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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Morning nausea is relentless- can anyone relate and when does it stop!


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Hello me again!


I started getting this awful morning nausea during my taper probably once I got down to 1mg now 2 months out and it’s almost relentless, as soon as I open my eyes in the morning which is always around 4am I start to feel sick , it kind of starts in my head with a sickly feeling then heads to my stomach, after I have been up for an hour or two it subsides but leaves me feeling almost shell shocked with a thick head etc . A good few of the w/d symptoms have subsided which is really positive but this nausea is really getting me down to the point where I feel tearful each morning. The Dr says it’s w/d and anxiety causing it I said it feels chemical , any ideas why it’s the mornings could this be cortisol or adrenaline I just don’t know.


I drink ginger tea or peppermint and take root ginger capsules but it’s not helping. Any feedback or experiencing of this would be comforting.


Thank you

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I get a nervy empty feeling— is that similar. ?  The Benz and pregab are wearing off I guess.

I have to get up and make green tea with Manuka and then get a doze in.

Any advice welcome


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Hi Dick


No it’s a nauseous sickly feeling it’s almost like I’ve been spinning round and my head and stomach feel sick like if you’ve been on a fairground ride but I get it when I wake up laying in bed , it’s debilitating, I can deal with a lot of the symptoms but the nausea is really getting me down.



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It’s you inner ear playing tricks as you get used to the WD.

Will try and find a link though Lapis usually comes up trumps. 

Might want to Keep well hydrated til it wears off. You don’t want another drug I would think — though a lot of GPs used betahistine which can be taken in a burst and is non benzo of course





Sorry but you inner ear is waking up after suppression IMHO. Some GPS are trained in the Epley manoeuvre-))))

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I also feel nauseated every morning.  My head feels like a balloon.  It feels like a horrible hangover.


I try to eat something light like oatmeal.  I find it soothing.  The nauseated feeling usually goes away after about a hour but I'm still sick and exhausted all day long.

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The Dr checked my ears and they are fine there’s nothing wrong there and I don’t think it would just start in the morning if my ears were the problem.The nausea starts in my head so taking anything doesn’t settle in because it starts in my head then goes to my stomach , it’s like actually having nausea in the brain! It does clear after I have been up for a while and have had something to eat but the sickly feeling leaves my head symptoms off the scales with dizziness, spaced out feeling  :(


I called the benzo helpline today in Bristol and the guy I spoke to had this head nausea too in his W/d he said it lasted a long time , I’m about 2 months with it now it’s bringing me down, I can just about handle the other shit but I’m struggling with this. Hate what this shit has done to me and everyone else suffering, can’t believe it’s still be prescribed!

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I'm sorry you're dealing with this also. 


I did eat poorly over the weekend (potato chips and other bad things).  I do feel all my symptoms are generally a little better if I eat only whole foods and avoid gluten.  Are you watching your diet?

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Yes I have a good mixed healthy diet , this nausea started during w/d but has got worse over the last couple of months , it seems strange that it comes on as soon as I wake up them disappears a couple of hours later but leaves me feeling like crap I just don’t understand it.


It’s by far my worst symptom  :'(

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I have the same also.....  a sick feeling in my head... sick stomach and my ears hurt.  :(

I get a lot of tension in my back and chest.  Very hard to ignore.  I wish I could give some sage advice, but can't.

Trying to move forward....... I wish you relief soon.

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Hi kac30101


So you have the sickly nauseous head too ! Isn’t just horrible it really leaves my head spaced out , how long have you been dealing with this ? Is yours morning time too ? Any ideas why it happens?


I hope you are doing ok and I wish you relief too.


Did you have a great time with your grandbabies ?

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Yes, Pushing... my head feels pretty bad most of the day.  This started for me a few months ago when I tapered under 0.25mg.  My head feels full..heavy.. a sick feeling.  It goes down my throat into my stomach.  Very hard to describe. I know it awful....  I am trying to ignore it.  I have to talk to clients at the Lab all day and sometimes I feel like a blabbering fool....  Lost for words sometimes.  SO UNLIKE ME!!  Haha.

I had it bad this morning, but I'm feeling better now.  Left with a dull sorta headache.


YES!!  I had a great time with the babies!!  Thank you for asking.  We went to TopGolf and the pool and my youngest grandchild, Margaret Rose had her first dance recital.  So very sweet.  It was a very tough weekend for me, but I tried to 'let it go' and enjoy the kids.

I'm glad I'm back home though.


I pray we get to feeling better soon....  this is a crummy symptom.

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Hi Kac30101


I’m sorry you have this symptom too but it is a bit comforting to hear that someone else is experiencing it, I hope it goes soon for both of us.


Great that you had a good time with your family it’s wonderful that you pushed through and made the trip and seen your babies.


Your do amazing and I wish a speedy recovery for you!

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Wishing and praying this for all of us...

I wish I would have known the consequences  of Benzos.....  never would have gone down this path.  Insomnia  doesn't hold a candle to these withdrawal symptoms.

We're getting there!  :smitten:

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I had it 24/7 when I crossed over to valium and started tapering for six months straight. I lost a ton of weight. I was able to use cannabis (now it's turned on me, it's also legal where I live) eventually and that's all that helped, even then I still felt sick and couldn't eat much. Then I got CT'd, reinstated, and it's only an issue in the evenings now, I think because my microtaper is only the morning dose and that's when it hits me (later in the day). I'm scared that when I start tapering my night dose soon I'll be sick all day again.


Sorry you are dealing with it, I completely understand. It's dreadful. I force myself to eat things that are easy to digest. Bananas always seemed to help for some reason. Plain food. Hope you feel better soon.

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Hello Diana


Thank you for replying it means a lot to see other people are going through this nausea, not that I want anyone having of course but to know it’s common helps me not get totally freaked out about it, I’m struggling with anxiety too so everything seems to set my crazy thoughts off.


What a terrible time we go through to get off this poison I just would never have believed it could be so bad , I have came on various AD which were hard but this is really tough and lasts longer !


Hope things pick up for you

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Hi Pushing On


I've been off diazepam for 117 days and my nausea continues to be my main symptom with flu symptoms.  The nausea starts when I wake up and gets worse all morning and slowly gets better by late afternoon.  Nothing helps.  It does affect my brain or head.  I can't explain it but my brain feels sick.  It even makes my eyes hurt.  I'm basically homebound with this nausea.  It is crippling.


It has only got worse since jumping.  Very frightening to me.

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Hi Shorty


I was thinking about you when I wrote this post and wondering how you have been. My bloody nausea is constant too. I wake up and it starts. Today I have had none!! It feels such a relief to have a day without it but I'm already scared about waking up tomorrow and dealing with it all over again, like you it completely stops me from functioning and keeps me almost housebound because my head is all over the place spaced out and groggy with the nausea. Today has been almost bliss, other symptoms are in the background compared to the nausea.


I'm two months off now and just wish the nausea would GO AWAY!!!!! some people have replied as you will have seen and it does eventually go but it seems to take a while  :(


We fight on!



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Pushing On


So glad you have today!  That's great.  Maybe the nausea will be over for you soon!!


Yes, we will keep on going!

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Hi Shorty


Nausea is back today! I’ve bought some sea bands to try I’ll post if I think they have helped, sure hope so as yesterday was like a holiday with no nausea I want more days like that.


Hope your doing ok?

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Pushing On


That is so disappointing.  I was hoping for you!  Let me know how it goes.  My nausea isn't constant today.  It is coming in waves and my stomach is so tight and bloated.  I am so angry I ever took these pills.  Hang in there.

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Hey Shorty


Thought I’d update you. I’ve had the sea bands on for three days now and I do think the nausea is a little better! It’s still coming on when I wake up and still sickly feeling in my head but not as severe and it’s not lasting all day in fact I haven’t felt nauseous most of the day, one other thing I’ve been doing is when I wake up early which is every day 4am I have taken a Zantac just thought I’d try it, I have no scientific explanation as to if these are helping but between the sea bands and Zantac it’s definitely been a bit better, hope it not just a fluke and it continues like this because I can function a bit better.


Hope your doing ok

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Hi Pushing On


That is good news and sounds promising.  I even have Zantac on hand but not the sea bands-yet.  I'll try anything.  Today has been so awful and the nausea just won't let up at all along with the flu-like symptoms.  I am about to lose my mind.


Is this really possible for benzos to cause long lasting nausea like this?  My doctor does not believe me at all and wants to run all kinds of tests that would just create huge anxiety for me.  I just said no.  All because I asked for Zofran so I could function a little.  All day never ending nausea is no fun. 


Thanks for trying to help Pushing On.  I really hope this will continue to give you relief!  Stay in touch.

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Hello Diana


Thank you for replying it means a lot to see other people are going through this nausea, not that I want anyone having of course but to know it’s common helps me not get totally freaked out about it, I’m struggling with anxiety too so everything seems to set my crazy thoughts off.


What a terrible time we go through to get off this poison I just would never have believed it could be so bad , I have came on various AD which were hard but this is really tough and lasts longer !


Hope things pick up for you


Thanks, my pleasure. It's important we support each other on here. It is tough to control the anxiety spirals for sure. I think that's one of the most difficult aspects of the wd and healing process. Our fears get set off so easily now and it's tough to stop ruminating thoughts and catastrophizing everything. It really is terrible, but totally natural considering what the benzos have damaged.


I'm currently somehow in a place of learning how to accept all of it, that a chunk of my life is just going to be struggling through this, bedridden, bad days and worse days. I think I got to this point from sheer exhaustion of fighting it all, mentally. I still struggle like that but not as much, even though I still have symptoms most of the time. It's important to acknowledge we are going through a major health crisis and find compassion for ourselves.

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Hey Shorty


Anxiety is my enemy too! That’s why I was on the diazepam, in general I’m better off it as far as how bad my anxiety is but I get bad spikes like you especially health anxiety, it’s very difficult isn’t it. Have you tried cbd oil ? I use a 40% one I do feel it has helped overall it has calmed me down on a daily basis type thing but it still spikes when I’m bad, give it a try if you haven’t already, I take 2 drops in the Moran’s 2 at bedtime.


Nausea still hanging around, starts when I wake up it’s awful I know but the sea bands do seem to have helped a bit I’m definitely less nauseous through the day and the morning nausea is not as bad, still there but manageable, I take a Zantac as soon as I open my eyes in the morning too.


Please keep reminding yourself that many many people experience nausea and flu like symptoms it’s very common and by what I’ve read will pass in time, I keep reminding myself that.


I tell my husband how nauseous I feel and he’ll say it’s just a bit of nausea just ignore it but he just doesn’t get it, it’s all consuming and makes my head feel sick too! People just don’t understand how debilitating it is do they.


Hope your ok

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