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High Inflammation Markers in My Blood Tests.....


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I’ve done a few searches here but can not confirm why my blood test inflammation markers are so high.

Is this a normal Side Effect?

Could anyone here shed any light on this after a blood panel? White blood count is also a bit high also.


I figure if anyone would know about this, it would be this awesome group!




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Did the doctor have to request that testing be done for that? I had recent blood work, and I would think I'd score high for inflammation. It's never been mentioned though.
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I had very high white blood cell count for about a year after jumping. Stopped doing blood work after that.
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Appreciate the response’s,

My doctor is a Naturopath Doctor and we both wanted the labs done because of my current symptoms of fever like,  “touch sensitive, chilly skin”.

Since ibuprofen seemed to really help, I was pretty sure I had inflammation. It could possibly just be springtime allergies.

It will be interesting to know if withdrawls of the cause of inflammation.

Hope to hear more opinions!



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Any comments we make are only really about benzo issues.

If your inflammatory markers are raised you need to see a general practitioner unless your naturopath is able to shed light on this.

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I had actual measurable fever for over a year post jump. So I'm pretty sure in my case there was some inflammation.
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My white blood cell count and another immune system marker we out of whack I retested and they were ok so not sure if its due to my taper. Although given my joint pain I must have inflammation never had sore knees ever and I have done several Caminos without a problem. I must admit I am worried about the cardio issues of inflammation asked my doctor but he doesn't seem to have much to say except my cholesterol is ok. What can you do, I just hope this all eventually dies down and the inflammation goes too. I am taking curcumin and an adaptogen not sure if they are helping but want to do all I can to quell the effects of inflammation I don't want to get thru this to find I know have arterial sclerosis.
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Thanks for all the responses!  I’m feeling better just knowing that I’m no the only one with inflammation!

Wishing you all big windows!


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I'm glad to have found this information.  Had no idea there were blood tests for inflammation. 

I feel there must be very high inflammation occurring. 


I've encountered extremely painful neuropathy & muscle pain, post-JUMP.  I'd been diagnosed w/fibromyalgia a number of years pre-ativan (rx'd for another pain management issue).  Had 2 6 month rounds of trigger point injections & physical therapy.  Cannot take NSAIDs due to having had ulcer. 


I'd put questions out as far as how much pain is a normal amount of w/d pain...but didn't start my own thread.  I try to keep any sense of alarm off the Community.  I'd resigned myself to about 7 months post-JUMP of pretty unbearable neuropathy.  I've tried curcumin/turmeric, magnesium, ala (alpha lipoic acid)...no noticeable results from any of 'em. 


I'm practically coating myself w/aspercreme w/lidocaine daily w/hardly any relief.  :sick: Trigger points very bad thighs & upper arms.  Completely non-functioning.  Only peace/comfort is by way of sleep, which is erratic. 


Just thought today that if I'm ever able to have the strength to see a physician, probably best to see physiatrist (pain management specialist); since that's the doctors' (2 different ones, about 6 years apart due to living in different areas) I'd seen for the fibromyalgia.  Other thought is rheumatologist, since I've held thought for awhile that my medical issues may all be due to a dysfunctional immune system (having also had endometriosis years ago, too).


Any thoughts, ideas welcomed!!!!!! (Please)  :smitten:

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Our immune system is so complex I doubt if we will ever be able to navigate a way through it as it stands.

I will list a few “maybe’s” for comment by the wise friends on here.


Twenty years ago because I had no positive inflammatory markers I was put out to grass as depressed, when in fact I had chronic fatigue following Lyme Disease. ( I went back to work solo)

But I had been on benzos for over 25 years by then and there is no blood test for benzo damage, though my symptoms were similar. Brain scanning is at last being used to show marginal but present atrophy in long term users of long acting Bs


Our defence system is constantly dealing with external and internal insults and this is reflected in our wellbeing and our blood screens. Eg fighting shingles or the common cold-) including inoculations.


Then there is the whole gamut of autoimmune disease where we fight our own organs from rheumatoid arthritis to thyroid disease. We even develop antibodies causing foetal issues. And though many markers for this are present, they overlap and are difficult to interpret.


We are probably missing the triggers for MS Parkinsons and ME. Medicine seems to concentrate on the more dramatic illnesses so that those of us damaged psychotropically will have to fund our own investigations and to do that we would need sight of compensation to cover our costs.  It would be cheaper for Roche et al to fund research and aid rehabilitation.


I am certain there is a test possible to measure Gaba damage in living creatures rather than dead rats. Please enlighten me if there is.!!!


But there are other simple tests any Gp can access. Eg severe central dehydration and renal damage occurs in patients taking antipsychotics, yet no follow up or lateral thinking is used unless we have our own knowledge and courage to challenge the status quo in the six minutes we are allocated. My Gp simply said it was ok for my age.


Rant over. —- Phew


Dickie    (51 years on benzos, never told to reduce, given extra for stress and likely to spend some time in a dementia unit in due course. .))) Uggg


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