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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Rivotril replacement, Rivotril and pregnancy.


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Dear All,


First of all I am sorry for my English I am not native English speaker. My story in a nutshell: I got Lyme disease in 2010 but I got diagnose just at the end of 2011. Among a lots of health problems (joint pain, nerve pain, fibromyalgia, hallucination, double vision, I can even enumerate my symptoms..etc) I had neurotic symptoms as well. I had panic attack 8-10x days and terrible anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear to go to the street etc... so beside the antibiotic treatment I got antidepressants (different kinds of in 4 years), 4x0,5 mg Frontin and 4x0,5 mg Rivortil, sometimes I took more Rivotril when I had panic attack at night. I don’t want to go more into details. So in 2015 I finished to take antidepressant and Frontin very slowly and I managed it, thanks God. Then I continued with Rivotril very slowly. Unfortunately in 2018 I stuck. At the moment I take 0,125 mg or sometimes 0,25 mg Rivortil per day and I can not decrease further the amount of Rivotril. Of course I would like to quit but it seems this is the most difficult step for me. I am 41 years old and I don’t have too much time to try...because we would like to have a baby. I would like to ask your opinion and advice what to do. Do you have any experience, knowledge with Rivortil and pregnancy/breastfeeding? Can the baby have withdrawal symptoms if I take 0,125 or 0,25 mg Rivotril/day? Can I maybe substitute the Rivortil with something else, which is “better” for the baby? If anybody has any advice, idea, experience with the above-mentioned situation, please let me know :)...Thank you so much in advance!


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Hello Manni,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! I'm sorry to hear about the severe problems you had with Lyme disease.  In terms of benzos and pregnancy, it would be best to speak to an obstetrician about this situation. I do know that some people have had healthy babies while on benzos, but of course ideally it would be best to be off the benzo as well as other drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


You are on a low dose of retrovil.  Some people find the lower doses to be more challenging to taper, but it can be done.  If you taper very slowly it can help to minimize withdrawal symptoms. Generally, a reduction of no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days is suggested. I'll give you a link to the General Taper Plans for additional information. 


I'll also give you a link to the Ashton Manual. It is an excellent resource about these types of drugs and how to withdraw. The manual was written by Dr. Heather Ashton, an expert in the field.


I know you have a lot of questions about benzos and pregnancy, hopefully others will weigh in with their experience. I do think it's possible to taper off the ritrovil, if done slowly. You've done well to stop taking other drugs,  while benzo withdrawal can be challenging, it is doable. We'll be happy to support and encourage you so please continue to ask questions.


General Taper Plans 


The Ashton Manual



pianogirl  :)

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Hi Manni,


Welcome to the group. You have come to the right place to look support and information with your withdrawal. You're taking Rivotril (clonazepam) which by quickly Google showed that it can increase birth defects during pregnancy. I suggest that you get a first hand information about this from your doctor. I think all benzodiazepines are not recommended during pregnancy, but if it's really impossible to get off, there might be differences between different benzos. But like I said it's best that you first confirm this all with medical professionals. What comes to the withdrawal, you might consider switching to the Diazepam as it's said to have a longer half life and it is available in smaller doses. 0.5 mg of Rivotril equals 10 mg of Diazepam and when smallest pill of Rivotril is 0.5 mg, Diazepam have pills as low as 2 mg which equals as low as 0.1 my Rivotril. That switch could make withdrawal much easier and many people seems to have benefited from that. You can find all this information from the Ashton Manual, behind the link that pianogirl has given to you. The manual also gives lots of information about the Benzodiazepines and withdrawal methods. Welcome to the group and good luck on your journey being benzo free!

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Thank you for your answers. I have already spoken with my OB, and he told me that this amount won't be a problem for my baby. But I still have doubt. If I think logically if I became Rivotril addict, my baby could be too.  But to tell the true I don't have too much time to quit because I will have IVF in August because I am already 41 years old and I really have to be in a hurry with pregnancy. I have autoimmune thyroid and some other hormonal problems as well. Everything started with that stupid Lyme. I don’t have any children yet because of the Lyme disease. So I am totally afraid and I don’t know what to do. Some doctors told me just take the Rivortil, won’t be any problem with the baby. Some doctors have totally opposite opinion. It is really difficult do decide for me what is the right decision. The psychiatrist told me that this is not even therapeutic dosage, so he doesn't understand why I need this very small amount of Rivotril, but I do. Ones I stopped it from day to day for 6 weeks it was really a nightmare. I had terrible withdrawal symptoms, so now I am afraid more of tapering. Thanks the suggestion I will try to find a doctor who can help me to switch Diazepam, maybe I will manage.
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Hello all, Could you please tell me how can I download the General Taper Plans?


Thank you :)

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