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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

17 months as of today and now its worse as the beginning

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Today marks 17 months. To recap the first 6 months off from my valium taper were complete hell. then following that the next 6 months i slowly showed improvement each month. then the next 4 months i could notice i was feeling fine but still had some minor symptoms in my head as far as zaps and vision as well as insomnia. i just feel its slowly gotten worse over the time now here i am at 17 months feeling like hell. barley able to go to the store and buy food. I had to quit my job because of all of this mess. Someone give me some hope that its NORMAL to be feeling so terrible this far out. Its been a month now of non stop hell.. litterly.. the only thing im glad is that i can sleep.. other than that i get these brain zaps from hell all the time, blury vision, tachycardia, pvcs in my heart all the time.. its just miserable right now. I need some support thanks

I got slammed at month 11 with a setback that was worse than acute. I'm still climbing out of it at month 16, though it's less bad than it was a few months ago. I was doing ok before my setback, like you. I've read about plenty of other people going through late waves, too.

My setback was triggered by a lot of stress. Did anything in your life get really stressful or maybe otherwise trigger this for you? Did you start a new med or have alcohol? Our CNSs are super sensitive for a long time. Just know that you'll climb out of this. Most folks don't seem to have setbacks that last super long.

thanks yeah im sure this is normal but i cannot beleive how long this is taking. i figured the worst was behind me now. but the worst has surely come back once again
I felt the same. It was jarring because I hadn't felt so bad in almost a year and forgot how to cope with those symptoms. I thought this setback would lift sooner, too. I guess it's just going to be slow. At least I can eat and I'm not having constant panic attacks like I was in May. Right now it's mostly breathing issues and dp/dr. You probably won't have issues for so long. Most people don't seem to. Maybe full healing is around the corner. Hang in there.
I'm at month 19 and at the tail end of a horrendous wave that started at 17 months too! This last two weeks I have had brilliant Windows for the first time since this started. From the sounds of it, you and I seem to have similar patterns, although my worse symptom is tingling and pain. I'm relieved to read your post, and sorry this is taking so long!

rsx, What you've described is completely normal for WD. WD ebbs and flows. You may improve for a while and then get worse again. It's often one step forward and then two steps back. So don't be alarmed at this. There is nothing wrong. It is all part of the healing process. Everyday off benzos your brain is healing. And remember that everyday you are one step closer to being healed!


So just go with it. You'll have good days and bad days right till the end. But the intensity of the bad days will absolutely diminish and the good days will improve in quality!


You are recovering! You are getting better! Stay positive! Start thinking about all the things that you want to do when you get better and can do them. You're almost there!

Im right there with you dude at 17 months yet i have noticed overall improvement. I HIGHLY recommend you read the success story from “lostdog”. You are probably on the same trajectory and his story will give you great hope. Stay strong.
Thanks for the replies im starting to feel better slowly day by day at this point. Thanks for that success story suggestion i did read it and i got some good inspiration from it
I'm at 17 months to and the last 10 days have been really really tough, I have major upper back ache which I had the first 6 months, I have brain fog and fatigue, palpitations, head maps, can't sleep well, and just a general feeling of being fed up!! Not depressed just fed up... I though I was through the worst too... this has come as a shock  :( :( :(
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