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The Long Hold Support Group


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Good morning Intend l am sorry to hear about Dan's friend l am sure it has upset you both.l know you have so much responsibility and this taper is causing you a lot of problems.It is worrying and l understand that completely.l think a 3 month hold is not going to help much and l found l did and do get worse up until about 5 months.Sadly l do think you and l seem to be very similar in the way withdrawal affects us.l actually feel better when l cut then when l hold l feel like crap.Awe well we just have to try our best honey.

  I totally agree with you BB has changed and not for the better.l thought it was just my imagination however l do see a lot of people saying it.A lot of nitpicking and aggression raising it's head sometimes l would go as far as to say bullying.Not something l want to witness on a support forum.l actually thought when l saw all the newbies joining BB from the Lisa Ling program god help them coming here.l wouldn't be here other than the lovely people l have met here who l care so much about.Incase you don't know your one of them.😘.

I don't think l will go to the joker movie l am not a fan of that actor l loved the dark Knight one of my favourite movies.

  Thinking of you and love to you and Dan.X

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Morning Olive l know that phobia is very difficult to treat l think the best treatment for any phobia is exposure therapy however not really an option for you.l am so glad you have improved so much l was worried about you.Keep working on it honey l know my sister overcame it and you will as well.love to you.X
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Good morning Valley l think attitude is definitely a big factor during a taper.l know at the start l kept thinking what am l doing wrong because l couldn't cut without being slammed.l soon learned it was just the nature of my withdrawal so l accepted it.l have always been a great believer in pushing through not sitting dwelling on withdrawal.l believe getting out and walking etc has helped me more than anything else.Also not staying on this forum has helped me more than anything.lt is a very negative place to be when you are feeling vulnerable.

  I also see a lot of people saying this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me and l always want to post worst thing so far 😉.l know this is horrible etc however it is something that will end one day.l think we must hold on to that and never forget that this will be a memory one day.

  I am so glad you are back honey l am going to send you over some chickens however l am going to wait and make sure you don't disappear again 🤗😁. Love to you.X

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Good morning Janice l am so sorry you are struggling again sweetheart this yo-yoing is so frightening and frustrating.l have been where you are honey and it is hard to see a way forward however you will.

  I am not going to say that your fear of tapering will ever completely go away however it will ease enough so you will be able to restart your taper.

  That really isn't important at this time you will improve honey just believe that and know you will start to feel better.When?l can't say but it will happen.Stay strong my love and watch your thinking.

Love you.X

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Morning GP did l read you got pounced on by a neighbour?😛 Now where did you say you lived and is there any houses up for sale near you?😉Set the puppers on him.Can l ask is his name Joe and does he call himself King by any chance 🤔🙄? Lady Mary knows who l am talking about 😭.lf it is Joe he's harmless but spray him anyway just to be on the safe side.😂l hope you have a decent day my love.love to you.X
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Good morning Trish glad to see you out and about enjoying yourself sweetheart.That is definitely more like you.Now it really is up to you if you go to the specialist however he has no idea how benzo withdrawal affects people so he will looking purely from the heart perspective so he may diagnose POTs which l would have to say is not correct.Just thinking out loud honey l just want to say that could happen doesn't mean it is indeed POTs.

  Good luck at the doctors today and enjoy the day with your grandkids GRANNY 😂. love you my lST X

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Morning Meems l ain't giving up coffee for this crap.I haven't stopped one thing and l refuse to change anything diet wise.l have made enough concessions to this process and l am giving nothing more.😁I also have a little glass of wine on occasion and l am still here.l always say a little bit of what you fancy does you good.love to you.X
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Good morning Final how are you sweetheart?Are you holding or chipping away?I hope you are having better days.Thinking of you.love to you.X
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Good morning Suzy how are you sweetheart?Has the depression lifted a little?I know you are feeling crappy pet but just do what you can.Don't change anything and let your brain catch up with all the changes.You can do this my love.Nelieve in yourself.love you.X
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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X
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I’m really struggling at the moment. I could feel it building up since last week but today is particularly difficult. All the feelings of fear and guilt and an inability to do anything. I’m trying my hardest with light exercise and a healthy diet, hanging out with friends/family. I’m not sure what else I can do. This doesn’t feel like life is supposed to be. It’s like an endless rain of terror. I don’t mean to be a downer, sorry about that. I just don’t have a next move.



  Good morning Rose l am sorry you are struggling and l think we can all relate.Now your holding at 1 mg? This takes a lot of patience as no one can tell you when you will stabilise.I think the thing that really has helped me more than anything else is accepting this as withdrawal and doing what l can when l can.Really at this time you are doing everything you can so try not to get disheartened and know that this will ease off given enough time.Love to you.X


Morning Stut, yes holding at 1mg for the time being. You’re spot on there - I think I have trouble accepting withdrawal. I know it is because it feels chemical as they say and such a mix of anxiety and depression that in my understanding fits no other condition. I’m trying to push it away instead of accepting and it ain’t working. Thank you for reminding me of this. Much love to you too xx

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Morning GP did l read you got pounced on by a neighbour?😛 Now where did you say you lived and is there any houses up for sale near you?😉Set the puppers on him.Can l ask is his name Joe and does he call himself King by any chance 🤔🙄? Lady Mary knows who l am talking about 😭.lf it is Joe he's harmless but spray him anyway just to be on the safe side.😂l hope you have a decent day my love.love to you.X


Good morning Stut.  Yes as a matter of fact there’s a lovely Tudor for sale down the street. Bring the chickens and come on down!  :D

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Dang this group moves fast!!! Stut to answer your questions from a few pages back, I have been working on my phobia pretty  solidly for the last year and a half. (Emetephobia, for those of you who I don't know from before, fear of vomiting) I worked on it for about a year with my therapist and then I stopped going to her because I was seriously in debt, but I have been doing personal work since then. It is a really hard phobia to get rid of. I definitely have not gotten rid of it but I have learned to manage it a bit better. It also helps that I am not nauseous every day anymore, which was just triggering my intense fear all day every day before. It was so bad I could hardly eat for a year and lost 20lbs. I now have my appetite totally back and have gained all of the weight back, I am so relieved.

I love you all! Mary I love your new tag line! (Also 'embrace' is misspelled BTW but maybe that works anyway?)  :D


Damn, OK, why didn't you catch that sooner  :laugh: :laugh:

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Morning GP did l read you got pounced on by a neighbour?😛 Now where did you say you lived and is there any houses up for sale near you?😉Set the puppers on him.Can l ask is his name Joe and does he call himself King by any chance 🤔🙄? Lady Mary knows who l am talking about 😭.lf it is Joe he's harmless but spray him anyway just to be on the safe side.😂l hope you have a decent day my love.love to you.X


Yes, definitely I will point Joe out for a good spray  :laugh: :laugh:

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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X


Love you my Queen, I will be so jealous if you move next to GP  :D.  I am really hoping you start to regain your strength soon and the babies are holding up until the medicine arrives.  Yes eye procedure Wednesday, yuck, but will survive.  I am not giving up, just taking my time with Liquid and pills. 

Love you my Queen, please take care.  We all love and need that Irish wit and care.  Lady Mary 💚💚

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Hi, I' m new here.  Thinking about holding for (  quite a) while. But I have a few questions: how long is long? How can you tell if a hold is working?  Doesn't a long hold  lead to withdrawal?  How do I know when to start another piece of the taper?  Tips and advise are very welcome. Thanks.
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Hi, I' m new here.  Thinking about holding for (  quite a) while. But I have a few questions: how long is long? How can you tell if a hold is working?  Doesn't a long hold  lead to withdrawal?  How do I know when to start another piece of the taper?  Tips and advise are very welcome. Thanks.


Hey Troch, holds have few answers.  How symptomatic are you now?  I just read your signature and it looks like, you have made a lot of changes and your brain and central nervous system are probably very sensitive.  A hold, can probably be anywhere from 3 months to a year, it really depends on how long it takes your symptoms to become stable.  By stable, we don't mean no symptoms, we mean you can tolerate them.  Once that happens and you hold that awhile, you can slowly start tapering again, watching those symptoms closely.  You will know when the hold is working, when you start feeling better and the symptoms ease some.  Holding, IMO, is one of the hardest things to do, everything in you wants off the benzo, it takes time and a lot of patience but has helped many people and once their hold is over, and they have started tapering again, as long as they do a very reasonable taper, they are able to taper with much easier symptoms.  You are welcome to camp out here with us, we will support you all we can  :). Mary 💜

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Welcome Troch Mary has covered most of your questions however l will add the only thing that causes withdrawal is withdrawal.You will be hounded on this forum with the big scary relative withdrawal or better known as tolerance withdrawal please understand this is a very rare phenomenon and l am not convinced it actually exists.Yes when in tolerance you may have withdrawal symptoms which can be more common  however honestly it takes years to develop this level of tolerance and they are nowhere near as acute as withdrawal.Now you may feel new withdrawal symptoms kicking in as you hold try not to panic this is normal.Keep a diary every day and record your symptoms because sometimes we forget so record and assess periodically how you are feeling.Holding is not a quick fix however with time and patience you will find that your withdrawal symptoms become manageable.Stay strong.X
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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X


Love you my Queen, I will be so jealous if you move next to GP  :D.  I am really hoping you start to regain your strength soon and the babies are holding up until the medicine arrives.  Yes eye procedure Wednesday, yuck, but will survive.  I am not giving up, just taking my time with Liquid and pills. 

Love you my Queen, please take care.  We all love and need that Irish wit and care.  Lady Mary 💚💚

I am moving into a Tudor house beside GP do you fancy coming with me 😁.I am just making sure your ok today my lovely.Still waiting on the medication my friend is so laid back he is almost horizontal 🙃. Hopefully by Wednesday l will be ready to sort this crap out.Are you feeling any better today my love?X

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Morning GP did l read you got pounced on by a neighbour?😛 Now where did you say you lived and is there any houses up for sale near you?😉Set the puppers on him.Can l ask is his name Joe and does he call himself King by any chance 🤔🙄? Lady Mary knows who l am talking about 😭.lf it is Joe he's harmless but spray him anyway just to be on the safe side.😂l hope you have a decent day my love.love to you.X


Good morning Stut.  Yes as a matter of fact there’s a lovely Tudor for sale down the street. Bring the chickens and come on down!  :D

Get the gates open l am on my way 😘. Tell him to pucker up 😝.l hope you are doing ok today my love.X

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I’m really struggling at the moment. I could feel it building up since last week but today is particularly difficult. All the feelings of fear and guilt and an inability to do anything. I’m trying my hardest with light exercise and a healthy diet, hanging out with friends/family. I’m not sure what else I can do. This doesn’t feel like life is supposed to be. It’s like an endless rain of terror. I don’t mean to be a downer, sorry about that. I just don’t have a next move.



  Good morning Rose l am sorry you are struggling and l think we can all relate.Now your holding at 1 mg? This takes a lot of patience as no one can tell you when you will stabilise.I think the thing that really has helped me more than anything else is accepting this as withdrawal and doing what l can when l can.Really at this time you are doing everything you can so try not to get disheartened and know that this will ease off given enough time.Love to you.X


Morning Stut, yes holding at 1mg for the time being. You’re spot on there - I think I have trouble accepting withdrawal. I know it is because it feels chemical as they say and such a mix of anxiety and depression that in my understanding fits no other condition. I’m trying to push it away instead of accepting and it ain’t working. Thank you for reminding me of this. Much love to you too xx

Awe listen it is so hard to accept and it takes a lot of practice however you can do it.l think trying to push symptoms away just causes frustration and hopelessness.Remember you are going through withdrawal and it will end when your brain adapts.So do what you can honey and most of all be kind to yourself.X

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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X


Love you my Queen, I will be so jealous if you move next to GP  :D.  I am really hoping you start to regain your strength soon and the babies are holding up until the medicine arrives.  Yes eye procedure Wednesday, yuck, but will survive.  I am not giving up, just taking my time with Liquid and pills. 

Love you my Queen, please take care.  We all love and need that Irish wit and care.  Lady Mary 💚💚

I am moving into a Tudor house beside GP do you fancy coming with me 😁.I am just making sure your ok today my lovely.Still waiting on the medication my friend is so laid back he is almost horizontal 🙃. Hopefully by Wednesday l will be ready to sort this crap out.Are you feeling any better today my love?X


I can never really tell right away.  Eyes are weak, already had my oatmeal.  ;D. I hate you are still sick,  I maybe having sympathy symptoms, so you must get better soon.  Where do you live GP.  She is so funny.  Did you read her joke about doing jumping jacks? 

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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X


Love you my Queen, I will be so jealous if you move next to GP  :D.  I am really hoping you start to regain your strength soon and the babies are holding up until the medicine arrives.  Yes eye procedure Wednesday, yuck, but will survive.  I am not giving up, just taking my time with Liquid and pills. 

Love you my Queen, please take care.  We all love and need that Irish wit and care.  Lady Mary 💚💚

I am moving into a Tudor house beside GP do you fancy coming with me 😁.I am just making sure your ok today my lovely.Still waiting on the medication my friend is so laid back he is almost horizontal 🙃. Hopefully by Wednesday l will be ready to sort this crap out.Are you feeling any better today my love?X


I can never really tell right away.  Eyes are weak, already had my oatmeal.  ;D. I hate you are still sick,  I maybe having sympathy symptoms, so you must get better soon.  Where do you live GP.  She is so funny.  Did you read her joke about doing jumping jacks?

Lol l think that does happen to women over 40 l usually move mine with my feet 😂.l am more interested in what perfume she wears if she has got men pouncing on her.l love her.I am not too bad just that damn post viral fatigue and weakness so l am giving myself one more week then it's up and about again.

  Has your muscle problems increased honey?

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Good morning Lady Mary still not feeling too good hen?Are you going to be on tablets and liquid? Give it time my love you can do this.Good luck with your appointment on Wednesday l won't be on tomorrow.Don't forget to rest your eyes.Now all much the same this end.My daughter is going to come home after uni all this week so she can help me out 😭.l can't see that happening but we will see.Dinny worry hen l will be grand.love you my lady Mary.X


Yes, basically since my taper went downhill in July.  I exercised and did treadmill yesterday but then hurt pretty badly rest of day.  Really hoping new Liquid and hold helps.  This is getting very old.

Glad Valley um is back, sometimes just don't have a complicated answer in me.  Love you my Queen, Lady Mary 💚💚💚💚


Love you my Queen, I will be so jealous if you move next to GP  :D.  I am really hoping you start to regain your strength soon and the babies are holding up until the medicine arrives.  Yes eye procedure Wednesday, yuck, but will survive.  I am not giving up, just taking my time with Liquid and pills. 

Love you my Queen, please take care.  We all love and need that Irish wit and care.  Lady Mary 💚💚

I am moving into a Tudor house beside GP do you fancy coming with me 😁.I am just making sure your ok today my lovely.Still waiting on the medication my friend is so laid back he is almost horizontal 🙃. Hopefully by Wednesday l will be ready to sort this crap out.Are you feeling any better today my love?X


I can never really tell right away.  Eyes are weak, already had my oatmeal.  ;D. I hate you are still sick,  I maybe having sympathy symptoms, so you must get better soon.  Where do you live GP.  She is so funny.  Did you read her joke about doing jumping jacks?

Lol l think that does happen to women over 40 l usually move mine with my feet 😂.l am more interested in what perfume she wears if she has got men pouncing on her.l love her.I am not too bad just that damn post viral fatigue and weakness so l am giving myself one more week then it's up and about again.

  Has your muscle problems increased honey?

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