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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hello. I joined benzobuddies now although I have been following and reading this website for years. I took ssri's and benzos(klonopin) for 14 years in total. Just finished tapering benzos almost 5 months ago...still experiencing awful symptoms and i am non-functional. Neuropathy and pain are the worst of them.
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Hello Tikitaka,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies and congratulations on being benzo free!  While 5 months out may seem like a long time, in terms of benzo recovery it is not.  At 5 months out I was still very symptomatic and muscle and nerve pain were my constant companions. While these symptoms took a while to ease up, they finally did.  I'm glad you've joined the forum. You'll see that you are not alone in this process and that members will support and encourage you as you recover.


You might give us some additional information so that our replies to you can be directed towards your unique circumstances.  What dose of klonopin did you start your taper at and how quickly did you taper off?


I'll give you a link to the Post Withdrawal Recovery Board where you can receive feedback from members.


I'll also give you a link to the Ashton Manual. While it discusses tapering in detail, it also gives good information about the withdrawal process in general. The manual was written by Dr. Heather Ashton, an expert in the field.


We understand what you are going through.  Please do ask questions, we're here to help.  Things will get better, much better, just give it some time.  It can take a while for the central nervous system to find balance again, but it will work towards that goal.


Post-withdrawal Recovery Support 


The Ashton Manual


pianogirl  :)

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Hey ! Thanks for the welcome. I was on 1.5 mg Klonopin and I have tappered using liquid titration. I did it very very slow...in like 2 years. Couldn't do it faster because I did quit antidepressants CT (after 9 years of use) a few years ago and still had some bad lingering symptoms. When I reached halfway through bz withdrawal I got 24/7 tinnitus and deep burning pain all over my body...especially in my wrists, shoulders, arms and legs along with itchy eyes and nose (rhinitis-like) and a flu feeling in my whole body alongside cramping. I have a ton of symptoms but they are so many i wont even try to list them.  I'm aware of Ashton's manual but thanks for the help, I appreciate it :) My biggest fear is that I won't recover. I mean..i need to see some improvement in order to have hope that healing is possible. I have stayed many many years kinda housebound feeling very bad all the time, in bed, because of those awful med's withdrawal. First the SSRI and now this. Also another fear of mine is what if all of this isn't benzo withdrawal? I did not have insomnia at all post withdrawal(i did have it while tappering though) and that's what makes me think it's not benzo wd...i have never heard about benzo withdrawal or post withdrawal without insomnia... Hope my english was ok.

/ps: did blood tests for arthritis because of the pain and were negative. I'm 28 years old so pain it's not age related. Also forgot to mention the burning is sometimes inside my head too, like in the brain. Sounds weird but it's true. Pure burning feeling like fire

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