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Spinal damage?


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It has now been confirmed by MRI that the severe muscle c fractures I have had from WD have caused further degeneration and disc problems.


The new MRI was May 21st 2019 and significant changes since last one from October 2018.

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I'm so sorry to hear that Adjusta. I know you've had a really rough go of it. This news must be so disheartening.


Were the doctors able to show a causal link with the w/d? I am asking because I have the issues with the back and then pain down the leg. An x-ray confirmed osteo. I have an MRI Friday. The doctor is not aware of the taper and w/d. So, I'm wondering if he needs to note that on my record.

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Oh how I can relate to this.


I finally had to go back on Zanaflex as I couldn’t stand, lay down or sit for past 3 days. No make that 9 months. I take 1/2 a pill at night. I know it’s not a great idea with bzd taper but level 10 pain is brutal

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I know it is linked to WD because whole back is contracted lengthwise and bowing spine out and pushing neck further out and yanking surgery site out etc.


I have a lot of spinal issues. Should never have tried to quit diazepam. All my muscles wasted and those left are rigid. Hard to know what is original issue and what is WD.


Guinea Pig

I wish the Tizanidine/Zanaflex worked for me. Each dose only lasts 2 hours and as wears off everything twists and spasms before it all goes rigid again and once again forces spine to bow out of place.


Do you get any reaction to dosing Tizanidine? When I take it my head whooshes/fizzes, get worse hypersalivation and heat all along spine and at back of head just as I do if take diazepam now.


My nervous system is so sensitised it can’t bear anything.


I am having to take Dantrolene now which is a horrible drug and weakens all no spastic muscles so much I can hardly sit on the toilet.


I wish we had Flexeril the U.K. as that seems like a better option.

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I did A when I took it during day. I would get so dizzy that I couldn’t stand up. I take smallest amount possible abou 3:30 am. Usually lasts til 2pm then my back is out and I’m down for the day with a heating pad. Didn’t have this pain til I began my taper last year.


But I haven’t had any spine fusions. I am so sorry you are going through all this. It’s not fair

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Really, 2.5 hours? I did not know that. I hope I can get off the lorazepam before the other turns on me.


I figure if I have a few good hours so I can accomplish something during the day I will deal with the pain I am feeling right now.


What are your plans for your spine now?

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No plans for spine. Surgeon says go back to Neuro. Neuro tried all available drugs and botox but nothing works. Can’t go back on diazepam as get paradoxical reactions now.


Took Dantrolene earlier and pelvic prolapse got from WD dropped more even with pessary in because weakens everything too much.


I spent 6 years prior to WD working with rehab physio and now all muscles have atrophied, can’t do exercises off drug because everything g rigid, can’t do them on muscle relaxant because too weak.


I am trapped stuck lying in agony on sofa. Dantrolene makes me feel like being crushed into sofa. Without it contracture so bad spine literally bowing out.


Can see no way out.


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That’s awful. Again I am so sorry.


If you can’t find any answers here have you tried Mayo Clinic Connect?


I hope there is someone who can help you.

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I’m in U.K.



If was in another country would take Flexeril as that seems to help a lot of ppl but not available here.

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Did Tinzanidine help you.


I don’t see my neurologist until August and the last time they were pushing Gabapentin and Lyrica. I said no to both. Can’t see much further help in my future.


I’m praying when I get off meds maybe the receptors will heal in time.

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The Tizanidine does helps bit but only lasts for 2 hours in my system and I get similar paradoxical like effects as a I do from trying toreinstate diazepam.


Have just emailed Neuro and asked if he can prescribe Orphenadrine as many ppl seem to find it useful for similar issues: https://www.drugs.com/comments/orphenadrine/

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I hope it helps too.


Something horrific has happened to my muscles in WD.


Used to take diazepam in morning and at night and never noticed it wearing off.


Hoping at least some of the severe contracture is WD but need something g to get through it to see if it eases in a few years.

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