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Pain ? In feet

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Anyone else get crazy vibration underneath feet and feeling like a knife being stabbed in the sole of the foot ???

Forgot to say now on 1.2

Dropping from 1.4 over 6 weeks with horrendous hip groin pain now feet.




No, but I have pain in my feet.

It started early into the taper in January of 2019.

At first the pain was while walking. I got new orthopedic inlays. No joy.

A few months later the pain changed to "walking on moss".

Later the pain came back to join the "mossy"  feeling.

Now it's mostly pain while standing and walking. It's worst around noon, for some reason.

Do you also have a numb, sleepy and/or tingling kind of feeling in your feet? Feel like burning, but cold to the touch.

Good luck.


Yes! I have. I’ve had pain in my feet and some around my calves. Feels like “skin” pain, includes tingling, pins/needles and I have been told it’s similar to neuropathic pain experienced by diabetics. My blood sugar is fine and I eat well. Onset has been with every CT I’ve tried and now with crossover to Valium. I rub Aspercream into my feet before bedtime and give myself a foot rub which helps a little. I also use a heated foot massager while watching TV or reading. Hope these ideas help you. Best

Pain is an ache

Sometimes a sharp ache like Standing on a large sharp stone although I’m not

And it vibrates like the tendons all the muscles are vibrating quite a strange horrible disgusting feeling

Also hurts to touch when you’re pressing so it might be tendinitis caused by withdraws

I had so much pain in my feet anytime I put pressure on them for about 3-6 months during my taper.  It went away and came back once more.  I went to a podiatrist and they diagnosed plantar facsciitis.  They gave me insoles for my shoes, which honestly, didn't help much, but as time went on, it slowly went away.  I still use the insoles.  I could barely walk places without being in complete pain when it was at its worst.  Not much helped other than not walking much.  At the time, I was riding an exercise bike for exercise, and that was fine, so it was really a specific problem with my feet.  They said that the insoles can take up to a month to help, and I do think that they helped me a little, but for the most part it was part of withdrawal that eventually went away. 
Yes, tingle, numb, cold burn sensation in feet and hand.  Lasted one week.  Seems to have cleared now.  Was awful and I hope it stays gone.  Lots of hip lower side  back muscle pain.  Thought it was kidneys, but no sign of infection when tested.  I believe it’s wd symptom. 

Hands a bit also 🤦‍♂️

Good to hear others have Chad it though it’s not good ! If you know what I mean


Oceandude- soles of the feet and palms of the hands have tons of small nerve endings, more than most other body parts.  Why? You can balance in the dark by only the sensory input from your feet. They literally tell your brain the terrain, and keep you upright.  Small nerve endings have lower firing thresholds than big ones.  In WD, the built up chemical by-products and excess glutamate in tissues causes small nerve endings to fire more often and more easily.  Feet are the furtherest from the heart so it's a longer trip for blood and fluids to travel back. This can manifest as sharp pain, vibratory sensation, burning in the limbs or numbness, tingling, twitching, and even tinnitus in the head.


It may or may not help, just suggestions, but generally works on sprain/strains, etc. 1) try to increase water intake to dilute stuff in tissues  2) soak feet in hot water few minutes then switch to cold, after elevate- flushes the tissues 3) Try vit. C as helps remove metabolites 4) Taurine helps decrease firing in nerve endings and reduces glutamate. *Eat with it as it drops blood sugar 5) Benfotiamine is a pain reliever made of B vitamin components (No stomach upset or hyper effects) B vitamins are soothing to nerves and help them be less irritable.


Best of luck.


Hohhot thanks duly noted !! Unfortunately vitamins don’t really agree with me but no harm trying again ! Thanks
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