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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I've been struggling with addiction for a while. It began after my best friend died in high school, when I started abusing sleeping meds and it led to Ativan and klonopin and some other hard drugs. Anything I could snort or swallow, I was on it.


Ive been clean 2 months. I feel like absolute garbage, but at least I'm trying to lead a more positive life. This forum helps me with the withdrawals, so thanks to all of you for sharing your stories.




Hello Julius444,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! Trauma and grief can cause people to reach for things to block out the pain, I'm sorry that this was the case for you. Congratulations on being med and drug free, you've made an excellent decision for your future health and wellbeing.


It would help if you would give us more information so we can address your unique situation. What drugs were you taking and at what doses?  Did you stop suddenly, cold turkey, or did you taper off. 


Once we hear back from you, we'll offer the support you need. I'm glad the forum has been a place of comfort for you already, it's always good to know you are not alone in this process.


For now I'll give you a link to the Post Withdrawal Recovery Board where you can post and receive feedback from members.  You are doing the right thing, we're here for you. Let us know how we can help.


Post-withdrawal Recovery Support 


pianogirl  :)


Thank you for the warm welcome.I took 800 mgs of drugs to try to kill myself about 3 months ago. I took Ativan, klonopin, gabapentin, some anti-depressants, lean, and some other stuff too. I cannot really remember. Anyway, I overdosed. When I woke up, my family hadn't called the police. I'm a 19 year old girl, so I'm not that young but I am also not too old to where my parents shouldn't take care of me. I decided I needed to be sober and stopped cold turkey.


I was taking about 20 to 30 pills a day, sometimes more, of whatever. Benzos mostly.


Trying to stay sober and find some good in not being on drugs.


Hello Julius444,


I'm glad to see you've made the decision to be clean and sober, I am too and life is good now.  For the sake of our membership, we would appreciate it if you refrained from discussing your suicide attempt, we have many vulnerable members who struggle with this every day, so please be considerate of their feelings and our policy.


I realize you may not have read the policy so here it is, and welcome to BenzoBuddies.




  • [*]Although we deeply sympathize with those experiencing suicidal feelings or ideation, to protect the sensitivities of the greater majority of our members - and most importantly, for your own safety - discussions and commentary regarding suicide, suicide ideation, self-harm, or threats of self-harm are not allowed at this forum. If you experience such feelings or thoughts, you must contact your doctor or other suitable healthcare practitioner. You will find more information on our
Suicide, Self-Harm & Threatening Behaviour webpage.
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