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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Are we healing while we taper?


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I would say that it is impossible to prove either theory because we cannot see into our GABA receptors to see whether they are healing. They are obviously in our brain, which is surrounded by our skull.


My hunch, however,  is that healing does occur if we do a slow daily microtaper of approximately 5-10% per 2 weeks. I say that because I have noticed that since I started my taper in early March many of my intense withdrawal symptoms that I had then have decreased. I still have some withdrawal symptoms and I still have a long way to go; so anything is possible.


Again, it is just a hunch.

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That is a super question. My new psychiatrist says he is trying to match the taper rate to healing rate. That way, come jump day, sx should be minimal. I read Builder's signature and he jumped without crippling sx. He or she is my inspiration. It would make sense that GABA receptors regenerate as you provide them with less benzo......what does everyone think?  :angel:
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That's not really what Professor Ashton says (at least that I know).


"9.Getting off the last tablet: Stopping the last few milligrams is often viewed as particularly difficult. This is mainly due to fear of how you will cope without any drug at all. In fact, the final parting is surprisingly easy. People are usually delighted by the new sense of freedom gained. In any case the 1mg or 0.5mg diazepam per day which you are taking at the end of your schedule is having little effect apart from keeping the dependence going. Do not be tempted to spin out the withdrawal to a ridiculously slow rate towards the end (such as 0.25mg each month). Take the plunge when you reach 0.5mg daily; full recovery cannot begin until you have got off your tablets completely. Some people after completing withdrawal like to carry around a few tablets with them for security "just in case", but find that they rarely if ever use them."


I'm not sure about her explanation about low doses being correct; however, it's "full" healing, rather than "true" healing.

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