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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Been off klonopin for 3 years and not sure if I’m still withdrawing or not

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Hi there. I’ve been off klonopin since March 2017. I’ve been going through extended withdrawals ever since.


I still get overwhelmed by stress pretty easily. I feel like my brain is just inactive a lot of the time. I’m not really all that foggy anymore. I have a lot of energy. I’ve made a lot of progress in the last few years, but I still feel way off from being normal again too.


I’m wondering if I’m still going through withdrawals at all or not? I also have PTSD and have dissociation as a part of that as well. My therapist believes me when I say I’m going through protracted withdrawal. But she also thinks a lot of those symptoms I believe are withdrawal are PTSD related instead. I’m honestly not sure.


Does anyone else have these combo of symptoms and can help me figure out how to distinguish them? I did think it would be weird to still be as far off from full recovery as I feel like I am. And it’s been a while since I’ve felt any significant changes with it either.


Hello swmcmpgn, Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Well, it's good news you're off of benzo's, but I'm sorry to hear you're still not 100%.  We have many members who are what we call protracted, you can find them on the Protracted board, you'll have to subscribe but the directions are located here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=189058.0


I'm sure you'll find validation from our members, and perhaps figure out what is what, I hope so anyway.


We're glad you found us.





I went cold turkey off benzos and SSRIs almost 8 years ago. My withdrawal was truly bad, almost beyond words. Hallucinations, with all 5 senses, and this enormous TERROR 24/7. My first year off was truly awful. I did not sleep at all, for the entire first year.

I am sure you already know this but benzos work on your brain. And it is your brain that has to heal, once you go off benzos.

Your brain is an amazing thing, and can produce so many weirds stuff it boggles the mind.

It would NOT be unusual for someone to  have residual wd symptoms, 2 years post benzos. In fact, you have a LOT of company in this!

People have estimated the average wd lasts about 18 months, followed by a few months of what I call "fine tuning." Your brain just needs more time to fully heal.

Sop, nothing about your story worries me.

May I ask why you have PTSD? I have this, or a mild form of it, but mine is due to such a horrible benzo withdrawal.



Hi there. I’ve been off klonopin since March 2017. I’ve been going through extended withdrawals ever since.


I still get overwhelmed by stress pretty easily. I feel like my brain is just inactive a lot of the time. I’m not really all that foggy anymore. I have a lot of energy. I’ve made a lot of progress in the last few years, but I still feel way off from being normal again too.


I’m wondering if I’m still going through withdrawals at all or not? I also have PTSD and have dissociation as a part of that as well. My therapist believes me when I say I’m going through protracted withdrawal. But she also thinks a lot of those symptoms I believe are withdrawal are PTSD related instead. I’m honestly not sure.


Does anyone else have these combo of symptoms and can help me figure out how to distinguish them? I did think it would be weird to still be as far off from full recovery as I feel like I am. And it’s been a while since I’ve felt any significant changes with it either.


It’s important to understand there are absolutely no studies to determine how long withdrawal and protracted symptoms will last other than an antiquated, small sample size bias study performed by Heather Ashton. There are long term users who can basically walk away and short term users that suffer horribly.

I’m in my 7th year off and am mostly housebound. My husband, who is also protracted, is fully functional but not a happy camper. The good news is you are showing major improvements and that, my friend, is everything!  Windows and long breaks from major symptoms are the signs of nearing the finish line! I’m jealous but happy for you!  Hang in there, you got this!

I dont think you are withdrawaling after 3years you probably are healing really slowly  :idiot:
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