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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Taking a benzo after stopping


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Hey everyone. I haven’t taken a benzo since December. I’m still going through residual panic and anxiety. Mostly fatigue though.


My question is has anyone stopped completely for many months then have to take a small dose of a benzo to get you through a rough day of panic? I’m talking like 0.25/0.5mg of Xanax or similar only that one time??


My concern is will that one dose trigger a full blown withdrawal again?


I have pericarditis which I’ve had on/off for years and the anxiety that naturally comes with it and the residual anxiety from stopping benzos at times is to much. I would do anything to be able to take 0.25mg during these pericarditis flare ups as needed. Of course I’m afraid that one time would spark a relapse of symptoms

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Have they put you on steroids for pericarditis as that might make you tense.

If it were me, I would not revert to benzos but use calming herbal remedies, mindfulness and other things you know about!


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Thanks Dick.


No steroids. Colchicine and high dose of nsaids (indomethacin)


Sometimes the symptoms are so bad that I can’t tell what’s anxiety and what’s pericarditis. Very similar.


I had a massive flare up sept/feb and I took 0.5mg every night to help me sleep through the pain this condition causes. I did that for a couple months and the wds were/are unworldly.


I wonder why I even stopped. I took 0.5mg for half a decade and it worked great. Not sure why I stoped then either but I did.

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I got off of Xanax completely, last year for 6 months. Then thought I would be okay to take it during a difficult time to help me sleep.  I really regret my decision of going down that rabbit hole again.  This time around, getting off of Xanax is completely different than last year.  My doctor told me that Meditation, yoga and psychotherapy is proven to work.


Fortylonfyears- what are some calming herbal remedies you suggest?  I am currently trying a combo of SAM-e and L-tyrosine.  It's only been a day.  But I'm desperate to try herbal remedies.


Thanks! Goodluck on your journey!

God Bless 🙏

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I got off of Xanax completely, last year for 6 months. Then thought I would be okay to take it during a difficult time to help me sleep.  I really regret my decision of going down that rabbit hole again.  This time around, getting off of Xanax is completely different than last year.  My doctor told me that Meditation, yoga and psychotherapy is proven to work.


Fortylonfyears- what are some calming herbal remedies you suggest?  I am currently trying a combo of SAM-e and L-tyrosine.  It's only been a day.  But I'm desperate to try herbal remedies.


Thanks! Goodluck on your journey!

God Bless 🙏


We’re you taking it every night?


I took 100mg 2x a day of a gaba supplement I bought at my local health good store. It took the edge off for sure. Still unclear if it’s a bad idea however I haven’t noticed any issues. I take 100mg now.


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Yes, I was taking it every night. I have a super high tolerance so I started by taking.25 then quickly jumped to 2 1/2- 4 mgs nightly.  For sleep now I'm taking 2 TBSP of Tart Cherry Concentrate that I found at Whole Foods along with a combination of Magnesium 400mg and Zinc 15mgs.  I'm unsure if this is actually working, myself.  I'm really bad at judging that. I was interested in taking Gaba, myself,  But I heard that taking Gaba is not good for you, so I decided against it.  The Tart Cherry Concentrate and Magnesium & Zinc combos are supposed to all help stimulate the Gaba receptors in your body.  So that is why I went that route. The Sam-e & L-tyrosine I'm trying to help with my mood during the day.  Hopefully it works, I just started today!
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Yes, I was taking it every night. I have a super high tolerance so I started by taking.25 then quickly jumped to 2 1/2- 4 mgs nightly.  For sleep now I'm taking 2 TBSP of Tart Cherry Concentrate that I found at Whole Foods along with a combination of Magnesium 400mg and Zinc 15mgs.  I'm unsure if this is actually working, myself.  I'm really bad at judging that. I was interested in taking Gaba, myself,  But I heard that taking Gaba is not good for you, so I decided against it.  The Tart Cherry Concentrate and Magnesium & Zinc combos are supposed to all help stimulate the Gaba receptors in your body.  So that is why I went that route. The Sam-e & L-tyrosine I'm trying to help with my mood during the day.  Hopefully it works, I just started today!




Do you think if you kept your doses at 0.5 or less and maybe 1x-2x per week that you would have had an issue with w/ds or rebound anxiety?


I heard the same about the gaba supplement. I was so afraid to touch anything. I remember the first few months it seemed like certain foods and teas would put me in a relapse of symptoms or make them worse. I’m still pretty sensitive towards sugar although I don’t consume much. Chocolate bothered me and now it doesn’t and after 6 months I can finally have a cup of green tea.



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I agree with Dickie. One of the hardest lesson I had to learn was that when something did not feel right, I should NOT reach for yet another pill. That kind of thinking got me addicted to benzos for 30 years. I just had to learn how to cope with ordinary life's tensions and anxiety without the help of those little pills I used to love to take.


On herbals and other supplements: None of them seem to make a difference. And some of them may be a bity unsafe to try. I tried several seemingly harmless stuff, like camomile, magnesium, and OTC herbal sleep remedies. None of them worked at all. So I just gave up and decided I had to learn how to relax and asleep naturally. Now, I never reach for yet another pill when something doesn't feel quite right. Hard lesson for this old lady to learn.


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I started tapering in November of 2016. In March of 2017, I had to be put out for a teeth cleaning. I was very nervous and was offered Valium. I took a small dose thinking one pill won't hurt. It set my recovery back 2 months at least. I wish I had not done that looking back on it now. Our GABA receptors have to heal and in some cases grow back. Think of them like blades of grass and anything that hits the GABA as rain. You over water it too much and what happens? The grass either dies or lays down. Let the sun shine in and the grass stands back up. My vote is stay away from anything that hits the GABA receptors. I didn't start really getting better until I cut everthing that hits the GABA. I even tossed my tea that had lemon balm, etc in it. This whole proess is so difficult I know, because it takes so much time but please give your body time to heal. That is my advice.
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I dont advise it. I was having terrible anxiety so I took half a bar (1 mg) of xanax and I felt like I was withdrawing the next few days. I cant say for sure that It was the xanax, the pain and anxiety is what caused me to take it so who knows if thats what i felt the next few days. But be safe, dont do it.
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Good advise everyone and thank you. The feelings of panic and anxiety are dissipating as I’m reading these replies
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Yes, I was taking it every night. I have a super high tolerance so I started by taking.25 then quickly jumped to 2 1/2- 4 mgs nightly.  For sleep now I'm taking 2 TBSP of Tart Cherry Concentrate that I found at Whole Foods along with a combination of Magnesium 400mg and Zinc 15mgs.  I'm unsure if this is actually working, myself.  I'm really bad at judging that. I was interested in taking Gaba, myself,  But I heard that taking Gaba is not good for you, so I decided against it.  The Tart Cherry Concentrate and Magnesium & Zinc combos are supposed to all help stimulate the Gaba receptors in your body.  So that is why I went that route. The Sam-e & L-tyrosine I'm trying to help with my mood during the day.  Hopefully it works, I just started today!




Do you think if you kept your doses at 0.5 or less and maybe 1x-2x per week that you would have had an issue with w/ds or rebound anxiety?


I heard the same about the gaba supplement. I was so afraid to touch anything. I remember the first few months it seemed like certain foods and teas would put me in a relapse of symptoms or make them worse. I’m still pretty sensitive towards sugar although I don’t consume much. Chocolate bothered me and now it doesn’t and after 6 months I can finally have a cup of green tea.


That's hard for me to answer because I have an addictive personality so I've never tried to use it as needed or infrequently.  I believe in the "everything in moderation". And my Dr. told me today that if you need to take it,.25mg should be your max along with meditation, yoga and psychotherapy.  After this last WD experience, I'm going to try my best to remember this hell so I don't ever touch the stuff again, hopefully, and find a natural remedy for anxiety, but to each their own. Good luck!

Hope this helps 🙏


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Relapsing pericarditis is common in stressed folks. I dunno why.

Glad you avoided steroids.

I am lucky that high dose green tea 4x a day and double camomile at night are really relaxing!!

Good luck.


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Josepha, I did the same thing that first awful year. I live (back then) on a fixed income and really should not have spent any money on supplements of one sort or another. But like many I hoped they would help. None did. TOTAL waste of money.

But this is a personal decision, and if you feel some safe (repeat, SAFE) supplement might help you, go for it....but NOT if you are poor as I was back then.

The brain getting off benzos wants RELIEF, and since there IS no drug that will fix us, we start looking for other things to take. Well, to me, that is a symptom of what caused us to go on benzos in the first place. "If something doesn't feel right, you need to "take something." Usually a pill. Because benzo wd can be SO awful for some, it is normal to think this way but one just has to be careful. Over my time on BB I have met many people who tried various herbals, and NOT herbals, in order to feel better. Some supplements are actually dangerous, and should not be used at all as they mimic benzos. Plus, too much of anything is bad.


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I think Annie and East coast are talking really helpful sense.

Looking at so many sites and posts over the months and years it is apparent to me that we need to treat herbs etc with respect and perhaps a barge pole.


Regarding Gaba interference the science is definitely out there.


I am on three meds having finally dropped from 4.  It was Annie’s reminders that as I am using camomile for sleep that actually I am taking a low dose of Gaba and slowing recovery. Like anything else going on in our whacky CNS we have to be aware and make adjustments. It’ll take time and resolve but knowing that mixing it up is counterproductive is helpful.

Thanks folks,


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