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When to start tapering again?


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I made too big of a cut (1mg valium) some six weeks ago on advice of supposed addiction medicine and tapering specialist. Suffice it to say I'm going back to my old p-doc who has compassion and will just give me an rx with refills for whatever dose I need for however long I need. I was letting that other doc make me nuts, I'm so used to being gaslit and abused I tend to get stuck and not listen to myself. Plus, the desperation of this whole condition.


Anyways, still having plenty of waves and little windows here and there. I think because I changed diet I have mental clarity and things aren't as bad, because I'm also able to handle the sxs and wd different, mentally. I just surrended to this process and have been able to accept when I feel like crap more often.


However, I'm not sure when to start my DLMT up. I'm going ultra slow this time. I don't know if I'm supposed to wait. I don't feel terribly unstable compared to say, the first few weeks after the cut. I also don't think I'm going to feel good or level at any freaking dose. I had a six month hold at one point and my sxs never went away.


So, do I just start the microtaper? Feedback appreciated...thanks

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Hi Diana,

I’m in a similar place as you.  I’ve been holding since February trying to stabilize before continuing my taper.  I’m continuing to have waves and some windows.  Many symptoms have gone away, but I’m still experiencing rough waves with some gut pain and foggy head, anxiety.  Recommendations are to continue holding either until windows and waves stop and you feel good, or at least the symptoms are consistent (no waves, I think).  These would be the guidelines to use to decide.


  I think it makes sense but it’s hard to keep holding, and the waves are very discouraging.  It my take several months holding for me

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It's the Dr that is pushing me, she thinks my symptoms are in my head, she told me 'I shouldn't be having wd' after three weeks into the cut and that it's 'just my ptsd' and pretends she knows what she's doing. She told me I have to 'try and cut another 1 mg' in the next month. 1mg way too fast for me, completely debilitated me. She told me micro tapers are just psychological. I think the bigger issue is that I felt trapped with her as my prescriber and I need to see my old psychiatrist who isn't an arrogant, ignorant jerk. I'm pretty housebound and stressed.


I'm also concerned that 6 months wasn't enough of a hold last time and that's why I don't know when I should do it, because I think I ended up in tolerance wd so the long hold was useless.

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Hmmm, Your Dr reminds me of someone... :(

Tough spot, and not easy, but you might need Dr options if you cant convince or educate them.. I just dont see how they can justify that stance as best practice, or patients best interests, -A patient that is initiating a medication reduction plan of their own free will... It goes against the Gov. guide lines that I have seen around the globe...

-Big topic though...


As for when to continue tapering.. I just replied to Bill on that one on the lhsg, fwiw...


Its a bit of a juggle, but I wouldnt consistantly hold for too long beyond being able to further taper ok... Ok if trying to determine how well you can actually get, but one could also hold a long time for little to no further gain.. It really depends on the intensity of your SX and what you can handle as acceptable tapering levels...

Your personal tapering peramiters may or may not allow for exessive relief as you reduce... All a bit of trial and error over time.. Imho...

-Not to put you off continuing to hold, but it can also be a bit complex to get right... Just be aware of your expectations...


If thats any help... :(





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So many doctors and the public think this same way, it’s anxiety returning and you just need to get off and try a different med or something.  Very frustrating, we know better.  I’m lucky my doc is fine with me holding and stabilizing then slowly tapering.  Need to find a different doc I guess. 


I think we need to hold until we feel better, or consistent at least, then we should have a smoother taper, but it takes time...

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Thanks, Cantfly & AZBill, I really needed some outside feedback.


I think you're both right. I need to slow down and also hold for a bit longer, though not too long, I'm very ill and just too used to being sick in general. I have an old habit of pushing myself and blaming myself for things that aren't my fault. And for putting up with crappy treatment when I don't need to. I don't even realize it sometimes.


I'm sure my old Dr will help me he's amazing, just not aware of benzo withdrawal syndrome, but an unconventional psychiatrist who is actually not really a fan of medication and I'm certain will let me go at my own pace. I'm sure he would like to know more about this, and will help other patients if I educate him, I was just out of my mind from a forced CT in hospital and went to a new doc. 

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