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my doc keeps wanting me to take antidepressants during taper


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Help!, for 4 doc appts now , my doc wants me on some sort of antidepressant etc because my anxiety

symptoms are very bad, he doesn't seem to understand how bad this can go, or the damage it can

do to a taper,  doesn't get it all, some names, like Zoloft, Pristiq, Abilify,  Lyrica etc were mentioned by

him on Thursday,  I really don't know how to proceed, or convince him that adding drugs is a very bad idea,

especially since I've been on many  SSRI's etc  in the past  from 1999 till 2014 with nothing to show  (from my other doc who has now retired). , hence why I was put on the benzo... I'm just so tired of fighting !!!

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Where are you in your taper and what are you taking? My doctor does not get it either, and recommends antidepressants as well, in particular the SSRI's and Effexor. I am very depressed during my taper, but the antidepressants cause me more anxiety and would probably interfere with tapering...this is a tough situation to be in. I hope others can offer their input here
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I'm currently holding at 0.5 mg's of Klonopin,  while the taper has been brutal physical symptom wise, with anxiety, and despite it all, I don't have depression myself,  I'm very patient with this, and look forward to the future , post taper/healing,  his main reason for adding drugs, is my severe GAD anxiety/Agoraphobia, and panic attacks,  but I really fear adding more meds,  especially since ( from 1999 till 2014) I was on many of these, and none worked, pre benzo,  which is the reason I was put on the benzo, ( Jan 2015) 
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It's amazing how doctors push medication! My theory is that it happens because it's what they learned to do. They don't know better. But we don't have to follow their indications. I wish I had realized it earlier :(
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I can’t legally tell you what to do but can comment.

The SSRI will increase your anxiety.

The Abilify is for treating psychosis and not the cleanest drug on the planet.

Pregabalin is good for GAD but rumours are going round the uk about it’s extreme addictive potential and I have yet to get off it though a friend on here said it was easy.

Remeron is sometimes used to ease withdrawal but has issues of its own so I would prefer to be on 7.5 myself.


Over here we are using promethazine at night in small doses eg ten mg to ease the taper. We buy it for our kids car sickness etc.


I am NOT insured to give prescriptive advice anymore. These are just observations from reading on BB


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My NP kept pushing ADs. I had another doctor talk about them also. But I'm very glad that I didn't heed their advice. I had a great deal of anxiety that would push my bp to the stratosphere and cause me to go to the ER many times. But ADs cause anxiety initially (I know this because years ago I started taking Zoloft while going through a divorce, and I had to stop taking it). 


This is YOUR body. Doctors hear a complaint and they immediately think "pill." They feel they're doing their duty in prescribing a pill, and their paperwork will look good. But DO YOU REALLY NEED IT?? It's up to you, of course, and no doctor is going to force you to take a pill. I think you answered your own question when you said that nothing worked for you during 1999 to 2014.

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As a retired doc I must say we tried to help our patients but as far as psych is concerned we were woefully unprepared for new drug Pharma companies hiding side effects and lack of efficacy. And the Royal college were refusing to take studies from Healy and co seriously and advise us.

By the time a patient is seated you have 6 minutes to decide what to do.

When in doubt bring em back for after surgery for a longer discussion. ?

Nowadays 60% of our docs are part time women who have kids and schools to factor in.

Finally patients expect a magic pill from like the old days---

As patients we must stand up for ourselves.

My daughter in law is a psych and she aided my then psych in getting me on an antopsychotic!--From 200 miles away-)))

Thank goodness for BB and friends saying stop the poison.

Dickie (Yes I made mistakes )

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As a retired doc I must say we tried to help our patients but as far as psych is concerned we were woefully unprepared for new drug Pharma companies hiding side effects and lack of efficacy. And the Royal college were refusing to take studies from Healy and co seriously and advise us.

By the time a patient is seated you have 6 minutes to decide what to do.

When in doubt bring em back for after surgery for a longer discussion. ?

Nowadays 60% of our docs are part time women who have kids and schools to factor in.

Finally patients expect a magic pill from like the old days---

As patients we must stand up for ourselves.

My daughter in law is a psych and she aided my then psych in getting me on an antopsychotic!--From 200 miles away-)))

Thank goodness for BB and friends saying stop the poison.

Dickie (Yes I made mistakes )


I really appreciate your perspective & honesty, Forty! Thanks

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thanks for all the insights!!!  another Drug mentioned by my other doc yesterday was Buspar ,  I used Remeron in 2012, mainly for sleep issues low dose, I gained weight , and had daily minor diarrhea , so only used it 3 months,   
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Sorry dont rate buspar either -)) Klonip 0.5 is hardly gross addiction--you have time.

If you are safe and can cope with the anxiety I would not see a doc, but very gently heal with family friends and BB

But if you are vulnerable do open up to a health care professional? --Please



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actually 0.5 mg's of Klonopin, I was told, is still a fairly potent dose, equiv to 10 mg's of Valium, 

and being I have suffered horribly getting off , at least the first 1 mg,  I know I can do this, but

I want to do it right, with patience etc and a really good adjustable taper rate ( which I lacked a

year ago)  I'll get there though!!!!

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Cover my back then Happy please!

I have come down from 30 of Diaz as well as the other poisons on my card. 

You might find even now a switch to Diaz twice a day as it is more calming. 

I am staying on a low dose of remeron to avoid anxiety and help sleep. I am glad you tolerated it.

Though it does give me gas@))).

Best wishes


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a switch to Valium isn't gonna happen,,  my Doc doesn't understand any of this, and the entire

burden of coming off Klonopin, has been placed on me, I've exhausted myself , explaining to my

doc over the last year,  he doesn't get it, not at all,  in fact at first he said it should have really taken

me 3 months to get off 1.5 mg's of Klonopin, and now, like I mentioned, he wants to add other drugs

to combat what he sees , is a severe anxiety disorder with Agoraphobia, and a ton of physical symptoms


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Sorry to hear your Gp one tracked.

If he thinks you have GAD and phobias then CBT and non drug things will help one hopes but

You can crack the Klon but there really is no rush.

Oddly Remeron is now licensed for Gad, and I think it’s helped my panic disorder.


I think you must be exhausted and a bit demoralised === try to chill, like a bad leg break you need time to deal with it all and support.

Best wishes



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demoralised is a understatement, I've become super Agoraphobic,  ( I haven't even seen Wal-Mart since 2017 ) only place I've been the last 16 months is the doc, and very quick trips to a grocery store near me with a safe person, that's literally all I've seen

but I will get through this, slowly, least 1 mg is gone  of this crap

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There has been a very long standing debate going on as to if SSRI's are actually helping at all. They have been putting them up against placebo's in many studies.

They are now claiming they do work as per the latest tests in 2018 but how much do they work vs the list of side effects that come with them?


My doctor wanted me on them but I simply said no. I won't do it. I only get depressed when I have an actual reason to be depressed, and going off Benzo's is certainly a depressing experience.

Things vary from person to person but for me SSRI's do not help at all, they just make things worse.


Doctors do what they were taught to do, but that doesn't always mean what they are taught is 100% accurate.

It was only 52 years ago that Psychiatrist's were driving metal spikes into peoples brains to do lobotomies. I am sure they thought it was "science" back then and yet they no longer do that today.

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Have you considered a micro-taper off of K? That's what I'd do if I had to do this over again. I was on K, and you're right. It's a very potent drug. Going slowly is the best thing. This I learned from having numerous setbacks. Going slowly with ANY drug is crucial if your CNS has been badly compromised. Switching from pill to pill is not helpful and in fact can be very detrimental.


You can consult with someone named builder on here to get a micro-taper going. He's always good with the numbers and has helped many people. There are also support groups for micro-tapers and a Klonopin group.


You'll get rid of the agoraphobia. I had it, and many people have had it. It's difficult but doable!


Your doctor gave you very poor advice. Wanting you to taper off a potent drug in 3 months isn't good. You cannot listen to him from now on. You have to do this the best way you know how and go your own way. Good luck!!!

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It really must be tiring to try to get a doctor to understand what you are feeling and trying to do! But you don't need a doctor to help you taper, most people here didn't have the support of a doctor. You only need a doctor to give you prescriptions. So, you should tell him/her some stuff,  but you can't be 100% truthful because they won't understand and that will make your taper more difficult. There are many people here that made it (I'm one of them in relation to the benzo although I'm still tapering the AD) and can help you. Most doctors won't be able to help you. They don't know much about withdrawal from psycho drugs. If you are lucky you'll find one that is willing to learn or at least gives you the benefit of the doubt. But don't worry too much about that, it'll be ok.

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thanks, I got it down 1mg,  started a DIY taper from 1.5 mg's of Klonopin  on June 18th,  but really struggling symptom wise, ( been holding for 3+ months now at 0.5 mg's, last night was horrific, tons of heart flutters, palps, etc, bad sleep because of that,

I'm doing the best I can in this game....

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Yes, you are doing great! We really have to endure the symptoms, see them as a sign of your brain adapting. That's how I see it. At one point during my benzo taper my muscles hurt so much that I became bedridden without being able to move a finger. But I never up-dosed. Now my muscles are starting to hurt again due to AD withdrawal but I know it'll get better and I won't go back. I'm determined to become med free and I don't want to go back and forth, as so many people do, because that makes us loose a lot of time.
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yes, in many ways I feel I'm doing great taper wise, day 336, with not one updose,  just that the physical symptoms, especially the ones that effect  my heart constantly  are insane, palps, chest pains, irregular, even with Low Dose Beta Blocker, I've had CardioPhobia for some time now, (BTW, my diet is good, my weight is good, I don't smoke, ) and I was recently in ( Feb 26th) for a EKG that came back normal , as well as bloodwork, 
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You do well in checking when you don't feel well, blood work, exams. If the results are OK and since you are in good shape, you can breath and be sure it's "only" withdrawal and it'll pass.


Tomorrow I'll do some exams on my foot because it's hurting a lot and I can't walk well. I'm pretty sure it's some muscle problem due to the AD withdrawal, but I want to check. Whatever the result, though, I don't intend to take strong muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory, I prefer to take it easy. I know and accept that withdrawal is not easy, I just want to be med free, don't care about some pain, it's a price I'm willing to pay.

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How are you lessening the amount of Klonopin? Are you doing a micro-taper? Or going faster and then holding for long periods? I'm unsure of this and would like you to explain. Sorry if you have before.


Had you done a faster taper to begin with?

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Sorry Terry for being slow in replying, ( I haven't been well the last couple of days) probably because of this crap

I'm doing a crude water taper,  I started June 18th last year, and I strongly believe I went too fast , and I'm paying

for it big time now and have been since January , I've been holding at 0.5 mg of Klonopin left since mid February , ( from original

starting dose of 1.5 mg's of Klonopin,  right now , because I'm such a mess, with really bad Withdrawal Symptoms, I'm looking

into compounding services, if that fails, ( too expensive, or not capable ) I will try a micro taper with alcohol,

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