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I'm so sick of this, 8 months was feeling healed/ Alcohol in food setback

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I'm so absolutely gutted right now. During the end of my taper I felt like I was getting better and better to the point where once I jumped off of Valium on July 1st 2019 I almost felt 💯. And by month 3 I felt basically healed. During my taper I had been put on Mirtazapine and was also using medical Cannabis which really helped me sleep. Anyways after a while I decided I wanted to come off the Mirtazapine so I made a few cuts unfortunately the weed smoking made the withdrawal from the Mirtazapine unbearable I later read that smoking Cannabis while coming off an anti depressant is a big no-no for those reasons. Do I decided I needed to stop smoking weed so quit six weeks ago I dealt with brutal insomnia after quitting but about two weeks ago if felt like it was getting much better and I was getting happy again....then the most infuriating thing happened. I went to a staff party where we had a buffet the day after the buffet I started having bad nerve, muscle and bone pain something I haven't experienced since two years ago in the middle of my benzo taper and I developed crippling insomnia again. If I did sleep it would be 2-3 hours only to wake up unable to get back to sleep....I knew something was up so I spoke with my work about what was in the food. ..and sure enough to my dismay I find out wine was in both of the dishes I ate....In another words alcohol had sent me back to hell.....


I'm so fucking angry I was basically back to being me and now this happens....I'm so worried im gonna have to deal with years more of withdrawal now....the staff party was 3 weeks ago now and the insomnia won't fuck off...I've now had 3 zero nights in a row of no sleep....I'm desperate to feel better it seems like my insomnia will improve for a night or two only then to come right back with a vengeance I'm just not getting a let up...I have a job that I'm sure to lose if this keeps up and then I'm gonna be worried about keeping a roof over my head....how can something so silly like food send me so far back!!! What is it with this stupid fascination with alcohol and people putting it in everything?!?!


Had this happened to any of you?? How long did it take for you to recover....I want my bloody sleep back and I want my life back.




This happened to me with coffee (a double espresso to be exact) and lasted for a week or so I believe...



This happened to me with coffee (a double espresso to be exact) and lasted for a week or so I believe...


It's now been 3 weeks since my staff party and it's gotten worse now. I'm having back to back to back 0 hour sleep nights ...it's hell.  I wished I never would have gone to that stupid staff party. Feel like I'm right back at square one.

I drank one bottle of soju during my taper like 3 to 4 months ago and My hands did the tremors for the first time in my life. Never had a tremor once the whole 7 yrs and somehow that one time I got it. Never touched alcohol since... and im wondering how small bit of alcohol in the dish can effect so much.. i would love to have a sip of wine like very little bit and i cant even have any of that because of fear.. this sucks
This sucks.... In her manual, Prof Ashton states that moderate occasional alcohol consumption is fine but I find plenty of anecdotal evidence it isn't and wonder...

You are not alone. After jumping from a fast taper, I was set back severely by food cooked with wine. Not even the whole meal, only one bite threw me into a death hole. It typically took about a month or two for the severe sx settling down. Giving you were 100% prior, it won't be too long for you get yourself back to being fine again.


This whole thing really makes me depressed. I was hoping in the future when I heal mostly, this food and alcohol sensitivity would die down as well. Guess it can be permanent.


Avoiding absolutely any alcohol is a huge challenge as it is in almost all cooked food in restaurants and so on.






You are not alone. After jumping from a fast taper, I was set back severely by food cooked with wine. Not even the whole meal, only one bite threw me into a death hole. It typically took about a month or two for the severe sx settling down. Giving you were 100% prior, it won't be too long for you get yourself back to being fine again.


This whole thing really makes me depressed. I was hoping in the future when I heal mostly, this food and alcohol sensitivity would die down as well. Guess it can be permanent.


Avoiding absolutely any alcohol is a huge challenge as it is in almost all cooked food in restaurants and so on.


This is absolutely brutal I have had one hour of sleep not lost consciousness at all since Thursday night...I had to call into work and the weeks since the party I only can manage 3 hours sleep total. Its like I just cold turkeyed or something. Im gonna lost my job and be disabled if this doesn't let up soon. And I am supposed to go to Mexico on holiday on March 7th but it's going to be one shitty vacation. And the Mirtazapine isn't helping me sleep whatsoever and am wondering if it also may be messing sormthing up in my brain as I don't feel sedated from it at all just wired and tired. Have been on it 2 years now...


Please try to relax.  Getting emotional about this will only make your sleep worse.  Odds are there wasn't very much alcohol in the serving(s) that you ate.  I wouldn't think that there would be more than an ounce of wine added per full serving of the recipe.  I rarely eat full servings of any one thing at pot lucks (there are usually too many choices to take big servings).  Also - at least some of the alcohol would have cooked off.  So maybe you got the equivalent of a tablespoon or two of wine??  Honestly, I'd be more concerned about MSG than alcohol.


Moreover - your workmates didn't do anything insidious to you.  Adding a little wine to a recipe is a normal thing.  I'm sorry you're not sleeping right now, but the f-bomb attitude won't help your sleep or your relationship with your colleagues.


When I started drinking again, alcohol felt kind of weird in my system, fwiw.  It took a few tries before it felt 'normal' again.


It's now been 3 weeks since my staff party and it's gotten worse now. I'm having back to back to back 0 hour sleep nights ...it's hell.  I wished I never would have gone to that stupid staff party. Feel like I'm right back at square one.


3 weeks is a long time and I can understand your frustration. You probably feel like all your suffering and patience have been wasted. I can only sympathize with you. Am off caffeine and alcohol until furthet notice.

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