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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Fatigue and shallow breathing atm


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I've got extreme fatigue and shallow breathing atm. Every now and then I take a big breathe and sigh out. My parents are asking me if im anxious but no. My brain just feels weird. Its hard to describe. My cns is tensing up. Im exhausted despite plenty of sleep. Hope im safe... I refuse to take meds right now. I wanna see if i can recover ya know. Day 35. Sorry to bug everyone. Just in a wave again.
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You just jumped and I think you are doing a great job, let your body do what it needs to do, give it time. You are able to sleep, thats good.

Are you able to do something where you have to breathe in a special rhythm like walking or cleaning or whatever, that would deliver more oxygen and rebalance the metabolism. The weird feeling is normal also.

Chin up and hang in there!! :thumbsup:

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You are in classic benzo wd. Everything you describe happens to people like us who get off benzos one way or another.

You most surely will recover from this, as long as you stay off benzos and psych drugs. I recovered from a thirty year addiction to benzos. I didn't even think I WAS addicted, but damn well yes, I was addicted. I thought they helped me sleep easier. I did not know they would also damage me in so many ways. If you ever saw the TV show Nurse Jackie, you know my story.

We can and DO recover from this. It takes time and determination. Getting through  benzo wd is truly awful, because it is your brain causing all of your weird symptoms.

Sweetie, you are not bugging anyone. You are reaching out to people who might be able to help you get through this  mess. Just like I did, nearly 7 years ago.

I know you feel so scared and unsure of what you are doing. Please cling to BB for now. Everyone here will help you get through the really bad times,. just as they did for me. I depended on BB when I was forced to go CT off benzos. And I will always be loyal to BBH because of this.

Do not give up. You can and will recover from this.


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Yeah im spending alot of time in bed. Its actually harder to breath while standing or sitting up. My cns is the most relaxed when I'm chilling on the floor. I'll do some breathing excercises. Maybe some stretching to.


Thanks. :)

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Hi crescentlite, I’ve had the exact breathing issues you’ve described previously when I’m in a wave. It’s a weird feeling like I’ve got to take deep deliberate forceful breaths, I’m always conscious of my breathing and always feel compelled to override my natural breathing rate with forceful inhalation’s and exhalations. I don’t have the symptom at the moment and tend to get it when I’m in a very bad wave and pretty much in bed or on the couch all day. It’s definitely a withdrawal symptom.
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Sounds safe and common though annoying for you. -);

I find it easier after this Seroquel withdrawal to lie still and relax as best I can, which starts with breathing relaxation and ends in blessed sleep. !!!

Though our CNS is damaged the oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors work to keep you safe, though I agree it’s a different feel to it.

Congrats on your withdrawal.

Best wishes


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