the hospital your daughter could bring the diazepam in and you could keep it with you.Nurses don't search you so that is an option.To be honest with you my love there will never be a way to counter all your fears however in this case there are a few things you can do.

  This gentleman sounds very nice however as you say he isn't for you however he could be a very nice friend and we could always use another one of those.

Sadly Janice this does take a long time regardless of what you do.Updosing has never been an option for me so l have never nor will ever try it.l know that regardless of the reason you will stabilise when the time is right.l know the only thing that has helped me is stopping asking why if that makes sense.l have to deal with the cards l have been dealt.l am a little jealous of people that hold and feel great however that is not me and I have to accept it and do the best l can.

.I really hope you find a way of dealing with this honey.You have been in hell and now you are climbing out of the pit.You will stabilise the longer you hold.love you.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning folks haven't much time just wanted to pop in to see how everyone is doing.

Twiny we all have that fear who wouldn't.We have all been bitten on the ass or we wouldn't be here.No one knows what's ahead when we cut however experience tells us if it hits hard hold until it settles.Now l think you are going to have to battle yourself the whole taper because your need to get off is going to be an issue.Now you are definitely doing better on a slow taper so stick with it honey.Yes it is going to take longer however if you can function that is more important.Keep doing what you are doing honey and stop worrying about how long this is going to take.Enjoy Xmas twiny.love you my lST X

Morning lady Mary l know your pain honey that is where l get the pain.Some days better than others.Remember this is normal the ebbing and flowing of symptoms.Today you may feel a little better.Hang in there honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Olive you sound as though you are having a good time.You deserve it honey.No cooking until Xmas Eve then l won't be out of the kitchen all day 😠. Can't say l am a fan of Xmas however l will paint a smile on and get on with it.Love you.X

Morning Troch Intend Gilly Valley Meems Esperanza Bill Free Suzy GP NJ Miyu Final and everyone here hoping everyone has a withdrawal free Sunday.X

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Hi Stut,  OK but not enough: about 5 hours. Woke up in pain again, muscles outside thighs.  That's mostly to do with Fibromyalgia.  Benzo amplifies that even more. But after a hot shower and breakfast things started to improve. Even managed a 10 minute walk this morning. See what the rest of these has in store... X
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Thank you Stut for checking in on me. I admire you for being able to do all that cooking and I'm sure everyone in your family will be happy you did.  Hope your sister, aunt and daughter are well. 


I'm okay but blah.  Really noticing how medicated I feel.  I've had two okay days and today is a little less but not horrible.  I'm just have no energy in me because of the benzos.  I feel it flatten me out when it starts to hit my system.  Have walked the past few days and will try again today.  Sleep has not been good the last two nights and I'm hoping tonight will be better. 


I've been posting all over benzo buddies asking about tapering methods because I'm considering crushing my pills.  But for now I'm going to stick with the cutting and carefully weighing my doses.  I don't think there is anyway for me but through and yes I am moving slowly and carefully.


To quote Mary, damn benzos!


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Hey mmmmm's, I was thinking of you the other day. I saw previews for a show called witches or witchers, witchery?? Something like that. It's a new series on Netflix. It looked to me like something you might like. It has violence and probably sex in it too, all the things you like in a show!  :laugh: :laugh:



TT, toasty tush  :laugh:♥️🎄🎅


Watching it Tush, you read me like a book  :laugh: :laugh: 

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Hey everybody, hope your day was at least decent. Sorry so late posting.  Even though I was already hurting some, I was determined to take Tim out to breakfast and do his last bit of family Christmas shopping.  I knew it would mean a lot to him.  Love my car, handles really well, heated seat, worth it all, lol.  Chilly but beautiful morning and we had a really nice time.  Now, I am hurting more of course, yes Final, you said it woman, " damn benzo's."    ;D:laugh:  going to start in my recliner with heating pad to see if any symptom would be kind enough to calm down.  :)

Love you all, Mary 💜💜💜💜

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