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Do these drugs make you feel high?

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This is a reason I want off. I took am dose (.24 mg) per my

schedule and for next 6 hours or more I feel high

(wobbly, out of it, hard to function).

This why I don't like it. I take the doses per my tapering

which is hard to stick to bc I just want off.

But if I don't take get very shaky. Like being a prisoner.



Hi Healthyme123,


I am sorry to read about your mom in your signature.  I understand the grief and it appears to be why you started benzos, maybe to help sleep?


To answer your question, I never really feel high from benzos.  Sometimes an antidepressant (AD) would create a feeling like that in me.  However, I found AD much easier to taper off versus benzos.  So if it was me, I would address my next bout of grief with AD over benzo.  But that is just me.


You have great reasons for hope.  You have not been on benzos too long.  Everyone is different but perhaps you can be lucky and escape before you have too much problems with benzos.


Of course follow your doctor if they feel you need benzos.  I can only tell you, if I could go back in time and instead of taking benzos for my issue, I tried other approaches like AD or more consoling with a therapist, well, I would jump at the chance. 


I guess I am saying, be open to trying other methods of grief reduction.

Xanax made me feel great, even euphoric. When I was on it I felt no fear but was not impulsive or anything like that. I just felt insanely happy, my mind was crystal clear, and I was able to accomplish amazing things. Until it turned on me. I feel the opposite of everything Xanax did for me now.
No I never felt high from them. I have been reading lately that some people are using gabapentin to get high. Makes me feel closer to drunk then high. There have been AD's that have made me feel strange like almost maniac even though I am not bipolar.
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